Why Is Social Distancing Important Brainly

Why Is Social Distancing Important Brainly

why is social distancing important brainly

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1. why is social distancing important brainly

Common question

What is the purpose of social and physical distancing as defined by the World Health Organization?

Social and physical distancing measures aim to slow the spread of disease by stopping chains of transmission of COVID-19 and preventing new ones from appearing.

These measures secure physical distance between people (of at least one metre), and reduce contact with contaminated surfaces, while encouraging and sustaining virtual social connection within families and communities.

2. why is social distancing important brainly


Social Distancing helps limit opportunity to come in contact with contaminated surfaces and infected people outside the home. Although the risk of severe illness may be different for everyone, anyone can get and spread COVID-19

3. Farming is one of the jobsmost people in the provinces do tosupport their families and thenation as a whole. Last March, anational state ofemergency was declared by thepresident due to the threat causedby COVID 19, it has resulted to apandemic which most of thecountries are experiencing. Ourfarmers, in spite of the situation, dowhat they can contribute.Many people in the National Capital Region (NCR) were first affected andfollowed by the nearby provinces. People in the government and private sectorshave stopped working and stayed home because of the community quarantineimposed by the government except for the essential workers. People need toabide to contain the spread of the virus so that lives will be saved the mostimportant consideration for the government authorities.When the people in the urban even in the rural areas observe physicaldistancing, prohibited from social gatherings, and not going outside except to buyfood and medicine, our farmers in the provinces continue to plant and harvestcrops so that people will have something to eat. People call our farmers asbackliners for being supportive of people’s needs like that of the frontliners who arevery supportive too in protecting our lives in this current health crisis.This pandemic situation makes us realize the importance not only ofthe frontliners but also of our backliners whose crucial roles give us our needs forfood to survive not only during the time of pandemic but in every day of our life.Indeed, the farmers who are our backliners, play a pivotal role of providing ourfoods, they too, are the unsung heroes of our lives amidst this pandemic situation.COMPREHENSION CHECK-UP1. What job do most people in the provinces do to support their family andthe nation?2. What happened to many people in the government and private sectors?3. What was imposed by the government to avoid contagion of the virus?4. What thing does the government authorities consider the most?5. Who continue to plant and harvest for people’s food in spite of thesituation?6. How do the people call the farmers who also help us like the frontliners?7. What situation made people realize the importance of farmers?8. Do you appreciate the farmers’ role? Why?REWARD make you BRAINLYplss answer Po correctly and I need po ngsagot plss Po pa help namn Po​


1. Farming

2. the People in the government and private sectorshave stopped working and stayed home because of the community quarantineimposed by the government except for the essential workers.

3.People need toabide to contain the spread of the virus so that lives will be saved the mostimportant consideration for the government authorities.

4. They considered the lives of the people

5. The Farmers in province continue to plant and harvest so can have something to eat.

6. they are called backliners for being supportive of people’s needs like frontliners.

7. the pandemic make them realize the importance of the farmers.

8. Yes, if its not just because of the farmers people would've been hungry today.


Gusto ko lang po sabihin na next time po please read and analyze the text malay mo nandoon lang pala makikita yung sagot :)nasa inyo napo kung gagayahin nyo po sagot ko but please read the text again baka may maidagdag kapa sa sagot ko:)No Hate Spread Love

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