What Is The Irony Of The Story Brainly

What Is The Irony Of The Story Brainly

what is the irony of the story brainly

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1. what is the irony of the story brainly


actually ako nag but I don't know if I can help in her

2. what is the irony of the story brainly


awan kopo thx nlng sa points


ewn q hehe


thanks Po sa points

3. What is the irony in the story THE TAXIMAN STORY?


The taxi man's story is about a Singaporean taxi driver telling a story to his passenger, who we could assume as a female office worker. The taxi man talks to his passenger about his life as a taxi man, where he had been driving the taxi for 20 years and how Singapore had changed so much over time. He told the passenger then, 20 years ago, Singapore was not this busy and it was much more peaceful and quiet in Singapore, unlike today, where people and vehicles fill the streets. He also said that he must work hard by driving the taxi every day, since, he did not have proper education and no capital for business.  

The taxi man stated that he must sweat a lot, so he could support his family. It was due to the fact that his family was large, having eight children - six sons and 2 daughters, because back then family planning was not yet introduced to Singapore. On the other hand, he is very thankful because most of his children are professionals now. One is a businessman, two of them are working as clerks, one of them teaching in a primary school, one working in the National service, probably the government, one still studying and his eldest daughter, who is at home, helping his wife. The taxi man then complained about the teenagers of today, wearing make-up, flirting with other men, partying, drinking liquor, and selling their bodies to foreign tourists. As he stated, there are times where students, together with their foreign boyfriends would hail his cab and would ask him to drop them off in various hotels, sometimes, they make love inside his car, it makes him angry and disgusted but they pay him high and sometimes tip him.  

After that, he told the passenger about his youngest daughter, who was still studying. How she was an honor student and a bright and kind child. Until he found out what she was up to. She was doing the kind of stuff that his father hates from the youth of today. He told the passenger that he dragged her daughter home and beat her up, he then locked her in the room, to discipline her.

The story ends with the Taxi man dropping off his passenger as he is in a hurry to pick-up passengers from the hotel who are mostly students.

The irony in the story of The Taxi man's Story perfectly describes Friedrich Nietzsche's quote from his book ''The Leviathan'', "If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you''. He loved what he hated, that is the irony of the story. The taxi man hates the youth yet he makes money from them, by providing them with service. Picking them up in hotels, dropping them off, and even allowing them to make love inside his cab, just because they pay him a hefty amount of cash. In short, the Taxi man is a hypocrite.

For more related topics and information about the Taxi man's story, please check out these links:




And also the true Link:


4. verbal irony,dramatic irony,situational irony in the story (the taximan's story)​

One irony is that when the taximan said that his daughter is lying to him but he also lied to the teacher. Well basically, he meant that lying is bad but he still did it.

5. in the singaporean story the taximan's story what is the irony​


taximans critisize young people of our generation for being too immature by hanging out at places like hotel mcelroy; while he still goes there to make an easy living as hotel mcelroy is a popular spot to earn more money.


tnx po sa question

6. Activity 4: Pick Me Up! Directions: Read the story. Pick linels or parts from the story and identity what types of irony does it belong The Taximan's Story by Catherine Lim "Little Ironies" - Stories Of Singapore​

Answer:LINE OR PARTS FROM THE STORY:The irony is te fact that the taximan criticizes young people of our generation for being immature by hanging out at places like hotel McElroy,while he still goes there to make an easy living as hotel McElroy is a popular spot to earn more money

TYPE OF IRONY: Situation Irony

Explanation:Pa brainliest nalang po

7. what type of irony is used in the short story "The Necklace"?​




direction reaf each item identify if the excample given


its all about eating sht


8. what is irony? giving examples from your own reading ,discuss 'irony of the situation'. you may give a brief summary of the irony story and suggest where the irony lies?

Irony is something like; the meaning of something is exact opposite of the meaning you expect. Like, I actually fear long words. I did some reasearch, and I found out it was hippopotomonstro sesquipedia liophobia. Arrrgh!

Irony is the use of words whose meaning is the opposite of what is really meant by the person saying or writing.

An example of an irony story is THE NECKLACE

It is a story of a woman who wanted to look like a rich lady during a party she then borrowed a necklace but the necklace was lost, so she and her husband borrowed money to replace the lost necklace and spent ten years of hardwork to pay back the money that was lent. after ten years, it happened that the lady met the owner of the necklace it was only then she told her about the lost necklace it was only then she was told that the necklace was a fake.

The situational irony 0f the story is that he readers and and the lady did not expect for the necklace to be fake. Also, the  desire to be rich. But because of the kady's desire to be rich or to seem rich, they end up actually becoming poor.

9. Read the story. Anna asked her mother if she could drive the car to the store herself. Anna’s mom said, "Sure, ten-year-olds drive themselves to the store all the time!” What kind of irony is used in this story? dramatic irony situational irony verbal irony historical irony


Dramatic Irony.


Whenever Anna's mother said, "ten-year-olds drive themselves to the store all the time!" that was dramatic irony. She was stating the complete opposite and that's what dramatic irony is.

10. in Martines, What is the irony in this story? ​


Pa picture po para ma answer namin

11. what type of irony is evident in the story ''my father tragedy''​




Nabasa ko lang

12. What is the irony in the story of the taximan?


The taximan's story is about a Singaporean taxi driver telling a story to his passenger who we could assume as a female office worker.

13. A common thread or concept in a story. 5 pts on brainly a. Irony b. Flashback c. Climax d. Theme

B. Flashback

I hope it helps

14. What are the verbal irony are there in the story “The World is an Apple”

Setting/sIn the small and poor home behind a portion of the Intramuros walls. There are two wooden boxes on either side of the doorway. At left is an Acacia tree with a wooden bench under it. It is where the poor family lived in, and where the story starts on how life was going on and end in the complexity of life in which the main character lived with no choice but to go back again with his old ways of life. Character AnalysisMario- He is the Father of the story, the husband of Gloria. He is known to be bad before but he strive hard to change his life for her daughter and for her wife, but life sometimes is unfair that force him with no choice to go back the old way of his life.Gloria- She is the wife of Mario. The very good and lovable woman who just want a simple life yet descent life. She is the reason why Mario changed because of her unconditional love to him.Pablo- The evil man in the story, the protagonist, the old friend of Mario. He wants easy and dishonest money, the life that Mario lived before.PlotThis is a story of how wrong decisions become greater burdens to a family. Mario’s family happens to be in the lower bracket of society. When Mario got home, Gloria saw Mario and she was asking for some money to feed their children to Mario. Mario said that he have no money because he did something.Gloria didn’t believe on what Mario said and said to tell the truth. When Mario answered it, Gloria was shocked on what she heard because Mario lost his job. Gloria asked Mario if how he lost his job and Mario answered it and Gloria was shocked again because Mario said that he lost his job because of an apple.Gloria said that how can he lose his job by just taking one not a dozen not a crate but one apple and Mario answered that he just saw it rolling and he found himself putting it in his bag because Tita would love to have it, and Mario told Gloria that there’s no need to worry because he found a new job.Suddenly Pablo was there ruining the whole conversation and asked them if how is there daughter doing and he’ll loan a few pesos to help their daughter and Gloria said that no thank you because Mario stopped depending on Pablo. Pablo said that Mario’s new job was with Pablo. When Gloria heard it he told Mario that it’s a bad doing and risky.Mario didn’t listen and walks away with Pablo and told Gloria not to worry because he will come back early morning and don’t wait for him. Gloria cries and shouting Mario, while Tita was crying also because he heard the conversation.Theme:The one-word prevailing message in the story is the word “Apple” that symbolizes temptation and the dishonest life lived by Mario before. The theme of the story is, it is man’s basic instinct that drives him towards his survival. But, no matter what he should not forget that society expects him to confirm to its norms. One’s action is weighed right or wrong and thus should be kept towards the proper action and his wrong decisions become greater burdens to a family that symbolizes the word “Apple”.ToneThe mood of the story is serious. It tackles many aspects of human flaws and what is wrong in the culture. The story is sometimes sad but in the end, there’s a glimpse of hopefulness even though it is in vain.POVThe author used the Imagery and symbolic type of narration:Mario: Why? Did God create apple trees to bear fruit for the rich alone? Didn’t He create the whole world for everyone? That’s why I tried to bring the apple home for Tita. When we brought her into this world, we promised her everything. She has the right to have everything in life.Gloria: So, for just an apple, you lost a job you need so much?Advertisements

15. what is all the irony in the story of the gift of magi​


The situational irony in "The Gift of the Magi" arises from the fact that both Jim and Della sell their most prized possessions in order to buy the other a special Christmas gift, but the gift each buys is specifically designed for the prized possession each one sold. ... Jim is the first to recognize the irony.


rate me

16. what is irony in the taxima story?​


in case you need to be a gangsta

17. what is the irony in sapay koma story?​

Sapay Koma - View presentation slides online. ... The irony of it escaped me at the time; but for a modern woman on a budget, there

18. What is the significance of this irony in the story Sapay Koma?​


What is Sapay Koma?

Before I got married, I had a dog – a black mongrel I had named “Sapay Koma,” which is Ilocano for “sana.” It is both a wish and a prayer

What is the moral of the story Sapay Koma?

“Sapay Koma” is a story where we can see that love do exist, and where all relationship had a story to tell. As I reflect, I realize that love is about sacrificing, it is all about decision-making. That decision should fit for all, that everyone should benefits the good result of it.

Sapay Koma - View presentation slides online. ... The irony of it escaped me at the time; but for a modern woman on a budget, there

19. what is the irony in the story of the armor by john bengan​


sorry po kasi hindi ko po alam yung sagot

20. what is the irony of the story of henry​


O. Henry uses situational irony to create anticipation and surprise at an unexpected ending. The contradiction between what the reader expects and what really happens at the close of the story is situational irony.

21. what is the dramatic irony of the story of "the favorite of fortune and the child of ill luck"


The Favorite of Fortune and the Child of Ill Luck” is a traditionally narrated fairy-tale. The dragon is the symbol of imperial rule, and the New Year’s feasts, which old and young celebrate for weeks, is the greatest of Chinese festivals.


hope it helps

22. what could be the irony in the story cite proof from the text and explain​





23. What is the irony in the story of The Taxi man's Story?

The taxi man's story is about a Singaporean taxi driver telling a story to his passenger, who we could assume as a female office worker. The taxi man talks to his passenger about his life as a taxi man, where he had been driving the taxi for 20 years and how Singapore had changed so much over time. He told the passenger then, 20 years ago, Singapore was not this busy and it was much more peaceful and quiet in Singapore, unlike today, where people and vehicles fill the streets. He also said that he must work hard by driving the taxi every day, since, he did not have proper education and no capital for business.  

The taxi man stated that he must sweat a lot, so he could support his family. It was due to the fact that his family was large, having eight children - six sons and 2 daughters, because back then family planning was not yet introduced to Singapore. On the other hand, he is very thankful because most of his children are professionals now. One is a businessman, two of them are working as clerks, one of them teaching in a primary school, one working in the National service, probably the government, one still studying and his eldest daughter, who is at home, helping his wife. The taxi man then complained about the teenagers of today, wearing make-up, flirting with other men, partying, drinking liquor, and selling their bodies to foreign tourists. As he stated, there are times where students, together with their foreign boyfriends would hail his cab and would ask him to drop them off in various hotels, sometimes, they make love inside his car, it makes him angry and disgusted but they pay him high and sometimes tip him.  

After that, he told the passenger about his youngest daughter, who was still studying. How she was an honor student and a bright and kind child. Until he found out what she was up to. She was doing the kind of stuff that his father hates from the youth of today. He told the passenger that he dragged her daughter home and beat her up, he then locked her in the room, to discipline her.

The story ends with the Taxi man dropping off his passenger as he is in a hurry to pick-up passengers from the hotel who are mostly students.

The irony in the story of The Taxi man's Story perfectly describes Friedrich Nietzsche's quote from his book ''The Leviathan'', "If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you''. He loved what he hated, that is the irony of the story. The taxi man hates the youth yet he makes money from them, by providing them with service. Picking them up in hotels, dropping them off, and even allowing them to make love inside his cab, just because they pay him a hefty amount of cash. In short, the Taxi man is a hypocrite.

For more related topics and information about the Taxi man's story, please check out these links:




24. what type irony is evident in the story " My father's Tragedy​


situational irony


hope it helps

have a nice day

25. what is the irony of the story the lottery​


read the story and try to understand it then maybe you'll find it, try to find some examples of irony then you'll know its easier than you thought


im sleepy TvT

26. What is the irony in the story of taximan


the irony is the fact that the taximan criticizes young people of our generation for being immature by hanging out at places like hotel McElroy; while he still goes there to make an easy living as hotel McElroy is a popular spot to earn more money...


27. what is the irony of the taximan story​

The irony is the fact that the taximan criticizes young people of our generation for being too immature by hanging out at places like Hotel McElroy; while he still goes there to make an easy living as Hotel McElroy is a popular spot to earn more money


(in pic) mark as brainlies po

ᴰᵒⁿ'ᵗ ᵇᵉ ᵃᶠʳᵃᶦᵈ, ᴵ'ᵛᵉ ᵃˡʷᵃʸˢ ᵇᵉᵉⁿ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ.

28. what instance of irony exist in the story?​


when Jim comes home from work and sees Della's short hair

29. What is the Hyperbole and Irony in the story of Bulawan an Aguio?


Bukidnon (Mindanao)

Langgona and his wife had twin boys named Bulanawan and Aguio. One day, when they were about two years old, the mother took Bulanawan to the field with her when she went to pick cotton. She spread the fiber she had gathered the day before on the ground to dry near the child, and while she was getting more a great wind suddenly arose which wound the cotton around the baby and carried him away. Far away to a distant land the wind took Bulanawan, and in that place he grew up. When he was a man, he became a great warrior. 121

One day while Bulanawan and his wife were walking along the seashore, they sat down to rest on a large, flat rock, and Bulanawan fell asleep. Now Aguio, the twin brother of Bulanawan, had become a great warrior also, and he went on a journey to this distant land, not knowing that his brother was there. It happened that he was walking along the seashore in his war-dress 122 on this same day, and when he saw the woman sitting on the large, flat rock, he thought her very beautiful, and he determined to


pa bainliest po naman please kailangan ko po

30. What is the irony of the story?

Situational irony is mostly used to show how Mrs. Mallard is happy rather than sad for her husbands death and how she is happy for freedom. Dramatic irony is mostly used to explain the oppressive nature of the marriage.

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