What Your Parents Did Before

What Your Parents Did Before

what your parents did before

Daftar Isi

1. what your parents did before


What do you mean?-

My parents made me who I am today, and I'm happy I was born.

my parents did before was they were dating each other then they fall in love then got married.

My parents used to love each other.

2. what your parents did before?​


They are good and not separated, but now it all changed. My mother has another man but my dad is still no other relationship.

3. what your parents did before​


yeah because of utang mongoes tag singko ang takos




thank you for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .

4. Acne has started to appear on your face and body before classes will start? What did your parents/relative recommend?​




Ice can be used for immediate first aid. It reduces the swell making the acne look smaller.

5. Let's Explore This Suggested Time Allotment: 10 minutes 1. Think of theme word/s about the help of parents or family members in your career decision. 2. Draw a hashtag sign (#) before the theme word/s. 3. Be artistic in illustrating your hashtag by using crayons and/or any available art materials DepED 5 Example: # HopingTogether 4. Show it to your parent/guardian or family members after completion. Also, thank them for always assisting you in your academics and providing information to help you plan your future. Processing Questions: Direction: Write your answers on a clean sheet of paper. 1. How do you feel about your activity output? 2. What did your parents/guardians or family member say about your hashtag? 3. Aside from the activity, how will you show your appreciation to your parents/guardians or family members?​




1.I felt that my parents really loved me so so much.They are always there and supporting me for every decision I make.

2. They are proud and happy. And they said that we will keep supporting us for every decision.We will help you to achieve your goals.

3.By always doing my best just to graduate and get high grades.By showing them that they are special to mr



6. 1. what is the importance of doing warm-up activities before you produce on the activity proper? 2. On your Activity 2 what dance genre have you choose? why? 3. How did you convince your parents relatives and even some of non-relatives to join on your activity?​


1.make sure you have a right strength and right food

2. i dont know what is your activity 2 but i will answer it :)...

- i choose hip-hop because It's fun, funky and fast paced. hiphop will boost your strength and stamina.

3.HOW?,Convince them by saying 'dance is cool and healthy' and dance is a proper diet too,to improve your healthness..


7. or tell something about your family. Answer the givencoherent sentences with conjunctions.1. What two characteristics of your parents are you most proud of?2. Where do your parents work? What do they do for a living?3. Do you have siblings? Describe them.4. As a son / daughter, how do you help your parents at home?5. Who usually helps you with your school works? Why?5. What are the things that you and your family enjoy doing?7. Which between the two would you choose as a family: stay indomovies, or do outdoor activities?B. Before the pandemic, where did you go for a vacation and why dthat place?9. Given the chance to travel, what two places would you like tofamily?10. At this point, what would you like to tell your parents and siblin​


1. Kind and humble

2.they work in the farm. they sell Bugnay wine

3. yes, they are smart and obedient

4. I help them in the kitchen like cooking and washing dishes

5. nothing, cause i can handle it

5. we enjoy praising God cause He is oir great provider

7. a- do outdoor activities

b- Laoag city, because I miss my causins

9. Ilocos Norte and Manila

10. I just want to tell them that I love them so much.

8. What your parents did before? 12345How you do things now?12345​


What your parents did before?

1. Play outside.

2.  Doing chores

3. Eating healthy food

4. Praying

5. Studying

How you do things now?

1. Praying.

2.  Doing chores

3. Eating healthy food

4. Studying

5​. Exercise

9. what your parents did before?​

nag aaral lang po


not sure


They work hard for us.

Even until now

10. INTERVIEW AN ELDERLY As your Parents/Grandparents/Guardians or anyone that is elderly about the kind of media sources they have before. Compare and contrast it to the information sources we have right now. Use the questions below as your guide for the interview. (You can add some more questions if you want to.) Write your answer on the space below. 1. What are the means of communication you had before? 2. How did you utilize those sources of information? 3. How did those sources of information help you in your daily life? 4. Compare to the media you have before, what are the changes you noticed in terms of spreading information in today's time? 5. Do you prefer the media we have right now, or you want the older media that you have before? Why or why not?​


right there tomorrow afternoon and I have to do humans need to be there for you

11. II. Analyze the sentences. Determine the kinds if it is DECLARATIVE, INTERROGATIVE, IMPERATIVE, or EXCLAMATORY. Write your answer before the number. 1. Imagine helping your parents, what a great feeling! 2. Many people are quarantined at the isolation center.3. Did the children like to play all day! 4. Do you know when is the school semestral break this year? 6. What a frightening earthquake that is! 7. Please help your parents at home.8. Frontlines are living day heroes. 9. Have you a seen a doctor who is not willing to help? 10. A family that prays together stays forever.I HOPE YOU WILL GIVE ME THE CORRECT ANSWER?​





12. Be a Newscaster! Directions: Interview a family member or a neighbor who experienced or witnessed a natural disaster such as volcanic eruption, heavy flood or landslide. Then write a two-paragraph report of the disaster based on the interview. See to it that you use noun and adverb modifiers for vivid descriptions of the disaster in your report. Use also the past tense to describe events or actions that took place. Let your parent, your guardian or family member(s) listen to your report. Observe proper posture and actions when reporting. You can use the guide questions below for your interview: 1. Where were you on that day? 2. What time of the day was it? 3. What were you doing before the disaster?4. Did you notice any signs that a disaster would happen? 5. What did you do during the disaster?​


1 I'm busy to module

2DATE:octeber 3 2021


4slipped to the road

5 I'm panic

13. Based on the problem story given before our lesson, what good attitude did Joey show? How about you, how could you help your parents in your own simple way?​


How Children Learn

Children differ from adult learners in many ways, but there are also surprising commonalities across learners of all ages. In this chapter we provide some insights into children as learners. A study of young children fulfills two purposes: it illustrates the strengths and weaknesses of the learners who populate the nation’s schools, and it offers a window into the development of learning that cannot be seen if one considers only well-established learning patterns and expertise. In studying the development of children, an observer gets a dynamic picture of learning unfolding over time. A fresh understanding of infant cognition and of how young children from 2 to 5 years old build on that early start also sheds new light on how to ease their transition into formal school settings.


sorry po but i really need a points

Step-by-step explanation:

hope you understand po

14. Questions to answer:• What words describe Nick Vujicic ?• What quality best describes Nick's personality?• What legacy do Nick Vujicic leave behind?• Did his parents accept him when they saw him at first?• How did Nick Vujicic lose his arms and legs?• Have you been mistakenly judged before because of your physicalappearance?​


Nick is a very happy and life loving person. He does not have a negative attitude towards having no limbs, he doesn't let his condition stop him from doing anything. He is a positive person and tries to have a go at anything he can.

15. Read and study the article lifted from the school paper. Fill out the chart with the needed information Attitude Matters George Harrison B. Kline Editor-in-Chief As our society gets better, kids get worst. Before 90's kids always respect and obey their parents. Now, when parents ask you to do something, you will just act like you did not hear them because you are busy on your mobile phones. Kids in this generation are always busy on their mobile phones.Some of them even stay up all night that affects the way they think. This is the probable reason why they disobey their parents. They tend to neglect what their parents are saying because they are focused on their gadgets. Another reason why kids disrespect is that they want more time to play than to study. Sometimes when their parents force them to study, they got mad. They even say bad words to their parents because they do not want to be disturbed. Parents and kids should respect each other. But kids need to obey or their parents because their parents are their best friends for a lifetime. Parents somehow need to discipline their kids so they will learn how to respect them Kids, obey your parents Organize the details using the chart below. Title of the text __________________Who What When Where Why How​


akoy isang butiki na sa iyong kisami

16. Be a Newscaster!Directions: Interview a family member or a neighbor who experienced orwitnessed a natural disaster such as volcanic eruption, heavy flood orlandslide. Then write a two-paragraph report of the disaster based onthe interview. See to it that you use noun and adverb modifiers for vividdescriptions of the disaster in your report. Use also the past tense todescribe events or actions that took place. Let your parent, yourguardian or family member(s) listen to your report. Observe properposture and actions when reporting.You can use the guide questions below for your interview:1. Where were you on that day?2. What time of the day was it?3. What were you doing before the disaster?4. Did you notice any signs that a disaster would happen?5. What did you do during the disaster?​


Perla, our new neighbor was in their kitchen on the evening of the 4th day of Novembe 2018 to prepare their supper when she heard the strong thunder lightings branging outside along with the heavy rains. With just a glimpse of her eyes outside the window, she saw mountains of huge rocks falling from the distant hills.After what she saw, she hurriedly alarmed her parents and siblings. Together they run as fast as they could without even thinking of their things inside the house. As they were several meters away from their house, a big slashing rock from the mountain top exactly hit their home.

After what had happened, and inspite of the fact that they have lost everything, they were still very thankful to God for not letting anything happen to anyone of them. They felt very sorry to those who hidiously lost not just their homes but even their loved ones in that disaster. From that day on, they regularly volunteer to mass works to at least pay back the favour to those strangers who wholeheartedly helped them.

17. Talk to your parents or older adults (such as neighbors, friends, or other relatives) about whether they have faced a situation where they did not have enough money to pay for something. If so, what were their options? Ask for real life examples of how they have gotten money before to pay for something that they could not afford immediately. Try to speak at least four different people.​




Thank u for the points :3

have a great loving day :>

18. Questions to answer:• What words describe Nick Vujicic ?• What quality best describes Nick's personality?• What legacy do Nick Vujicic leave behind?Did his parents accept him when they saw him at first?• How did Nick Vujicic lose his arms and legs?• Have you been mistakenly judged before because of your physicalappearance?​


1 Born without arms or legs, Nick Vujicic is a painter, swimmer, skydiver, and motivational speaker. Nick Vujicic is 33 years old. He was born with an extremely rare congenital disorder known as Phocomelia, which is characterised by the absence of legs and arms


2 Perseverance is one of the qualities of Nick because he does everyday things even though he has no arms or legs. When Nick Vujicic was a kid he wasn't always depressed about having no limbs. He didn't spend his days moping around making people feel bad for him. He doesn't let having no limbs get in the way of his life

3 Amazingly, Nick Vujicic was born with no arms or legs; being an evangelist, philanthropist, motivational speaker and author of the bestsellers “Life Without Limits” and “Unstoppable” are just some of his accomplishments, aside from founding the organization “Life Without Limbs.” He has done all this without limbs – ...

19. Directions: Suppose that in one of your performance tasks in English, you are asked to writeor tell something about your family. Answer the given questions using clear andcoherent sentences with conjunctions.Questions:1. What two characteristics of your parents are you most proud of?2. Where do your parents work? What do they do for a living?3. Do you have siblings? Describe them.4. As a son / daughter, how do you help your parents at home?5. Who usually helps you with your school works? Why?6. What are the things that you and your family enjoy doing?7. Which between the two would you choose as a family: stay indoors and watchmovies, or do outdoor activities?8. Before the pandemic, where did you go for a vacation and why did you choosethat place?9. Given the chance to travel, what two places would you like to visit with yourfamily?10. At this point, what would you like to tell your parents and siblings?​


1.being kind and very supportive

2.as for now , my parents are just a farmer

3.I have two siblings , they support me for my happiness as the elder one I am so blessed to have them

4. i can handle household chores ,nothing to do to help my parents just feel your presence when they needed you.

6.bond together,spend time together

7.do outdoor activities

9.I want to travel all around the world with my family in the future

10.Thank you for caring ,loving and supporting me.I promise to do anything just to make you all proud of me.I am very sorry if I am sarcastic sometimes.Don't forget that iloveyou always .

20. State a situation in your life as a student in which you brought happiness or avoided disappointing your parents by considering all possible outcomes of your decision. Give the factors which you considered before you finalized your decision. What important lesson did you learn from this experience?​




Inspiration comes in many constructions. In any case, the foundation of all inspiration is the likelihood that our lives are critical. Inspiration is understanding that what I do matters significantly to the universe. Exactly when you have the tendency that your exercises are critical, you will become stacked up with strength and energy to fulfill your life's inspiration. Inspiration to me is the place where a singular gives me enough aims to do or feel something imaginative or profitable to others or myself. Each person in my life is crucial concerning why I'm the singular I am today. They all have different characteristics of inspiration that they have given me.

A loving, solid family can fill in as a conventional sort of inspiration. Life is consistently stacked with tedious endeavors, but it is much more clear to bear those tasks when you understand it will make your friends and family ecstatic or pleasing. Appreciation, appreciation, and backing can fill in as fuel to keep a singular's flares consuming when the going is problematic.

Who is your inspiration in life? Why? - Brainly.ph



21. what your parents did before and how do things now​


Tru-sted Th-eir Ch-ildren.

22. Activity B: “Time for Memories" Directions: Think of a successful married couple, you know. This couple might be your parents, or guardians, grandparents, an aunt, and uncle, or neighbor. Have an interview about their married life using the following questions: 1. How long have you been in a relationship before marriage? 2. What is/are your memorable experience/s with your partner that makes your relationship stronger? 3. What is/are the challenge/s had you experienced with your partner? How did you deal with it?pahelp po​

Information obtained from my parents:

1. How long have you been in a relationship before marriage?

- We've been 1 year in a relationship before marriage.

2. What is/are your memorable experience/s with your partner that make your relationship stronger?

- Just listening to one another and trying to understand how each other is feeling is a memorable experience that makes our relationship stronger. It doesn’t mean changing your own ideas or even necessarily admitting you’re wrong, but it just means that you show your partner that you care about how they’re feeling and that you’re willing to make the effort to meet in the middle if necessary.

3. What is/are the challenge/s had you experienced with your partner? How did you deal with it?

- Hmm.. Infidelity. That includes cheating and having emotional affairs. Infidelity happens when the connection in our relationship is not strong and can cause a breakdown of trust. We have proven that maintaining a strong emotional bond, sexual intimacy, respecting boundaries are the three key ways to combat infidelity in our relationship.

23. Directions: Compare your parents' generation to your generation. Cite at least one example in each aspect. What Your Parents Did Before How You Do Things Now 1.Life style 2. Studying 3. Music 4. Fashion 5. Courtship​

good luck with your new

if you have to speech

24. M. ACTIVITY 1..Determine what type of sentence is each of the following. On a space provided beforeeach number, write "D" if it is a declarative sentence, E* if exclamatory sentence, "m" ifimperative and, "In" ifit is interrogative.1. Your eye is the lamp of your body.2. When did you last hug your parents?3. Admit your fault4. Since you are what you eat, then your food can describe your health.5. Life is more than food, and the body is more than clothing​


1. D

2. IN

3. M

4. M

5. D

Step-by-step explanation:

Declarative - expresses a direct statement.

Exclamatory - expresses strong emotions "!"

Imperative - used to issue a command, or instruction, make a request, or offer advice

Interogative - asking question

Hope it could help <33

25. Contexts A Using the Past and Past Perfect Tenses Correctly in Varied Answer the following questions. Use the correct tense of What did you do this morning before you went to the verbs. 1. school? 2. What did you do last night? 3. What did your parents do yesterday after you had lunch together? 4. How did you celebrate your birthday last year? 5. What significant thing did you do to help conserve the environment before you celebrated Christmas last year? ​


dih ko talaga Alam sorry



26. Determine what type of sentence is each of the following. On a space providedbefore each number, write “D” if it is a declarative sentence, “E” if exclamatorysentence, "Im" if imperative and, "In" if it is interrogative.1111. Your eye is the lamp of your body.2. When did you last hug your parents?3. Admit your fault.4. Since you are what you eat, then your food can describe your health.5. Life is more than food, and the body is more than clothing.​


1. D

2. In

3. Im

4. D

5. D

Step-by-step explanation:

That's my answer.

27. Talk to your parents or older adults (such as neighbors, friends, or other relatives) about whether they have faced a situation where they did not have enough money to pay for something. If so, what were their options? Ask for real life examples of how they have gotten money before to pay for something that they could not afford immediately. Try to speak at least four different people.


they gotta work or borrow money from a maaasahang kaibigan?? or relatives?? anything they just need to be madiskarte

28. 7. The doctor said to her Youare not sick8. The guard said to me. -Wearyour uniform9. Pedro said to me. I saw yourPuppy outside10. The little boy said. "I will be apoliceman."Supplemental Activity:What Do They Say?question in direct andtoday.DSRS2. What did you tell your friends about your favorite K-Pop artist?DSRS:3. What did your teacher ask you to prepare before the opening of classes?DS:RS:1. What did your barangay captain report regarding the update on Covid-19 cases in yourbarangay?DS:RS5. What does the authorities always remind us, for us to be protected against Covid-192DSRS1 What is your parents vicw about the pursuant of the opening of classes this October 57​


7. The doctor said shes not sick

8. The guard said wear a uniform

9. Pedro said that he saw my pet outside

10. The little boy said he will become a policeman

yan lng po alam ko

sana makatulong

29. 1)what did you do this morning before you went to school?2)what did you do last night?3)what did you parents do yesterday after you have lunch together?4)how did you celebrate your birthday last year?5)what significant thing did you do to help conserve the environment before you celebrate christmas last year?​


1. eat breakfast, brushing teeth, take a bath

2. studying,

3. me and my family are talking about our future.

4. it's fun, cause my whole family is there

5. ??

1.take a bath

2.watching movie

3. my mom and dad go to my Lolo's and Lola's house

4. me and my family celebrated my birthday on my Lolo's hous

30. before buying any medicine whenever health problems occur in her family. On the other hand, Giro also promised her parents that he will always listen and obey his parents. 1. What happened to Giro? 2. Where do you think did Giro get his virus? 3. What did Mrs. Molina do to cure her son's sickness? 4. Did her solution cure her son's sickness? 5. If you were Mrs. Molina, would you also go with her decision? Why? 6. What lesson did Mrs. Molina learn from her experience? 7. If you were Giro, would you also escape just to have a little fun risking your health at this time of pandemic? Why?pa answer :'(ಥ_ಥ​


1 He's sick

2 From playing volleyball outside.

3 She's wasn't panic at all, she called a quack doctor.

4 No it didn't.

5 No I won't and will not, quack doctors are not as efficient and good as the real doctors.

6 To take someone illness seriously and to consult to a doctor.

7 No I won't, in this time of pandemic our health is at risk and staying at home is a must.

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