Striking Features Of Transactional Model Of Communication

Striking Features Of Transactional Model Of Communication

Common feature of linear,transactional,and interactive models of communication?

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1. Common feature of linear,transactional,and interactive models of communication?


Communication is the process of creating, interpreting, and negotiating meaning. Communication can be verbal, nonverbal, or textual. It can be aural, visual, or even physical. Although communication occurs in a variety of different ways, it is always a learned behaviour. While most human beings are born with the physical abilities to speak, to hear, to see, and so on, people must learn to communicate through codes, symbols, and systems of language. In this way, communication is a collective practice in which people use symbols to generate and interpret meaning.

2. What is the striking feature of linear model of communication


The three most well known models for communication are Linear, Interactional, and Transactional. As West & Turner ( 2007) explain, each model sheds light on the development o


3. What are the striking features in linear model of communication?


The linear communication model explains the process of one-way communication, whereby a sender transmits a message and a receiver absorbs it. It's a straightforward communication model that's used across businesses to assist with customer communication-driven activities such as marketing, sales and PR.


Hope it helps(✿^‿^)

Foll+w me if you want

Pa brainliest naman po ng answer

4. Compare the Linear model and Transactional model of Communication​


The Linear Model

There are two communication models that describe most communication. The linear model is one-way, non-interactive communication. ... The transactional model is two-way and interactive. In the transactional model, both parties are both sender and receiver.

5. Discuss the striking differences and characteristics between the models( transmission and transactional models)​


Transmission model is a one-way communication, it has present a simple communication acts, promotes advice and influence rather than mutual understanding, and focuses more on the psychological effects. Transactional model evolves from the very first until the existing moment,largely dependent on its past, has concept of time, its a product of what we learned, and lastly its focused of communication events that have a past, present and future.

6. Research on the different communication models. Look into their proponent/s, diagram, and features. Then, identify each as linear, transactional, or interactive.


Communication can be verbal, nonverbal, or textual. ... The three most well known models for communication are Linear, Interactional, and Transactional. As West & Turner (2007) explain, each model sheds light on the development of communication, but emphasizes different parts of the communication process.


7. what is the striking features of linear, transactional and interaction?​


The linear communication model is a straight line of communication, leading from the sender directly to the receiver. In this model, the sender creates a message, encodes it for the appropriate channel of delivery, and pushes the message out to its intended audience.



8. compare and contrast the 2 models of communication (linear model and transactional model) discuss your diagram and the most striking differences between the two models.


linear model

Focused on how a message was transmitted and whether or not it was received

transaction model

Receiver replies intentionally or unintentionally


Message travels from sender to receiver

9. What is the transactional of striking feature?


The three most well known models for communication are Linear, Interactional, and Transactional. As West & Turner ( 2007) explain, each model sheds light on the development o

plss respect my answer.

did this help?plss give it a rate and also plss make this the brainliest.


10. transactional communication model


The communication is cyclical. If the sender sends a message and the receiver received it, he/she will send a feedback and their communication will continue

11. What is the striking feature of transactional


The transactional is the most dynamic of communication models. One notable feature of this model is the move from referring to people as senders and receivers to referring to people as communicators. This implies that communication is achieved as people both send and receive messages.

12. copy the matrix communication models of disadvantage What is Common Features? Striking Feature? Advantage? Disadvantages?Best Time To Use​


like what p

any idea about on that

The transactional is the most dynamic of communication models. One notable feature of this model is the move from referring to people as senders and receivers to referring to people as communicators. This implies that communication is achieved as people both send and receive messages.


model can not deal with multiple levels of communication and complex communication processes. There can only be two sources communicating, many sources complicates the process and the model can not be implemented. Message sent and received might be

interpreted differently than intended.

Linear Communication

The sender prepares the message.

The message is the information being conveyed.

The message is encoded, or converted, to fit the channel being used.

Various channels (email, radio, television, etc.) deliver the message.

The receiver decodes and reviews the message.

13. characteristics of linear communication model and transaction model


In linear model, communication is considered one way process where sender is the only one who sends message and receiver doesn't give feedback or response. The message signal is encoded and transmitted through channel in presence of noise. The sender is more prominent in linear model of communication.


14. what are the similarities of transmission model of communication and transactional model of communication ?​


their similarities are, first : is the hindrance next is the message,sender and receiver

15. what is the common features oftransactional model?​


The interactive model requires several components to be successful: Two sources: The originator of the message and the recipient of the message are both sources. Both parties are able to send and receive messages or feedback from the other. The message: The information being exchanged


pa-follow narin po akopalike

16. striking features of linear model​


The three most well known models for communication are Linear, Interactional, and Transactional. As West & Turner ( 2007) explain, each model sheds light on the development o

17. Model of CommunicationStrength Transaction Model​


Barnlund's Transactional Model is a multi-layered feedback system. This is a continuous process where sender and receiver interchanges their places and both are equally important. The message passing takes place with a constant feedback being provided from both parties. A feedback for one is the message for the other.

18. D. Enrichment Activity: How well do you know the models?Fill it out with the necessary information indicated in the first column.Communication Models of CommunicationFeatures Linear Transactional InteractiveProponent/sCommonFeaturesStrikingFeatureAdvantagesDisadvantagesBest Time toUsepahelp po .NASA image ag format Oral communication po ​

(excuse the handwriting)


19. Give the five features of the Transaction or transactional model.​


;The transactional model has a number of interdependent processes and components, including the encoding and decoding processes, the communicator, the message, the channel and noise.



-ɪɴʟʏ ғʟʟ ғʀ ʀ ɴ ɴ ғʀɢ ʀ s ʙʀɪɴʟɪs!!

20. Model of CommunicationFeatureProsEx. There is Gocd atno concept of audencefeedback.persuasionConsCommunicationis notcontinuous.1. Linear2. TransactionalBerlo's Model ofCommunicationBarlund's Model ofCommunicationSchramm Model ofCommunication3. Interactive​


Berlo's Model of


Barlund's Model of


Schramm Model of Communication

21. feature of transactional model​


In the transactional model, the sender wishes to convey information to a receiver. The sender encodes the message using a method such as speech or writing, and the receiver decodes the message by listening or reading. Context and noise are two critical barriers to effective communication.

22. transactional model of communication


The transactional is the most dynamic of communication models. One notable feature of this model is the move from referring to people as senders and receivers to referring to people as communicators. This implies that communication is achieved as people both send and receive messages.


Thanks me leyter

23. what is the transactional odels of striking features?​


the three most well known models for communication are linear, interactional,and transactional


24. Linear model communication and Transactional model


The linear model of communication is a one-way interaction where feedback is not present. Linear is the primary communication model; whereas, the transactional model is formed based on the linear model. The sender communicates with the receiver without receiving feedback.

25. the three general type of communication models are the liners communication model communication model and transactional communication model​


The three most well known models for communication are Linear, Interactional, and Transactional. ... This model describes how a sender, or speaker, transmits a message to a receiver, or listener. More specifically, the sender is the source of the message.


Sana makatulong po pa brainlest po ty

26. Create Venn diagram on your Communication Activity Notebook, then compare and contrast the first 2 models of communication discussed in this module and afterwards, discuss your diagram and the most striking characteristics/differences between the two models. Similarities 2 Transmission Model Transactional Model​


on your own opinion yan Gumawa ka sa notebook mo

27. What is a communication model known as the Transactional Model

Transactional Model is the exchange of messages between sender and receiver where each take turns to send or receive messages. The model is used for interpersonal communication and is also called circular model of communication.


28. compare interactive model and transactional model of communication​

The interactive model on the other hand, although similar to the linear model shows that for interaction is an element of communication. ... In the transactional model, communicators can simultaneously be sender and receiver, because a message can be send back and forth between communicators.

29. common features of linear, transactional, interactive model​


>Transactional Model of Communication.

recognizes that we simultaneously send and receive messages; cyclical model of the communication process.

>linear model of communication.







>The interactive or interaction model of communication, describes communication as a process in which participants alternate positions as sender and receiver and generate meaning by sending messages and receiving feedback within physical and psychological contexts (Schramm, 1997).

30. transactional model of communication


Transactional Models. The transactional is the most dynamic of communication models. One notable feature of this model is the move from referring to people as senders and receivers to referring to people as communicators. This implies that communication is achieved as people both send and receive messages.

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