If You Were A Senator

If You Were A Senator

If you were a senator ​

Daftar Isi

1. If you were a senator ​

Mugunghwa Kkoci Pieot simnidared lightgreen light

2. if you were a senator


please specify the question so we can answer properly po



if i were a senator, i would prioritize the poor. i will propose a law that there must be at least one person working per family instead of giving them a specific amount of money that would not last long. if they had a stable job, they would have the opportunity to enhance their families and there might be a chance for poverty to lessen.

3. if you were a senator, what would you do??​


pass a good bill


to help other people

4. Suppose you were also a Senator and you were asked by the Senate President what is your opinion on the matter, how will you answer? Are you for or against Divorce? Why or why not? (Explain your answer with a minimum of 7 sentences) ​


Suppose you were also a Senator and you were asked by the Senate President what is your opinion on the matter, how will you answer? Are you for or against Divorce? Why or why not? (Explain your answer with a minimum of 7 sentences

For me, I can say that divorce is not good for two couples, bad behavior like this can affect your personality in case you divorce. Let us first consider the decision we will make so as not to cause problems



5. Survey!!If you were the senator,what would you do?​


I would always put people first and make decision's that are favor for the people of our country.


Just my opinion...

6. if you were a senator what would you do to stop or minimize bullying

Yes, I will. Bullying causes the victim to lose their self confidence and other negative vibes.If I were a senator, I probably stop bullying through my hands because bullying is dangerous to the victim. He/she can commit suicide because of being depress.

7. if you were a senator what bills would you propose


health foods housing jobs

main necessity in building good community

8. If I were a senator, I?​


If I were a senator, I will try my best on making the country a better county to live.


Example po yan ng Conditional Sentence

9. if I were a senator i​


if I were a senator I would turn to the bible in formulating laws for the amelioration of my poor and depressed countrymen...


10. If I were a senator I?


If I were a senator, I would turn to the Bible in formulating laws for the amelioration of my poor and depressed countrymen. The first law I would propose is for the provision of free access to all media for all candidates in an elective position in government.



Let me explain this in detail.

Corruption is the main cause of poverty in my country, which was formerly considered one of the richest countries in Southeast Asia. In fact, the Philippines is the first country in that part of the world to have its own airline.

11. If I were a senator, I...​


I will make a change for the better by doing actions and making the right for the people


thats right and pls follow me on my account brainly pH KateMendez

12. If I were a senator I will not be?​




if your corrupt then you will not be a good senator

and if your good senator then you will not be a corrupt senator

13. if you were to dicede,will you agree with this senate bill to be a law? why or why not?​




For people will no longer break the rules

Hope it help :)

14. if you were a senator what would you do to stop or minimize bullying

By not doing the same. What I mean,dont be a bully.We cant stop that by words,but we can stop that with actions.Senators must not be greedy for they are senators,they should be humble

15. if you were a senator what will you do to stop bullying or minimize nit


If I were to become a senator, I would use my position to stop or minimize bullying. I would pass laws and acts involving anti-bullying. I would use my positionnas a medium of awareness that would inform people how bad bullying is and how to stand ip to bullies. I am going to strengthen the Anti-Bullying Act and influence people especially the youth to not engage in such acts or not submit to bullying.

16. if I were a senator...l​


I will use my voice for the peace and unity of people, i will also use the intended budget accurately or without corrupting for the development of my community.


Please po Mark this as Brainliest Answer..

17. If you were a senator, what would you do? ​


papaemento yung dagat


para walang malunod


I'll do my job right and with a hard work also make good/right decisions.

18. if you were senator 5 measure or Bill's would you propose ​


If I were a senator, I would propose the following bills:

a bill punishing all forms of discrimination based on race, sexual orientation, age, gender, education, social status, etc;a bill imposing grave penalties against corrupt government officials;a bill providing annual free dental checkups on persons below 18 years old;a bill against school bullying; anda bill providing farmers annual assistance to help them invest.


The above-mentioned bills are based on the current problems our country is facing.

19. If you were a senator what 5 possible measures or bills would you propose?? ​

folow me if i help u a lot

20. Survey!!If you were the senator,what would you do?#Survey​

If i were the senetor i will make people speak cause people make votes and they make senator real. Cause being a senator is not easy you need to be knowledgeable enough in terms of communicating other senators

21. if you were a senator what five importance of passing them


1. Free Education to All.

Importance: Some of the public schools ad universities n the Philippines are already complying to this bill but, not all of the school have 100% free education and have hidden charges. Although it is much cheaper than the private schools and universities but still, many of Filipinos doesn't afford it. So, in order to supply free education for all, we have to put additional allowance for each student.

2. Free Shelter to Homeless People.

Importance: Shelter is one of the basic needs of a person, it should be comfortable and make you feel protected. Unfortunately, many of the Filipinos still struggling about their shelters. In my opinion, this matter cannot be resolve by our government alone but, it should be a joint effort of the people and the government. Every family should exert their efforts in order to afford their own house also, the government should help families that needs extra help on this matter.

3. Free Medication for All.

Importance: Health System at this time of pandemic is really essential, most of our fellow Filipinos suffered from sickness, that is why it is really important for us to have a free access of medical services. The main solution for this is to have a more efficient health care system that aims to serve people with highest quality possible without paying to much.

4. No to Provincial and Manila Rate Salary.

Importance: The nature of every family man is to provide the needs of their family, they have to find job that can secure their needs. However, due to Manila and Provincial Salary Rates, many of them decided to left their families and work in Manila to earn more money that cause so many trouble not only to their own family but, to the community as well.

5. Improvement of Due Process.

Importance: Commonly, it is always the powerful and the rich gets the right justice. Here in the Philippines, money is everything, they always look into your pocket first before they take actions. Since Philippines is a democratic country, it should be fair and square, no rich or poor, no weak and strong, it should always be humane and just for the sake of everyone.


thanks me later

22. If I were a senator I? ​


I will try my best on making this country a better country to live in. i consider the needs of my fellow countrymen and i will make sure everyone is living on a good state. i will develop establishments that will satisfy the peoples needs and i will make sure the education gained by the youth are of good quality.

A Senator is the 3rd ruler from the highest ranks in LAW

1st President

2nd Vice President

3rd Senator

23. If you were a senator, what five possible measure or bills would you propose? ​


less tax entrepreneur

give more capital to the people

24. If you were to decide, will you agree with the senate bill to be a law? Why or why not? ​



NO, because if the bill passes by simple majority (218 of 435),the bill moves to the Senate.In the Senate,the bill is assigned to another committee and if realaesed,deleted and voted on.Again,a simple majority (51 of 100) passes the bill. ... The President has 10 days to sign or vote the enrolled bill.






25. If I were the Senate President, I will convince the senate to pass a law on?


human rights.



26. If you were a senator in 1956, would you be in favor of passing Senate Bill 438? Write your insights in 5 to 10 sentences.​


hbithabit of lose and go to attorney


These are general measures, which if passed upon, may become laws. A bill is prefixed with S., followed by a number assigned the measure based on the order in which it is introduced. The vast majority of legislative proposals––recommendations dealing with the economy, increasing penalties for certain crimes, regulation on commerce and trade, etc., are drafted in the form of bills. They also include budgetary appropriation of the government and many others. When passed by both chambers in identical form and signed by the President or repassed by Congress over a presidential veto, they become laws.

27. 5 possible measures or bills would you propose if you were a senator?​


money,earn,cash,pale,the salary

28. if you were a senator,what five(5) possible measure or Bill's would you propose?​


Introduction of Bills

Bill Referrals

Calendaring for Floor Debates

Conference Committee Action

Final Legislative Action

29. if you were a senator what five possible measures or bills would you propose


-Free education to all

-Free shelter for homeless people

-Free medication for all

-No to Provincial and Manila Rate Salary

-Improvement of Due Process


A.free scholarships to all poor students who couldnt afford tuition fees       B.give every community a free wifi                                                                         C.give every public schools a priners,bondpapers,inks,etc.                                 D.give every community some canned goods,rice,etc                                           E.free medical check ups to every children or old people


hope it helps have a great day

30. learning task 6 if you were a senator


if i am a senator, i will help to make a law and about the issues in our country. Make legal the abortion without normalizing it

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