A Short Piece Of Writing On A Particular Subject

A Short Piece Of Writing On A Particular Subject

is a short piece of writing about a particular subject

Daftar Isi

1. is a short piece of writing about a particular subject



is a short piece of writing on a particular subject that is published in a book, magazine or news paper.

I hope it's help

2. this is often defined as a short piece og writing on a particular subject also defined as a short piece of an account of historica personal ang academic event


An essay is, generally, a piece of writing that gives the author's own argument — but the definition is vague, overlapping with those of a paper, an article, a pamphlet, and a short story. Essays have traditionally been sub-classified as formal and informal. Formal essays are characterized by "serious purpose, dignity, logical organization, length," whereas the informal essay is characterized by "the personal element (self-revelation, individual tastes and experiences, confidential manner), humor, graceful style, rambling structure, unconventionality or novelty of theme," etc.[1]

3. what is a bad short piece of writing on a particular subject A. novel B. essays C. poems D. heritage E. short stories​


~what is a bad short piece of writing on a particular subject


~E.short stories

4. Activity 1: Modified True or False Directions: Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and if not underline the word or phrase that makes the statement incorrect and write the corrected one on the space provided before the number. Examples: TRUE. A summary is usually short and essay to comprehend. short; easy. A summary is usually long and hard to comprehend. __________________1. A summary should be based on the original piece. __________________2. The main idea is the central point that one knows how to recognize. __________________3. When summarizing a given material, one must be subjective as possible. __________________4. A summary is defined as a brief statement that presents the most important points. __________________5. Paraphrasing refers to restating someone else’s work or idea in a different level of details. __________________6. The title in a particular text is provided to support the main idea. __________________7. When writing a summary one should use his/her own words to retell the most important ideas in a given text. __________________8. Coherence is a key feature of a good summary. __________________9. Key information refers to pieces of evidence, reasons, examples and explanations. _________________10. Summarizing and sequencing are both techniques to be used when writing materials like an essay or a research paper.












5. . True or False 26. An ESSAY is a short piece of writing about a particular subject. 27. A PERSUASIVE ESSAY expresses an opinion or tries to convince the reader that the given opinion is correct. 28. In persuasive essay writing, STRONG REASONS AND EVIDENCES should NOT be presented in order for the essay to be convincing or persuasive 29. The first part of a persuasive essay is the BODY which must seek to get the reader's attention. It must contain the topic sentence or main idea. 30. The last part is the CONCLUSION which prompts the readers to take action. It should summarize the most important evidences and encourage the readers to adopt the position or take action.​


26. An ESSAY is a short piece of writing about a particular subject.


27. A PERSUASIVE ESSAY expresses an opinion or tries to convince the reader that the given opinion is correct.


28. In persuasive essay writing, STRONG REASONS AND EVIDENCES should NOT be presented in order for the essay to be convincing or persuasive


29. The first part of a persuasive essay is the BODY which must seek to get the reader's attention. It must contain the topic sentence or main idea.


30. The last part is the CONCLUSION which prompts the readers to take action. It should summarize the most important evidences and encourage the readers to adopt the position or take action.



"All about Jobs"

We all know what job is right? most of our parents have jobs and others don't, job isn't easy Jobs can may be hard or stressing but even a little job we can't do it it's be a cause we are to lazy to do it.

Mostly parents do jobs to get their childrens to school and buy everyday needs but here is my question Why is it everyone in a right age to have a job? isn't that sound interesting. Yes we all know that job is hard but it doesn't mean we're giving up that jobs with a bigger salary has the most workers because other workers work hard while others just sit and sleeping lazy even though being a Manager looks easy but they got the harder thing to do like maintaining the peace, aligning papers, and keep everyone close.

But as the day goes by the other company are rising up while others crashing down and the workers keep complaining about the salaries it's because they only need the salary not for daily expenses but for gambling. And we should keep rising and beyond.


That's all the answers I know

6. TRUE or FALSE1. An essay is a short literary composition on a particular theme or subject usually in prose and generally analytic speculative or interpretative.2. Essay consists of three main parts. introduction, body, and the supporting details.3. The body of an essay includes a few general statements about the subject to provide the background to your essay and to attract the reader's attention.4. A conclusion is the very end of a piece of writing, and it usually summarizes the main points of an argument or demonstrates an opinion about a topic. really need it now po, ty! ​


1. true

2. true

3. true

4. true


correct me if I'm wrong

not sure

7. answerCAсорWeek 1Writing an independentCritiqueWritten Epur 1: Directions write theletterthe correctofanswer on yourskeet1. What is a critiqua paper ?a a genreof academic writing that briefly summarizes andcritically evaluates a work orconceptb.shortpiece of writing that expresces information aswell as thewritler's opinion on a particular topicanalytic or Interpretative literary composition usuallydealing with its subject from a limisech or personalpoint of viewd all of the above2. Dray are the parts of acritique paper ?a. Introcluc Hoo Bodly. conclusion binntroduction summary. Critical evoktc. Introduction Summary Evolution. Conclusion d introduction sommary frittalEvolution Conclusion3 which is the purpose ofa critique ?40 evalute come body's work in order to increase the reader starding of itb to colect your ideas and observations on ant number of things and putthe happenings of each day into writingc.to present a coherent argument in response to a stimulusreader that your pocinionor questions and to persuade theis credibleof the above4. Which of the following statement is true about writing a critiquetheait assesses the strengths and weakness of e piece of writingb. It explains a topic in a logical and straigh forward mannerd. All​


hirap namannyan



8. V. Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on a separate sheet of paper.1. It is an analysis of a particular piece of writing. a. essay b. editorial C. critique d. short story 2. What is the aim of a critique? a. Summarize the original text. b. Analyze how will the points in the article are made. c. Prove how flawed the literary work is. d. None of the above 3. A critique must be written based on the observation of the text. a. subjectively b. objectively C. emotionally d. socially 4. Which of the following states how critiques benefit the writer of the text being critiqued? a. Critiques help the writer makes his work. b. Critiques encourage the writer to pursue a different line of word. c. It gives concrete ideas for a new text. d. None of the above 5. Critiquing a short story usually takes in the form of a/an ________a. poem b. fiction c. essay d. novel 6. It is an in-depth evaluation of the story for the purpose of giving the reading public insight into the story. a. Critiquing b. Ending of the story c. Elements d. Organizing 7. A genre of academic writing that briefly summarizes and critically evaluates a work or concept. a. Short Story b. Critique c. Essay d. Argumentative speech 8. A critique uses a formal, academic writing style with a clear structure that has: a. Introduction b. body C. conclusiond. all of the above 9. Below are ways on how to write a critique. Which one is NOT applicable? b. Don't make notes on key parts of the work a. Study the work under discussion. c. Develop an understanding of the main argument d. Consider how to work relates to a broader issue. 10. Barry is writing a critique but he is having trouble how to start it Which of the following should he do? b. Start with observations about the text a. Orient the readers about the work. d. All of these c. Write down the good points of the text​

1. a
2, c
8. a

9. this refers to a short piece of writing on a particular subject and can be categorized in different genres A.flowchartB.MapC.diagramD.essay​


A literary genre is a category of literary composition. Genres may be determined by literary technique, tone, content, or even (as in the case of fiction) length. They generally move from more abstract, encompassing classes, which are then further sub-divided into more concrete distinctions. The distinctions between genres and categories are flexible and loosely defined, and even the rules designating genres change over time and are fairly unstable.


A piece of writing, usually in the first person, that focuses on a topic through the lens of the personal experience of the narrator. It should always be based on true, personal experience.



10. 1. Modified TRUE or FALSE (40 points) Directions: Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and if not underline the word or statement that makes the sentence incorrect and write the correct answer on the space provided. 1. Ilocano culture became heavily influenced by Spain. 2. Content is the collection of interrelated conditions in which something exists or occurs. 3. A short piece of writing on a particular subject is Essay. 4. Ilocano writing is called Kundiman Santoy which means our language is written here. 5. Epic is defined as the written stories about people and events that are not real, 6. John Jack Wigley was born in Sta. Teresita, Cagayan. 7. Scene is the division in a written work where an action occurs without a break in time. 8. Mt. Pinatubo erupted on June 15, 1891. 9. One of the richest regional sources of Filipino fiction is the llocos Norte Region. 10. Ariel S. Tabag is a multi-awarded writer in both Ilocano and Filipino. 11. Bannawag Magazine is important to the Ilocano literary reader. 12. The first regional newspaper in the Philippines is El llocano 13. John Jack G, Wigley is a full time professor in UST. 14. The eruption of Mt. Pinatubo in Zambales was one of the most cataclysmic events in recent history 15. Bautista's poem is rich with figures of imagery, speech and allegory. 16. The short story entitled voice tape is written by John Jack Wigley. 17. Tabag is a literary Essayist, 18. Humor is a funny or amusing quality to something. 19. The idea of the region is an important facet of our country's archipelagic state, 20. The short story entitled Promdi @ Manila is written by Genevieve L. Asejo. ded​


1. T

2. T



















sana makatulong, goodluck

11. 1. It is a short piece of writing on a particular subject.A StatementB. ParagraphC. ArgumentD. Essay2. Which refers to the act or process of arguing, reasoning, or discussing?A. CompositionB. ArgumentC. EssayD. Discussion3. Which essay presents arguments about both sides of an issue?A. ArgumentativeB. DescriptiveC. ExpositoryD. Narrative4. What part of an Argumentative essay clearly presents the main idea?A. IntroductionB. BodyC. ArgumentD. Conclusion5. In what part of an argumentative essay can we find the proof or evidence of the claim?A. BodyB. ConclusionC. IntroductionD. TitleMULECompletAmaroin the missing wordPick your answer from the words in​


D. EssayB. ArgumentC. ExpositoryA. Introduction A. Body


Pa brainliest po thank you and God bless you

12. This is often defined as a short piece of writing on a particular subject, also defined as a short piece of an account of historical, personal and academic events. A. Literature B. Essay C. Poetry D. Fiction





A piece of writing, usually in the first person, that focuses on a topic through the lens of the personal experience of the narrator. It should always be based on true, personal experience.

13. 1. What is the definition of a critique?a. It is the systematic investigation and study of materials and sources to establish facts and toreach new conclusions.b. A detailed analysis and assessment of something, especially a literary, philosophical, orpolitical theory.A short piece of writing that expresses information as well as the writer's opinion on a particulartopic.d. It is a piece of writing that gives a critical assessment of a book or article.C.a.2. Which is the purpose of a Critique?To evaluate somebody's work in order to increase the readers understanding of it.b. To collet ideas and observations on any number of things and put the happenings of each dayinto writing.To present a coherent argument in response to a stimulus or question, and to persuade thereader that your position is credible.d. To identify the author's thesis and purposeC.3. Which writing style does critique belong?a. Creative Writingc. Persuasive Writingb. Expository Writingd. Essay Writing4. Which statement is TRUE in writing a Critique?It assesses the strengths and weaknesses of the piece of writing.b. It explains a topic in a logical and straightforward manner,C. It assists a reader in understanding a particular piece of writing.d. It is a subjective writing because it expresses the writer's opinion or evaluation of a text.5. Which would be the other term for critique writing?a. Critical Analysisc. Critical Discussionb. Critical Thinkingd. Critical Situationpa sagot pls​








(1,2 and 4 sure na sure po yan binasa ko po yan sa module at nag reseach at ang 3 to 5 naman po di ako sigurado)

14. II. Write true if the sentence is true and write false if it is not true. 6. Graphic organizer is a short piece of writing about a particular subject. 7. To persuade is to convince. 8. Persuasive writing needs sufficient evidences to support. 9. The last part of the persuasive essay is introduction. 10. A conclusion summarizes the important evidences.​


6. true

7. true

8. True

9. False

10. true


15. (PA HELP PO)1. A type of graph that displays datain a circular graph.2. A short piece of writing on aparticular subject.3. A book that contains detailedinformation about a subject.4. An image or visual representationof an object.5. A work of prose fiction that tells anarrative over an extended length.Branliest for right answer and report for nonsense or wrong​


1.Line graphs are used to display data or information that changes continuously over time. ... Circle graphs represent data visually in the same proportion as the numerical data in a table: The area of each sector in a circle graph is in the same proportion to the whole circle as each item is to the total value in the table.


3. A book containing summarised information on all topics is known as encyclopedia.

4.A graphic is an image or visual representation of an object. ... Graphics are often contrasted with text, which is comprised of characters, such as numbers and letters, rather than images. Computer graphics can be either two or three-dimensional.

5.A novel is a work of prose fiction that tells a narrative over an extended length.


Di ko po alam number 2 yan lang kaya ko


1. Pie graph

2. Essay

3. Encyclopedia

4. Graphic

5. Novel


16. Task 3. Match each statement in Column A with its intended description in Column B.Column AColumn B1. A type of graph that displays data A. textbookin a circular graph.2. A short piece of writing on aB. graphicsparticular subject.3. A book that contains detailedc. bar graphsinformation about a subject.4. An image or visual representation D novels.of an object.5. A work of prose fiction that tells aE. essaynarrative over an extended length.F. pie graph​




pie graph

narrcative over an extended lenth

17. Write T if the statement is True and F if it is False in the blank before each number. 1. Technical writing is a skill that must be acquired by any practitioner in a particular field of specialization. 2. When the writing demand is less, there is a need for the technical writer to develop more skills in writing. 3. The more that a person is interested in developing his writing skills, there is a higher possibility of good technical output. 4. The word "technical" comes from the Latin word 'techne' which means 'expertise." 5. Technical writing is a form of technical skill which is used in a particular field of specialization. 6. Technical writing is communication in any field where the primary aim of which is to convey a particular piece of information for a particular purpose to a particular group of readers. 7. Technical writing should be objective, clear and accurate, concise, and unemotional in its representation of facts. 8. A technical writer must have a specific purpose and reader before he writes a report. 9. A technical writer is exempted from following the conventions and standards of good technical writing. 10. Writing is also another form of communication, and there are instances when it becomes ineffective because the writer is able to communicate well. 11. Purpose refers to the objective information that the writer wants to convey. 12. Subject matter refers to the goals that the writer wants to achieve in presenting his written outputs. 13. A good technical report must have good qualities so that the expected output will be appropriate and relevant. 14. Clarity is the quality of writing which is characterized by the shortness or briefness of the writing material. 15. Brevity is the condition of writing where the writer simplifies ideas by making it easier for the readers to understand the text.16. Accuracy is the quality of writing where the ideas in the paragraph are entirely and absolutely free from inconsistencies and errors in any form.17. Completeness is the exactness and correctness of writing, as this is a result of precision, conformity to grammar, and adherence to writing standards.18. The most important aspect of communication is to disseminate information.19. Technical communication is the process of conveying technical information through writing, speech, and medium to an intended audience.20. A technical communicator is a person whose job involves technical communication ​


1. ᴛ










18. Activity 1: Modified True or FalseDirections: write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and it not underline the word orphrase that makes the statement incorrect and write the conected one on thespace provided before the numberExamplesTRUE. A summary is usually short and essay to comprehendshort easy. A summary is usually long and hard to comprehend1. A summary should be based on the original piece2. The main idea is the central point that one knows how to recognize.3. When summarizing a given material, one must be subjective as possible.4. A summary is defined as a brief statement that presents the most importantpoints.5. Paraphrasing refers to restating someone else's work or idea in a different levelof details6. The title in a particular text is provided to support the main idea.7. When writing a summary one should use his/her own words to retell the mostimportant ideas in a given text.8. Coherence is a key feature of a good summary.9. Key information refers to pieces of evidence, reasons, examples andexplanations.10. Summarizing and sequencing are both techniques to be used when writingmaterials like an essay or a research paper.​


1. True

2. False

3. True

4. False


6. True

7. True

8. False

9. True

10. True

19. Examples:TRUE. A summary is usually short and essay to comprehenshout: easy. A summary is usually long and hard to comprehend.1. A summary should be based on the original piece.2. The main idea is the central point that one knows how to recognize.3. When summarizing a given material, one must be subjective as possible.4. A summary is defined as a brief statement that presents the most importantpoints.5. Paraphrasing refers to restating someone else's work or idea in a different levelof details.6. The title in a particular text is provided to support the main idea.7. When writing a summary one should use his/her own words to retell the mostimportant ideas in a given text.8. Coherence is a key feature of a good summary.9. Key information refers to pieces of evidence, reasons, examples andexplanations.10. Summarizing and sequencing are both techniques to be used when writingmaterials like an essay or a research paper.answer plsss​













yan po carry on learning PERFECT po ako dyan nasagutan na po namin yan

20. Activity 1: Modified True or FalseDirections: Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and if not underline the word orphrase that makes the statement incorrect and write the corrected one on thespace provided before the number.Examples:TRUE. A summary is usually short and essay to comprehend.short, easy. A summary is usually long and hard to comprehend.1. A summary should be based on the original piece.2. The main idea is the central point that one knows how to recognize.3. When summarizing a given material, one must be subjective as possible.4. A summary is defined as a brief statement that presents the most importantpoints.5. Paraphrasing refers to restating someone else's work or idea in a different levelof details.6. The title in a particular text is provided to support the main idea.7. When writing a summary one should use his/her own words to retell the mostimportant ideas in a given text.8. Coherence is a key feature of a good summary.9. Key information refers to pieces of evidence, reasons, examples andexplanations.10. Summarizing and sequencing are both techniques to be used when writingmaterials like an essay or a research paper.​


all my answers are true ,I am correct?

21. Direction: Choose the best answer from the words below. Letters only. a. Essay b.Support c. Plagiarism d. Persuasive Essay e. Stance f. Introduction g. Research h. Conclusion i. Structure 1.Consist of all arguments that support your thesis or writings. 2.Restating the main arguments. 3.It provides detailed and compelling evidence. 4.Determine what evidence you will include 5.Citing the sources used 6.Thinking about the issue 7.Intends to convince the readers to believe in an ideaor 8.It can grab the reader's attention 9.Using the hard facts 10.It is a short piece of writing on a particular subject. patulong po sa may alam need ko lng po ipapasa n po Kase bukas maraming salamat po sa makakasagot​













22. Read the following sentences about the points to ponder for genres of viewing. Choose the correct form of the verb inside the parentheses. Write your answer in your English answer sheet. 1. Viewing(is, are) an active process of comprehending visual media, such as in television and online platform wherein there (is, are) advertising images, films, diagrams, symbols, photographs, videos, drama, drawings, sculpture and paintings. 2. Viewing ( help, helps) us acquire information and appreciate ideas that visually communicated by others. 3. On television, news flash(is, are) an important, timely piece of news that is, are) delivered quickly that could interrupt the currently aired program 4. Weather reports(is, are) part of a television program that (feature, features) a prediction of a weather observation of a particular place. 5. Any informative program or show that (is, are) accessed through a website in an online platform (is, are) called internet-based program. 6. Movie trailers(is, are)short clips that are usually shown before a movie (is, are) officiallyreleased. 7. A research-based compilation of information about a certain subject (is, are) a documentary.​









23. TRUE or FALSE1. An essay is a short literary composition on a particular theme or subject usually in prose and generally analytic speculative or interpretative.2. Essay consists of three main parts. introduction, body, and the supporting details.3. The body of an essay includes a few general statements about the subject to provide the background to your essay and to attract the reader's attention.4. A conclusion is the very end of a piece of writing, and it usually summarizes the main points of an argument or demonstrates an opinion about a topic. really need it now po, ty! ​







thx me lateh

24. Directions: Read and analyze each statement carefully. Write NW if the statement refers to news flash/ weather report, D for documentary, MT for movie trailer, or I for internet-based program. Write your answer on the space provided before the number 1.It refers to the material that can be accessed through a website. 2. It is relatively short because it only presents selected shots from a film. 3. It presents an update on climate conditions. 4. It tries to capture reality by presenting real-life events and experiences. 5. It refers to single item news that is aired separately and often interrupts the program. 6. This is a research-based reporting that deals with a specific topic and format. 7. It is informative, relevant, and timely. _8. It is a short clip from a film that is usually released as teaser of upcoming movie. 9. A program that tells and foretells weather conditions on a specific area. 10. It refers to an important piece of news that is delivered quickly. 11. It refers to an important news that is aired separately and often interrupts other programs 12. It uses thorough research on a particular subject to present real-life events. 13. It is a form of advertisement for a feature film. 14. It usually depicts factual events for educational purposes. 15. It is sometimes intended for entertainment.​


1. I

2. MT

3. NW

4. D

5. NW

6. NW

7. NW

8. MT

9. I

10. NW

11. NW

12. D

13. MT

14. D

15. MT

Please mark me BRAINLIEST in return. Thank you for your kind heart.

25. MELC:Summarize key information from a text. GENERAL DIRECTIONS. Read each activity carefully and follow directions accordingly. Remember that directions would always be part of the test. Activity 1: Modified True or False Directions: Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and if not underline the word or phrase that makes the statement incorrect and write the corrected one on the space provided before the number. Examples: TRUE. A summary is usually short and essay to comprehend. short; easy. A summary is usually long and hard to comprehend. __________________1.A summary should be based on the original piece. __________________2. The main idea is the central point that one knows how to recognize. __________________3. When summarizing a given material, one must be subjective as possible. __________________4. A summary is defined as a brief statement that presents the most important points. __________________5.Paraphrasing refers to restating someone else’s work or idea in a different level of details. __________________6. The title in a particular text is provided to support the main idea. __________________7.When writing a summary one should use his/her own words to retell the most important ideas in a given text. __________________8.Coherence is a key feature of a good summary. __________________9.Key information refers to pieces of evidence, reasons, examples and explanations. _________________10.Summarizing and sequencing are both techniques to be used when writing materials like an essay or a research paper.













26. Answ Across 5. information that you get from something such as an exam, a scientific experiment, or a medical test (6) 1. part of an examination (5) 7. a number or letter that shows how good someone's work or performance is (5) 9. an official test of how much you know about something, or how well you can do something (11) 12. to do an exam or test (4) 14. when someone is given permission to enter somewhere or to become a member of a club, university, etc. (9) 15. a short piece of writing about a particular subject, especially one done by students (5) 17. to not pass a test or exam (4) 18. to give someone a set of questions, in order to measure their knowledge or ability (4) Down 2 a piece of school work that involves detailed study of a subject (7) 3. to check a piece of work or an exam, showing mistakes and giving a letter or number to say how good it is (4) 4. a qualification from a school, college or university, or an official document showing that someone has completed a course of study (7) 6. a long piece of writing that you do as part of an advanced university course (6) 8. to pass the exams that allow you to do a particular job (7) 10. to choose someone or something that is suitable for a particular person, activity or purpose (5) 11. to succeed in a test or examination (4) 13. a short piece of written work which you do to practise something you are learning (8) 16. an area of knowledge which is studied in school, college or university (7)pa answer po ng maayos​


Across: Down:












27. Activity A Directions: Match the words on column A to the given meanings on column B. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided before the number. A B 1. Conclusion A. The attempt to get the reader to agree with the writer's point of view. 2. Thesis Statement B. States facts, statistics and researches to prove the thesis statement with logical reasons. 3. Body C. A short sentence that summarizes the the main point or claim of an essay. 4. Introduction It restates the main argument and supporting points. 5. Persuasive Essay E. A short piece of writing on a particular subject. F. It grabs the readers' attentionPlease pasagot ng maayos yung essay guys​








check me if I wrong

28. Choose the letter of the correct answer.6. What do you call a short piece of writing dealing with a particular subject? a. persuasive b. argument c. essay 7. It is a short piece of writing where the writer uses valid reasons to show his point of view. a. persuasive essay b. narrative essay c.descriptive essay 8. What adjective defines "good at influencing other people to believe or do what you want"? a. convincing b. persuasive c. argumentative 9. What part of a persuasive essay encourages the readers to adopt the recommendations or call for action? a. Introduction b. Body c. Conclusion 10. What part of a persuasive essay contains the topic sentence? a. Introduction b. Body c. Conclusion​


6 B

7 B

8 C

9 A

10 A



29. Let Us Apply What You Know A Directions. Choose your answer from the choices below. Write the letter of your answer in the box provided before each number. (10 points)A. AutobiographyB. BiographyC. EssayD. Travel Writing 1. This may recount one's travel experiences, but it gives more emphasis on certain aspects that exist permanently in the place being journeyed by the writer himself/herself, 2. Time periods may be based on specific theme like "dreams, ambitions, and achievements" or the work may focus on the other specific aspects 3. This includes the different forms of writing like memoirs, personal narratives, autobiographical sketches, and reflective essays. 4. These fealures are mainly perceived as for fictional works are concerned. 5. It can be noticed that it highlights both the wanderer's authentic experiences on one side and the other side factual exposition or description ]6. It is classified as a composition in prose form, of enough length and is typically intended to explain an idea, theory or an impression 7. It tells a story focusing on a person or event in the life of the writer 8. It pertains to a piece of prose work that is notably personal than objective or verifiable than a feature article.9.It is a short literary composition on a particular theme or subject, usually in prose and generally analytic.10. It is form of creative nonfiction in which the narrator's encounters with foreign places serve as the dominant subject.Pahelp Po maanswer tnx​


1. This may recount one's travel experiences, but it gives more emphasis on certain aspects that exist permanently in the place being journeyed by the writer himself/herself,

A. Autobiography

B. Biography

C. Essay

D. Travel Writing

2. Time periods may be based on specific theme like "dreams, ambitions, and achievements" or the work may focus on the other specific aspects.

A. Autobiography

B. Biography

C. Essay

D. Travel Writing

3. This includes the different forms of writing like memoirs, personal narratives, autobiographical sketches, and reflective essays.

A. Autobiography

B. Biography

C. Essay

D. Travel Writing

4. These features are mainly perceived as for fictional works are concerned.

A. Autobiography

B. Biography

C. Essay

D. Travel Writing

5. It can be noticed that it highlights both the wanderer's authentic experiences on one side and the other side factual exposition or description.

A. Autobiography

B. Biography

C. Essay

D. Travel Writing

6. It is classified as a composition in prose form, of enough length and is typically intended to explain an idea, theory or an impression.

A. Autobiography

B. Biography

C. Essay

D. Travel Writing

7. It tells a story focusing on a person or event in the life of the writer.

A. Autobiography

B. Biography

C. Essay

D. Travel Writing

8. It pertains to a piece of prose work that is notably personal than objective or verifiable than a feature article.

A. Autobiography

B. Biography

C. Essay

D. Travel Writing

9.It is a short literary composition on a particular theme or subject, usually in prose and generally analytic.

A. Autobiography

B. Biography

C. Essay

D. Travel Writing

10. It is form of creative nonfiction in which the narrator's encounters with foreign places serve as the dominant subject.

A. Autobiography

B. Biography

C. Essay

D. Travel Writing


30. Directions: Identify the following statement. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper. 1. Aims to share laughter and enjoyment to the audience through witty and humorous lines. 2. Short message without advance preparation and is for people knowledgeable about the subject 3. Convincing the audience to agree with the speaker's opinion on a particular topic. 4. Carefully planned and rehearsed speech, spoken in a conversational manner using brief notes. 5. Mainly performed for the purpose of educating the audience on new or relevant pieces information on a particular topic. 6. The rote recitation of a written message that the speaker has committed to memory. 7. Word-for-word iteration of a written message using visual aids. 8. Used by theater actors 9. Makes use of jokes, funny stories, and vivid descriptions 10. Appeals to audience's emotion and provides striking statistics that can support the ideas​


1. Entertainment speech

2.impromtu speeches

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