Read The Paragraph Then Provide A Generalization

Read The Paragraph Then Provide A Generalization

Read the paragraph. Write the general and specific statement in the space providedGeneral Statement:6__________________Specific Statement:7__________________8._________________________________9._________________________________10.________________________________​

Daftar Isi

1. Read the paragraph. Write the general and specific statement in the space providedGeneral Statement:6__________________Specific Statement:7__________________8._________________________________9._________________________________10.________________________________​


thanks for the points love yah so thanks

2. A. Directions: Read the paragraph, then provide a generalization.pls answer this yung tamang sagot pls need ko talaga pls​


To curb the spread of diseases it's important to have good food habits and to keep yourself and your surroundings clean. immunization also helps in the prevention of a lot of diseases.


3. Read the paragraph below and encircle the general statement and underline details that support the general statement. After which, compose you own paragraph where you apply the concepts of general and supporting statements in writing. Write your answer on the space provided below.​



EarthquakeDamagesHorseshoePacificPHIVOLCSJanuary 17Ilovos SurMagnitude-5.9Philippines



4. IS IT RIGHT? Read each item carefully. Tell if the statement is correct or not. Put a check mark (check) on the item in your answer sheet. 1. Ideas should be connected from beginning to end. 2. In writing about a topic, ideas can be arranged in any order. 3. A writer can provide supporting ideas not relevant to each other. 4. There are devices that can be used to connect ideas between sentences. 5. The writer can suddenly change the idea from one paragraph to another. 6. The paragraph discusses the idea from general concept to particular or from specific details to the general concept.​








Sana makatulong hehe

5. Activity 2Read the paragraph below. Copy the semantic web in your notebook. Write the general statement and provide thespecific details found in the paragraph.Earthquakes are scary natural disasters. During an earthquake, the ground shakesand the earth cracks open. Buildings and bridges collapse. Streets break apart. Firesoften occur right after an earthquake because gas pipes break. Sometimes floodshappen from broken water pipes.​


Earthquakes are disasters that naturally happen in our earth that causes huge distraction in our environment

6. Instructions. Read the questions carefully and writeyour answer on the space provided. (7 points)1. What term best describes the general statement of a piece ofwriting in the paragraph?2. What is a main idea/general statement?​


1. CENTRAL IDEA: The thesis statement or topic phrase expresses the major point of a piece of writing. A clincher sentence is a sentence at the end of a paragraph that summarizes the argument being conveyed.

2.A comment concerning the paragraph in general (or reading selection).The topic sentence is the main notion, which is a sentence that offers the discussion's subject.t's frequently accompanied by a list of specifics.

7. Read the paragraph below and encircle the general statement and underline details that support the general statement. After which, compose you own paragraph where you apply the concepts of general and supporting statements in writing. Write your answer on the space provided below.​


yan lang alam ko sorry

diko alam yung sa may baba



1. The majority of environmental waste is generated by household trash, which people discard without thinking about the consequences. Food waste is one of the wastes that clogs canals and drainage systems. Cans, bottles, and plastic bags are also harmful to the environment.

2. Many people are unaware of their obligation to protect the environment. One method is to separate their garbage into wet and dry garbage. Another goal is to reduce the quantity of waste they produce for the environment. Lastly, recycling is an additional method of environmental protection. It is making a new product out of a material that previously served its purpose.


1. we need to be cleaner arrange the trash in the proper place and clean the rivers and ocean so are animals under water will be safe and one thing all sometimes are plastic being eated by the fish so what you trash will come back to you so pls clean are earth .

2. recycling help are environment live a one bottle example a one bottle can make a coin bank than you seem it on the trash will an flying insect some person never think about it they thank its only a old trash in a bad smell trash can but you don't think the plastic can help us .

#carry on learning

# pa brainliest how click the crown and done pls i need it yung brainliest  and click the  thanks bye  

9. Read the paragraph below and encircle the general statement and underline details that support the general statement. After which, compose you own paragraph where you apply the concepts of general and supporting statements in writing. Write your answer on the space provided below.​



an earthquake is caused by volcanos that are still not active yet its beggining to activate

please mark me as brain liest

10. B. Directions: Read the paragraph, then provide a generalization. Electricity is important to everyone. Everybody benefits from it. Almost all homes use electricity. Using electricity lightens our load. It makes work easier. faster and better, especially for busy persons.​


toothbrush and toothpaste

11. paki sagot po, thank youDirections: Read each paragraph and copy the general statement and specific statements in the blank provided.2.Being honest and fair to everyone will endear me to people, for these are essential values to be considered in dealing with others. I can practice honesty by telling the truth,avoiding cheating during examinations, returning things found to the owners, etc. I believe that honesty must be practiced by anyone who wants a lasting relationship/friendship with others.General statement:Specific statements:​


Being hones and fair to everyone will endear me to people,for these are essential values to be considered in dealing with others.

Specific statement

I can practice honesty by telling the truth avoiding cheating during examination, returning things found to the owner,etc. I believe that honesty must be practiced by anyone who wants a lasting relationship/friendship with others

12. Read the paragraph below and encircle the general statement and underline details that support the general statement. After which, compose you own paragraph where you apply the concepts of general and supporting statements in writing. Write your answer on the space provided below.​


1. an earthquake is a natural occurrence like rain

2. earthquakes occur daily in small scales in the Philippines

3. the Philippines is situated in the ring of fire so it is often visited by typhoons and earthquakes

hope I helped

13. Read the paragraph below and encircle the general statement and underline details that support the general statement. After which, compose you own paragraph where you apply the concepts of general and supporting statements in writing. Write your answer on the space provided below.​


a distinct section of a piece of writing, usually dealing with a single theme and indicated by a new line, indentation, or numbering.


sorry i d0nt even know

14. read the paragraph then provide the evidence for each fact the moon is the only natural satellite that the Earth has. A satellite is an object that revolves around a large object. the moon does not provide its own light. it only reflects light coming from the sun. During ancient times, people believed that the moon has a big influence on their lives. they used the moon as their guide. the moon gives signs about the weather. a lot of superstitious beliefs and practices were passed on from generation to generation. now, some of these beliefs and practices are still part of the life of some people.


The brightest and largest object in our night sky, the Moon makes Earth a more livable planet by moderating our home planet's wobble on its axis, leading to a relatively stable climate. It also causes tides, creating a rhythm that has guided humans for thousands of years. The Moon was likely formed after a Mars-sized body collided with Earth.

Earth's Moon is the fifth largest of the 200+ moons orbiting planets in our solar system.

Earth's only natural satellite is simply called "the Moon" because people didn't know other moons existed until Galileo Galilei discovered four moons orbiting Jupiter in 1610.

NASA currently has three robotic spacecraft exploring the Moon – Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and the twin ARTEMIS spacecraft (not to be confused with NASA's new Artemis program to send astronauts back to the Moon).


Hope its help good luck

15. Directions: Read and analyze the questions below. Then, shade the letter of your answer on youranswer sheet.1. What reading strategy refers to reading rapidly in order to find specific facts and details andits main purpose is to look only for a particular piece of information without reading thewhole?D. Oral ReadingA. ScanningB. Skimming C. Proof Reading2. What is a group of sentences organized around a topic, a main idea about the topic, anddetails that support the main idea?A. ParagraphB. TopicC. Main IdeaD. Details3. What is the overall subject of a paragraph which usually use a word or a phrase only?A. ParagraphB. TopicC. Main IdeaD. Details4. What is a statement that tells the author's point about the topic and provides the message of a given paragraph?A. ParagraphB. TopicC. Main IdeaD. Details5. What is the specific information about the main idea or support for the main idea?A. ParagraphB. TopicC. Main IdeaD. Details6. What reading strategy refers to a selective reading method which directs a reader to focus on the main ideas of a text?A. ScanningB. SkimmingC. Proof ReadingD. Oral Reading7. Which is NOT a skimming method?A. Beginning and EndingB. Wheat vs. ChaffC. Visual and Verbal CuesD. Category8. If you were reading a patient's case notes in order to gain a general overview of the patient, which reading strategy would be the most useful?A. ScanningB. SkimmingC. Proof ReadingD. Oral Reading9. Which of the following does not involve skimming?A. Reading the initial sentence in each paragraph.B. Looking quickly for words you're not familiar with.C. Looking ar photographs in an article.D. Reading the first and last paragraph in a newspaper article.10. People are not scanninga text effectively when they ___________, which of the following will best complete the idea of the statement?A. Look for content wordsor visual clues.B. Read every word in a text.C. Know what they looking for.D. Read blocks of wordsIned complete answer​




4.C.Main Idea



7.C.Visual and Verbal Clues


9.B.Looking quickly for words you're not familiar with.

10.A.Look for Content Words Or Visual Clues

If im wrong or correct:)

Remember: You own lesson or books in English

Because your own learned in lesson English and Got it Memorized!!


16. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read each task carefully and follow directions as indicated. I. USING TRANSITION SIGNALS IN A PARAGRAPH: Look around your house. Compare and contrast two different things. Write their 5 similarities and 5 differences in the organizer below. Then compose a paragraph based from it with the use of 10 transition signals. Use the rubric at the bottom as your guidelines in writing. Write your answer on the space provided. (50 pts) 14. 2nd- Similarities Foto 1. 2. 3 4. 5. Differences 1. 2. 3. 4. 5​


17. B. Read the statement carefully. Write True if the statement is correct and write False if it is incorrect. Then, write your answers on the spaces provided before each number. 6. Most of the time, we have the impression that all the ideas and pieces of information presented by the author are true. 7. The main idea of a paragraph is a general statement of the content of the paragraph. 8. Idea may apply to a mental image or formulation of something not seen. 9. A topic sentence always contains the main idea. 10. The main idea is the important information about the topic, 11. Recognition of the main idea of a paragraph is important to help you remember the content. 12. The main idea provides order, progression, and unity to the paragraph by tying together the sentences. True 13. The main idea is always placed at the beginning of the paragraph.​


B. Read the statement carefully. Write True if the statement is correct and write False if it is incorrect. Then, write your answers on the spaces provided before each number.

6. Most of the time, we have the impression that all the ideas and pieces of information presented by the author are true.

7. The main idea of a paragraph is a general statement of the content of the paragraph.

8. Idea may apply to a mental image or formulation of something not seen. 9. A topic sentence always contains the main idea.

10. The main idea is the important information about the topic,

11. Recognition of the main idea of a paragraph is important to help you remember the content.

12. The main idea provides order, progression, and unity to the paragraph by tying together the sentences. True 13. The main idea is always placed at the beginning of the paragraph.

18. Exercise 2 Directions: Read each paragraph and copy the general statement and specific statements in the blank provided. 1. Rainbows are arcs of colors we see in the sky opposite the sun. Rainbows form when sunlight shines through water vapor. The light is separated into the seven rainbow colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The colors are always in the same order. General statement

General statement:

 Rainbows are arcs of colors we see in the sky opposite the sun.

Specific statement:

Rainbows form when sunlight shines through water vapor. The light is separated into seven different seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The colors are always in the same order.

19. Read the paragraph below and encircle the general statement and underline details that support the general statement. After which, compose you own paragraph where you apply the concepts of general and supporting statements in writing. Write your answer on the space provided below.​

i circled the answers and this is what i found hope it helps

20. IV. Read the paragraph, then provide a generalization.Computers are a big help to students. Now, they can type their work on it andedit before printing. Those with very poor handwriting will not be shy to pass theirwritten work if done on the computer. They are also more attentive when teachersuse visuals in the computer when they teach. It is also easier to research with thecomputer connected to the internet.​


Diseases can be infectious or not-infectious. Infectious diseases can be prevented, commonly, by the practice of washing your hands. Although this practice is not enough to to avoid any kinds of infections.

21. Read the paragraph below and encircle the general statement and underline details that support the general statement. After which, compose you own paragraph where you apply the concepts of general and supporting statements in writing. Write your answer on the space provided below.​


englise don sa read the words below then identify the base word and the affixe used in ech






22. Directions: Read each paragraph and copy the general statement and specific statements in the blank provided.2.Being honest and fair to everyone will endear me to people, for these are essential values to be considered in dealing with others. I can practice honesty by telling the truth,avoiding cheating during examinations, returning things found to the owners, etc. I believe that honesty must be practiced by anyone who wants a lasting relationship/friendship with others.General statement:Specific statements:​


Being hones and fair to everyone will endear me to people,for these are essential values to be considered in dealing with others.

Specific statement

I can practice honesty by telling the truth avoiding cheating during examination, returning things found to the owner,etc. I believe that honesty must be practiced by anyone who wants a lasting relationship/friendship with others

23. Read the questions and instructions carefully. Answer the questions according to general rules of academic writing. Use indentations; begin each paragraph with a topic sentence; support the topic sentence(s) with reasons and/or examples, also make sure to provide references to original sources (e.g., book, chapter or journal article) for any statement that refers to ideas, words or research findings of another person. Write clear and grammatically correct sentences and logical paragraphs. It should be 500 1000 words.​


are the smaller pieces of apple still similar to the original apple?why?


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24. Read the paragraph .then provide the generalization and the supporting statements in the chart:most invironmental wastes come from household trash that peaple throw without thingking of bad effects.some of these wastes are left over foods that clog cannals and drainage system.Also solid materials like cans,bottles ,plastic bags and bottles are harmfull wastes that pollute the environment.Generalization:clue wordvalid for Faultywhy?​




it pertains to a waste of people that makes our environment harm

25. Read the paragraph below and encircle the general statement and underline details that support the general statement. After which, compose you own paragraph where you apply the concepts of general and supporting statements in writing. Write your answer on the space provided below.​


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26. Read the statements below. Write TRUE if the statement is true and FALSE if not.________1. A summary must have the same length as its original text. ________2.Textual evidence and supporting details are just the same.________3. Textual evidence provides proofs that the main idea is factual.________4. You use your own words in quoting the statements of other authors and put them in quotation marks.________5. Citing textual evidence of a general statement helps us understand more the text that we are reading.________6. The main idea of a paragraph can be found at the beginning, middle or end.________7. You can find the main idea of a text in a topic sentence.________8. Main idea is considered as the most essential part of the paragraph because it gives the central thought of the text.________9. Supporting details are the sentences in a paragraph that present facts, statements and examples to explain, describe, and provide further information about the topic sentence.________10. Paraphrasing is a way of citing textual evidence by shortening a full reading text using your own word. ​













pasagot naman po ng tanong ko sa profile ko

sana makatulong yung sagot thanks

27. Read the paragraph below and encircle the general statement and underline details that support the general statement. After which, compose you own paragraph where you apply the concepts of general and supporting statements in writing. Write your answer on the space provided below.​








hope it helps

pako brainly na din

28. Read the paragraph below and complete the sentences. Stories generally provide entertainment, but some have morals embedded in them. In such cases, the writer’s purpose is to the audience, not just enthrall them. These stories are also known as tales. First dropdown section options are: entertain, pacify, instruct,chide second dropdown section options are: frame, didactic, comic, deceptive PLS HELP ASAP


I'm not that sure but I think it is

First: Instruct

Second: didactic


Instruct... didactic.


The writers are offering moral lessons. Think of the writer as a teacher giving a lesson on math problems. What's another way of saying that? The teacher instructed the class on arithmetic problems.

Didactic means "intending to teach." So that's the only option that works.

29. Read the paragraph below and encircle the general statement and underline details that support the general statement. After which, compose you own paragraph where you apply the concepts of general and supporting statements in writing. Write your answer on the space provided below.​


sorry yan din Tanong ko


yan din Tanong ko

30. Read the paragraph below and encircle the general statement and underline details that support the general statement. After which, compose you own paragraph where you apply the concepts of general and supporting statements in writing. Write your answer on the space provided below.​


general statements

*is there no way to avoid this problem??

supporting statement

*earthquakes occur daily in small scales in the Philippines, according to PHILVOCS


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