I Like Best

I Like Best

the subject i like best is​

1. the subject i like best is​

mathematics coz its hard and i like hard things


This question can only be answered by you.

Your favourite subject is the one you feel relaxed in, the one you feel energetic with, the one in which you can spend hours without getting tired and the one in which you get excited the most.

Sometimes, the subject you think you love is not the subject which can be your favourite. For example I love to write poems, articles and books but still language is not my favourite subject. I hate language all because of grammer, writing skills and puntuation marks. Still I have evolved my language from very poor to above average.

I will tell you,

I love science, mainly chemistry, then phyics and at last biology, i have less interest in biology even though it is really interesting. Most of the times, my friends ask me-

Are you a nerd?

Why do you love chemistry?

Don’t you get bored solving these numericals?

Are you sure you love solving these chemical reactions?

When was the last time you picked up your nose off chemistry?

Do you dream about compounds?

2. technology i like best​

Answer:There are so many emerging technologies in the technology world but one specific technology I like is “Artificial Intelligence”.


3. technology i like the best




a mini computer that can help you with a lot of things

4. I like best is the role of being a friend because

Because Best is the best that anything can't easily remove that role in your life because its he always here by you side when you need his or not.

5. Give the best answer to Strength that i would like to Develop/en hance Give 3 example Give the best answer to I would like to enhance this because Give the best answer to How will i do it?​


Strength that I would like to develop/enhance:

Communication skills

Time management skills

Leadership skills

I would like to enhance this because:

Communication skills will help me effectively express my ideas and thoughts to others.

Time management skills will help me prioritize tasks and be more productive.

Leadership skills will help me effectively lead and motivate others towards a common goal.

How will I do it?

To develop my communication skills, I can practice public speaking, join a toastmasters group, or take a communication course.

To enhance my time management skills, I can make a schedule, set goals and deadlines, and eliminate distractions.

To improve my leadership skills, I can volunteer for leadership roles, seek out mentors, and read books or take courses on leadership.

6. roles in life that I like best​

It's your own answer no wrong answer in that question...

7. Part of the story, I like best The Ant and the Elephant​


He was arrogant and always underestimated animals smaller than him. In the same jungle, there lived a family of ants. Every morning, they would go in search of food and on their way back, they would always see the elephant troubling other animals.


8. what did i like best in our lesson?​


Depende po yan sa lesson. Hindi ko po masasagot kase baka po magkaiba tayo ng modules.


9. the activity that i like best is _____________because​


Exercise Because it helps to stretch our bones and it is also one of our daily needs in our life

10. The Movie That I Like Best Title: Opinion: ​

Squ id game-Squ id Game tells the story of people who are struggling with financial issues due to poor choices in life. Spending wisely simply means having the knowledge and confidence to make the most of your money. No matter how big or small your income is, not overspending is a critical habit to get into.#SMARTBRAINLYBrainliest

A Silent Voice

- A Silent Voice truly touches on the core idea of how we choose to treat others and teaches us some important life lessons, such as embracing others despite awkwardness and fear, apologising and seeking redemption for past wrongs and to treat each other with respect and kindness.

11. What did I like best in our lesson?​


The best that I like our lesson is Creative writing


because it has many poem

12. what role in life I like best? Why?

This is what you really like, answer it your own. Cause mine, ours, may not be the role you like.

13. role in life that i like best ??

Role in life I like best is being a daughter\a sonbeing a good friend, that i think is the best

14. roles in life i like best

If I was ask, being a teenager is the best role in my life, for it makes me enjoy life much better and makes myself be happy and free.

15. Which activity did I like best​




because if I want to know

16. Roles in life that I like best


Being a student, and a daughter.


I like both roles because I could learn a lot from it, these roles also helps me to become a better version of myself.

17. Next question what is the meaning of I like best?

"I like best" means "the thing you like the most out of the things that you also enjoy".

Ex. Out of the things that I like doing in my free time, I like reading books the best.

18. Technology i like best


7 Reasons to Love Technology ...

1 It Lets You Have More Free Time. ...

2 It Makes You Smarter. ...

3 It Helps You Keep in Touch. ...

4 It's Fun. ...

5 It Gives You Better Opportunities. ...

6 It Helps You Be “Greener” ...

7 It Saves Time and Money

19. Part of the story, I like best (The Greedy Dog)​


20. Role in life that I like best

that is our topic in english subject grade 9 STVEP-A.. the role in life i like the best is BEING A SISTER

21. Role in life that I like best.

Being a good daughter is the best role in my life that I like the most.

22. role in life that i like best

One of the my role in life that i like best is being a student, for it makes me realize what life really is.The role in life that I like is A- being a son/daughter who will support my own family one day B- a friend that one can rely on

23. role in life that i like best

A daughter or son, student etc.being a good friend is i think your best role in life

24. role in life that i like best

do not understimate yourself to the others its our differences that make us unique and beautiful.

25. role in life that i like best ??

being a good friend, good son, or a good like.. I think that is the role in life

26. role in life that i like best a daugther

This is supposed to be your own answer. Ask yourself what are the things you like as a daughter.

27. What role in life i like best?why?

As a child of God :)
why? because even though i can't see him, i know that he's always here. I love him the most.

28. need kopapo 2 i like best​

Drawing Or Dancing Pwede rin Gaming

29. role in life that i like best

Is being a student. Because being a student is fun and having a friend/s that understand you and always be there for you is fun too. Also, you learn from it. being a teenager,so that i can spend my time to my friends,and cousins

30. The scene I like best in the story is when __________. ​


ano Po story kuya/ate ka so Hindi Po Namin ma Sasa gutan


A story or novel is, in essence, a series of scenes strung together with narrative summary adding texture and color. A work of fiction is many scenes, each having a beginning, middle, and end.


Hope It Helps

Paki Brainliest Po

#Carry On Learning

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