Identify The Words Or Phrases That Make The Sentences

Identify The Words Or Phrases That Make The Sentences

Identify the words or phrases that make the sentence

Daftar Isi

1. Identify the words or phrases that make the sentence


comparing or contrasting


2. identify the words or phrases that make the sentences


So, the three characteristics of Sentences can be:

It should begin with a capital letter and end with full stop, question mark or exclamation mark.

It should convey a meaning or a complete thought.

It must have a subject and a verb.

3. identify the words or phrases that make the sentences in learning task1​


where is the task 1


where is the task 1

4. COMPLETE ANSWER ANG MAKAKASAGOT NG TANONG AY IBOBOTO KONG BRAINLIEST Directions: Share at least five words, phrases, or sentences that you can identify with the word fitness with the help of your guardian, elder sibling, or the internet. Make a note of it in your notepad. ​







1.Eating Healthy Foods

2.Exercising Everyday

3.Help With HouseHold Chores

4.Sleeping Early

5.Having Medication If Needed


This is The most important ways in keeping your physical fitness active and healthy


5. Identify the words or phrases that make the sentences in Learning Task 1 comparing or contrasting statements. After identifying them, use them in your own sentences.


problem solving.


math its very hard but try and try to perfect your answers

6. Learning Task 2 identify the words or phrase that make the sentences inLaming Task I comparing or contrasting gratemente. Anterdentliving them, usethem in your own sentencepa help naman po plsss​young learning task 2 po











Compare (??)

7. Identify the words or phrases that make sentences in learning. Contrast or compare1. Ella had her hair done in style similar to mine.




Simillarities po kase ung sentence

basta ayan po ung sagot ko kung mali man po ay itama na lng.

8. Learning Task 2: Identify the words or phrases that make the sentences in Learning Task 1 comparing orcontrasting statements. After identifying ther, use them in your own sentences.​

where is the copy of learning task 1? we cannot answer your question.

9. COMPLETE ANSWER ANG MAKAKASAGOT NG TANONG AY IBOBOTO KONG BRAINLIEST Directions: Share at least five words, phrases, or sentences that you can identify with the word fitness with the help of your guardian, elder sibling, or the internet. Make a note of it in your notepad. ​



- A healthy mind in a healthy body.

- Fitness is not only the physical health, but also mental health.

- Nutrition and exercise are essential to fitness and health.

- being in good physical shape or being suitable for a specific task or purpose.

-  fitness involves exercise activities that you do in order to try to improve your physical health and stay healthy.


- As a students i have a lot of potential to develop a hob'by that keeps my fitness regulated for the lifetime. to Prevents Chronic diseases  Being Physically fit helps lower blood sugar levels and checks blood pressure. Physical wellness and exercise ensures me to have strong bones, muscles and Joints.

10. For number 11-15, Identify the following group of words if it is sentence, phrase, verb or adverb.D. ADVERBA. SENTENCEB. PHRASEC. VERBAB11. The only way to have a friend is to be one.BOD 12. The legend of sleepy hollowsABCD 13. Beyond the horizonBOD 14. It is well to think well it is divine to act well.SBOD 15. It takes very little water to make a perfect pool for a small fish.​


11. Sentence 12. Phrase 13. Phrase. 14. Sentence. 15. Sentence


There are no adverbs or verbs that stand alone.

11. B. Identify each of the following items. Write your answer on the space before the number 1. It is a group of words that expresses a complete thought or idea 2 It is a group of words without subject and a verb and functions as a modifier 3 It is a word or phrase that describes or makes specific meaning of another word or phrase 4. It is the person or thing that is talked about in a sentence 5 It is a word or phrase that modifies a noun or pronoun 6. It is a group of words that are grammatically connected with a noun as its head, 7. It is a word or phrase that modifies a verb, adjective or another adverb 8. It is a group of words that modify a noun 9 It is a part of a sentence that tells Brainleast ko ang may maayos na sagot​


1. sentence

2. phrase

3. modifier

4. subject

5. adjective

6. noun phrase

7. adverb

8. adjectives

9. subject

12. Identify the errors in the sentence 1. A sentence is a word or group of words that express a complete thought. 2. A phrase in many sentences begin with a preposition. 3. The literature of the ancient Filipinos is told on their dialect. 4. There are many new idea to learn from the Module. 5. The synonym as well as the antonym of words makes the reading understandable.​


1. A sentence or two of each

2.A you have any other pics

13. learning the basic rules of sentence construction will help you identify the parts of a sentence that make up the whole.What are the uses of word, phrase,and clauses in a sentence?​


Phrases and clauses are the building blocks of sentences. Phrases are groups of words that act as a part of speech but cannot stand alone as a sentence. The words in a phrase act together so that the phrase itself functions as a single part of speech.

14. identify what makes the sentences informal. underline the colloquial word or phrase and rewrite the sentence to make it formal1) parenting is a 24/7 job.2) watching that sitcom cracked up the audience.3) this game is gonna be epic.4) in studying, you 'll always burn the midnight oil.5) your room is kind of like a furniture store.​


did you get the answer m8?

15. Learning Task 2: Identify the words or phrases that make the sentences in Learning Task 1 comparing or contrasting statements. After identifying them, use them in your own sentences, 1. Sentence: 2. Sentence: 3. Sentence: 4. Sentence: 5. Sentence: 6. Sentence: 7. Sentence: 8. Sentence: 9. Sentence: 10. Sentence:​


sorry dikodin po ALAM sorry


sasusunod nalang

thanks brainliest please

asan picture?

thank me later

correct me if I'm wrong

16. Make 10 phrases/sentences from the picture and identify the words used if they are nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, or prepositions.​


1. The people at the mall are chaotic. - NOUN

2. I met a dazzling saleslady in a clothing store. - ADJECTIVE

3. The business owner is promoting his product inside a store. - VERB

4. The people are walking fast that others cannot catch up. - VERB

5. The Police came to the mall before I showed up. - PREPOSITION

6. Due to the mardown price, everyone visits the mall. - PREPOSITION

7. The Reyes Family never watch movies in the Cinema. - ADVERB

8. The security guard in the mall rarely have their break time. - ADVERB

9. Gerald must see the manager for the mistakenly items. - NOUN

10. The customer was polite to the crew. - ADJECTIVE

17. Make 10 phrases/sentences from the picture and identify the words used if they are nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, or prepositions.​

[tex] \large\red{┈──────────────────┈}[/tex]

Answer:• The peoples at the mall is chaotic. - Noun• While I was walking I saw a nice dress at the mall - Verb• A sales lady is promoting food for their store. - Verb• The peoples at the mall walk so fast that I couldn't catch up - Adverb• Police came to the mall before I made it there. - Preposition• The customer was polite to the crew - Adjectives• I went to sportline earlier - Verb• I met a dazzling saleslady in a clothing store - Adjectives• Gerarld must see the manager for the mistaken items - Noun• Due to the mardown price, everyone visits the mall - Preposition

[tex] \large\red{┈──────────────────┈}[/tex]

Happy First Time had Answered again.. charr..

18. pa tulong po noong sa task 2wag na pong sagutan yung task 1may sagot na po ako doon eLearning Task 2: Identify the words or phrases that make the sentences in Learning Task 1 comparing or contrasting statements. After identifying them, use them in your own sentences.task 2 lang po ang sasagutanthanks po​

SimilarSameSinceTooHoweverDespiteResembles Although Whereas Since

19. 4. Read sentence below, identify the words/phrase that make it a make- believe.A frog put on his jacket and started to take a walk. a. Started to b. A frog C. A frog put on his jacket d. Jacket and started. 5. Read sentence below, identify the words/phrase that make it real. The astronauts landed the space shuttle safely. a. The astronauts b. Astronauts landed the space shuttle. c. Space shuttle d. Landed safely.​


4, Letter C naklasehan na namen to nung grade six

20. ning Tank 2 Learning Task 2: Identify the words or phrases that make the sentences in Learning Task 1 comparing or contrasting statements. After identifying them, use them in your own sentences.English subject​


Compare and contrast

What is this document about?

This document will help you first determine if a particular task requires a comparison/contrast, then create a list of similarities and differences, decide to focus on the similarities and differences and organize your documents clearly and efficiently. . It will also explain how you can (and why you should) develop a thesis beyond "Article A and Article B are similar in many ways but different in others".


Throughout your student life, you will encounter many types of writing assignments, each with its own set of requirements. One of the most common types is the compare/contrast essay, where you focus on how certain things or ideas - usually two of them - are similar to (the comparison) and/or different. with (this contrast) of another thing or idea.

By awarding such essays, your instructor encourages you to make connections between texts or ideas, engage in critical thinking, and go beyond a simple description or summary. simple to create interesting analysis:

When you think about similarities and differences, you gain a deeper understanding of the items you're comparing, how they relate to each other, and what's most important about them.

21. true or false indicate wether the sentence or statement is true or false if it is false underline and change the identified word or phrase to make the sentence true ​


TrueTrueFalseTrue True FalseTrue FalseFalse True


true true true false true false true true false true

22. COMPLETE ANSWER ANG MAKAKASAGOT NG TANONG AY IBOBOTO KONG BRAINLIEST Directions: Share at least five words, phrases, or sentences that you can identify with the word fitness with the help of your guardian, elder sibling, or the internet. Make a note of it in your notepad. ​






23. identify the words or phrases that make the sentences in learning task 1 comparing or contrasting statements after identifying them in your own sentence. pleaseee need ko po​


1. similar to

-The trumpet sounds is SIMILAR TO trombone.


-She tried again with the SAME results.

-I don't like you to talk LIKE that.


-Our relationship is going WELL.


-HOWEVER,i have not set my heart on that.


-Our vacation was a lot of fun, DESPITE the cold weather.


-Terrier dogs closely RESEMBLE each other.


-ALTHOUGH she is young,she is very independent.


-He loves foreign holidays, WHEREAS his wife prefers to stay at home.


-It DIFFERS from them in being grounded on exact and verified research.

Step-by-step explanation:

Hope it helps:)

24. Learning Task 2: Identify the words or phrases that make the sentences in Learning Task 1comparing or contrasting statements. After identifying them, use them in your own sentences.1.2,​9.10.


1. Compare










25. Identify the words or phrases that make the sentences in learning Task 1 comparing or contrasting statements after identifying them use them in your own sentences Pasagot po ng maayos ​

Comparing or Contrasting Statements

Comparing statements relate similarities between two things, people, and places. Contrasting statements relate differences between two things, people, and places. These are often used in presenting ideas. Readers get the most of the text they are reading thru comparison and contrast style of writing. Examples are characters from books, events in history, foods, arguments, or many other topics.


Learning Task 2:Answers:similar tosamebuttoohoweverdespiteresemblesalthoughwhereasdiffers fromOwn Sentences:I bought a phone similar to that of my best friend.That phone has the same features as my husband too.Alan was too tired but he managed to fetch his wife and kid since it is already late.Ellen got friends inside the church, and she have friends in the neighborhood too.I ordered a gray hoodie; however black was sent instead.I got my work done despite the fact that I am not really feeling well.That movie resembles the movie I have watched with my friends about 3 years ago.Ellie is 6 feet tall although her parents are only 5'1" and 5'4".John love to eat meat, whereas his parents are purely vegetarian.My perception differs from yours, since you are very idealistic.

What are comparing statements:

What are contrasting statements:





COMPARE/COMPARISON - is finding the similarity or the same characteristics of two different things/people.

CONTRAST- looking for the difference between two different things by doing a comparison in each characteristic.

Here are the answers to the above statements:

1. Ella had her hair done in a style similar to mine. -COMPARE

2. That bike has the same color as our car- COMPARE

3.  I was hungry, but I was reluctant to eat since I did not like what was on offer. -CONTRAST

4. I got an A in Math, and I am doing well in other classes, too.COMPARE

5. I ordered steak; however, the chicken was served instead. - CONTRAST

6. I got my homework done despite the fact that I left my book at school. -CONTRAST

7. That story resembles the one I read a year ago.- COMPARE

8. Hank is six feet tall, although his brother is only five feet.-COMPARE

9. I eat meat, whereas my parents only eat vegetables.- CONTRAST

10. My taste differs from yours, since I do not have sweet tooth. CONTRAST

For more information about  Comparison and Contrast, please visit this link;


26. read each sentence carefully identify whether the statement compare or contrast ideas the identity the word or phrases that make the sentence comparing or contrasting write your answer on your paper​


The depth of focus is greatest on the lowest power objective. Each time you switch to a higher power, the depth of focus is reduced. Therefore a smaller part of the specimen is in focus at higher power. The amount of light transmitted to your eye is greatest at the low power.

27. Identify the words or phrases that make sentences in learning. Contrast or compare 1. Ella had her hair done in style similar to mine.

Question ⬇️

Identify the words or phrases that make sentences in learning. Contrast or compare

1. Ella had her hair done in style similar to mine.

Answer ✔️




28. Learning task 2: Identify the words or phrases that make the sentences in Learning task 1 comparing or contrasting statements. After identifying them, use them in your own sentences.​


1. Compare

2. Compare

3. Contrast

4. Compare

5. Contrast

6. Contrast

7. Compare

8. Contrast

9. Contrast

10. Contrast


Contrast: the state of being strikingly different from something else in juxtaposition or close association.

Example: Kenneth is Taller than Dave.

Compare: estimate, measure, or note the similarity or dissimilarity between.

Example: My sister's hair is short similar to mine.

29. Learning Task 2: Identify the words or phrases that make the sentences in Learning Task 1 comparing or contrasting statements. After identifying them, use them in your own sentences. SESSIE VOLGO Sasonic Sattoo woltes






30. Read the poem below. Identify if each given item is a word, phrase or sentence. Write your answer by checking the box. * Your answer Trees by Joyce Kilmer I think that I shall never see. A poem lovely as a tree. A tree whose hungry mouth is prest Against the earth's sweet flowing breast; A tree that looks at God all day And lifts her leafy arms to pray; A tree that may in Summer wear A nest of robins in her hair; Upon his bosom snow has lain; Who intimately lives in rain. Poems are made by fool like me. But only God can make a tree.. lovely as a tree *1 pointA. wordB. phraseC. sentence I think *1 pointA. wordB. phraseC. sentenceGod *1 pointA. sentenceB. wordC. phrase A tree that looks at God all day. *1 pointA. phraseB. sentenceC. word10.) sweetA. sentneceB. wordC. phrase11.)late autumn *1 pointA. wordB. phraseC. sentence12.)warm sunshine *1 pointA. phraseB. wordC. sentence13. fiddle *A. sentenceB. phraseC. word14. a bite *A. wordB. phraseC. sentence15. Making music *A.sentenceB. wordC. phrase​







thats the correct


pa brainliest

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