A Neighbor Who Chose To Stop Schooling For Employment

A Neighbor Who Chose To Stop Schooling For Employment

A neighbor who chose to stop schooling for employment​

Daftar Isi

1. A neighbor who chose to stop schooling for employment​


its okay dude but wheres the question? huhu

2. A neighbor who chose to stop schooling for employment​


whats the question lol?

3. 3. A neighbor who chose to stop schoolingfor employment​


A neighbor who chose to stop schooling for employment is hardworking and picturing his/her future. Many students gave up their studies because of the pandemic and they're brave for doing it.

4. Why did their neighbor stop the child's uncle from sending her to school?


some things must have happen?

5. physical support of a neighbor who choose to stop schooling for employment ​


Physically - You can invite your neighbor to jogging together.Emotionally - You can help your neighbor by talking and sharing your experiences in difficulties in your life that you've been success with.Spiritually - Share some verse in the bible and read the bible with your neighbor.Socially - Go shopping with your neighbor, so that your neighbor will be good social in the people around your neighbor.

6. how you will help protect the dignity of the following people who are normally looked down in society.The Janitor in your school1.___________________________________________________________________________________________________2.__________________________________________________________________________________________________Your niece/friend/neighbor who is a special child1.___________________________________________________________________________________________________2.__________________________________________________________________________________________________Your aunt/sibling/friend/ neighbor who is a single parent 1.___________________________________________________________________________________________________2.__________________________________________________________________________________________________



Uplifting each and everyone, no matter what color, size, race, occupation a person has, should start within us. We should be breaking that stigma to that person as regardless of what they look like, or what they do, they matter.


1. A person who is responsible of cleaning things should be looked up as without them, everything will be messy. We need give importance to what they do, because they play a vital role for the cleanliness of the school.

2. I can the janitors working disposing the trashes I had immediately and not throwing them on the floor. If we can such things, we are actually helping the person.

Niece/friend/neighbor who is special

1. A person who has nothing to do with what has happened to him or her should still be considered as normal by talking to them and feeling that they are not different among others.

2. Make them feel they matter and they do have someone they can lean their shoulders on.

Aunt/sibling/friend/ neighbor who is a single parent

1. Tell them that they are heroes and amazing with what they are doing. Taking the responsibility alone is not a joke, they might me exhausting but still fulfilling.

2. We shouldn't judge them by their past. They learned from their mistakes and moved on, and we should celebrate such big leap.



7. what is the ratio of the number of pupils who chose softball 15% to those who chose basketball 30% ?​



Step-by-step explanation:

15% is to 30%

GCF: 15

15/15 = 1 : 30/15 = 2

Thus, the ratio of the number of pupils who chose softball to those pupils who chose basketball is 1:2.

8. d) What is the ratio of the customers who chose menudo to those who chose kaldereta 4.​


nasan po ba yung story?

wala Pong story eh

9. a neighbor who chose to stop schooling for emplyment how you support by physical, emotional, socially, spiritually​


Make him/her realise the worth of education.


I hope it helps

tama yan ahh pa follow and pa ❤️ tas pa brainlest☺️

10. b. Explain your answer.PeersGuidance CouncilorAdviser1. Somebody bullies you in school.I chosebecause2. You have a health problem history,Mother/FatherNeighborDoctorI chosebecause3. You cannot concentrate in your studies.BestfriendParentTeacherI chosebecause​


adviser,because she/he was your parent inside the classroomMother/Father,because they should know it first about your conditionparent or teacher,will help you focus on studying


yan po answer ko pa brainliest po:)

11. you have a neighbor who choose to stop schooling for employment.how can you help her him physically,emotionally,socially,spiritually?​


you can help her by talking to her or befriend her so that she will not feel alone. that way, she will be cheered up in some way(emotionally)

12. how will you support of stop schooling for employment ​

People who stops school for employments are those people who prefer to work rather than schooling. Most people who would stop going to school because of financial problems. I’ll support them by giving money so that they’ll be able to go back at school.

13. If you have neighbors who discriminates people who are COVID19 frontliners, how would te them to stop? a. We mustn't discriminate them for they work for the people. b. We must not discriminate the patients who are suffering. c. We can stop hating them and help. d. Contribute by following the health protocols.​



ayan po yung answer :)

14. if you have neighbors who discriminates who are COVID-19 frontliners ,how would you tell them to stop?a.we musn't discriminate them for they work for the peopleb.we must not discriminate the patients who are suffering c.we can stop hating them and helpd.we can contribute by following the health protocols​

A or D

I hope this help’s

Btw can you heart my comment?

::Thank you<33

15. 4. Who is most likely affected on the impact of the health crisis on corona virus? A. employers who stopped operation of their businesses B. entrepreneurs who lost their customers C. citizens who have minimal income D. employees who are freelancers​


I think it's C.citizens who have minimal income.


it's probably letter C.

16. how can you show a support physically emotionally and spiritually of a neighbor who chose to stop schooling for employment?​


I will tell her/him, no, I will encourage her/him to think about it thoroughly. We all know that education is one of the most important things in life. Eeducation helps us to understand life and how to act for it. Education is limitless, education knows no age nor one's life estate. If there's a chance, grab and go for it.

*my point of view haha

17. Situation Physically Emotionally Socially Spiritually 1. A new classmate with a physical disability 2. A friend who lost his parents due to accident 3. A neighbor who chose to stop schooling for employment 4. A sibling who spends most of his/her time playing online games 5. A friend who plans to leave their house because of a family problem 6. A new group member who loses hope because of many problems 7. A cousin from an ethnic group who is still adjusting to her new school 8. A relative who is confused with his gender preference 9. A classmate who experiences social discrimination due to his poor academic performance 10. An older sibling who needs help on time management Processing Questions: What do you notice with your answers? Which of the situations is the most difficult to handle or manage? Explain. What type of support or help is the easiest to provide? Explain. What have you realized after doing this activity?​

1. physically

2. emotionally

3. socially

4. socially

5. emotionally

6. spiritually

7. socially

8. emotionally or physically

9. socially

10. emotionally or socially

Which of the situations is the most difficult to handle or manage?

2. A friend who lost his parents due to accident

A loss would be the hardest to process especially if the loved ones’ death was caused by an accident.  There would be no right words to ease the pain of that friend because any person’s grief is immeasurable and impossible to process rightly and immediately.

What type of support or help is the easiest to provide?

The easiest and best way to show support or help to others is mere presence.  It is to stay with them is times of grief, loss, or any kinds of problems.  Sometimes, what we really need is for someone to intently listen to our problems while we figure out how we will solve those.

Read the link for more discussion about this topic:





18. how do you support socially a neighbor who chose to stop schooling for employment?


I guess..

Talk about his/her decisions if his/she really serious on her/his choice,

And just support his/her final dicisions

19. why did you chose this school


we didnt choose any school because education is always important and whatever we are in private and public school so my answer is always study.


hope it helps so much please brainlest me :D

20. Jay and Carl are classmates. They are neighbors who live five blocks away from school. Jay goes to school by walking, while Carl rides the school busin going to school. Who is more physically fit? Why?​




Because jay is walking (to school) instead of riding a bus, Which means jay is more physically fit.

Di ako marunong mag explain, Pasensya na..

21. a neighbor who chose to stop schooling for employment. Physically, Emotionally, Socially, Spiritually​


Showing Support for Others

Situation: A neighbor who chose to stop schooling for employment.

Support physically: You can help him if he's physically weak because of his/her work. Suggest to work out.

Support emotionally: You can support your neighbor to continue his/her study.  

Support socially: You can persuade your neighbor to keep dreaming and take an action by participating in community works so that he will know more the value of studying and helping other people.  

Support spiritually: You can invite him to go to Church every Sunday and have some volunteering work if he can.

Helping others improves social interaction, diverts attention away from one's own problems, and boosts one's self-esteem and competence. Helping others makes us happy and releases endorphins into our bodies. Serving others benefits our mental health, emotional well-being, and self-esteem.

Visit these links to learn the other ways on how you can show support for others:





22. a) How many pupils chose Volleyball as their favorite event?b) Which event has the greatest number of pupils who chose as their favorite?c) If it is expressed in fraction, what fraction of the pupils chose Softball?d) What is the ratio of the number of pupils who chose softball to those who chose basketball?​


a. 20%

b. basketball

c. 1/6

d. 1/1

Step-by-step explanation:

correct me if im wrong:))

23. best support for a neighbor who chose to stop schooling for employment


yes I suppose I'll support


it's know kinda hard

24. Naka column po yan yang apat dyan nyo po sasagot kung pano kayo makakatulong by spiritually, socially, emotionally, and physically SpirituallySociallyEmotionallyPhysicallySituation 1. A new classmate with aphysical disability2. A friend who lost his parentsdue to accident3. A neighbor who chose to stopschooling for einployment4. A sibling who spends most ofhis/her time playing onlinegames5. A friend who plans to leavetheir house because of a familyproblem6. A new group member wholoses hope because of manyproblems7. A cousin from an ethnic groupwhois still adjusting to hernew school8. A relative who s confused withhis gender preference9. A classmate who experiencessocial discrimination due to hispoor academic performance10. An older sibling who needshelp on time management​







1. Physically (Help her/him physically)

2. Emotionally (Comfort her/him emotionally)

3. Spiritually (Pray for her/his success)

4. Socially (Play with her/him)

5. Spiritually/Physically (Pray or give her/him a helping hand)

25. A neighbour who stop schooling for employment ​


Physically - You can invite your neighbor to jogging together. Emotionally - You can help your neighbor by talking and sharing your experiences in difficulties in your life that you've been success with.


I think he or she must continue on schooling than the early employment because if he or she continue on schooling he or she will learn more on his or her dream job. And not only that because some of the jobs needed a diploma before accepting you to a employee.

26. explain this statement "it is not you who chose me but it is i who chose you" ​


It's just like, It's me who always choosing you even you didn't choose me.

27. 4. Who is most likely affected on the impact of the health crisis on corona virus? A. employers who stopped operation of their businesses B. entrepreneurs who lost their customers C. citizens who have minimal income D. employees who are freelancers​




I researched, but i'm not sure of my answer.


tingin ko po A. po


tignan na lang yung sagot ko sa link


28. how is most likely effected by the impact of the health crisis on corona virus?a. employers who stopped operation of their business b. entrepreneurs who lost their costumersc. citizens who have minimal income d. employees who freelancer ​


a.because when quarantine came all some business has shut down

29. I chose stop because? pa ano po ba ito​

ano po ba ang alin na tinutukoy mo


you choose stop because

yan yung choice mo yan yung desisyon mo

yan yung pinili mo


kaya you choose stop

Hope it helps

yan ata tinutukoy mo

30. the following are persons who are in-charge of your performance in the workplace, EXCEPT;A. EmployerB. NeighborC. SupervisorD. Teacher​


D po

Sana maka tulong hahe





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