Make A Personal Commitment To Sustainability And Environmentalism

Make A Personal Commitment To Sustainability And Environmentalism

make a personal commitment to sustainability and environmentalism in your community,then make a short description​

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1. make a personal commitment to sustainability and environmentalism in your community,then make a short description​


[tex] {\mathtt{{COMMITMENT}}}[/tex]

I promise this time, i will help our community to be environmentalism to have a clean and fresh air, that gives people a LIFE, when their is a program cleaning my community i will volunteer to help.

[tex] \green{\mathtt{{DESCRIPTION}}}[/tex]

It is to clean my community to maintain the health of people.



2. write a personal commitment to sustainability and environmentalism​

i want to stop the polution and put more sign to do not litter and keep people safe by puting lots of sign to keep inside your house and wear a face mask i hope the enviroment does this

3. How will you sustain your commitment to your personal contract?


by enjoying the activities and have someone by your side to support you and also join you

4. Make a personal commitment km upholding society's rules and law ​


brainlest oi ko plssssssssss

5. Sustaining/discipline/commitment


and then what ,tungkol saan ang task

6. Make a Scenario about Ensure Environmental Sustainability.

Always plant trees so that we could give back what we take from the environment

7. how will you sustain your commitment to your personal contract??​


by enjoying the activities and have someone by your side to support you and also join you

8. List two ways in which you could apply each principles of sustainability in making your lifestyle more environmentally sustainable.


Principles of Sustainable Living

1.Effective land use and wildlife protection. ...

2.Sustainable water usage. ...

3.Supporting local and organic foods. ...

4.The use of sustainable materials. ...

5. The use of sustainable transport. ...

6.Zero waste and zero carbon. ...

7.Creating own healthy environment. ...

8. Realize local cultural values.


Principles of Sustainable LivingEffective land use and wildlife protection. ... Sustainable water usage. ... Supporting local and organic foods. ... The use of sustainable materials. ... The use of sustainable transport. ... Zero waste and zero carbon. ... Creating own healthy environment. ... Realize local cultural values.


9. To ensure environmental sustainability ​

The natural resources base and ecosystems must be managed sustainably to meet people's food requirements and other environmental, social and economic needs. Climate change, increased water scarcity and conflicts over access to resources all pose challenges to environmental sustainability and food security.

More Info•

What is the effect of ensuring environmental sustainability?

Without taking decisive actions towards achieving environmental sustainability in the present, the health and wellbeing of future generations will be dramatically compromised. Food supply will become unreliable as intensive farming affects the fertility of the land and the capacity of the water supply.

How can we help ensure environmental sustainability?

How to live a more sustainabile lifestyle

Save energy. By using less energy, you can help to reduce carbon emissions.Eat less meat.Eat less meat.Use reusable alternatives.Eat less meat.Use reusable alternatives.Go paperless.Eat less meat.Use reusable alternatives.Go paperless.Use renewable energy.Eat less meat.Use reusable alternatives.Go paperless.Use renewable energy.Recycle and reuseEat less meat.Use reusable alternatives.Go paperless.Use renewable energy.Recycle and reuseGrow your own produce.Eat less meat.Use reusable alternatives.Go paperless.Use renewable energy.Recycle and reuseGrow your own produce.Donate unused items.

What are some examples of environmental sustainability?

Environmental Sustainability Examples

Renewable energy, such as solar, wind, hydroelectric, and biomass.Renewable energy, such as solar, wind, hydroelectric, and biomass.Recycling of metals, such as iron and steel, and minerals.Renewable energy, such as solar, wind, hydroelectric, and biomass.Recycling of metals, such as iron and steel, and minerals.Crop rotation.Renewable energy, such as solar, wind, hydroelectric, and biomass.Recycling of metals, such as iron and steel, and minerals.Crop rotation.Cover crops.Renewable energy, such as solar, wind, hydroelectric, and biomass.Recycling of metals, such as iron and steel, and minerals.Crop rotation.Cover crops.Selective logging.

✨Hope it helps✨


okay tayong lahat


Pero mas okay ako

10. Sustaining/discipline/commitment

Ano po gagawin diyan?


11. Make your own scenario about the person committed poison​


Yoonbum is cooking food while waiting for his husband. His husband is abusive and named Sangwoo. Yoonbum could not take it anymore so he hurried to the pantry and take rat poison and putted in the dish that he is cooking. After minutes, his husband Sangwoo has finally arrived. They went to the dining room together and Yoonbum keep telling Sangwoo to eat first but Sangwoo said "Why don't you try it first? It is your cooking sooo" He grinned. Yoonbum knew what this is going, he look at Sangwoo who is telling him to eat already. A few seconds later, Yoonbum ate the dish he cooked, collapsed and died. On the other hand, Sangwoo smirked.


Imagine lang hA. This is just my imaginations.

12. What are the principles of environmental sustainability?


The principles of sustainability are the foundations of what this concept represents. Therefore, sustainability is made up of three pillars: the economy, society, and the environment. These principles are also informally used as profit, people and planet.

13. The Myth of Environmental Sustainability


The principles of sustainability are the foundations of what this concept represents. Therefore, sustainability is made up of tree pillars :the economy, society, and the environment. These principles are also informally used as profit, people and planet.


Hope it helps

14. Do you think that coronavirus disease covid 19 pandemic increase the importance of environmental sustainability, environmental protection and sustainable development

magnitude has rocked the mankind. As per the reports and research the sight of origin of the outbreak of this pneumonia-like disease has been identified as Wuhan, Hubei province of China (Wang et al. 2020). The respiratory illness was found to be associated with a novel coronavirus (COVID-19) which was later specifically named as “acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2” (SARS-CoV-2) by World Health Organization (WHO) (Lu et al. 2020). Millions of people around the globe have been infected, and several thousands have already perished. Apart from direct infections, almost every human on earth is going to be affected by this pandemic in one way or the other.

Also, there are some key lessons to be learned from COVID-19. These are related to our survival, preparedness, and responsibility towards nature which will lead to the control of future pandemics. Various types of shutdowns are proving to be effective not only in breaking the chain of infections but also healing of environment and ecosystems. Air and water pollution levels have come down in several regions of the globe and nature has started to reassert itself. Important is what we as mankind learn from this. Will we reduce the greenhouse gas emissions drastically, will the unnecessary travel be curtailed, will we reduce the dumping of pollutants in ecosystems to let the nature breathe, will we adopt sustainable agriculture practices, and stop disturbing the wild habitats. Most importantly, will all the stake holders including governments, organizations and individuals, unite together to fight the environmental pandemic which is going on since decades and resulting in loss of life and biodiversity. Sooner or later, the deadly coronavirus, and the most explosive pandemic in a century, will be tackled by vaccines or other methods, by the united efforts across the borders of countries and continents. But this is not the first novel pathogen to hit us and also not going to be the last one. A fresh perspective is required to address some key issues that we learnt from this pandemic. Mankind has to intercept the route causes of these pandemics in unison. The way to tackle such pandemics in advance is to go all out to achive the targets of environmental sustainability.

15. Commitment environmental health​


Maintaining safe and healthy working conditions; · Providing and ensuring the proper use of all necessary protective equipment to ensure the safety


Employees are expected to be committed to protecting the health and safety of all University students, faculty, staff, volunteers, patients, and visitors. To accomplish this, the University provides information and training to employees about health and safety hazards and safeguards. Employees are expected to exercise good health and safety practices and to comply with all health and safety laws and regulations.

16. What makes an environmentally sustainable society?

One of the factors that makes an environmentally sustainable society is through competitive strategies of community and good quality of environmental management.

17. make a personal commitment to overcome your limitations.​


"Success requires extreme choices regardless of whether the result can't be envisioned right then and there. "

People can rush to put impediments on somebody's contemplations, thoughts, capacities or potential. These confinements aren't constantly identified with a person's capacity, yet rather by the impediments conveyed and put on them by others. These sorts of misinformed impediments can cause people don't accomplish their potential or miss open doors for themselves, others and society.

Amid my rudimentary days, my instructor guided me to leave secondary school in the wake of coming up short six of seven classes. Preceding this course, the organization didn't offer me any help to determine my learning challenges. All things considered, amid my youth and scholarly emergency, I chose to stay in school during an era that it would have been anything but difficult to take off.

18. Discuss the importance of environmental sustainability .​

Polluted land, air, and water will severely affect our quality of life and the ability of local communities and the larger society to thrive. In short, environmental sustainability is fundamental to the survival of our planet and ourselves.

I need Brainliest:)

The quality of our environment is a great impact to our health!


Environmental sustainability improves the quality of our lives, protects our ecosystem and preserves natural resources for future generations.


We should live a more sustainable lifestyle! let's start to come up ideas about becoming more sustainable to protect the Earth for future generations.

19. Make a personal commitment to overcome one of your personal limitations . ​

Answer:You do not love (or sometimes even like) everyone you are supposed to serve. ...

You will not be able to save everyone. ...

There is never enough time. ...

There will always be things about your work and the people you work with that cause a strong emotional reaction.


20. Describe environmental sustainability​


Environmental sustainability is the responsibility to conserve natural resources and protect global ecosystems to support health and wellbeing, now and in the future.



Environmental sustainability is the rates of renewable resource harvest, pollution creation, and non-renewable resource depletion that can be continued indefinitely. If they cannot be continued indefinitely then they are not sustainable.

21. Ang likas kayang pag-unlad ay kilala rin sa tawag naA. Environmental Sustainment3. Sustainable DevelopmentC. Sustainable Environment. Environmental Development​


A. Environmental sustaninment

Sana makatolug

22. Sustaining/discipline/commitment



23. what can you do to help make tje environmental sustainable​


First and foremost, self-disciplind. What can you do to help if you are not helping yourself? What I mean is that, you should train yourself first, because either we deny it or not, all of us are involved in this. So the first help that you can give is your self-discipline.

24. how can you man persons be responsible in upholding environmentalism and sustainability​


This is a moral approach that analyzes the relationship between humans and the environment. It also discusses environmental problems caused by human activities and social issues that impact the environment. It serves as a basis for reflecting on how our actions show our regard for nature. It also guides us in upholding the welfare of the environment and everything in it. As persons, it is our responsibility to start with our own actions and how they affect our immediate surroundings

pa brainliest po need lang

25. what is the importance of environmental sustainability? ​

just click the picture I wish I help you...

26. What is the environmental or sustainability revolution?


mismong sa pic po. hope it helps:>










27. make a persuasive text about advocating environmental sustainability (3-5paragraphs)​


Persuasive Environmental Speech Topics 1.The danger of ocean oil spills. 2.Recycling should be mandatory. 3.Why oil needs to be conserved. Why we should use reusable bags. Why palm oil should be banned.


28. what is environmental sustainability?​


Sustainability is the capacity to endure in a relatively ongoing way across various domains of life. In the 21st century, it refers generally to the capacity for Earth's biosphere and human civilization to co-exist.


pabrainliest po sana.

29. What is the importance of environmental sustainability

Sustainability supports that mission by striving to improve the environmental health and quality of life for our campus and community. Sustainability is important for many reasons including: Environmental Quality – In order to have healthy communities, we need clean air, natural resources, and a nontoxic environment.


Although many members of society have widely known the danger that can be done to our atmosphere and the environment of the plants and animals with whom we occupy our world, this has only lately been recognized worldwide. Since the air we breathe, as well as our rivers and oceans, we everyone must look after them for one another. Taking care of the environment is critical to ensuring that we, as well as coming generations, will both turn sustainable and live healthier lives on a healthy planet. In the face of the rising human population and rampant environmental degradation, protecting the environment is the most important strategy. The core factor of modern life is that, while today's people enjoy the benefits of economic growth, future generations will be faced with limited natural resources and a toxic climate, and it is our utmost important mission to leave this earth as a self-sustaining system that provides equitable survival opportunities not just to our sustainable development but to all coming generations.

30. What can you do to make your society more environmentally sustainable?​


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