Knowing Yourself Is The Beginning Of All Wisdom Brainly

Knowing Yourself Is The Beginning Of All Wisdom Brainly

Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom

Daftar Isi

1. Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom



2. “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” - Aristotle​


hoping this will help you

3. Explain the quotation “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom”.​


Aristotle once said, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” The relationship with yourself is one of the most important relationships in your life. ... If we do so life has a way of leading us to more joy, prosperity and satisfaction.


sana po makatulong to smile:)pa follow po thx

4. 1. Explain and expound: "Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom​

base on my understanding in our life there is the time that he/she was lookin for her/himself trying to searched something new about him/her because he/she wants to be matured and indipendent.And if that happend that he/she already found his/herself that is the time of his/her new beggining to stand again to show up again to create a new chapter of him/herself again and last that is the beggining to get new knowlegde to others and to yourself.Always remember that everything in this world is always starts to ourselves and in that case just go to the flow and follow the waves where goes you

5. Knowing others is knowledge, but knowing yourself is wisdom


yeah that's perfectly true

6. can someone please interpret this quotation "knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom"?​


This mens that knowing yourself more is the beginning of your true vision to God and to others


You're supposed to know yourself before you know other things. Like your hopes and dreams before you actually study for something or somethin like that. It'll cause problems if you don't


7. Explain the quotation Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom?​

#1 Never Fear

You should not be afraid to face your weaknesses and loopholes. Instead, you should have guts to assess your own weaknesses and the best way to do that, is to take it in the most sporty way you can. Here I can quote my own example, being an HR it becomes my duty to reach on time to my workplace but somehow there was a period when I was not at all able to reach on time even after many efforts. Suddenly when I was just evaluating my time allocation and management I realised it is just that I am habituated to be “Not in Time”. If I wish I can definitely overcome all the hurdles which I was facing and can maintain my punctuality. Thus let the worst out of us come in front of us we should not be afraid but should face it and should eradicate it from our self.

#2 Never Compare

The biggest enemy for us of being “I” is a jealousy and comparison that we do with others. As I mentioned earlier we are so busy in knowing others that we often forget who we are actually. If we will compare ourselves with others then we will never understand our own capabilities. See the picture below which will show you how wrong our comparison can lead us:

In the picture, we can see that during appraisal we compare ourselves with those who are not of our concerned area. Being an elephant, if we think why a monkey is getting an extra pay for climbing a tree then just imagine how badly we are underestimating ourselves. In this activity of comparison, we forget that we are so huge and strong that no one has the power to fight with us.

#3 Be honest

As stated above, we humans are liberal when it comes to us but that is not the right way. One should be very honest and should try to dig out the most genuine feedback about one's own self. This doesn't mean that one should be highly pessimistic and should have all the list of negatives he/she have. The motive behind being honest is to have both the parts equal. Positive will make you motivated and negative will lead you to become perfect by eradicating it. There is an incident that popped up into my mind when I was writing this point is, in our Campus placements of current year there was a boy I interviewed whose mouth seems to be filled with tobacco. So I and my senior both told him that we do not allow any alcoholism at our office premises so the boy answered that he know that this habit is not good but under certain circumstance he was habituated and now he has already realised it and has left the tobacco since past few months. Well, that’s the spirit!

#4 Ask questions to yourself

It is often that we ask enormous questions to our colleague or to the one sitting next to us in our cube but we never ask a question to ourself. We never ask ourself why we want to have two leaves when the purpose of leave can be solved in half day leave. We just prepare our mind to have leaves and get relax. Of course one should work as their own priority and there is nothing wrong when we opt for leaves which are not that necessary, but at least one should question him/herself to know to what extent he/she is satisfied or convinced after taking this  decision. This is just an example, there are many such questions which one should ask thyself to evaluate and assess yourself.  

#5 See yourself as others see you

To see yourself as others do is the most candid way to know how your reactions and actions are being perceived by them. Just try to keep your foot in other’s shoe and evaluate how they really look at you. You should silently observe how somebody is reacting and behaving with you as it is the mirror of how you are doing with them. It sometimes happens that our colleagues suddenly don’t talk to us much but when we try to see what he/she is seeing we come to know that it is we who were not paying proper attention to them and thus, as a result, he/she has now started to talk less with us.

#6 Get feedback about yourself from others

There are times when someone else know us better than we know ourself. Thus getting feedback from others is the best way to know your assessment. But to get flattering feedback is dangerous. To know the honest feedback we should always opt to have a feedback from the one who is close to us and does not have a fear to loose us while giving any negative or corrective feedback. Also, feedback should be taken from different individuals and from different groups to whom we are connected in different ways like our family friends, our colleagues or some “buddy” with similar interests as yours. One very important aspect here is to not to be defensive and listen to every feedback with a positive attitude only then you can have the best one. Well, you should know who will wear a black hat and will demotivate you instead of providing you with the true feedback. Thus one should always have this kind of causal feedback with a motto to work on it and re-evaluating the changes out of it.

8. berify discus the principal concept of the famus philosophers1. knowing other is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. mastering other is strength; mastering yourself is true power -Lao Tzu2. knowing yourself is the begging of all wisdom -Aristotle ​


philosophy is the Love of wisdom

also philosophy is the academic study of everything.. philosophy is an attempt to understood the world around us and the reason for it and us and the thing that we do.

hope it can help

9. Knowing othersis wisdom,knowing yourself isEnlightenment- Lao tzu. what does Lao Tzu Mean?​


Lao Tzu, also rendered as Laozi and Lao-Tze, was an ancient Chinese philosopher and writer. He is the reputed author of the Tao Te Ching, the founder of philosophical Taoism, and a deity in religious Taoism and traditional Chinese religions.

10. Knowing others is intelligence, knowing yourself is true wisdom


yes that is true know ing others is intelligent


Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power”

11. who is the famous philosopher that compose knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom​


Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom, a phrase coined by Aristotle before centuries ago which seems to be absolutely correct in today's world too



12. knowing yourself is beginning of wisdom.-aristotle​




but where's the question

13. Who is the author of this famous self quote, “Knowing your self is the beginning ofall wisdom"?​




he was a Greek philosopher




Everything you want to know starts with you. It's like when you refuse to look at yourself in the mirror you might lose your hopes and dreams.

14. 1. The quote: "Knowingoneself is the beginning of wisdom" isattributed to which philosopher?​


Aristotle once said, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” The relationship with yourself is one of the most important relationships in your life.



Aristotle he once said that


he once said that knowing yourself is the beginning of wisdom

15. what is meant by knowing yourself is true wisdom


To understand oneself, It is about learning about yourself, your strength, weaknesses and emotions. by knowing yourself it can help you improve/make a better version of you.


hehe this is my opinion only (◕દ◕)

16. Activity 1.2 Briefly discuss the principles and concepts of the famous philosophers​.1. "Knowing others is in intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power." -Lao Tzu2. "Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom. -- Aristotle.​


1. "Knowing others is in intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power."

A man of intellect strives to study others. A man of wisdom strives to find his true self. You are a powerful man if know who you are. This is because you fully understand yourself. You accept both who you are and who you are not. You use this wisdom in dealing with life, its challenges, and trials. You use this wisdom for self-improvement.  

2. "Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom."

Wisdom is the ability to choose right over wrong and good over bad. But, wisdom begins by knowing one's self. We should start by recognizing our strengths and weakness. Then, we need to accept, embrace and love who we are and use the knowledge of who we are to improve ourselves and make the most out of our abilities. Only then can we move forward in life.


Lao Tzu and Aristotle are philosophers whose legacies are their unsurmountable influence. They believed that wisdom starts with finding, accepting, and loving one's self.

Have fun while learning!



17. Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is Enlightenment​


Recognising is the transmission of the leaf appear green on your right

18. to know thy self is the beginning of wisdom?​


Yes it's the begining of wisdom

19. Briefly discuss your own analysis the meaning of philosophicalpassages from the famous philosopher2. "Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom." - Aristotle​



It goes like this when i ask you of what do you want more between apple or mango then u can answer it right away while when i ask you about what is your greatest strength and weakest weaknesses can you answer it right away? It’s amazing how little we might actually know about ourselves, and that’s because we’ve never asked. Hope This Helps!

20. knowing oneself is the beginning of all wisdom.​




because knowing oneself is helping us to know our self

True. Because if you dont know yourself, you will not know others.

21. briefly expalin and elaborate the qoute knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom ​


Aristotle omce said (knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom


Because When you know yourself, you understand what motivates you to resist bad habits and develop good ones. You'll have the insight to know which values and goals activate your willpower. ... Tolerance and understanding of others. Your awareness of your own foibles and struggles can help you empathize with others

22. why did aristotle say that knowing oneself is the beginning of wisdom?​


Aristotle once said, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” The relationship with yourself is one of the most important relationships in your life. ... If we do so life has a way of leading us to more joy, prosperity and satisfaction.


:] hope it helps. . .

23. Explain the quotation Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom?​


When its comes to knowing ourselves, we either become too arrogant or we become extra underestimator. ... If one can know him/herself the best then he/she will have a drastic change in his/her Work and personal life.

24. Reflection1."knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom"2."how can understanding yourself pave the way to self acceptance and better relationship with others"3."it is really important to know who you are as a person?, your capabilities and limitations"​


by knowing my own self is giving a freedom to all


because that it was the idetity of our selve

25. Knowing oneself is the beginning of all wisdom according to __________________. * 1 point A. Socrates B. Rene Descartes C. Aristotle D. Sigmund Freud ​


Knowing oneself is the beginning of all wisdom according to __________________. 

A. Socrates

B. Rene Descartes

C. Aristotle

D. Sigmund Freud

Aristotle said “knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” It starts with you, but if you don't know to look at yourself in the mirror—or refuse to—then you haven't done the foundational work necessary to even start growing your business.

I hope that helped


26. Knowing oneself is the beginning of wisdom


As Aristotle put it, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” And that wisdom extends into our professional, as well as our personal, life

27. Do you agree with Aristotle when he said that “Knowing Oneself is the Beginning of All Wisdom” Why or why not? (At least 80 words)​

my answer is yes I agree to your question

28. what is the meaning of "knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom"​


kailangan mo munang kilalanin ang sarili mo bago mo maintindihan ang iba. ( For me knowing yourself is the key of everything it because if you know yourself you might understand others.)

29. What is the meaning Lao tzu's quote ?"knowing others is intelligence knowing yourself is a true wisdom. Mastering others is strength mastering yourself is true power"

The answer is in the picture

30. Knowing others is intelligence, knowing yourself is true wisdom. Whats this quote all about


This certain quote showcases two different form of knowledge. Its normal for a person to be curious about others so if you think you know a person just by observing him/her then it shows basic knowledge. He/she shows what he/she wants you to see. So garnering someones identity in your brain isnt always a smart move. Henceforth having and understanding your own self perception and self realization is the true wisdom. Your self is the only thing you have that wont leave you. So when you reach the point where you are well aware of yourself, your actions and thoughts, then you might achieve greater knowledge and wisdom because as you know yourself more, your perspective in life progresses.

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