Combined Aggregation Of Minerals

Combined Aggregation Of Minerals

combine aggregation of minerals​

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1. combine aggregation of minerals​


In mineralogy and petrology, an aggregate is a mass of mineral crystals, mineraloid particles or rock particles. ... In the construction industry, an aggregate (often referred to as a construction aggregate) is sand, gravel or crushed rock that has been mined or quarried for use as a building material.


Sana makatulog paki brainliest please

2. Combined aggregation of minerals


Combination of mineral trioxide aggregate and propolis promotes odontoblastic differentiation of human dental pulp stem cells through ERK signaling pathway

The aim of this study is to investigate combined effects of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and propolis on odontoblastic differentiation of human dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs) and to find a signaling pathway involved. Combination of MTA and propolis significantly up-regulated the expression of DSPP and DMP1, and facilitated a mineral nodule formation (p < 0.05). Treatments with MTA, propolis or combined increased the phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERK), one of mitogen-activated protein kinases signaling cascades during odontogenic differentiation of DPSCs (p < 0.05), and U0126, an inhibitor of ERK, decreased calcium deposits (p < 0.05). Combination of MTA and propolis promotes odontogenic differentiation and mineralization of DPSCs through ERK pathway.

3. 4. combined aggregation of minerals​


In mineralogy and petrology, an aggregate is a mass of mineral crystals, mineraloid particles or rock particles.



A rock is an aggregate of one or more minerals, or a body of undifferentiated mineral matter. Common rocks include granite, basalt, limestone, and sandstone.

5. What is the term for a natural material that contains mineral? A. Aggregate B. Mineral Deposit C. Ore D. Ore Deposits




Im surepa

branlies plss


B.Mineral Deposit

What is the term for a natural material that contains mineral?

A rock may consist of one type of mineral, or may be an aggregate of two or more different types of minerals, spacially segregated into distinct phases. Some natural solid substances without a definite crystalline structure, such as opal or obsidian, are more properly called mineraloids.


I hope this is helpful

6. it is naturally-occurring aggregate or combination of minerals and mineraloids, such as fossils​




is a naturally occurring chemical compound, usually of crystalline form and abiogenic in origin (not produced by life processes). A mineral has one specific chemical composition, whereas a rock can be an aggregate of different minerals or mineraloids. The study of minerals is called mineralogy.

7. natural subtance consisting of aggregate minerals clumped together with other earth materials?​


ROCKS Is any solid that is naturally found on earth. Are natural substances consisting of aggregate minerals clumped together with other earth materials through natural processes. ... Are crystallized from magma or molten or partially molten volcanic materials from within the earth.

8. (True or False)A rock is a naturally occurring solid aggregate of one or more minerals.​




because its coherent

9. combined aggregation of mineralscomposed of ejected fragmentsa.k.a. volcanic rockfine grained rockdownward:sediments bind together due to increase in pressurecoarse grainedsedimentary rocks formed from plants and animals​









10. It is naturally-occurring, coherent aggregate of minerals or solid materials such as natural glass or organic matter.


it's a rock u hope it helps :)

11. What is an aggregate of mineral​


In mineralogy and petrology, an aggregate is a mass of mineral crystals, mineraloid particles or rock particles. ... In the construction industry, an aggregate (often referred to as a construction aggregate) is sand, gravel or crushed rock that has been mined or quarried for use as a building material.


12. a solid aggregate of different minerals is called a..​


A rock is a naturally-occurring solid aggregate of one or more minerals, mineraloids or, in some cases, organic material.

13. is a naturally occurring solid aggregate of minerals and sometimes with nonmineral solid particles​




14. A lamp or mass of hard consolidated mineral matter. It is an aggregate of one or more minerals​




15. an aggregate of one more minerals may form a rock true or false?​


Rocks are a composed of one or more minerals. A rock can be made up of only one mineral or, as shown in the figure, a rock can be made up of a number of different minerals. So, rocks are composed of one or more minerals and minerals are composed of one or more elements.

16. Is the un-cemented aggregates of minerals?


For engineering purposes, soil is defined as uncemented aggregate of mineral grains and decayed organic matter(solid particles) with liquid and gas in the empty spaces between the solid particles. Soil is used as a construction material in various civil engineering projects,and it supports structural foundations.


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17. Is a mineral an aggregate of rock? Yes or no


A mineral is an inorganic element or compound with an organized internal structure and distinct chemical composition, crystal shape, and physical qualities that occur naturally. ... A rock is a mineral  undifferaggregate or a mass ofentiated mineral matter made up of one or more minerals.

In short YES




you said yes or no my answer is yes

18. petrology is the scientific study of rocks. Rocks are combined aggregation of minerals. Petrology classified rocks based on how they were formed In general rocks are classified as igneous sedimentary and metamorphic rock.​


Petrology, scientific study of rocks that deals with their composition, texture, and structure; their occurrence and distribution; and their origin in relation to physicochemical conditions and geologic processes. It is concerned with all three major types of rocks—igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary. Petrology includes the subdisciplines of experimental petrology and petrography. Experimental petrology involves the laboratory synthesis of rocks for the purpose of ascertaining the physical and chemical conditions under which rock formation occurs. Petrography is the study of rocks in thin section by means of a petrographic microscope (i.e., an instrument that employs polarized light that vibrates in a single plane). Petrography is primarily concerned with the systematic classification and precise description of rocks.

Key People: Norman L. Bowen Victor Moritz Goldschmidt Ferdinand Zirkel Auguste Michel-Lévy Karl Heinrich Ferdinand Rosenbusch

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Petrology relies heavily on the principles and methods of mineralogy because most rocks consist of minerals and are formed under the same conditions. Also essential to petrological research is the careful mapping and sampling of rock units, which provide data on regional gradations of rock types and on associations unavailable by other means.

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19. is an aggregate of minerals from which one or more minerals can be extracted profitably​




a mineral deposit containing one ore more minerals that can be extracted profitably is called an ORE.

20. What is made up of one or more aggregate of minerals that are naturally occurring




Because a rock is an aggregate of one or more minerals, or a body of undifferentiated mineral matter.

21. Is a mineral an aggregate of rock? true or false then why


true because mineral are made of rock

22. what do you call the combined aggregation of minerals?​


In mineralogy and petrology, an aggregate is a mass of mineral crystals, mineraloid particles or rock particles.


what is the term for an aggregate of minerals?

23. a rock is a naturally occurring solid aggregate of one or more mineralanswerA.true ​

Salamat po sa points :D

Pa brainliest po

24. 1. transformation of one rock type into another combined aggregation of minerals​

what subject is this? science


oo transformers haha medon ako skin ñyan sa ml 300 skin ko sa ml haha

25. which of the following refers to an aggregate of one or more minerals​


A mineral is a naturally occurring inorganic element or compound having an orderly internal structure and characteristic chemical composition, crystal form, and physical properties. Common minerals include quartz, feldspar, mica, amphibole, olivine, and calcite.

A rock is an aggregate of one or more minerals, or a body of undifferentiated mineral matter. Common rocks include granite, basalt, limestone, and sandstone.


26. _19. It is a naturally occurring solid aggregate of one or more minerals.a. rockb. mineralc. crystald. sand​


A body of undifferentiated mineral materials or an amalgamation of one or more minerals is referred to as a rock. Granite, basalt, limestone, and sandstone are examples of common rocks.

Further explanation

Any naturally occurring solid mass or combination of minerals or mineraloid materials is referred to as rock (or stone) in geology. It is divided into groups based on the minerals it contains, its chemical make-up, and how it is produced. Except for the liquid outer core and pockets of magma in the asthenosphere, the Earth's crust and the majority of its interior are made of rocks. Petrology and mineralogy are only two of the many geology subdisciplines that are involved in the study of rocks. It could just include rocks found on Earth, or it might also cover planetary geology, which examines materials from other celestial bodies.

Igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks, and metamorphic rocks are the three primary categories into which rocks are typically divided. When lava cools on the ground or the ocean floor, or when magma cools within the Earth's crust, igneous rocks are created. Diagenesis and lithification of sediments, which in turn are formed by the weathering, transport, and deposition of pre-existing rocks, result in the formation of sedimentary rocks. When pre-existing rocks are subjected to pressures and temperatures so intense that they undergo transformation without significantly melting, metamorphic rocks are created.

Learn more about rock


27. 6. Concentration of a mineral that is of scientific or technical interest.a) Aggregatec) Mineral Occurrenceb) Mineral Depositd) Ore​




A mineral occurence is a concentration of a mineral (usually considered in terms of certain commodities, such as gold) that is considered important by a person in an area or that is of scientific or technical interest. In rare cases, the commodity may not even be able to concentrate above average crustal abundance.


28. is a naturally occuring solid aggregate of one or more minerals ​



A rock is any naturally occurring solid mass or aggregate of minerals or mineraloid matter. It is categorized by the minerals included, its chemical composition and the way in which it is formed. ... Rocks are usually grouped into three main groups: igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks and metamorphic rocks.


Rock,naturally occurring and coherent aggregate of one or more minerals.

29. These are aggregations or conglomerations of minerals.​


Conglomerate is a sedimentary rock made of rounded pebbles and sand that is usually held together (cemented) by silica, calcite or iron oxide. It is a stone similar to sandstone but the rock particles are rounded or angular gravel rather than sand.


hope it helps

pls make me brainliest

30. it is a consolidated aggregate of various types of mineral and its not single uniform crystal​



THERMOLUMINESCENCE. Thermoluminescence is a property of some minerals to glow when they are heated. The minerals contain chemical bonds that emit light when thermal energy (heat) is applied to them.

Explanation: im not sure about these

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