What Can You Say In Our Environment

What Can You Say In Our Environment

what can you say in our environment​

Daftar Isi

1. what can you say in our environment​


Environment is everything that is around us, which includes both living and nonliving things such as soil, water, animals and plants, which adapt themselves to their surroundings. It is nature's gift that helps in nourishing life on the earth.



2. what can you say in our environment ​


Our Mother Earth is currently facing a lot of environmental concerns. The environmental problems like global warming, acid rain, air pollution, urban sprawl, waste disposal, ozone layer depletion, water pollution, climate change and many more affect every human, animal, and nation on this planet.

3. what can you say in our environment

our environment is so rich in food and rice

4. what can you say in our environment​

all i can say about our environment is the need to get rid of the corrupt, clean the ocean, and stop the spread of illicit drugs


Answer. Our environment on the present day (today) is very toxic and already endanger because the people nowadays disrupts its balance; slowly killing our biodiversity for example illegal logging, cyanide fishing, and throwing garbage everywhere and plus pollution everywhere.


Sana makatulong

5. based on the illustration shown below, what can you say about the scenario? what do you think is its effect on our environment? no it in your notebook​


Air pollution can damage crops and trees in a variety of ways. Ground-level ozone can lead to reductions in agricultural crop and commercial forest yields, reduced growth and survivability of tree seedlings, and increased plant susceptibility to disease, pests and other environmental stresses (such as harsh weather).


pa follow and brainlies po

6. why do you think, animals are important in our life? .What can you say about the ecosystem or the environment where we live in now? .​


ofc animals are important because they have nutrition's that human body needs.


that's the explanation

7. Based on the illustration shown below, what can you say about the scenario? What do you think is it's effect on our environment? ​

Air pollution affects all things. It is harmful to our health, and it impacts the environment - reducing visibility and blocking sunlight, causing acid rain, and harming forests, wildlife, and agriculture. Greenhouse gas pollution, the cause of climate change, affects the entire planet.

8. what can you say in our environment ​

The thing that i could say to our environment  
is thank you because  it provides us food and shelter because the materials we used to build our homes mostly comes from our environment.

thank you so much because our environment is so helpful to us humans because it provides us our needs even if we are slowly killing it.

9. Based on the illustration shows below, what can you say about the scenario?what do you think it's effect on our environment?pa help ​





10. Based on the illstration show below, what can you say about the scenario? what do you think is its effect on our environment.​


Climate toxicity to the economy


It was the problem before and still is the problem in the modern world.The problem is that we can't sustain a good way to start this probation.Climate change,green house effects

11. Based on the illustration shown below, what can you say about the scenario? What do you think is its effect on our environment? Do it in your notebook.​


In this section we will introduce some of the ways in which humans influence their environment and how the environment influences Our climate, planet, lives, and future as a civilization are all at risk. ... The tips you see below will them like.

tama po yan promise

pa brainliest po ako ty

12. Question:1. What can you say in our environment?3. What is the message of the poem? Give your stand about it?i need it now please​


1 .Our environment on the present day (today) is very toxic and already endanger because the people nowadays disrupts its balance; slowly killing our biodiversity for example illegal logging, cyanide fishing, and throwing garbage everywhere and plus pollution everywhere.

And Its getting worst. And I hope that we, from the present, could do something. To stop the destruction of the environment.

3.Meaning is the word referring comprehensively to the ideas expressed within the poem – the poem's sense or message. When understanding poetry, we frequently use the words idea, theme, motif, and meaning.

Explanation: Thanks po

13. what can you say in our environment​


our enviroment is very natural and very amazing

diko po alam

14. what can you say about the scenario? what do you think is its effect on our environment?​


It is air pollution. Its effect on our environment is very alarming. It can lead to health problems, global warming and depletion of ozone layer.


hope it helps

15. what can you say in our environment?​


Our environment on the present day (today) is very toxic and already endanger because the people nowadays disrupts its balance; slowly killing our biodiversity for example illegal logging, cyanide fishing, and throwing garbage everywhere and plus pollution everywhere.



1. Use Reusable Bags

Plastic grocery-type bags that get thrown out end up in landfills or in other parts of the environment. These can suffocate animals who get stuck in them or may mistake them for food. Also, it takes a while for the bags to decompose.

Whether you are shopping for food, clothes or books, use a reusable bag. This cuts down on litter and prevents animals from getting a hold of them. There are even some stores (such as Target) that offer discounts for using reusable bags!

These bags are useful for things other than shopping as well. I have heard of people using reusable bags when they move!

If you forget your bags at home, buy a new one. Better yet, keep a couple bags in your car so you never leave home without them (just make sure you remember you put them there)!

If you are in a position where you need to use the plastic bags, reuse them the next time you go shopping, or use them for something else. Just do not be so quick to throw them out!

There are some states that are outlawing or charging extra for using plastic bags. Using reusable bags helps the environment AND your budget!

2. Print as Little as Necessary

We have all had that teacher that wanted us to have a copy of every single reading when we come to class, or that professor who wanted a hard copy of the ten-page paper that is due next week. These are fine but it seems as if they do not understand that using so much paper is detrimental to the environment.

What can you do? Ask your teacher if you can bring a laptop or an e-reader to class so that you can download the reading onto that and read it from there. If not, print on both sides of the page to reduce the amount of paper used.

If you need to turn in a long paper, ask the professor if it is okay to print on both sides of the page and explain why you’re asking. Most teachers care about the environment as well and would be willing to allow you to do so.

3. Recycle

Recycling is such a simple thing to do, but so many people don’t do it. Many garbage disposal companies offer recycling services, so check with the company you use to see if they can help you get started! It is as simple as getting a bin and putting it out with your trash cans for free!

Also, check with your RA to see if recycling options are offered in your dorm.

Another way to recycle is to look for recycling cans near trashcans. Instead of throwing recyclables in the trash with your non-recyclables, make a point to take an extra step to locate recycling cans around your campus.

4. Use a Reusable Beverage Containers

Instead of buying individually-packaged drinks, consider buying a bulk container of the beverage you want and buying a reusable water bottle. Not only will this help the environment, but it will also help you save money since you are buying a bulk container.

Many campuses offer water fountains designed for drinking as well as for refilling reusable water bottles. Make use of these fountains throughout the day when you finish off the initial beverage.

Along these lines, many restaurants offer reusable containers for drinks. If you go to a certain place a lot, consider buying one of these containers to help minimize waste.

A lot of coffee shops even offer a discount to customers who use a reusable container for their drinks. Starbucks, as an example, offers a small discount for customers who do this. Saving the environment and money? Win-win.


16. Reflect yourself as a tree, what can you say to those people who doesnt care about our environment?​

To people that doesn't care about inveronment stop polluting our environment because it can affects disturbance to our mother earth that can cause death of many people's, animals, and also trees.

17. what can you say in our environment​


Our environment on the present day (today) is very toxic and already endanger because the people nowadays disrupts its balance; slowly killing our biodiversity for example illegal logging, cyanide fishing, and throwing garbage everywhere and plus pollution everywhere.




Our ecosystem consists of abiotic and biotic factors are effective in soil and water ecosystems. Abiotic factors in the nutrition cycle include water, oxygen, light, heat, ambient acidity, soil and minerals, and inanimate climate elements. Biotic factors, on the other hand, are living creatures evaluated into three classes as producer, consumer and undisturbed in accordance with ecological niche.

It is an open and ecological system that is continuous and has almost few limitations. This continues in terms of energy flow and food circulation. The ecosystem, which forms part of the biosophy, may be a vineyard or lake, or have a limited life.


18. what can you say in our environment


our environment is very beautiful but yet very dangerous. It helps us with a lot of things and it makes us live our lives.


can u make me brainliest? thank you:))

19. Based on the illustration shown below, what can you say about the scenario? What do you think is its effect on our environment? Do it in your notebook.​


Air pollution affects all things. It is harmful to our health, and it impacts the environment - reducing visibility and blocking sunlight, causing acid rain, and harming forests, wildlife, and agriculture. Greenhouse gas pollution, the cause of climate change, affects the entire planet.


pa brainly tama yan

20. 1. based from the picture above, wjat can you say about the environment of the picture A? picture B?2. Is your environment clean just like what you see in the picture?3. is there a need to clean our surroundings all the time?why?4. As a students, in what way we can help to clean our environment?​

1. the people are disciplined, they can manage cleanliness.

2. not that much.

3. yes, to prevent the virus.

4. throw our trashes and waste properly and where it should be thrown.

21. what can you say in our environment?​


green and beautiful


22. take cake of me What can you say in our environment?​


my one and only say in our invironment is clean and beautiful ,because people take care of our environment.


beautiful and clean

23. what can you say about the value of our environment


24. What can you say about the picture? How can we help our environment on conserving our trees?




Tree conservation alludes to the protection and the board of trees. The essential objective of tree conservation is to save and secure timberlands. The purposes behind this are many, including the protection of natural life territory, anticipation of disintegration, and safeguarding of excellence for the happiness regarding people in the future. Trees contribute straightforwardly to the climate by giving oxygen, further developing air quality, environment enhancement, moderating water, saving soil, and supporting untamed life. During the course of photosynthesis, trees take in carbon dioxide and produce the oxygen we relax.

Trees give many advantages to us, consistently. They offer cooling conceal, block cold winter winds, draw in birds and untamed life, purge our air, forestall soil disintegration, clean our water, and add elegance and excellence to our homes and networks.

H. Improving forest conservation practices:



25. what can you say in our environment brainly


ok it's so good for every one

26. what can you say about the efforts of our government to create a healthy environment?​

Answer: What are the efforts made by government to protect environment?

The National Green Tribunal Act, 2010. The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981. The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974. The Environment Protection Act, 1986.


27. what can you say about our environment? in your own opinion​


Our environment on the present day (today) is very toxic and already endanger because the people nowadays disrupts its balance; slowly killing our biodiversity for example illegal logging, cyanide fishing, and throwing garbage everywhere and plus pollution everywhere.


We rarely stop to think about how our very lives are dependent on the biodiversity of our planet, and even when we do, we believe it’s someone else’s problem to sort out. But it’s not, we all depend on it and we can all do something about it. Living life alongside nature is more fun, healthier and more rewarding and wherever you live there is always something more you can do. Our oceans are clogged with plastic, our climate is warming, our forests are disappearing. We must find another way. We are drifting apart from nature

28. 1.What can you say in our environment?​


our environment is the key of our life so we must take care of it.


29. what can you say of taking care of our environment of the mother earth ?​


we say thank you for taking care of mother Earth

Sana makatulong

30. Question: prololbule v delnit of boon to1. What can you say in our environment?​

Answer: fresh good or what ever

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