Mutations Can Sometimes Happen In TheChromosomes Brainly

Mutations Can Sometimes Happen In TheChromosomes Brainly

Mutations can sometimes happen in the sex chromosomes. What do you think are the effects if a female has a missing sex chromosome

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1. Mutations can sometimes happen in the sex chromosomes. What do you think are the effects if a female has a missing sex chromosome


In an X-linked or sex linked disease, it is usually males that are affected because they have a single copy of the X chromosome that carries the mutation


pa brainliest po.

2. Mutations can sometimes happen in the sex chromosomes. What do you think are the effects if a female has a missing sex chromosome?​

yan na po sana makatulong po

3. mutations can sometimes happen in the sex chromosomes. What do you think are the effects if a female has a missing sex chromosomes​


Turner syndrome, a condition that affects only females, results when one of the X chromosomes (sex chromosomes) is missing or partially missing.

4. the mutation can happen insertion of chromosomes are reserved. A. deletion B. duplicationC. InversionD. translocation ​


sa tingin ko po letter B

Sana po makatulong

5. mutation can happen during mitosis?


Mutations can occur in the somatic (body) cells during mitosis or during meiosis when the gametes are formed. Many mutations have no effect on the organisms at all. Occasionally mutations result in a different protein being formed that gives the cell or organism an advantage in a particular environment.


Hope it helps.

6. the sun can also cause mutation in humans due to brainly




7. mutations can sometimes happen in the sex chromosomes . What do you think ate the effects if a female has a missing sex chromosome​


In an X-linked or sex linked disease, it is usually males that are affected because they have a single copy of the X chromosome that carries the mutation


pa brainliest po.

8. what would happen if protein mutation occurs? ​


Each cell relies on hundreds of proteins to perform their functions properly and at the appropriate moments. Occasionally, gene variations (also known as mutations) impair the function of one or more proteins. A variation may cause a protein to malfunction or to not be created at all by altering the instructions for protein synthesis in a gene. When a variation affects a crucial protein in the body, it might impair normal development or result in a disease. A genetic disorder is a disease caused by variations in one or more genes.


9. Mutations cam sometimes happen in the sex chromosome what do you think are the effects if a famale has a missing sex chromosome


Turner Syndrome occurs when one of the X chromosomes is missing, either partially or completely. Turner syndrome often causes short statue, typically noticeable by age 5. It usually doesn't affect intelligence but can lead to developmental delays especially with calculations and memory. Heart problems are common, too.

10. choose a syndrome or disorder caused by a mutation and research about it brainly


sali ka sa gc namin


kahit anong grade..


Alpha Gc po namin sali ka po

11. the sun can also cause mutation in humans due to brainly


and hot day when the sun got closer to the earth the like that earth shield will be dammage and because the invironment is not clean so many usok and dirty garbage let us clean our invironmet so that the shield cant be destroid and the sun cant be soo hot..




12. What happens if the sequence is changed (mutations)?


mutation may change a trait in a way that may even be helpful, such as enabling an organism to better adapt to its environment. The simplest mutation is a point mutation. This occurs when one nucleotide base is substituted for another in a DNA sequence. The change can cause the wrong amino acid to be produced.


13. Answer the following questions. 1. What is “DNA replication” and when does it occur 2. Why is it important that DNA replication is done accurately? Dele 3. What is a "mutation”? 4. What things can cause mutations? 5. a) If mutation occurs in a body cell, and the cell dies, is this a problem for the organism? b) If the mutated cell does not die, what might happen? c) When can a mutation affect every cell in an organism? 6. In general terms: a) is mutation usually good or bad for an individual? b) is mutation good or bad for the survival of a species?​


Nasa pic po yung sagot ko sana po nakatulong ako pa brainliest po

14. one beneficial mutation is using point mutation in improving food crops brainly


Mutations have occurred in bacteria that allow the bacteria to survive in the presence of antibiotic drugs, leading to the evolution of antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria.


Which mutation is useful in crop improvement?

The EMS-induced mutation is a highly effective method and, therefore, commonly used in crop breeding to develop improved crop varieties.

15. when does mutation and substitution happen?​


A substitution mutation occurs when specific bases (A, T, C or G) in a gene are swapped for different ones.

16. are mutations generally disadvantageoud? why or why not? brainly​


The result of a mutation, a change in the DNA sequence. The effects of mutations can vary widely, from being beneficial, to having no effect, to having lethal consequences, and every possibility in between.

17. can a point mutation be a frameshift mutation?

Frameshift mutations are any mutations that causes changes in the amino acid chain produced by translation.

A point mutation can be a frameshift mutation if after the point mutation has happened - it resulted into a change in the amino acid chain it codes for.

For example, Sickle Cell Anemia is a condition wherein instead of being round, red blood cells look like a crescent moon or a sickle. This is caused by a mutation that affects the protein hemoglobin which is present in the red blood cells.

Normally, the protein produced will have this sequence: Pro - Glu - Glu
But because of a mutation the middle protein changed to Valine: Pro - Val - Glu

This is an example of a frameshift mutation since the amino acid chain has changed. The reason behind this frameshift mutation is because a point mutation has happened thus changing the sequence of bases which results in producing the wrong amino acid.

Therefore, it is possible that a point mutation can result into a frameshift mutation.

18. sometimes genetic mutations can be acquired from environmental factors, what can you do indorder to be able to reduce the effect of these environmental factors? ​

This allelic heterogeneity often is population specific and can represent the unique ... Environmental factors also vary across individuals and the combined effect of

Go o gle La nG M a la kas


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19. What are the reasons why mutations happen?​

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Mutations arise spontaneously at low frequency owing to the chemical instability of purine and pyrimidine bases and to errors during DNA replication. Natural exposure of an organism to certain environmental factors, such as ultraviolet light and chemical carcinogens (e.g., aflatoxin B1), also can cause mutations.



it is because mtations arise spontaneously at low frequency owing to the chemical instability of purine and pyrimidine bases and to errors during DNA replication. Natural exposure of an organism to certain environmental factors, such as ultraviolet light and chemical carcinogens also can cause mutations.

20. explain mutation and how they may happen?​



A mutation is a change in a DNA sequence. Mutations can result from DNA copying mistakes made during cell division, exposure to ionizing radiation, exposure to chemicals called mutagens, or infection by viruses.



A mutation is a change in a DNA sequence. Mutations can result from DNA copying mistakes made during cell division, exposure to ionizing radiation, exposure to chemicals called mutagens, or infection by viruses.

A mutation is a change in a DNA sequence. Mutations can result from DNA copying mistakes made during cell division, exposure to ionizing radiation, exposure to chemicals called mutagens, or infection by viruses.

21. how does mutation happen​


A mutation is a change that occurs in our DNA sequence, either due to mistakes when the DNA is copied or as the result of environmental factors such as UV light and cigarette smoke. ... Mutations can also occur as the result of exposure to environmental factors such as smoking, sunlight and radiation.

22. 48. Which of the following will not likely happen if mutation occurs in viruses?a. Mutations can produce viruses with a reduced pathogenicityb. Mutations can produce viruses with altered host rangec. Mutations can produce viruses with altered target cell specificity.d. All of the above.​


I Think its d. try kolang po

23. task 2 point mutationtranscribe and translate the given DNA sequences. encircle the base where mutation occurs and write what kind of point mutation happens​

Kindly review my answers please T^T, hope it helps~~

24. Activity 4: Reflect on the following questions. Write your answers on a separate piece of paper. 1. Mutations can sometimes happen in the sex chromosomes. What do you think are the effects if a female has a missing sex chromosome? 2. One beneficial mutation is using point mutation in improving food crops, resulting in variation and yielding stronger, more disease-resistant crops. What outcomes can come about from this type of mutation? 3. Films from the Marvel and DC comics universes have shown us endless mutation possibilities. If you could be a character in any of these universes, would you want to have a mutation or not? If you do want a mutation, what kind would you want and why?​


1. turner syndrome can cause a variety of medical and development problmes including short height,failure of the ovaries to develop and hearts defects.

2.a point mutation can result in one of three possible effects with respect to protein;1 a change to a different amino acid,called amissense mutation .2 a change to a termination codon called anonsense mutation:or 3 creation of a new sequence that issilent with regard to protein sequence but alters some aspect.

25. what will happen if the p53 mutates?​


Most TP53 mutations change single amino acids in the p53 protein, which leads to the production of an altered version of the protein that cannot control cell proliferation and is unable to trigger apoptosis in cells with mutated or damaged DNA. As a result, DNA damage can accumulate in cells.


i hope its help

26. What happens during an inversion mutation?


An inversion involves the breakage of a chromosome in two places; the resulting piece of DNA is reversed and re-inserted into the chromosome. Genetic material may or may not be lost as a result of the chromosome breaks.

27. ability to produce red blood cells and platelets. These are usually caused by mutations in the genes that control the cell cycle ctivity 4 Reflect on the following questions. Write your answers on a separate piece of paper. 1. Mutations can sometimes happen in the sex chromosomes. What do you think are the effects if a female has a missing sex chromosome? 2. One beneficial mutation is using point mutation in improving food crops, resulting in variation and yielding stronger, more disease-resistant crops. What outcomes can come about from this type of mutation? 3. Films from the Marvel and DC Comics universes have shown us endless mutation possibilities. If you could be a character in any of these universes, would you want to have a mutation or not? If you do want a mutation, what kind would you want and why? 19​


@:):Annaxnasty thanks me later

28. What happened in humans mutation? ​


The older males get, the more mutations occur in their sperm. So if their contribution to the gene pool changes


for example, if men delay having children – the mutation rate will change too.


The main source of mutations in human DNA is the cell division process that creates sperm cells. The older males get, the more mutations occur in their sperm. So if their contribution to the gene pool changes – for example, if men delay having children – the mutation rate will change too.

29. Give 1 of type mutation happened to humans. Identity what type of mutation and give possible cure if it is curable​


A gene mutation is a change in one or more genes. Some mutations can lead to genetic disorders or illnesses

30. 1. Mutations can sometimes happen in the sex chromosomes. What do you think are the effects if a female has a missing sex chromosome? 2. One beneficial mutation is using point mutation in improving food crops, resulting in variation and yielding stronger, more disease-resistant crops What outcomes can come about from this type of mutation? 3. Films from the Marvel and DC comics universes have shown us endless mutation possibilities. lf you could be a character in any of these universes, would you want to have a mutation or not? fyou do want a mutation, what kind would you want and why? ​

Turner syndrome can cause a variety of medical and developmental problems, including short height, failure of the ovaries to develop and heart defects.Harmful mutations may cause genetic disorders or cancer. A genetic disorder is a disease caused by a mutation in one or a few genes. A human example is cystic fibrosis. A mutation in a single gene causes the body to produce thick, sticky mucus that clogs the lungs and blocks ducts in digestive organs. BENIFICIAL MUTATIONS -Beneficial mutations can confer an advantage to the organism possessing them and, over time, these mutations can spread throughout a population.

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