Is This How One Should Write A Reaction Paper Why

Is This How One Should Write A Reaction Paper Why

is this how one should write a reaction paper? why?​

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1. is this how one should write a reaction paper? why?​


yes because the text is all about my reaction paper

2. is this how one should write a reaction paper why


Yes, because it involved evaluating something (the author's articles) and it also consider what you think and feel.


hope it helps:)

3. is this how one should write a reaction paper? why?​


A good example is that you may be asked to give a critique about a certain subject, and this would constitute a reaction paper, or to write a review about a literature book; it also falls into the same group. A reaction paper is mainly based on response towards certain deeds in a story.


sana po makatulong po

4. is this how one should write a reaction paper why​


A reaction paper should contain a reaction and these is not a reaction paper rather it is a questional statement

5. Activity 1. Read the select a Take a look at this text. Is this a GOOD reaction paper? 1. Is this how one should write a reaction paper? Why? 2. What is a GOOD reaction paper?​


1. yes because the Reaction Paper is a one should

2. The Good Reaction Paper is Do not break it

6. • kindly help please 1. It is an in-depth evaluation of the story for the purpose of giving the reading public insight into the story. A. essayB. critiquingC. short storyD. literary devices2. When writing this, you need to reassemble the elements in such a way that your intended audience has a better understanding of the story’s strengths, weaknesses, and highlights.A. factB. opinionC. critiqueD. short story3. Why do we need to write a critique for a literary genre?A. Writing a critique may aid in criticizing other works.B. Writing a critique is a way to make a negative judgment.C. Writing a critique is another form of putting down the work of others.D. Writing a critique helps you to develop an understanding of the work’s purpose.4. Considering the genre in writing a critique is one among the guidelines. In thechoices given below, what do you think will answer the question “What genre is it?”A. storyB. essayC. contextD. publish5. These are the figures of speech used in the story.A. literatureB. literary devicesC. literary criticismD. literary technique is6. What do you call to the author’s purpose in writing something?A. author’s lifeB. author’s factC. author’s ideaD. author’s intention7. What should the author use in conveying meaning on his writing?A. literary criticismB. literary techniqueC. literary elements and meaningD. literary conventions and meaning8. It answers the question, “Does it resolve the plot and bring closure to the crisis of the character?”A. plotB. endingC. climaxD. critiquing9. What is the author trying to accomplish with the story?A. poemB. essayC. author’s lifeD. author’s intention10.Which one is not a factor to consider in critiquing?A. contextB. literary devicesC. literary criticismD. author’s intention11.This must be considered in critiquing a specific selection.A. your reactionB. your own storyC. your friend’s reactionD. your own investigation12.In critiquing a selection you need to note your reaction as you read. Which among the choices is the best way you can note your reactions while reading?A. Using a pen and marker while readingB. Making unnecessary mark on key part of the selectionC. Using a laptop when reading and encode your reactionD. Using another sheet of paper with you or mark your reactions on the margins of the text13.In terms of critiquing a chosen selection, which of the following statements is true?A. Taking notes while reading is not important at all.B. It is very easy to understand a certain literary piece.C. It is not necessary to read the story with concentration and comprehension.D. It is almost impossible to grasp all the elements and details of a story in just one reading, which is why it is important to read multiple times.14.Choose the statement that depicts incorrectness when critiquing a selection.A. Critiquing a short story is noticing how the author poured his own story tothe specific piece.B. Critiquing is an in-depth evaluation of the story for the purpose of giving the reading public insight into the story.C. Critiquing a story is not primarily making a summary; rather, it gives comments and evaluates the specific work.D. Writing a critique requires you to reassemble the elements in such a way that your intended audience has a better understanding of the story.15.Before you start writing, it is important to have a thorough understanding of the work that will be critiqued. Among the statements below, which one will help you best to write a critique?A. knowing your reaction on the selectionB. analyzing the author’s motive and intentionC. developing an understanding of the bane effect of the selectionD. considering how the work relates to a broader issue or context​


1. C















7. 1. Is this how one should write a reaction paper? Why?​


makes your proper question


good luck..

8. 1. Is this how one should write a reaction paper? Why?​


Yes, because it involved evaluating something (the author's articles) and it also consider what you think and feel.


brainliests plss

9. this how one should you write a reaction paper? why?2. what is a good reaction paper ?​


1. no, what was written in the box was unprofessional and belittled the author of what was she was reacting to.

2. a good reaction paper should have critics and use a proper words and share an opinion in a professional way

10. 1. Is this how one should write a reaction paper? Why?2. What is a GOOD reaction paper? patulong naman posana may makasagot nang maayosSalamat​


1. No because this person does not talk about the piece of work he is supposed to react to but just hates on the author in general.

2.The paper should include a short summary of the work, but the main focus is your thoughts, feelings and rationalizations about what's discussed in the original text.

11. ink is this how one should write a reaction paper? Why? 1. 2. What is a GOOD reaction paper?​


1. Yes, because it involved evaluating something (the author's articles) and it also consider what you think and feel.

2. A good reaction/response paper has an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. The introduction should contain all the basic information in one or two paragraphs.


hope it helps:)

12. 1. Is this how one should write a reaction paper? Why? 2. What is a GOOD reaction paper?


Yes, because it's neat and clean


A reaction paper is a written assignment that provides a personal opinion regarding a given piece of work. The paper should include a short summary of the work, but the main focus is your thoughts, feelings and rationalizations about what's discussed in the original text.

13. is this how one should write a reaction paper?why?​


Yes, because it involved evaluating something (the author's articles) and it also consider what you think and feel.

A good reaction/response paper has an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.


Hope it helps to you and have a great day and god bless you always ʕ•ﻌ•ʔ

14. 1.Is this how one should write a reaction paper? Why?2.What is a GOOD reaction paper?​


A reaction paper is a written assignment that provides a personal opinion regarding a given piece of work. The paper should include a short summary of the work, but the main focus is your thoughts, feelings and rationalizations about what's discussed in the original text.

A reaction paper is a great way to explore your thoughts and opinions in response to a piece of work you've read, heard or seen. In this article, we discuss what a reaction is, its importance and how to write one.

Your reaction paper should consist of four main parts:

1. Introduction

2. Body

3. Conclusions

4. List of citations and sources

Related: Guide to Submitting a Writing

15. 1. Is this how one should write a reaction paper? Why? 2. What is a GOOD reaction paper?


1.yes,because it shows the feelings or expression of the reactor

2.It should show your expressions or fwelings about something


1. No, It is not a good example of writing a reaction paper because it is only composed with pure feelings and own opinions that are not backed by proper resources. The text or the paper itself doesn't really include proper criticism.

2. The paper should include a short summary of the work, but the main focus is your thoughts, feelings and rationalizations about what's discussed in the original text. It requires analysis of the given work on your part, followed by a focused, well-thought-out reaction backed by outside sources, where applicable.


I don't really know if my answer satisfied you :>> I hope this helps! :]

16. Is this how one should write a reaction paper? Why?​




because as what I have learned, your views must be based on facts and written in an appropriate language and approach.

17. 1. Is this how one should write a reaction paper? why? 2. What is a GOOD reaction paper?​

alam nyubah sagot nyan miron din ako nyan

18. 1. is this how one should write a reaction paper? Why?​


A reaction paper requires you to formulate analysis and reaction to a given body of material such as readings, lectures, or student presentations. The purpose of a reaction paper assignment is to focus your thinking on a topic after a close examination of the source material.


Sana makatulong

19. WEEK 5- Changes in Matter and Waste Reduction Direction: Choose and write the correct answer on the space provided. 1.Which of these is the possible effect of different vehicles to the environment? a. They burn the environment. b. They improve the environment. c. They produce useful chemicals. d. They produce harmful chemicals. 2. How should we properly dispose our biodegradable waste? a. throw them in the river. b. burn them c. put them in compost pit d. place them in plastic container 3.What is the most common example of chemical change? a. spoiling of foods b. Shredded paper c. water d. Melting of butter 4.When a metal start to rust,why is it hard to to reuse it? a. because rust is dirty. b. because of the reaction of rust. c. because rust will continue to destroy it. d.all of the above. 5.It is a one way of composting which it makes use the worms to sp nomnosting process. a. Vermicompostingb. recoveringc. upcyclingd. downcycling​


1. D

2. C

3. A

4. D (Not kinda sure tho)

5. A

Step-by-step explanation:

Hope it helps

1. A

Hope this help

20. Activity 1. Read the select a Take a look at this text. Is this a GOOD reaction paper? 1. Is this how one should write a reaction paper? Why? 2. What is a GOOD reaction paper?​


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21. is this how one should write a reaction paper? why?​


Yes, in order to get informed about one's opinion.

22. ______ 1. What are the purposes of doing an academic writing? A. To settle, to negotiate and to inform B. To inform, to persuade and to argue a specific point C. To defend, to challenge and to question D. To guess, to hypothesize and to make conclusions _____ 2. Writing academic papers requires deliberate, thorough, and careful thought. Therefore, what should one do to achieve a well-crafted academic essay? A. One must depend on his/her own opinions alone. B. One must conduct research on the topic at hand. C. One must not consult the Internet for unsure sources. D. One must depend highly on the Internet for easy information access. ______ 3. What are the three main parts of an essay? A. The hook, the main idea, and the conclusion.             C. The body and the conclusion. B. The introduction, the body, and the conclusion.          D. None of the above  ______ 4. What is the purpose of the topic sentence? A. To give coherence to the paragraph.            C. To help with the flow of sentences. B. To help the reader understand what the paragraph will be about     D. To convince readers ______ 5. What is 'academic writing'? A. An old-fashioned way of writing. C. How university professors write. B. An accurate and professional assignments D. The writing you find in textbooks ______ 6. Choose three words to describe academic writing: A. Talented, stylish, inspiring C. Decisive, divisive, derisive B. Precise, clear, objective D. Subjective, obscure, vague ______ 7. What is the sequence of an essay? A. Body Paragraph, Introduction, Conclusion, Body Paragraph B. Introduction, Body Paragraph, Body Paragraph, Conclusion C. Introduction, Body Paragraph, Conclusion, Body Paragraph D. Conclusion, Introduction, Body Paragraph, Body Paragraph ______ 8. Which of the following is NOT true about the reaction paper? A. It may include the main purpose of the event. B. It purely expresses one’s opinions on certain issues and concerns. C. It conveys incisive insights into its analysis of events. D. It is mainly written to communicate a fair assessment. ______ 9. Which of the following can be a form of a reaction paper? A. news report B. book review C. incident report D. romantic poem  ______ 10. Why should we cite specific source? A. It makes the paper more substantial. C. It is an additional creative part of the paper. B. It makes the reaction paper reliable. D. It can attract many readers to read your paper. ______11. Which critical approach focuses on "objectively" evaluating the text, identifying its underlying form.  It may study, for example, a text's use of imagery, metaphor, or symbolism? A. Historicism B. Formalism C. Media Criticism D. Reader-response  ______ 12. What academic writing that tells what the project is all about, the reasons of conducting the  project as well the process of carrying it out? A. Research Paper B. Concept Paper C. Critique Paper D. Position Paper ______ 13. Why is a concept paper necessary? A. It documents the steps clearly C. It explains ideas clearly. B. It gives opportunity for fund sources D. It brings societal change. ______14. Why do you need to include the distinguishing feature in formal sentence definition? A. To recognize it from the other terms. C. To be different in some terms. B. To present the unique qualities of a term. D. To be specific in meaning.  ______ 15. Which of the following i8s a purpose of writing a concept paper? A. To show one’s skill in conceptualizing ideas C. To get possible source of income B. To present a feasible project worth future funding D. To communicate one’s intention ​


















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