It Determines Your Firm s Profit And Survival

It Determines Your Firm s Profit And Survival

It determines your firm's profit and survival

Daftar Isi

1. It determines your firm's profit and survival

Pricing Objectives: Determines Firm's Profit and Survival

Pricing objectives determine the firm's profit and survival along with the firm's sales, market share, and image. Pricing objectives are important to guide the business goals and purposes.

The firm must develop a pricing strategy that should cover the cost of production, pay expenses, and provide the profit incentive necessary for business continuous operation.

Examples of Pricing objectivesMaximizing of ProfitsIncreasing of Sales VolumeMatching Competitor's PriceDeterring Competitor'sFirm Survival

Pricing objectives are the sellers’ objectives in making pricing decisions in order to achieve a specific goal or purpose that the firm's set to achieve or accomplish.

To read more about pricing objectives:


2. 4. It determines your firm's profit and survival.​




i hope it helps po:)

3. it determines your firm's and survival​

The answer is Pricing Objectives

According to Law Practice Today, law firm profitability is calculated this way: A law practice with 20 attorneys and $10 million in revenues, where one firm has ten equity partners, while the other firm has limited their partner rank to only the five leading partners with the other five considered non-equity partners ( ...



Law Firm


A law firm is a business entity formed by one or more lawyers to engage in the practice of law. The primary service rendered by a law firm is to advise clients (individuals or corporations) about their legal rights and responsibilities, and to represent clients in civil or criminal cases, business transactions, and other matters in which legal advice and other assistance are sought.

5. A company can measure its profitability by determining the rate of return on invested capital. to do this, the firm would divide _____ by total invested capital.


Terms in this set (29)


Jason is a member of the company's product development team. He is involved with a(n)______ activity.


Which type of activities must be in place in order for primary activities to occur in the value chain?


A company's ______ is defined as the actions that managers take to attain the goals of the company.

Net profits

A company can measure its profitability by determining the rate of return on invested capital. To do this, the firm would divide _____ by total invested capital.

Net Profits

Which component of a business must increase in order for a company to experience a profit growth?

6. why management of operations is very crucial to the survival of firms? ​

the particle nature of matter search for the properties of matter

1. hand ness

2. mass

3. shapes

4. size

5. texture

6. malleability

7. ductility

8. electrical conductivity

9. volume

10. color

11. flexibility

from solid liquid gas

7. 1. Which of the following statements is true?a. The higher the profit of a firm, the higher the value of the firm is assured ofreceiving in the market.b. Social responsibility and profit maximization are synonymous.c. Maximizing the earnings of the firm is the primary goal of financialmanagementd. There are some serious problems with the financial goal of maximizing theearnings of the firm​


d po answer


pa rate po ako pa ❤️ na din

8. mila was given 9375 pesos representing 1/2 share of profit at abc trading how much was the profit of the firm​


18,750 pesos is the profit

Step-by-step explanation:

Mila got half, so you need to double what she received to determine the profit of the firm

9. You are the manager of a firm that sells its product in a competitive market at a price of $50. Your firm's cost function is C = 40 + 5Q2. Your firm's maximum profits are a) 125. b) 250. c) 100. d) 85.

letter c po.

pa brainliest nalang po and correct if im wrong. thank you!

10. a firm's MR exceeds its MC maximum profit rule requires that firm to


The Profit Maximization Rule states that if a firm chooses to maximize its profits, it must choose that level of output where Marginal Cost (MC) is equal to Marginal Revenue (MR) and the Marginal Cost curve is rising. In other words, it must produce at a level where MC = MR.


11. How firms make a profit in a monopolistic competitive market? essay​


Also like a monopoly, a monopolistic competitive firm will maximize its profits by producing goods to the point where its marginal revenues equals its marginal costs. The profit maximizing price of the good will be determined based on where the profit-maximizing quantity amount falls on the average revenue curve.


hope it helps

12. The ___________ is the place that will provide the firm with maximum yield and profit​


Yard po


pa brainliets po : )

13. As strategic manager how can you mobilize the firm's competencies and deliver the desire profit objective of the firm for its various stockholders and satisfy the customers of the firm?​


Strategic management is the process of building capabilities that allow a firm to create value for customers, shareholders, and society while operating in competitive markets.



14. How does the purely competitive firm maximize its profit?


The firm will maximize profit or minimize loss as long as producing is better than shutting down. Because, for purely competitive firms, marginal revenue = price, maximum revenue is also earned when the marginal cost of producing the last unit equals the market price.

(correct me if I'm wrong)

15. why maximize shareholders wealth and not profit maximization is the goal of the firm​


By maximizing the shareholders wealth you can boost the your profit. For example, if the company's goal is to increase the employment. They will find some investors to provide the needs of the company. Also, shareholders' wealth can provide the maximum capacity of production that can help to maximize the profit of the company. It's like hitting two birds with one stone.

16. He argued that the only source of a firms profit is the labor it employs.


i dont know what answer sry po



17. You are the manager of a firm that sells its product in a competitive market at a price of $40. Your firm's cost function is C = 60 + 4Q2. The profit-maximizing output for your firm is a) 4. b) 5. c) 10. d) 15.


it's letter c thanks for your question

18. explain how the monopolistic power of a sole buyer can dampen the profitability of a firm​


it can be caused by a lost purchase and it can also be that the purchase was deceived.


sana po makatulong paki like nalang po at palo na lang po please thank you po

19. If you are a business firm owner, why do you need to maximize your profit?​


First, to pay my employees right. Second, to upgrade my business capacities. Third, to save large amount of savings in case of bankruptcy. Fourth, for branches or partners. Fifth, to satisfy personal desires.

20.  Economic profit is usually lower than accounting profit. A firm that makes zero economic profit is still said to be earning normal profit. Is zero economic profit bad for a firm?​


A business will be in a state of normal profit when its economic profit is equal to zero, which is why normal profit is also called “zero economic profit.” Normal profit occurs at the point where all resources are being efficiently used and could not be put to better use elsewhere

pa brainliest po

21. A group of firms that act in unison to maximize collective profits is called a

The equilibrium price in a market characterized by oligopoly is. cartel. A group of firms that act in unison to maximize collective profits is called a. a monopoly. Once a cartel is formed, the market is in effect served by.

22. how your knowledge in managerial economics will help the firm to survive longer in the perfect competition market structure?


Firms in a perfectly competitive world earn zero profit in the long-run. While firms can earn accounting profits in the long-run, they cannot earn economic profits.


23. as a strategic manager how can you mobalize the firm's competencies and deliver the desire profit objective of the firm for its various stockholder and satisfy the customer of the firm​


pag ka sign-up mo palang may 5pesos kana then pag naglagay ka ng code may 5pesos ka ulit bali may 10pesos kana agad

24. How to know if firm are enjoying profits?

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25. what is the best measure of a firms profitability​


Net Margin


The best metric for evaluating profitability is net margin, the ratio of profits to total revenues. It is crucial to consider the net margin ratio because a simple dollar figure of profit is inadequate to assess the company's financial health.

26. What is the relationship between a firm’s total revenue, profit, and total cost?​


The relationship between a firm's total revenue, profit, and total cost is profit equals total revenue minus total costs.


pa brainleist po, hope it helps

27. If your goal is to determine how effectively a firm is managing its assets


Fixed asset turnover ratio


Fixed asset turnover ratio compares the sales revenue a company to its fixed assets. This ratio tells us how effectively and efficiently a company is using its fixed assets to generate revenues. ... If a company has a high fixed asset turnover ratio, it shows that the company is efficient at managing its fixed assets.

28. You are the manager of a firm that sells its product in a competitive market at a price of $60. Your firm's cost function is C = 50 + 3Q2. The profit-maximizing output for your firm is a) 10. b) 20. c) 30. d) 40.


sorry po di kopo alam answer ehh

29. How can horizontal integration lead to higher profits for firms


Through horizontal integration, businesses can venture into new markets, expand in their current markets and increase their power over market power over the chain of supply. It can also make businesses achieve a higher profit margin by merging together and creating a powerful presence in the market.





30. #HelpGive a examples of strategies of firms to survive the crisis.​


Organizational agility was once desirable, but is now central to business survival?

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