How Can Infrared Radiation Be Detected If Cannot Be Seen

How Can Infrared Radiation Be Detected If Cannot Be Seen

How can infrared radiational be detected if cannot be seen

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1. How can infrared radiational be detected if cannot be seen

infrared radiation (though can not be seen) can be felt. they are commonly called heat rays due to the heat energy you can feel (like sun rays)

2. how can infrared radiation be detected if cannot be seen?

Infrared, a type of an invisible radiation energy, can be detected by two types of detectors namely thermal and photonic or light detectors.


Thermal detectors include instruments such as bolometers, thermocouples and pyroelectric detectors. On the other hand, photon (light) detection by extrinsic and intrinsic semiconductor photoconductors, photodiodes and photoemitters.

3. how can infrared radiation be detected if cannot be seen?​



We can sense some infrared energy as heat. ... Our eyes cannot see these infrared waves but instruments that can sense infrared energy—such as night-vision goggles or infrared cameras–allow us to "see" the infrared waves emitting from warm objects such as humans and animals.


hope it helps


All objects on Earth emit IR radiation in the form of heat. This can be detected by electronic sensors, such as those used in night vision goggles and infrared cameras. ... If a warm body comes into this instrument's field of view, the heat causes a detectable change in the voltage across the thermistor.


Source: What Is Infrared? | Live Science

4. How can infrared radiation be detected if it cannot be seen

Infrared radiation can be detected by FILTER & CONVERTED CAMERA.


Infrared light is invisible to the human eye. The light that our eyes can see is what is called the 'visible spectrum' and infrared (IR) is outside this spectrum. Therefore, infrared photography requires special equipment beyond our standard cameras to enter this 'invisible' world. When we take photos using film or cameras equipped with infrared, we are exposed to a world that often looks very different from what we are used to seeing. Colors, textures, leaves and plants, human skin, and all kinds of other objects can reflect IR light in unique and interesting ways. Maybe for photo coloring we can use an editing application. But for infrared, even photo editing apps have their limitations.


The filter method is one way to detect infrared. Infrared filters allow infrared light to hit the camera sensor, while at the same time preventing visible light from doing so. Most manufacturers offer infrared filters and they can range from screw-on to slide-in filter systems. Regardless of the brand and type of filter you use, note that the infrared filter should be closest to the camera body, to avoid unwanted visible light hitting the camera sensor. Different brands of filters produce different colors because they can handle a certain range of the infrared spectrum. The plus side is that you can experiment with different filters until you find one that suits your liking.


If you are committed to doing infrared photography, a more permanent option is to have a dedicated infrared camera body. When a DSLR camera is changed, the infrared blocking filter (which is in front of the DSLR sensor is removed. This is a more expensive option, but the benefits include using your camera as you would normally do, with normal exposure values.

Learn more about the relationship of temperature and infrared radiation to infrared:


5. 1. Describe the uses of infrared, visible spectrum and ultraviolet rays. 2. How can infrared radiation be detected if cannot be seen? 3. What is meant by visible spectrum?​


1. Describe the uses of infrared, visible spectrum and ultraviolet rays.

Infrared – used by electrical heaters, cookers for cooking food, short-range communications like remote controls, optical fibres, security systems and thermal imaging cameras which detect people in the dark.Visible Spectrum – is the light we can see, so is used in photography and illumination. It is also used in fibre optic communications, where coded pulses of light travel through glass fibres from a source to a receiver.Ultraviolet Rays – used in industrial processes and in medical and dental practices for a variety of purposes, such as killing bacteria, creating fluorescent effects, curing inks and resins, phototherapy and suntanning.

2. How can infrared radiation be detected if cannot be seen?

THERMAL IMAGINGWe can sense some infrared energy as heat. Our eyes cannot see these infrared waves but instruments that can sense infrared energy, such as night-vision goggles or infrared cameras allow us to "see" the infrared waves emitting from warm objects such as humans and animals.

3. What is meant by visible spectrum?

the segment of the electromagnetic spectrum that the human eye can view


pabrainliest po please

6. 2.What is the function of a tower, in cellphone operation? 3. What does a radio transmitter do? 4. How can infrared radiation be defected if cannot be seen? 5. Why are high frequency electromagnetic waver like gamma rays harmful to living things? wavelength​


send and receive signals to and from cell phones.A radio transmitter is an electronic circuit which transforms electric power from a power source, a battery or mains power, into a radio frequency alternating current to apply to the antenna, and the antenna radiates the energy from this current as radio waves.THERMAL IMAGINGTHERMAL IMAGINGOur eyes cannot see these infrared waves but instruments that can sense infrared energy—such as night-vision goggles or infrared cameras–allow us to "see" the infrared waves emitting from warm objects such as humans and animals.Gamma rays, x-rays, and some ultraviolet waves are "ionizing," meaning these waves have such a high energy that they can knock electrons out of atoms. Exposure to these high-energy waves can alter atoms and molecules and cause damage to cells in organic matter.


pa brainliest thank you

7. how can infrared radiation be detected if cannot be seen? Answer:Infrared can be detected through warmth in our skin. ​


pakopya Ng ibang na answers mo na

8. infrared radiation can travel


Infrared waves have longer wavelengths than visible light and can pass through dense regions of gas and dust in space with less scattering and absorption. Thus, infrared energy can also reveal objects in the universe that cannot be seen in visible light using optical telescopes.

9. C. Answer the following questions briefly. 1. Describe the mathematical relationship between frequency and wavelength. 2. What is the function of a tower in cell phone operation? 3. What does a radio transmitter do? 4. How can infrared radiation be detected if cannot be seen? 5. Why are high frequency electromagnetic waves like gamma rays harmful to living things?please I need now​

1. The relationship between frequency and wavelength is directly proportional. The wavelength of the waves with both the highest frequency is just the smallest. Twice a wavelength corresponds to double the frequency. The wavelength proportion is therefore the opposite of the applied frequency. The formula f = c/, where f is frequencies, c is the speed of light, and is the wavelength, is used to describe this.

2. A cell tower's main job is to make certain terminals that collect and broadcast radio transmissions from cell phones and other gadgets at the right altitude. Cell towers are occasionally disguised to mimic branches or telephone poles to address local visual issues.

3. An electronic component known as a radio transmitter converts electricity generation out of a source of electricity, such as a cell or main course power, into a frequency band variable frequency to feed to the antennas. The transceiver then emits the information from such a present as radio waves.

4. Sophisticated monitors or sensors that are responsive to this kind of energy can be used to find infrared radiation. These sensors are capable of detecting the quantity of infrared light and transforming it into an output that can be observed or heard and so understood by a human or equipment.

5. Gamma rays and other electromagnetic frequencies radiation are dangerous to living creatures because of their power levels. This radiation can engage with live cells, resulting in biological harm and abnormalities. Numerous health issues, such as malignancy and other ailments, might result from this.

Learn more:



10. 9. The energy detected in the star formation. a. Infrared radiation c. chemical reactionb. Ultraviolet rayd. interstellar medium​


A and C


na sagutan konayan so i hope it helps


B. Ultraviolet ray


9. The energy detected in the star formation.
 - The fundamental thought of set off star arrangement is this: when an enormous star is framed, it discharges a lot of ultraviolet radiation and launches high velocity gas as a heavenly wind. This infusion of energy warms the gas around the stars and makes it grow. Star development is the interaction by which thick districts inside atomic mists in interstellar space, here and there alluded to as "heavenly nurseries" or "star-framing locales", breakdown and structure stars. As a part of space science, star arrangement incorporates the investigation of the interstellar medium (ISM) and monster sub-atomic mists (GMC) as antecedents to the star development process, and the investigation of protostars and youthful heavenly articles as its nearby items.


11. How can infrared radiation be detected if it cannot be seen

Infrared light interacts with the detector a specific way that only infrared light does.

12. 10. How can infrared be detected if cannot be seen by the naked eye?OVA. When it has colorsC. When it is converted in the form of heatB. When it has shorter wavelengths D. When its energy decreases11 If you stand in front of two adiacent large plane mirrors (60 degrees angle) how many​

10. How can infrared be detected if cannot be seen by the naked eye?

C. When it is converted in the form of heat

11. If you stand in front of two adiacent large plane mirrors (60 degrees angle) how many will you see?

answer: a total of three images

How can infrared be detected if cannot be seen by the naked eye?

A. When it has colors

C. When it is converted in the form of heat

B. When it has shorter wavelengths

D. When its energy decreases

We can detect infrared converted in the form of heat by using infrared camera. The heat temperature depends on the color when seen on the infrared camera, the brighter the red color is, the hotter.

(I learned this from Mark Rober, check out his video for clearer explanation)

13. 9. The energy detected in the star formation.a. Infrared radiation c. Chemical reactionb. Ultraviolet rayd. Interstellar medium​


9. A and C




14. How can infrared radiation can be determine if it cannot be seen?

Infrared, a type of an invisible radiation energy, can be detected by two types of detectors namely thermal and photonic or light detectors.

15. 11. Infrared is invisible to the human eye. How infrared radiation help us see some animals in the dark? A. Animal bodies emit thermal energy that can be detected by infrared hence thermal picture is formed. B. Cold and hot temperature can be scanned by infrared C. A and B are correct D. No correct answer​


11. Infrared is invisible to the human eye. How infrared radiation help us see some animals in the dark?

A. Animal bodies emit thermal energy that can be detected by infrared hence thermal picture is formed.

B. Cold and hot temperature can be scanned by infrared

C. A and B are correct

D. No correct answer


c a and b are correct

my answer is correct

16. Fact or Bluff. The energy detected from different stages of star formation was Infrared Radiation​




I hope makatulong hehe

17. how can infrade radiation be detected if cannot be seen​


can be detected by electronic sensors, such as those used in night-vision goggles and infrared cameras. A simple example of such a sensor is the bolometer, which consists of a telescope with a temperature-sensitive resistor, or thermistor, at its focal point.


希望对你有帮助/ Hope it helps you


infrared radiation can be detected by electronic sensors, such as those used in night-vision goggles and infrared cameras.

A simple example of such a sensor is the bolometer, which consists of a telescope with a temperature-sensitive resistor, or thermistor, at its focal point.


Infrared radiation (IR), or infrared light, is a type of radiant energy that's invisible to human eyes but that we can feel as heat. All objects in the universe emit some level of IR radiation, but two of the most obvious sources are the sun and fire.

hope it's help

18. how can infared radiation be detected if cannot be seen?


can be detected by electronic sensors, such as those used in night-vision goggles and infrared cameras. A simple example of such a sensor is the bolometer, which consists of a telescope with a temperature-sensitive resistor, or thermistor, at its focal point.


It can be detected by electronic sensors, such as those used in night-vision goggles and infrared cameras. A simple example of such a sensor is the bolometer, which consists of a telescope with a temperature-sensitive resistor, or thermistor, at its focal point.


Searched in:Quora Lesbou^_^

19. Answer the following questions briefly. 1. Describe the mathematical relationship between frequency and wavelength 2. What is the function of a tower in cell phone operation? 3 What does a radio transmitter do? 4. How can infrared radiation be detected if cannot be seen? 5. Why are high frequency electromagnetic waves like gamma rays harmful to living things?​


The mathematical relationship between frequency and wavelength is that they are inversely proportional to each other, meaning that as one increases, the other decreases. This is represented by the equation: f = c/λ, where f is frequency, c is the speed of light, and λ is wavelength.

The function of a tower in cell phone operation is to transmit and receive signals from the cell phone to the network and vice versa. The tower acts as a relay point for the signal, allowing the phone to communicate with other devices and the network.

A radio transmitter converts electrical signals into radio waves, which are then transmitted through the air to a receiver. The receiver then converts the radio waves back into electrical signals, allowing the information to be received and interpreted.

Infrared radiation can be detected using specialized sensors or detectors that are sensitive to this type of radiation. These sensors can measure the amount of infrared radiation present and convert it into a visual or audible signal that can be interpreted by a person or machine.

High frequency electromagnetic waves like gamma rays are harmful to living things because they have a high amount of energy. This energy can interact with living tissue, causing damage and mutations at a cellular level. This can lead to various health problems, including cancer and other illnesses.


20. 2. Why is unprotected exposure of eyes to high infrared radiation dangerous?a. Unlike skin, the thermal effect of infrared radiation cannot be detected by the eyes.b. Infrared radiation has a strong glaring effect to the eyes.c. Infrared radiation prevents the eyes from blinking or closing.d. All eye damages and injuries caused by infrared radiation are irreversible.​

A yan po yung tamang sagot

21. how do CCTV detect infrared?​


CCTV are Infrared Cameras. An infrared camera (also known as a thermal imager) detects and measures the infrared energy of objects. The camera converts that infrared data into an electronic image that shows the apparent surface temperature of the object being measured.


Your welcome, hope it helped

22. heat radiation also known as ___ cannot be seen by your eyes but can be felt by your skin​

infrared radiation

that’s the answer po

23. How can infrared radiation be detected if cannot be seen?​


Answer. can be detected by electronic sensors, such as those used in night-vision goggles and infrared cameras. A simple example of such a sensor is the bolometer, which consists of a telescope with a temperature-sensitive resistor, or thermistor, at its focal point.


24. 1. Infrared has a frequency of 8x1010 Hz, while gamma radiation has 1x1019 Hz. What can be inferred from this? Select one: Gamma radiation is more harmful than infrared Infrared is more harmful than gamma radiation Gamma radiation and infrared are both highly harmful Gamma radiation and infrared are both highly safe


Bruhhh ayusin mo po kasi nde namen maintindihan

25. how can infrared radiation be detected if cannot be seen?​


Infrared sensing

All objects on Earth emit IR radiation in the form of heat. This can be detected by electronic sensors, such as those used in night vision goggles and infrared cameras. ... If a warm body comes into this instrument's field of view, the heat causes a detectable change in the voltage across the thermistor.


hope it helps

26. 5. Why can x-ray be used to take images of your bones and teeth, while infraredradiation cannot?​


because x ray is different than infrared radiation


that's why x ray is different than infrared radiation


Because they are different from each other

Infrared radiation (IR), or infrared light, is a type of radiant energy that's invisible to human eyes but that we can feel as heat. ... From highest to lowest frequency, electromagnetic radiation includes gamma-rays, X-rays, ultraviolet radiation, visible light, infrared radiation, microwaves and radio waves.

27. How can infrared radiation be detected if cannot be seen?​


infrared can be detected through warmth in our skin

28. How can infrared radiation be delected if cannot be seen​


It can be detected by electronic sensors, such as those used in night-vision goggles and infrared cameras. A simple example of such a sensor is the bolometer, which consists of a telescope with a temperature-sensitive resistor, or thermistor, at its focal point.

29. how can infrared radiation be detected if cannot be seen

Infrared light interacts with the detector a specific way that only infrared light does

30. Which is NOT true about infrared radiation?A. It is one of the EM waves that can be detected by the human eye.B. An object with a 500 degree Celsius or above can emit both infrared and visible light.C. Infrared radiation is used in TV remote controls.D. Both B and C.​


B. po ata

paki tingin nalang sa explaination ko


Infrared, sometimes called infrared light, is electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths longer than those of visible light. It is therefore invisible to the human eye. IR is generally understood to encompass wavelengths from the nominal red edge of the visible spectrum around 700 nanometers, to 1 millimeter.

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