What Influences A Person s Family Health

What Influences A Person s Family Health

what influence a person s family health​

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1. what influence a person s family health​


because I have been see the people is I dont know

2. What influences a person s family health

Family-level influences on health derive from 3 main sources: genetics,a shared physical environment, and a shared social environment.The last 2 factors become more important when family members inhabit the same household.


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3. what influence a person s family health​


Family-level influences on health derive from 3 main sources: genetics, a shared physical environment, and a shared social environment. The last 2 factors become more important when family members inhabit the same household.


Family-level influences on health derive from 3 main sources: genetics, a shared physical environment, and a shared social environment. The last 2 factors become more important when family members inhabit the same household.


4. Learning Task 3: Do this activity with your family members. A far plays together stays together. One way of improving mental health is doing group games like this. Read the instruction in the table below and begin An- swer the guide questions in your notebook. Play for a Healthy Lifestyle Healthy lifestyle X # $ 感 2 5 6 Talk on what influences a person's health? Why do some people become addicted? Guide Questions: Is it necessary to do Does your family 3 gymnastics in the follow healthy lifestyle morning? Why? and how? Find your question by rolling your dice twice. The 1st roll determines the number on the top. The 2nd roll determines the number on the left. Talk for one/two minute(s) about that top If you land on «Ask your classmate you can ask any question according to the topic «Halthy Lifestyles to anybody. 2 Ask your classmate! Ask your classmate! What activities What health It is important 4 do you do after problems does fast to drink water. classes? food lead to? Why? What ways of avoiding addiction do you Doing something you What kinds of food love makes you happy do you eat for and heally. Is it true? dinner usually? 3 What kinds of physical activities should we do to improve out health? What is the difference between physical and psychological addiction? What would you like to change in your life to make yourself Ask your classmate! How can you prolong your life? What do you prefer fastfood or hommade food and why? How to lose weight if it is necessary? 5 Is it better to climb stairs instead of using a lift? Give your masons How to make your sleep toght and healty? Name 5 steps to a How do you usually Why do people who healthy lifestyle. smoke look than non-smokers? get to school? What kind of addiction do you know? What kind of food should we eat to be healthy? Is smoking a healthy habit? Why? How long should a person sleep to feel well? Ask your classmate! Ask your classmatel 6 What do we need to do to have good heath? Can a lack of sleep cause illness? What kind of 1. What have you realized on the questions being ask to you? 2. What are the things that you will stop doing? 3. What are the things that you need to continue? Ask your classmate! What happens to a person who doesn't sleep enough? How much time should we spend in front of TV or computer? Why?​


1.play for a healthy lifestlyle

2.Smoking and soft drink is a unhealthy

3.But must include concepts in keeping a healthy lifestyle


diq sure kung tama pero eto lg sagot q thnkyou.

5. Healthy Lifestyle Case S1. What influences a person's family health?​


Family=Level influences on health derive from 3 main sources: Genetics a shared physical environment,and a shared social environment.The last 2 factors become more important when family members inhabit the same household

6. Play for a Healthy Lifestyle Healthy lifestyle 1 6 1 Talk on what influences a person's health Why do some 2 people become Is it necessary to do 3 gymnastics in the morning? Why? 5 Ask your Find your question by rolling your dice twice. The 1st roll determines the number on the top. The 2nd roll determines the number on the left. Talk for one two minute(s) about that top If you land on Ask your classmate you can ask any question according to the topic Halthy Lifestyle to anybody 2 6 Ask your classmate! do to have good heath What ways of avoiding addiction do you Doing something you Love makes you happy Does your family follow headby sle What activities It is important 4 do you do after problems does fast to drink water classes? food lead to? Why? What is the difference between physical and 3 WilLadyopl yout change your lie to make yoursel What kinds of food do you eat for dinnet usually? Ask your How can you prolong your life! How to make your sleep toght and healty? 4 How to lose weight if it is necessary? Is smoking a healthy habit? Why? How long should a person sleep to feel 5 Name 5 steps to a How do you usually Why do people who healthy lifestyle get to school? sanke Ask your classmate! Ask your dassmate! What kind of addiction do you know? What kind of food should we eat to be healthy? Can a lack of sleep cause illess? What pud uide Questions: 1. What have you realized on the questions being ask to you? 2. What are the things that you will stop doing? 3. What are the things that you need to continue? Ask your classmate! what happens to a person who doesn't sleep enough? How much the shou we spend in front of​


Eathing or gymnastics or ranning or bikeng


Eathings always for evereday

Gymnastics evereday

Ranning earli in the morning

Bikeng any time before lances

7. 1.what influences a person`s family health. ? 2.what would you change in your life to make your self healthier?3. How to make your sleep thight and healthy?4.Is smoking a healthy habit? why5what kind of physical activities should we do to improve our health​


1. it depends but it is sharing protecting caring loving a family member 2.i will eat healthy foods like fruits vegetables to be strong and be wonderfully healthiest than others 3. make sure that you sleep at the right time rest if your exhausted dring water before sleeping 4. No,It is not a healthy habbit because our lungs will be appected and it is hard to breathe without lungs 5. running walking, juging, stretching.

8. Leaming Task 3: Do this activity with your family members. A family that plays together stays together. One way of improving mental health is doing group games like this. Read the instruction in the table below and begin. Answer the guide questions in your notebook. Play for a Healthy Lifestyle Healthy lifestyle Ask your Find your question by rolling your dice twice The Ist roll determines the number on the top. The 2nd roll determines the number on the left Talk for one two minute(s) about that top If you land on «Ask your classmate, you can ask any question according to the topic «Halthy Lifestylen to anybody 2 3 4 5 6 What kinds of physical What do you preier Is it better to climb stairs What do we need to classmate! activities should we do to fastlood or hammade instead of using a litt do to have good improve cut health? food and why Give your reasons heath? 1 Talk on what influences a person's health? Why do some people become addicted? 1 2 What kinds of lood Doing something you love makes you happy and healty Is it true? do you eat for How to lose weight if it is necessary? Ask your dinner usually? people eat punisood they Portreight behouer Do you agree and why? classmate! 3 Is it necessary to do gymnastics in the moming? Why? Does your family follow helathy lifestyle and how? Ask your classmate! Name 5 steps to a How do you usually Why do people who healthy lifestyle. get to school? than non-smokers? * It +% Ask yout you know? How can you Ask your What activities What health 4 do you do after problems does fast It is important Is smoking a What kind of to drink water healthy habit? addiction do classes? food lead to? classmate! Why? Why? What is the difference 5 How long should a What kind of food What happens to a between physical and prolong your classmate! person sleep lo teel should we eat to person who doesn't psychological life? be healthy? sleep enough? addiction? What ways of What would you like to How to make Can a lack of sleep How much time should 6. avoiding change in your hie to your sleep toght cause illness? What we spend in front of TV addiction do you make yourself and healty? classmate! kind of? of computer? Why? healthier? well? Ask yout Guide Questions: 1. What have you realized on the questions being ask to you? 2. What are the things that you will stop doing? 3. What are the things that you need to continue?​


make yourself and healty


like to How to make Can a lack of sleep How much time should 6. avoiding change in your hie to your sleep toght cause illness? What we spend in front of TV addiction do you make yourself and healty? classmate! kind of? of computer? Why? healthier? well? Ask yout Guide Questions: 1.

9. what influence s a person family health​


Family-level influences on health derive from 3 main sources: genetics, a shared physical environment, and a shared social environment. The last 2 factors become more important when family members inhabit the same household.

10. HEALTH31. Which of the following is not a factor that affectsthe promotion of a good mental health?a. Hereditary Factor c. Environmental Factorb. Healthy Relationships d. Brain Factor32. Which of the following explains the hereditaryfactors that affect mental health?a. A person's mental health status isinfluenced by anything that affects the brain.b. people are also exposed to numerousnegative environment and this will affecttheir mental health.c. Mental disorders can be inherited throughthe genes of one or both parents who havehistory of mental illness.d. All of the above33. Which of the following is an effective way ofmanaging stress?a. Talking with family and friendsb. Yoga/Meditationc. Exercised. All of the above34. Which of the following best support thestatement "Stress is normal and inevitable"?a. Stress is a normal feeling every time weencounter difficulty, changes, or challengesin our life.b. We cannot avoid stress because it is theresponse of our body whenever we feelpressure from any situation.C. Stress is normal and inevitable becauseEveryone experiences stress from time totime.d. All of the above35. Liz was in a relationship that she currentlyended when she found out that her partner wascheating on her. She probably experiencinga. Exhaustionb. Frustrationc. Distressd. Eustress36. The following are characteristics of distressExcept Onea. Generally feels unpleasantb. Can improve performancec. Often depletes energyd. Short term or long term37. Eustress and distress best described asa. Eustress and Distress has a positive andhealthy response to the body b. Eustress and Distress has a negativeresponse to the bodyc.Eustress has a negative response andDistress has a positive response to thebodyd. Eustress has a positive response andDistress has a negative response to thebody38. As a grade 7 student, what is the best way tohelp your classmate/s who suffers stress?a. Talk to him/her about the problemb. Seek help from your teacherc. Play with him/herd. Ignore him/her39. Watching television can reduce stress.However, it may be an unhealthy way tomanage stress whena. You only watch educational programs on TVb. You only watch programs that promote goodvaluesc. You watch endless hours of entertainmentTV programsd. You only watch during your free time40. How does being focused on what you canControl be a healthful strategy to cope withstress?a. By being directed on your reactions andyour actions.b. By not letting go of other people's opinionsand expectationsC. By lashing out at others in emotionally orphysically violent outburstsd. By not visualizing feared situations GOD BLESS! Be healthy and be happy!​













31. A

32. C

33. D

34. D

35. A

36. D

37. B




11. Learning Task 3: Do this activity with your family members. A family that plays together stays together. One way of improving mental health is doing swer the guide questions in your notebook. group games like this. Read the instruction in the table below and begin. An- Play for a Healthy Lifestyle Healthy tijestyle Find your question by rolling your dice twice. The 1st roll determines the number on the top. The 2nd roll determines the number on the left Talk for one/two minute(s) about that top If you land on «Ask your classmates you can ask any question according to the topic «Halthy Lifestyle> to anybody. 1 2 3 4 Talk on what What kinds of physical What do you prefer 1 influences a classmate! activities should we do to fastfood or hommade person's health? improve out health? food and why? Why do some Doing something you What kinds of food How to lose weight 2 people become love makes you happy do you eat for addicted? and heally. Is it true? if it is necessary? dinner usually? 5 6 Is it better to dimb stairs What do we need to instead of using a lift? do to have good Give your reasons heath? Ask your Ask your Il people eat junk food, they get ovenreight much easier Do you agree and why? classmatel H XIK 3 Is it necessary to do Does your family gymnastics in the follow helathy lifestyle morning? Why? and how? Ask your classmate! Name 5 steps to a How do you usually Why do people who smoke look older healthy lifestyle. I get to school? than non-smokers? What kind of addiction do Ask your you know? What is the difference How can you 5 Ask your What activities What health 4 do you do after problems does fast to drink water. healthy habit? classmate! classes? food lead to? Why? Why? How long should What kind of food What happens to a between physical and prolong your person sleep to feel should we eat to person who doesn't dassmate! psychological life? welli be healthy? addiction? sleep enough? What would you like to How to make avoiding change in your life to Can a lack of sleep How much time should your sleep toght) Ask your make yourself cause illness? What we spend in front of TV classmate healthier kind of? er computer? Why? What ways of 6 oo addiction do you and healty? Guide Questions: 1. What have you realized on the questions being ask to you? 2. What are the things that you will stop doing? 3. What are the things that you need to continue​

1. open


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