Research Satisfies Man s Needs

Research Satisfies Man s Needs

research improves quality of life and satisfies man`s need. Anyone explain this.

Daftar Isi

1. research improves quality of life and satisfies man`s need. Anyone explain this.

By researching, our knowledge improves in life..

2. Research Satisfies mans need




Research studies are done to track down new information or to address a request in regards to how we learn, act and limit with a definitive target of aiding society. A couple of examinations might incorporate essential tasks like completing a survey, being seen among a social occasion or checking out a get-together discussion. Research is the supporting of data with the ultimate objective of data and a huge focal point for giving guidelines or norms to settling different social, business, or regulatory issues. It is a collection of formal arrangement which engages us to appreciate the new upgrades in one's field in a capable way.

Some ordinary research paper subjects fuse early end, against origination medicine, kid abuse, gun control, history, natural change, electronic media, computerized reasoning, an overall temperature adjustment, prosperity, science, and development.

What is key research procedure?

Key research is a sort of research approach that is highlighted obtaining a prevalent appreciation of a subject, idiosyncrasy or fundamental law of nature. This sort of research is basically revolved around the movement of data rather than handling a specific issue.

What is Research


3. how research satisfy man's need

it answers the question the man needs.

4. How can research satisfies many man's need?

research improves quality of life. it has led man to search for ways for improving processes and means which man love and find interesting.

5. the following are some of the values of research EXCEPTA improving practiceB. it reduces burden of workC it satisfies man's needsD. it responds to economic instability and austerity​

i think it’s letter B

6. Man can never be satisfied completely and for always?​




7. What are the indication that research satisfies man's need?​


Here po hehe hope you like it!

8. How does research satisfies one’s needs?


a research for satisfying for needing once

9. Which of the following statements is wrong? Select one: a. Research must be aiming to human development. b. Research must be based on personal consumption. c. Research must satisfy man’s craving for understanding. d. Research must give pride to its investigator. #OED

Letter B is the answer...


10. What life value/s could you get from the quotation below?“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed.”​



Explanation: kumembot ka na spaghetting pababa

It means that our earth can give us all our need but sometimes we could get greedy, that our needs will badly affect our earth.

Life value
-we should be thankful on what we already have than to be greedy about a lot of things. We may have incomplete needs but its enough to satisfy us. Everything we have came from mother nature itself so if we overused this blessing, it would cause a big problem to our earth.

-hope it helps

11. Based on the quote from Mahatma Gandhi, share you stance, understanding and reaction. "Earths provides enough satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed."​


I don't know what is the answer

12. what are indications that research satisfies needs​


To investigate how students' characteristics and experiences affect satisfaction, this study uses regression and decision tree analysis with the CHAID algorithm to analyze student-opinion data. A data mining approach identifies the specific aspects of students' university experience that most influence three measures of general satisfaction. The three measures have different predictors and cannot be used interchangeably. Academic experiences are influential. In particular, faculty preparedness, which has a well-known relationship to student achievement, emerges as a principal determinant of satisfaction. Social integration and pre-enrollment opinions are also important. Campus services and facilities have limited effects, and students' demographic characteristics are not significant predictors. Decision tree analysis reveals that social integration has more effect on the satisfaction of students who are less academically engaged.

13. A. Research improves quality of lifeB. Research improves instructionC. Research satisfies man's needsD. it improves teacher's competence​


C - Research satisfies man's needs


a.research improves quality of life


#sana makatulong :)

14. A. Research improves quality of lifeB. Research improves instructionC. Research satisfies man's needsD. it improves teacher's competence​


D - it improves Teacher's competence.

Answer: improves teachers competences


#sana makatulong :)❤❤❤❤❤

15. man can never be satisfied completely and for always ​



16. earth provides enough to satisfy everyman's needs, but why not every man's greed?


Yes Earth provided enough materials to satisfy every man's need. But it can and will never fill up the greed and desire of man. In view of being insatiable of things they wanted but it will never theirs. The attitude of avarice, lacking of wealth, materials, and power. Making them thirst for more. Consequently Earth provides us but never fulfilled the man's greed.

17. •Reflect and explain the message of this quote. "Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need but not every man's greed" (mahatma gandhi) :composed an a prayer about this:​


Long time ago when there were no electronics nor robots, Earth was healthily filled with wonders. But it all stopped. Men started cutting down trees, polluting all our waters, burning fossil fuels, and even harming nature which was not meant to be disturbed. It did not stop. It continued and continued until Earth was starting to give up. There are endangered now. People are having a hard time breathing. And as an excuse and a way to not be blamed, they placed themselves in a virus. Earth can spell Heart. Spread that message and let others find out why it can spell Heart.

18. "The Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need but not every man's greed" explain​


The Earth offers bountiful resources for all living things. However, everything that exceeds the limitation has its consequences. For instance, if we abuse something, there will be an impending drawbacks. Good examples are the following: Overfishing will cause decline in population of fishes, causing extinction of certain fishes; Unnecessary and illegal logging may cause landslide and greatly affects the natural habitat of wild animals that are living in the vicinity. Afterall, greed will lead you to nothing because it is the abuse of something.


The earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need such as fruits, veggies, shelters, etc. but not the man's greed. As human as we are, it is our nature but let us not be greedy because we are not the only living thing on earth, the animals need it too, the animals need foods and shelters too.

19. what does the saying "Earth provides enough to satisfy every mans needs, but not every mans greed" by Mahatma Gandhi mean?​


The earth provides enough to satisfy everyman's needs, but not every man's greed. Once man knows he can get exactly what he needs, he wants more and more greed. In time, this leads to environmental degradation.

20. when teacher conducts research to improve his competence in the field of mathematics, he is able to manifest that?A. Research improves quality of lifeB. Research improves instruction.C. Research satisfies man's needsD. it improves teacher's competence​




#sana makatulong :)❤❤❤❤❤

21. isalin sa tagalog ang salitang earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs but not every man's greed​


lupa ay nagbibigay ng sapat na upang bigyang-kasiyahan ang mga pangangailangan ng bawat tao ngunit hindi ang kasakiman ng bawat tao


Sana makatulong

Di ko yan sure nag translate lang ako hehe

Thank you

22. What life value/s could you get from the quotation below? "Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed."


have to go back to sleep in my room and I have no clue how to

23. how research satisfy man's craving for more understanding​


the purpose of research is to serve man, and that the goal of research is the good life. Due to research, society attains great accelerating progress. ... Research provides solid, factual bases for the realization of society needs.


We humans have a deeply curious nature, and more often than not it is about the minor tittle-tattle in our lives. Our curiosity has us doing utterly unproductive things like reading news about people we will never meet, learning topics we will never have use for, or exploring places we will never come back to. We just love to know the answers to things, even if there's no obvious benefit.

From the perspective of evolution this appears to be something of a mystery. We associate evolution with ‘survival-of-the-fittest’ traits that support the essentials of day-to-day survival and reproduction. So why did we evolve to waste so much time? Shouldn't evolution have selected for a species which was – you know – a bit more focussed?

Research is the thing that satisfy this curiosity as such

research is very essential to our innovation. It satisfies man's needs through making innovative inventions and medicines

Pa heart and rate po ty

24. the following are values of research to man, EXCEPT a. research improves instrucionb. research satisfies man's needs. c. research reduces the burden of workd. research ruins the quality of life ​

[tex]\large\bold {❪⚜❫—•ANSWER •—❪⚜❫}[/tex]

[tex]\large\blue{ ──────────────────────}[/tex]

The following are values of research to man, EXCEPT

a. research improves instrucion

b. research satisfies man's needs.

c. research reduces the burden of work

⟶ 「d. research ruins the quality of life 」

[tex]\large\purple{ ──────────────────────}[/tex]

Take note:

It does not ruin the quality of life; instead, it improves one's quality of life.

[tex]\large\blue{ ──────────────────────}[/tex]

–Amping <3

25. Man can never be satisfied completely and for always.


I respect your opinion, but not all men are like that like for me as an example.




Economic goods:

Most of the things that a man needs to satisfy his wants fall in this group.They are limited in quantity and are man-made things.

27. How can a research satisfies a man's need? I need an essay thank youuu

Research is very essential to our innovation. It satisfies man's needs through making innovative inventions and medicines just to make human's daily life comfortable and hassle-free. Example is internet. It fastens the communication of people and give important informations  that makes our lives easy.

We create research papers or activities because of our intellectual curiosities. First is we observe. Second is to make a problem then we solve that problem through systematic or step-by-step process until we reach the conclusion which answers the question.

Research is very important to us. Without research, we can't provide our needs and to be innovative. It also trains the minds of the researchers.


28. this is important for the man to satisfy his psysiological needs such as the need to satiate hunger, to quench thirst, and to shelter himself elements of nature. ​


just stop the car and then go it's nature call

29. Please help:((((What does "Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed"- Mahatma Gandhi means?​


Mahatma Gandhi once said that “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed ”. This statement says that the earth has enough resources to support all of humanity. However, it cannot support a luxurious lifestyle for all of us.

According to this statement, the resources are provided by nature to satisfy human needs these are not useful for anyone's greed. many rich people gathered the resources and the resources are not satisfied for poor human needs.

30. Do you agree to Mahatma Gandhi's "The earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed?" Why or why not?​​


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