Schramm s Model Of Communication Example Scenario Brainly

Schramm s Model Of Communication Example Scenario Brainly

example of Schramm's model of communication

Daftar Isi

1. example of Schramm's model of communication


When a gay couple suing the Catholic Diocese in Massachusetts for supposedly not allowing them to purchase a house because they are gay.

2. example dialogue of Schramm communication model?​


This model takes a classic approach to explain the flow of communication. ... For example, an art professor will not be able to explain past participle tense to a group of second standard students. Elements of the Schramm model of communication include Encoder or Sender, Decoder or Receiver, Interpreter, and message

3. give an example of Schramm model of communication.​


The Schramm model views communication as a process that takes place between a sender (transmitter) and a receiver: there will be also a message, and a medium through which the message can be transmitted (Schramm, 1948).


When a gay couple suing the Catholic Diocese in Massachusetts for supposedly not allowing them to purchase a house because they are gay. This relates to Wilbur Schramm model because this is the type of communication that is used in this case. The participants are the buyers, lawyer and sellers.

4. A. List down examples of situation in each of the given communication model schramm Model give me 2 example​


when a gay couple suing the catholic diocese in massachusetts for supposedly not allowing them to purchase a house because they are gay.

yan lang nakita q pare parehas ng sagot nung sinearch q

5. what are examples of schramm's model of communication​


When a gay couple suing the Catholic diocese in Massachusetts for supposedly not allowing them to purchase a house because they are gay.


This relates to Wilbur Schramm model because this is the type of communication that is used in this case.

6. Schramms model of communication ​

Answer: The Schramm model views communication as a process that takes place between a sender (transmitter) and a receiver: there will be also a message, and a medium through which the message can be transmitted (Schramm, 1948).

7. Schramm Model is the most complicated example of human communication process. True or False?




it's true iyan. True

8. Schramm Model is the most complicated example of human communication process. True or false?​




transactional model is the most complicated model

9. schramms model communication “disadvantage and examples”


Non-verbal expressions such as handshake, facial expressions, body language, and verbal content such as text, audio, speech, message, pictures are used to communicate the message.

10. Schramms model of communication​

Eva Elfie lods



11. A. Schramm Model of Communication Linear model​


offers a classic approach to and explanation of communication. It can be used to determine how communication between two people works when they’re exchanging information

12. list down examples of situation in each of the given communication Shannon-Weaver ModelSchramm ModelTransactional Model​


1. Shannon-Weaver Model--This model is specially designed to develop the effective communication between sender and receiver. Also they find factors which affecting the communication process called “Noise”. At first the model was developed to improve the Technical communication. Later it’s widely applied in the field of Communication.

The model deals with various concepts like Information source, transmitter, Noise, channel, message, receiver, channel, information destination, encode and decode.


Thomson made call to his assistant “come here I want to see you”. During his call, noise appeared (transmission error) and his assistant received “I want” only. Again Assistant asked Thomson (feedback) “what do you want Thomson”.

Sender : Thomson

Encoder : Telephone (Thomson)

Channel : Cable

Noise : Distraction in voice

Reception : Telephone (Assistant)

Receiver : Assistant.

Due to transmission error or noise, Assistant can’t able to understand Thomson’s messages.

*The noise which affect the communication flow between them.

13. Example of Schramm model of communication in real life situation


The basis for this model is that the message should be understood between the sender and receiver. For example, an art professor will not be able to explain past participle tense to a group of second standard students.

14. An example/s of a linear communication model. Select one: a. Schramm's Model b. none of the choices c. Dance's Helical Model d. Shannon-Weaver and Berlo's SMCR

Linear Model of Communication  

Of the above choices, the example/s of linear communication model/s is/are Shannon-Weaver and Berlo's SMCR. Linear Model of Communication is a type of message transmission where the sender is the only one communicating a message. It is a straight-line type of communication where the receiver does not respond to the sender. Linear Communication Model is also described as a one-way communication and does not generate feedback. An example of this model is communication through television.

Elements of Linear Model of Communication  Sender - person who sends the message or where the message comes fromReceiver - one who receives the message or where the message is directed toEncoding - production of message depending on the channelDecoding - interpretation of messageMessage - information or date encoded by the sender for the receiverChannel - medium where the message go through from the sender to the receiverNoise - anything that disrupts the flow of communication

Advantages and Uses of Linear Communication  It is used for mass communication - the transmission of information to a large number or group of people.It is used to persuade the audience.It is used in propaganda setting.Disadvantages of Linear CommunicationThere is no feedback from the receiver.There is no definite way to check if communication is effective or gives positive results.There are too much noise that may affect the delivery of messageExamples of Linear Model of Communication

Shannon Weaver Model of Communication

Developed by Claude Shannon and Warron Weaver, this is used as a mathematical model for technical or machine communication. According to this model, there are five important parts of communication - Sender, Encoder, Channel, Decoder, and Receiver. In summary, this model's purpose was to improve communication between the sender and receiver through minimizing noises.

Berlo's SMCR Model of Communication

This linear-type model of communication developed by David Berlo focuses on the SMCR elements - Sender, Message, Channel, and Receiver - and the factors that affect each one of them. This model also emphasizes the verbal, non-verbal, and emotional aspect of communication.  

Aristotle's Model of Communication

The great philosopher also arranged his own model of communication that has five integral parts - Speaker, Speech, Occassion, Audience, and Effect. However, Aristotle's Model of Communication is more applicable to public speaking than conversational communication. According to him, speakers should establish their speeches depending on the audience, time, and the desired effect of the message.

15. An example/s of a linear communication model? a. Schramm's Model b. Shannon-Weaver and Berlo's SMCR c. Dance's Helical Model d. none of the choices

Transaction model which is one way process

16. scenario of schramms model?​


scenario of schramms model are:

➢ Having a conversation with a friend.

➢Having an argument with an enemy.

➢Meeting someone for the first time.

➢Being trained in how to do a job by a coworker.

➢Being hired or fired by a boss.



.・゜-: ✧ :-ᴄᴏᴍʀᴀᴅᴇ ᴅɪᴀɴᴀ-: ✧ :-゜・.

#TheAxisSquad ☄

#PanzerAceSquad ⚘



✨Lets keep on learning comrade✨

17. schramm model of communication



18. Schramm model of Communication​

Explanation: The Schramm model views communication as a process that takes place between a sender (transmitter) and a receiver: there will be also a message, and a medium through which the message can be transmitted (Schramm, 1948).

19. Schramm Model of Communication


the components of Osgood-Schramm Model of Communication are the Sender, Message, Receiver and the Semantic barriers


Sender- This is the person who encodes (converts) and sends the message.

Message- This is the content being shared between the parties.

Receiver- This is the person who decodes (interprets) the message.

Semantic barriers- The backgrounds, beliefs, experiences, and values that influence how the sender conveys a message and how the receiver interprets it.

20. schramm model is the most complicated example of human communication process


Is this a true or false question? because if it is one I think False is the answer

21. example Schramm Model and example of Transaction Model​

Answer: An example of the Schramm Model is encoder or sender, decoder or receiver, interpreter, and messeger. An example of the Transaction Model is the face-to-face meeting

Explanation: Hope this helps :)

22. schramm model is the most complicated example of human communication process ​




transactional model is the most complicated model

23. Example of Schramm model of communication in real life situation

the answer is s cause it's the answer

24. briefly schramm model of communication by giving a real life example​


For example, an art professor will not be able to explain past participle tense to a group of second-standard students. Elements of the Schramm model of communication include Encoder or Sender, Decoder or Receiver, Interpreter, and message


25. A let down examples of situation in each of the given communication modelsSchramm Model​


Talking on the Phone

You haven't talked to your best friend in a while so you decide to call her on your drive home from work. You take turns updating each other on your weekend, what you have planned for the summer, and how members of your respective families are doing.

The Schramm model is built on the theory that communication is a two-way street, with a sender and a receiver.

26. list down examples of situation in each of the given communication models schramm model




beacase modell is the best

27. schramm communication model


between a sender transmitter and receiver

28. Schramm model communication


According to Schramm Model,Coding and Decoding are the two essential process if an effective communication,He also emphasizes that unless and until the sender receives a feedback Drom tge recipient

Wilbur Schramm(1954) was one of the first to alter the mathematical model of Schannon and Weaver

It is also a Circular Model,so that communication is something circular in nature

29. Schramm's model communication. Schramm's model of communication introduced the concept of _________ of ________ which talks about "commonality" between speaker and listener.​


Sana makatulong..


The Schramm Communication Model offers a classic approach to and explanation of communication. It can be used to determine how communication between two people works when they're exchanging information, ideas, or attitudes.

30. Schramm model of communication ​


Interactive Model


Wilbur Schramm introduces Interactive Model.

This model takes into consideration feedback from the receiver; and it is also known as Give and Take Interaction

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