Western Culture Is Superior And Opposite Of Non western Culture

Western Culture Is Superior And Opposite Of Non western Culture

Western culture is superior and opposite of non Western culture?​

Daftar Isi

1. Western culture is superior and opposite of non Western culture?​


Western culture, sometimes equated with Western civilization, Occidental culture, the Western ... and context-dependent, there is no agreed definition of what the "West" is. ... Concepts of what is the West arose out of legacies of the Western Roman ... The learning of Classical Antiquity was better preserved in the Byzantine ...

2. western culture is superior and opposite of non western culture


Wheres the question


3. western culture is superior and opposite of non-western culture.


ano po yan dikopo maintindihan?


btw anong subject po pala yan?:)


ayan na yung sagot

pa brainliests nalang pi

4. western culture is superior and opposite of non-western culture brainly


anong subject po yan?:)


baka matulungan kopo kayo:)


Yan yung sagot maree

thankyou sa points

pa brainliests nalang

5. What are the examples of western culture?


Celtic,Germanic,Hellenic,Jewish,Slavic,Latin, and other.


Based on my research correct me if I'm wrong

6. western and eastern culture


Eastern culture includes Asia and the Middle East, while the western world includes South and North America, European countries, New Zealand and Australia. The East and West have many differences based on their culture which is reflected in people’s attitude and behaviour.

When a comparison between eastern and western culture is made, one of the key differences between western and eastern culture is that countries in the West are more liberal than countries in the East. Western culture allows people to be more open and critical. They discuss subjects that are considered taboo in eastern cultures and they are allowed to show their emotions and vent anger if they think they should. This sort of behaviour wouldn’t take place in eastern cultures. People prefer to approach difficult situations by using good manners and tact, not aggression.

Explanation: Differences Between Eastern and Western Cultures

7. what is the difference between islamic culture and western culture?​


in the culture of Islam there is little variation in the way you are to live your life and are dedicated to serving Allah (God) in every aspect of your life. In Islam, some practices include no alcohol, halal food, and ritualistic fasting.


Why do we see evidence of myths and traditional stories in modern narratives? Elements of myths and traditional stories often form the basis of modern narratives. ... Modern authors use myths and traditional stories as a basis for stories because the cultural and moral messages have stood the test of time.What is Folklore? The term folklore encompasses the traditional beliefs, stories, customs, and legends, transmitted orally, from generation to generation. This page will introduce you to the most common folklore genres: fairy tales, legends, myths, tall tales, and fables.


sAna makatulong

9. western culture is superior and opposite of non-western culture cultural relativism




on jggijbu9o,l0eokdmdkekkrkririririrririkrkrkr


10. Known as the Oriental culture and western as the occidental culture


Western culture, also known as Western civilization, Occidental culture, or Western society, is the heritage of social norms, ethical values, traditional customs, belief systems, political systems, artifacts and technologies of the Western world.


11. Describe the western culture as Individualistic


Western culture, sometimes equated with Western civilization, Western lifestyle or European civilization, is a term used very broadly to refer to a heritage of social norms, ethical values, traditional customs, belief systems, political systems, and specific artifacts and technologies that have some origin or association with Europe.


Individualistic cultures are those that stress the needs of the individual over the needs of the group as a whole. In this type of culture, people are seen as independent and autonomous. ... Cultures in North America and Western Europe tend to be individualistic

12. Asian culture is as rich as Western culture (TRUE OR FALSE)​




sana makatulong eyannn:)

True because their are rich in minerals,the best tourist destinations and products are loved around the world

13. Why is the Filipino culture is considered as a "western non-western culture" and how is this incorporated in our moral behavior?​


To further our reflection on Filipino culture and in order to place ourselves in a better ... It is incorporated in us unconsciously and informally.

14. characteristic of the western culture?​


Western culture is a pretty fluid and loose term because it encompasses so much. Some of the central characteristics of Western culture include:


Rational thinking




Modern technology

Human rights

Scientific thinking

15. western culture is superior and opposite of non-western culture cultural relativism


Sorry Hindi maind

tin dihan eh

16. Discuss the Western culture?​


Ok ok ok ok


Have a great time:)

17. Compare Globalization from westernization? explain the affects of westernization to economy and culture?​


Westernization inevitably undermines full development of indigenous cultures and traditions of non-Western people. Furthermore, it creates resentment among non-Western people toward Western values and, fosters racism and prejudice against non-Western people in Western societies.

18. reasons why you beg to disagree to the western culture is superior and opposite of non western​


The major difference between eastern and western culture is that people in the east are more conservative and traditional than the general population in the west.


Love you

19. how is japan culture influenced by western culture


Japanese culture including fine art, food, fashion, and customs has been adopted and popularized by the Western world now for over a century. Today, Japanese culture influences our daily lives as a result of globalization and its rapid integration in the West over time.

20. what is the cultures similar and different of the western and western​


Eastern and Western cultures have a different perception of power and power distance. Eastern cultures tend to have a very hierarchical structure, where Western cultures are more egalitarian. “Western cultures value independence and tend to promote individuals who are task orientated and individualistic.”



people in the east are more conservative and traditional than the general population in the west.

21. how does western culture influence the philippine culture?​


Obviously, Filipinos culture has been greatly influenced by the west: our education, music, show business, lifestyle, fashion and even on infrastructures. ... These ideas helped trigger the Philippine Revolution against many colonizers and molded leaders who are very known because of their deeds during the revolution.


Obviously, Filipinos culture has been greatly influenced by the west: our education, music, show business, lifestyle, fashion and even on infrastructures. ... These ideas helped trigger the Philippine Revolution against many colonizers and molded leaders who are very known because of their deeds during the revolution.

22. Compare and contrast the Western Culture and Asian Culture.​

Westerners - generally feel that foreigners to their country should conform to their manner of doing things. Asians - generally indulge foreigners as honoured guests to their countries and exempt them from most local social constraints. They allow foreigners to do whatever they wish without much worry of consequences.

23. what is the culture of western region?


Western culture


24. western culture is superior and opposite of non-western culture


report me sorry I don't know what is the answer is yes then


There is no superior culture between the Eastern and Western culture. Both cultures have their own rich history, heritage, and norms. Citizens of each have adapted and developed their own societal standards that is why it is not right to categorically state that Western Culture is superior.


Eastern and Western cultures have a different perception of power and social structure. Eastern cultures lean towards a hierarchical structure, while Western cultures are more egalitarian or democratic. Western cultures value independence and tend to promote individuals who are task orientated and individualistic

Cultural Differences between East and Western

Non-verbal communication. Kissing on the cheek and hugging are normal forms of greetings while these actions are considered awkward in the East. Eastern culture is more conservative and tamed.

Work Relationships. Western culture are more professional and draws a clear border between personal and professional relationships, while Eastern culture highly encourages development of long-term bonds among workers

Criticism. In the west, directly calling out someone when they make a mistake is normal, while in east, you have to think about your tone, carefully choose your words, check your timing, and undergo all the drama

25. asian culture is as rich as western culture​


Maybe at some aspescts yes because asia is full of spices and minerals that western countries don't have.

26. Society, Culture and individuals in Western?​


Western society focuses on the individual's self-development, whereas eastern society focuses on mass development.


27. MUSIC!2 Difference of Southeast Asia and Western CultureSimilarities of Southeast Asia and Western Culture​


2 Difference of Southeast Asia and Western Culture

It has been said that East and West can never meet up. They differ in history, religion, political system and so on. ... The major difference between eastern and western culture is that people in the east are more conservative and traditional than the general population in the west

Similarities of Southeast Asia and Western Culture music we both make and listen music in our language

28. 1.What the effect of westernization of the culture of Filipino?2.What made western be a party of our pop culture ?​


By adopting hip hop and rap songs, and dance move become modern.

29. Why is the Filipino culture is considered as a "western non-western culture"?​

filipino culture is mixed. And it is because we were influenced by the people from the west and non-western.


Culture is not Law,change is law of nature,and so if indians want to adopt some good things of western culture,than it's totally acceptable.Western culture has various practices which are good and it can help us to make our society better.Adopting good practices of any culture is always fruitful

30. 2. Western culture is superior and opposite of non-Western culture.​


There is no superior culture between the Eastern and Western culture. Both cultures have their own rich history, heritage, and norms. Citizens of each have adapted and developed their own societal standards that is why it is not right to categorically state that Western Culture is superior.


Eastern and Western cultures have a different perception of power and social structure. Eastern cultures lean towards a hierarchical structure, while Western cultures are more egalitarian or democratic. Western cultures value independence and tend to promote individuals who are task orientated and individualistic

Cultural Differences between East and Western Non-verbal communication. Kissing on the cheek and hugging are normal forms of greetings while these actions are considered awkward in the East. Eastern culture is more conservative and tamed. Work Relationships. Western culture are more professional and draws a clear border between personal and professional relationships, while Eastern culture highly encourages development of long-term bonds among workers Criticism. In the west, directly calling out someone when they make a mistake is normal, while in east, you have to think about your tone, carefully choose your words, check your timing, and undergo all the drama  

Know the different ways on how to understand culture: https://brainly.ph/question/7452781

Know the other differences between the eastern and western cultures: https://brainly.ph/question/14082593



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