My Expectation To My Teacher And Subject

My Expectation To My Teacher And Subject

My expectations to my subject teacher​

Daftar Isi

1. My expectations to my subject teacher​


all teacher have their own way to teach is so don't underestimate or discriminate teacher

2. My expectations in my subject teacher are...​

I expect my subject teacher to be considerate of each students lifestyle status and learning styles, not all students can cope up with just one learning style and not all students have the same thinking capacity

3. my expectation to this subject, to my classmate and to my teacher​


My expectation to this subject is that to learn new things and adopt in this kind of learning system. My expectation to my classmate is that to still connect w/ them even we don't see each other. My expectation to my teacher​ is that I can cope up w/ their teaching modality.

4. Cause and EffectIn not less than 10 sentences, write a paragraph about thecause and effect of dating while studying.Comparison and ContrastIn not less than 5 sentences, compare and contrast yourmother and father.My mother is more strict than my father.My father is stronger than my mother.My mother has more hair than my father.My mother loves me more than my father.My father loves me more than my mother.-Problem and SolutionIn not less than 8 sentences, give a solution to TeenageDepression.Teenage Depression usually occurs during High School since it is the time tostart thinking of your career. The reason is usually because of too muchhomework. It could be either the student's fault or the teacher's fault. Maybethe student is just lazy and doesn't want to finish his homework, or the teacheris just plainly giving too much homework for the students to handle. For me,when there is a big project it should be a group project not individual to helplessen teenage depression. And we must not ignored we must help thatindividual to her/his life.Persuasive(In not less than 8 sentences)Why do you deserve to pass this subject?PERSUADE ME!I deserve to pass this subject because my mom and dadexpect me to pass this school year and to pass that schoolyear i need every subject in my school year to pass but that’snot what we do in school we need to work hard to pass andwe need to always listen to teacher to pass and i alwaysfollow what you do ma’am because i need to pass thissubject and i really like english because i learn so manythings in this subject to use in my future jobs. And I deserveto pass because if I work hard to earn it.​


Cause and effect of dating while studying.

Dating nowadays became normal that even students does date. There are many good and bad effects by dating while studying. One of that is distraction, you will easily get distracted if you date. Secondly, most of the teenage pregnancy is because of the "school dating". That is why uts better to avoid dating while stidying. There's stilla lot to see in this world, and love is not something to rush, it will come to you someday.

5. 21. "Deafening silence is an example of _____A. HyperboleC. OnomatopoeiaB. MetaphorD. Oxymoron22. Is a figure of speech in which contradictory terms appear in conjunction?A. HyperboleC. OnomatopoeiaB. MetaphorD. Oxymoron23. Involves a discrepancy between what is expected to happen and what actually happens.A. Anapestic ironyC. Situational ironyB. Dramatic IronyD. Verbal irony24. Which of the following is an example of hyperbole?A. Save money by spending it.B. This is the beginning of the end.C. I'm so sad that I'm drowning in tears.D Men work together whether they work together or apart.25.______ one of you met a real-life hero?What is the proper verb to be used in the sentence?A. AreC. HaveB. HasD. Is26. It is a group of words that does not consists of a subject and a verb.A. ClauseC. ParagraphB. PhraseD. Sentence27. The sentence below is unparallel. How do you change it to make it parallel?"To spare the rod is spoiling the child."A. Sparing the rod is to spoil the child.B. To spare the rod is to spoil the child.C. Sparing the rods is to spoil the children.D. To spare the rods is spoiling the children.28. Which of the following sentences is an example of simile?A. Vivian is Chad's apple of the eyeB. My hair is like a flowing water.C. My sister is a teddy bear that I really love to cuddle.D. Our teacher is a candle that consumes herself to light the way for others.sentence?29. "She has been as elusive as the sasquatch." What figure of speech is shown in theA. AlliterationC. MetaphorB. HyperboleD. Simile30. "There are ten teams, and _____has its own team colors." Which is correct?A. eachB. everyC. fewD. someguys please answer thisNonsense---reportdon't waste my points​

[tex]\huge\mathbb{\underbrace{\overbrace{ \: \: ANSWER: \: \: }}}[/tex]

[tex]\huge \bold{21.}[/tex] "Deafening silence is an example of D. Oxymoron.

[tex]\huge \bold{22.}[/tex] Is a figure of speech in which contradictory terms appear in conjunction? D. Oxymoron.

[tex]\huge \bold{23.}[/tex] Involves a discrepancy between what is expected to happen and what actually happens? C. Situational irony.

[tex]\huge \bold{24.}[/tex] Which of the following is an example of hyperbole? C. I'm so sad that I'm drowning in tears.

[tex]\huge \bold{25.}[/tex]______ one of you met a real-life hero?

What is the proper verb to be used in the sentence? C. Has.

[tex]\huge \bold{26.}[/tex] It is a group of words that does not consists of a subject and a verb? B. Phrase.

[tex]\huge \bold{27. }[/tex]The sentence below is unparallel. How do you change it to make it parallel?

"To spare the rod is spoiling the child." A. Sparing the rod is to spoil the child.

[tex]\huge \bold{28.}[/tex] Which of the following sentences is an example of simile? C. My sister is a teddy bear that I really love to cuddle.

[tex]\huge \bold{29. }[/tex]"She has been as elusive as the sasquatch." What figure of speech is shown in the D. Simile.

[tex]\huge \bold{30.}[/tex] "There are ten teams, and _____has its own team colors." Which is correct? A. each.

[tex] \\ \\ \\ [/tex]


6. l. Complete the sentences with the correct tense of the verb. 1. There ___ (be) a typhoon coming today.2.Everyone ___ (be) expected to prepare for safety. 3.My parents ____ (buy) necessities like flashlight and batteries, food, and water.4.They ___ (tell) us to charge all the phones, in case there. 5. The typhoon ___ (be) landing in the Philippine Area of Responsibility at 6pm tonight. II. Write the correct subject-verb agreement. 1. The grade 7 classes ____ (be) held in blended form. 2. There ___ (be) more face to face classes than modular classes.3. The teachers ____ (discuss) the lessons during face to face classes 4. They ___ (provide) related activities for students to work on for modular schedule.5. students ____ (be) expected to comply with the given activities.5. Students ____ (be) ​



1. Will

2 Will

3. Will

4. Both

5. Will


1. will

2. Will

3. Will

4. Will


Correct me if i am wrong



1 will

2 will

3 are

4 will

5 will


1 will

2 will

3 will

4 will

5 will


correct me if I'm wrong na lang

7. INTRODUCTION ACTIVITY 1: I AM SOMEBODY in my ENGLISH class. Find someone in the class who... has eaten fried EGG this morning. has eaten NOODLES during break. wears eye GLASSES. speaks two LANGUAGES. loves color INDIGO. likes to SING. usually buy HAMBURGER. ACTIVITY 2: EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED! What comes in your mind when you talk about ENGLISH? What are your expectations in your ENGLISH class? By giving an ADJECTIVE to each letter of the word "English," create an ACRONYM. For me ENGLISH is... E N G L I S H Example entry only, make sure to create your own ACRONYM with explanation. E-xciting because I will learn new words. N-urturing because my teacher will teach us a moral values also. G-ender sensitive because my teacher is treated as persons of equal importance and dignity. L-ively because my teacher will give us enjoyable learning activities. I-mportant because as a learner it is my opportunity to learn the English language. S-pecial because it is so different from other subjects that I may be learn to enjoy it. H-umane because my teacher is very considerate and kind.​


learning task:1

just think of any name and put it on the blank any name is, OK.



N-ormaly good for every student to learn



S-uper fun

H-appy to learn from

8. Activity 2: My Expectations On a clean sheet of intermediate pad, write a four-paragraph essay about your expectations on the following: •The subject 21st Century Literature •The teacher of this subject •The class Yourself in this subject (your study plan, goals and target grade [60-100] in 21st century literature)​


need are to Fuchs our study and give are best

9. 5 expectation in my subject teacher​


teacher mo yan t*ng* kaba bat kami tatanungin mo

10. The Glitch By Divina P. Maming Dela Cruz family came together for breakfast. Each had his/her own story to tell about his/her experiences for the week. This is the usual scenario every Sunday morning. “Good morning kids!” greeted the mother who had just finished setting the table for five. Tonio and Maria could not wait to reach for their chairs with a big grin on their faces as they said, “Good morning, nanay!” Criselda walked out from her room, still sleepy, her hair unkempt, her sleepwear on but appeared equally thrilled as her siblings shared the table with their mother. “Nanay, I can smell the aroma of your best delicacy, adobo,” she remarked. “Yeah, I know. It is the favorite of the family so adobo is what I prepared today,” she answered. Criselda replied, “I can’t wait to taste it!” Mang Cardo, the man of the family, is a clerk in one of the rural banks in town. He was talking to somebody over the phone; his voice echoed excitement but later on, his positive mood gradually vanished. As he turned towards the table, he shrugged his shoulders for disappointment. “Let’s eat!” mother exclaimed, wanting to turn the situation around. But everybody seemed to have been overwhelmed by their father’s silence. It was the first time they saw him in a really low spirit. “What happened?” at last, the wife asked. “I may lose my job,” he said with a croaky voice. “But why?” Aling Terie was surprised and so were the children. She quickly walked towards him and patted his shoulder. “It’s okay. You can still find another job,” she said offering him a seat. The children also let their father feel their support as they smilingly uttered, “Tatay, don’t worry, we are here to help.” 7 CO_Q1_Oral Communication SHS Module 2 “Yes, we will assist nanay in selling fish in the market after school hours,” Tonio said. “Maybe we can add vegetables to sell too, for additional income,” Maria added. Criselda, on the other hand, volunteered to do the home chores. “Thank you, my dear children,” was all Aling Terie could say. Mang Cardo was moved by his family’s gesture. He was not expecting for such an all-out support. He felt good about it. He started asking his kids about their activities in school and how they fared in their subjects. Each of them excitedly told his own story. Criselda declared, “I got highest score in Math, so my teacher rewarded me with a bar of chocolate.” Tonio then mentioned about their project in Science which could eliminate foot smell and everyone poked fun at it. They asked him whether they could try the product to see if it would really work. Maria spoke about their field trip to the town’s historical heritage and talked about what she learned from it. Exchanges of stories persisted until someone gave Mang Cardo a ring. The ringing lasted for some seconds and finally, he stood up to answer the call. As he returned to the table, he was smiling. He was informed that the retrenchment was not for him; it was a mistake. Now, the glitch is fixed and he is to report to work the next day again. All of them could not contain their happiness. And so, they sat down again to eat all together. “We will go to the church after breakfast, as usual,” Mang Cardo sighed with relief. Now, answer the following questions: 1. What are the different communication scenarios in the story? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. How did each communication scenario develop? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. Did a conflict arise in the story? What kind of conflict is it? Did it affect the communication process? Was it resolved? How? How did the rest of the family members react to it? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. How can we establish a good communication? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. What is the importance of communication in our daily life?


sana maka hep


ayan na po sana tama po

11. Legibly write your answer in your English notebook. 1. Complete the sentences with the correct tense of the verb. 1. There (be) a typhoon coming today. 2. Everyone (be) expected to prepare for safety 3. My parents (buy) necessities like flashlight and batteries, food, and water. (tell) us to charge all the phones, in case there (be) power outage 4. They 5. The typhoon (be) landing in the Philippine Area of Responsibility at 6pm tonight. - Activity for English II. Write the correct subject-verb agreement. 1. The grade 7 classes 2. There 3. The teachers 4. They 5. Students (be) held in blended form. (be) more face to face classes than modular classes. (discuss) the lessons during face-to-face classes. (provide) related activities for students to work on for modular schedule. (be) expected to comply with the given activities. III. Write the correct pronoun to complete the sentences. 1. Etan arrived in class early today. 2. Steven also went to class early. was absent last week. greeted the teacher before entering the room. smiled at the teacher and gave excuse letter because handed the teacher an excuse letter mother 3. Bernadette, on the other hand, came late. wrote that a power outage occurred in the street and that was not able to prepare Bernadette uniform last night.​

Complete the sentences with the correct tense of the verb:1. There (is) a typhoon coming today. 2. Everyone (is) expected to prepare for safety 3. My parents (buy) necessities like flashlights and batteries, food, and water. 4. They (tell) us to charge all the phones, in case there (is) a power outage. 5. The typhoon (is) landed in the Philippine Area of Responsibility at 6 pm tonight.

Write the correct subject-verb agreement. The grade 7 classes (discuss) the lessons during face-to-face classes. There (are) more face-to-face classes than modular classes. The teachers (provide) related activities for students to work on for a modular schedule. They (are) expected to comply with the given activities. Students (are) held in blended form.Write the correct pronoun to complete the sentences. Etan arrived in class early today. He was absent last week. He greeted the teacher before entering the room.Steven also went to class early. He smiled at the teacher and gave an excuse letter because he handed the teacher an excuse letter mother.Bernadette, on the other hand, came late. He wrote that a power outage occurred in the street and was unable to prepare a Bernadette uniform last night.

Learn more about the simple presents in:


12. why do teachers only teach one subjectwhen a student expects to answer all subjects?do an orange called orange because it's orange?or it's called orange because it's orange?that's my question​

kase trip nelAahhh


Tetcher esdabes

13. To be a good academic writer, I need to learn the specific styles andstructures for my own discipline, as well as for each individual writing taskSome ways to do this are to:ask for more information from your lecturer or teacherstudy the writing style of the academic articles in the most prestigiousjournals in your disciplineook at the successful writing by other students in your subject areadifferent disciplines often have quite different expectations about howobjective or subjective my writing can be. For example, in some fields it is fineto use first person, such as my view is that, while in other fields this is notacceptable. I should look at the convention used in published articles indiscipline area​

(and any subsequent words) was ignored because we limit queries to 32 words.

14. What are my expectations with your subject teacher? ENTREPRENEURSHIP​


By studying entrepreneurship and innovation, you can learn the underlying principles of starting a business, avoid common pitfalls, pitch ideas more effectively, validate your product, develop a solid business model, and set yourself up for success in a field where failure is common.

15. The Glitch By Divina P. Maming Dela Cruz family came together for breakfast. Each had his/her own story to tell about his/her experiences for the week. This is the usual scenario every Sunday morning. "Good morning kids!" greeted the mother who had just finished setting the table for five. Tonio and Maria could not wait to reach for their chairs with a big grin on their faces as they said, "Good morning, nanay!" Criselda walked out from her room, still sleepy, her hair unkempt, her sleepwear on but appeared equally thrilled as her siblings shared the table with their mother. "Nanay, I can smell the aroma of your best delicacy, adobo," she remarked. "Yeah, I know. It is the favorite of the family so adobo is what I prepared today," she answered. Criselda replied, "I can’t wait to taste it!" Mang Cardo, the man of the family, is a clerk in one of the rural banks in town. He was talking to somebody over the phone; his voice echoed excitement but later on, his positive mood gradually vanished. As he turned towards the table, he shrugged his shoulders for disappointment. "Let’s eat!" mother exclaimed, wanting to turn the situation around. But everybody seemed to have been overwhelmed by their father’s silence. It was the first time they saw him in a really low spirit. "What happened?" at last, the wife asked. "I may lose my job," he said with a croaky voice. "But why?" Aling Terie was surprised and so were the children. She quickly walked towards him and patted his shoulder. "It’s okay. You can still find another job," she said offering him a seat. The children also let their father feel their support as they smilingly uttered, "Tatay, don’t worry, we are here to help." 7 CO_Q1_Oral Communication SHS Module 2 "Yes, we will assist nanay in selling fish in the market after school hours," Tonio said. "Maybe we can add vegetables to sell too, for additional income," Maria added. Criselda, on the other hand, volunteered to do the home chores. "Thank you, my dear children," was all Aling Terie could say. Mang Cardo was moved by his family’s gesture. He was not expecting for such an all-out support. He felt good about it. He started asking his kids about their activities in school and how they fared in their subjects. Each of them excitedly told his own story. Criselda declared, "I got highest score in Math, so my teacher rewarded me with a bar of chocolate." Tonio then mentioned about their project in Science which could eliminate foot smell and everyone poked fun at it. They asked him whether they could try the product to see if it would really work. Maria spoke about their field trip to the town’s historical heritage and talked about what she learned from it. Exchanges of stories persisted until someone gave Mang Cardo a ring. The ringing lasted for some seconds and finally, he stood up to answer the call. As he returned to the table, he was smiling. He was informed that the retrenchment was not for him; it was a mistake. Now, the glitch is fixed and he is to report to work the next day again. All of them could not contain their happiness. And so, they sat down again to eat all together. "We will go to the church after breakfast, as usual," Mang Cardo sighed with relief. Now, answer the following questions: 1. What are the different communication scenarios in the story? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. How did each communication scenario develop? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. Did a conflict arise in the story? What kind of conflict is it? Did it affect the communication process? Was it resolved? How? How did the rest of the family members react to it? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. How can we establish a good communication? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. What is the importance of communication in our daily life?


English ba to?


Kase kung oo di ko alam

16. The Glitch By Divina P. Maming Dela Cruz family came together for breakfast. Each had his/her own story to tell about his/her experiences for the week. This is the usual scenario every Sunday morning. "Good morning kids!" greeted the mother who had just finished setting the table for five. Tonio and Maria could not wait to reach for their chairs with a big grin on their faces as they said, "Good morning, nanay!" Criselda walked out from her room, still sleepy, her hair unkempt, her sleepwear on but appeared equally thrilled as her siblings shared the table with their mother. "Nanay, I can smell the aroma of your best delicacy, adobo," she remarked. "Yeah, I know. It is the favorite of the family so adobo is what I prepared today," she answered. Criselda replied, "I can’t wait to taste it!" Mang Cardo, the man of the family, is a clerk in one of the rural banks in town. He was talking to somebody over the phone; his voice echoed excitement but later on, his positive mood gradually vanished. As he turned towards the table, he shrugged his shoulders for disappointment. "Let’s eat!" mother exclaimed, wanting to turn the situation around. But everybody seemed to have been overwhelmed by their father’s silence. It was the first time they saw him in a really low spirit. "What happened?" at last, the wife asked. "I may lose my job," he said with a croaky voice. "But why?" Aling Terie was surprised and so were the children. She quickly walked towards him and patted his shoulder. "It’s okay. You can still find another job," she said offering him a seat. The children also let their father feel their support as they smilingly uttered, "Tatay, don’t worry, we are here to help." 7 CO_Q1_Oral Communication SHS Module 2 "Yes, we will assist nanay in selling fish in the market after school hours," Tonio said. "Maybe we can add vegetables to sell too, for additional income," Maria added. Criselda, on the other hand, volunteered to do the home chores. "Thank you, my dear children," was all Aling Terie could say. Mang Cardo was moved by his family’s gesture. He was not expecting for such an all-out support. He felt good about it. He started asking his kids about their activities in school and how they fared in their subjects. Each of them excitedly told his own story. Criselda declared, "I got highest score in Math, so my teacher rewarded me with a bar of chocolate." Tonio then mentioned about their project in Science which could eliminate foot smell and everyone poked fun at it. They asked him whether they could try the product to see if it would really work. Maria spoke about their field trip to the town’s historical heritage and talked about what she learned from it. Exchanges of stories persisted until someone gave Mang Cardo a ring. The ringing lasted for some seconds and finally, he stood up to answer the call. As he returned to the table, he was smiling. He was informed that the retrenchment was not for him; it was a mistake. Now, the glitch is fixed and he is to report to work the next day again. All of them could not contain their happiness. And so, they sat down again to eat all together. "We will go to the church after breakfast, as usual," Mang Cardo sighed with relief. Now, answer the following questions: 1. What are the different communication scenarios in the story? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. How did each communication scenario develop? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. Did a conflict arise in the story? What kind of conflict is it? Did it affect the communication process? Was it resolved? How? How did the rest of the family members react to it? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. How can we establish a good communication? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. What is the importance of communication in our daily life?


punan ang kahon ng isang isyu o suliraning pang kapaligiran na nararanasan sa kasalukuyan at isulat ang iyong bahagi sa pagkakaroon at pagtugon sa isyu sa pamamagitan ng pagkompleto sa nilalaman ng pangungusap


punan ang kahon ng isang isyu o suliraning pang kapaligiran na nararanasan sa kasalukuyan at isulat ang iyong bahagi sa pagkakaroon at pagtugon sa isyu sa pamamagitan ng pagkompleto sa nilalaman ng pangungusap

hope its help you...

17. Answer in Essay form with at least 5 sentences 1. How does my Christmas vacation developed my Mathematical skills2. What do I expect from my Math subject & my teacher (need sana maayos na sagot)THANKYOU​


[tex] \times - 3y = 1[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

base sa experience mo

18. what do you expect to learn from your teacher of this subject at the end of the semester despite of modular distance learning ways of teaching?why?respect my question pls​

I wanna learn everything my teacher has been teaching us, despite of the pandemic we are going through and answering through modular, every teacher deserves a praise for teaching us somehow even though we are in this tough pandemic. Teachers deserve respect because we know that not all of us have internet for online class, they still try to understand each situation and teach us, they'll try to find ways to teach their students.

sana po maka tulong :))

19. put the answer the verb that agress with subject. 1 mother and father (expects,expect)2 the crew members and the pilot (was,were) not injured3 a teacher and two parents (rides,ride) on each bus4 My grandparents and my uncle (drives,drive) me to school this weekend 5 the officer and his bodyguard (takes,take) a taxi 6 math and science(is,are) alfredo's favorite subjects​​








20. 4.Lisa is one of the students who has, have passed with an A.5. Each student and teacher (was, were) aware of the difficulty.13. He is one of the men who (do, does) the work74. Mathematics (is, are) my favorite subjects.15. Mumps (is, are) a viral disease.16. Mellssa and John (is. ore) expected to finish in the top 1017. Each year, local runners (prepare, prepores) themselves for the annual race.18. Mary ſloves. love) milk tea.19. The dog (bites, bite).20. (Do, Does) you believe in love​


4. Have or had

5. Was

13. Does

74. Is

15. Is

16. Are

17. Prepare

18. Loves

19. Bites

20. Do

21. MY EXPECTATION(Subject, classmates, teacher)​


for me first is teacher because first we need to expect first teacher for me I want my teacher is kind, and also if I have the question to teacher she always listen to all student and don't ignore this is my first expectation, and my expect in my classmates be corpirate, at also I want never be bored, at dapat magrespeto sa isat isa and my expect in the subject not difficult and also I want easy to understand the question and have examples also

For me first teacher without teacher no classmate, 2nd classmate without classmate no subject.

22. c. Encircle the gerund phrase in each sentence. 1. The naughty boy was given a failing grade in Science because he is late submitting his project. 2. Answering questions in complete sentences should always be observed in any subject 3. My favorite pastime, surfing the Internet, is enjoyable. 4. Have you finished reading the novel? 5. One of the major offenses a student should avoid is cheating during exams. D. Underline twice the infinitives in each sentence. 1. To sterilize the food that we will store is very important. 2. Schools gave me new ideas about the type of work I want to do. 3. But others believe that it is necessary to think of CIC 10din such mysterious ways. 4. He had no resource but to continue. 5. He stopped working to study this semester.E. Circle the noun phrase in each of the following statements1. has anyone seen the little green parrot?2. the football coach got very upset with his team.3. she is my favorite english teacher.4. the kids were surprised by the summer rain.5. i live in a good, family home.F. underline the adjective phrase in each of the given sentences.1. have you ever seen an elephant with white skin?2. He was wearing a crown made of gold.3. there i met a girl with blue eyes.4. wild beast in a smal cages are a sorry sight.5. a man with long beard came to see me.G. Box the adverb phrase in the following statements.1. we expect our grandparents to arrive an hour.2. my cousin watches television almost as much as you do.3. the weather man says it will rain all day.4. Your brother plays soccer better than my brother.5. our friend drives his car with delicate care.H. underline the verb phrase in each of the given sentences.1. we could have saved more money.2. the tide was creeping in.3 mike will ride in the back seat.4. the water has been running all morning.5. the player could not hear the coach​

C. Encircle the gerund phrase in each sentences

1. Failing

2. Answering

3. Surfing

4. Reading

5. Cheating/offenses

The Function of Gerund Phrases

Eating blackberries quickly is a bad idea. (Here, the gerund phrase is the subject of the verb "is.") She hates waiting for trains. (The gerund phrase is the direct object of the verb "hates.")

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Kategori english