From The Speed You Have Calculated Above

From The Speed You Have Calculated Above

from the speed you have calculated above

Daftar Isi

1. from the speed you have calculated above


stationary:not moving constant

constant speed:object in motion

speeding up : same direction

slowing down: opposite direction

2. from the speed you have calculated above,tell which position corresponds to the situation belowstationary:constant speed:speeding up:slowing down​


Stationary: Not moving constant

Constant speed: Object in motion

Speeding up: Same direction

Slowing down: Opposite direction

3. From the speed you have calculated above, tell which position corresponds to the situation below:Stationary:Constant speed:Speeding Up:Slowing down:position po, di yung meaning.​


Stationary: Not moving constant

Constant speed: Object in motion

Speeding up: Same direction

Slowing down: Opposite direction


4. This time with all the activities you’ve done, I know that you already mastered the skills needed in summarizing. Choose the statement that best summarizes the following passages. Write the letter of the correct answer on your notebook.1. The fact that electronic computers are now used for data processing has led the general public to believe that it is a mysterious, complicated science and that the computers are giant brains. Both of these ideas are false. A computer is basically just a high-speed adding machine that performs the functions it is told to. If the input data are varied even a little, the computer is unable to operate until it is programmed to accept the variations. The business operations it performs are impressive only because of the extremely high speed of manipulation, but most of these operations have been used for decades. Unlike man, the computer performs repetitive calculations without getting tired or bored.a. A computer is a high-speed adding machine.b. A computer is a mysterious giant brain.c. A computer is impressive because of its high speed.d. A computer is superior to man in many ways.2. In earlier days those who had overseas business which they believed should be discussed personally, took ship and set out across the briny deep. Once aboard they transacted their affairs, engaging in commercial and social matters or conducting government business. Today ships and passengers continue to sail the seven seas, and airplanes soar overhead. But above them all, words speed through the sky – telephone conversations quickly bring together in the most personal fashion people who are separated by thousands of miles.a. Overseas telephone service today is ruling out all need for overseas travel.b. Nothing can take the place of person-to-person conversation in settling business, social, and government problems.c. Many conversations which once required overseas travel can now be conducted by telephone.d. Even with modern overseas telephone service people continue to travel abroad by ship or by plane.3. The attitudes of Americans toward gambling are amazingly contradictory. You may find, for example, that horse racing is legal in your state, but that you cannot legally play poker for money on your front porch; bookies may be prosecuted by state law, but they are supposed to purchase a federal license nonetheless; one church condemns gambling, while another raises money by sponsoring Bingo games. Gambling laws are inconsistent from state to state or even from town to town and are very difficult to enforce.a. Americans have negative attitudes toward gambling.b. Gambling laws are difficult to enforcec. Gambling laws are inconsistent from community to community.d. Churches do not have uniform ideas about gambling.4. Tea is the world’s second most popular drink after water. Tea is a big part of the Chinese culture. A Chinese saying identifies the seven basic daily necessities as fuel, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, and tea. According to Chinese legend, tea was invented accidentally by the Chinese Emperor Shen Nong in 2737 B.C. China is one of the main producers of tea, and tea remains China’s national drink.a. Why tea is so popularb. The importance of tea in the Chinese culturec. The health benefits of tead. Drinking water is good for you5. “If you want something done, give it to a busy person.” Initially that advice sounds strange, but people with energy and ambition often get things done. Throughout time, it has been proven that people with ambition accomplish things that others thought were impossible. Whether a person wants to set a world record or rise to the top, ambition is the one quality that is most needed.a. The ways in which ambition affects social lifeb. The negative effects of ambitionc. How to have ambitiond. The value of ambition​


1. c. A computer is impressive because of its high speed.

2. c. Many conversations which once required overseas travel can now be conducted by telephone.

3. c. Gambling laws are inconsistent from community to community.

4. b. The importance of tea in the Chinese culture.

5. a. The ways in which ambition affects social life.



Summarizing is defined as taking a lot of information and creating a condensed version that covers the main points. Why use summarizing? It helps students learn to determine essential ideas and consolidate important details that support them. It enables students to focus on key words and phrases of an assigned text that are worth noting and remembering.

5. 21. How do you calculate momentum? A m=mv 8. map C. pomy D. pa pv 22. What is the unit for momentum? A. kg m/s B. m/s C. m/s2 D. Joule 23. Which has more momentum, a huge car that is not moving or a small cart that is moving? A. Huge car that is not moving C. Both has the same momentum B. A smail cart that is moving D. None of the above 24. Two cars, one twice as heavy as the other, moves down a hill at the same time. The heavier car would have a momentum Aless B. equal C. same D. twice 25. What are the two factors does momentum depend on? A. inass and velocity B. velocity and acceleration C. speed and weight D. gravity and force _26. A ball is lifted to some height and then dropped. Which of the following increases when the bail is dropped? A, kinetic energy B. elastic potential energy C. total mechanical energy D. gravitational potential energy 27. What is a foule? A. It is a unit of work, 8. It is equivalent to kg m2 / 32 C. It is equivalent to newton-meter D. It is equivalent to m/s2 _28. On a roller coaster, where is maximum kinetic energy? A. at the top of a big hill C. when going upside down B. at the bottom of a big hili D. when going around a corner 29. Where does most potential energy exist on roller coaster? A. the top of the coaster 3. The middle of the coaster C. the bottom of the coaster D. it is the same anywhere on the coaster 30. On a roller coaster, where is maximum potential energy? A, at the top of a big hill Bat the bottom of a big hill C. when going upside down D. when going around a comer 31. tt is a closed surface surrounding a system through which energy and mass may enter or leave the system A. System B. Surroundings C. Boundary D. Universe 32. It is a system wherein in no matter enters or leaves the system. It only interacts with its surroundings in terms of energy transfers. A. Closed system B. Open system C. Isolated system D. None of them _33. It is a form of energy that "flows" from a region of high temperature to a region of low temperature. A heat C force D. distance 34. It is the energy transferred when an object is moved against force. A. heat 8. work C. internal energy D. thermodynamics 35. What is the primary energy or fuel of a hydroelectric power plant? A. Coat B. Fossil fuel C. Oil D. Water 36. What is the most essential part of a power plant that is used to reduce the heat of the water? A. Cooling tower B. Generator C. Nuclear reactor D. Turbine


momentum is in the graveyard next ro school


hope it helps :>

6. tivities Learning Learning Task. The cat runs toward the mouse for food at different speed. Given the data below, calculate the speed of the cat. Position Time (s) Distance (m) Speed (m/s) A 0 0 (1) B 1 1 (2) С 2 1 (3) D 3 1.5 (4) E 4 4 (5) F 5 2 (6) > Guide Questions: 1. From the speed you have calculated above, tell which position corresponds to the situation below: Stationary: Constant speed: Speeding Up: Slowing down: When is the object at rest? In constant speed? Accelerating? 2.​


1. 0m/s

2. 1m/s

3. 0.5m/s

4. 0.5m/s

5. 1m/s

6. 0.4m/s



7. PASAGOT PLEASEPosition A = 0 m/sPosition B = 1 m/s Position C = 0.5 m/sPosition D = 0.5 m/sPosition E = 1 m/sPosition F = 0.4 m/sGuide Questions: 1. From the speed you have calculated above, tell which position corresponds to the situation below: Stationary: Constant speed: Speeding Up: Slowing down:2. When is the object at rest? In constant speed? Accelerating? ​


so ummm, nasagotan ko na,


nasa pic mga sagot ko,

8. 51. From the speed you have calculated above, tell which position corresponto the situation below. Write the letter of your answer.Constant speed object in motionSpeeding Up Same directionSlowing down oppsite direction2. When is the object at rest?In constant speed?​


studies have shown the humans perceive sound at. and. to be softer than sounds in the middle frequencies , even when they have the same amplitude

9. 11. If a rocket covers a distance of 10 meters in 5 see you souw determine is D A9 miles/how A Acceleration b velocity 6 speed 12. if you were traveling in your car al 75 mph to the west, you could describe your d distance A Time b velocity 6. distance mass 13. A tomado's veloclly changed from 60mph to 45 mph in 1 hr From this commation you could determine its A Acceleration b mass o volume d time 14. Velocity is different from speed in that it depends on A Volume b time o distance direction 15. If an object is in motion, it changes position relative to A Angle b. speed 6. reference point time 16 Which of the following is the formula for calculating speed? A Time divided by distance B. Distance minus time Distance divided by time D. Time divided by position 17 What would be the best unit to use to measure the up of your penet? A Feet b. kilometer o millimeter o mistot 18. What is the speed of something that moves 3,600 cm in 40 sec? A 90 cm/seg b. 900 cm/sec 6.9 cm/sec 19. What is the average of those 3 speeds. 78 mph, 69 mph and 65 mph? A. B2.7 6. 74.5 0.673 d. 44.2 20. What is the speed of something that moves 400 meters in 4 minutes? A 10 m/min b. 100m/min c. 10mph d. 100 mph 21. A reference point is a place or object used for comparison to determine if something is in motion, A True b. false c. both A and B 22. A weather forecaster may give the speed and velocity of a storm A True b. false c. both A and B 23. Mary and Keisha run with the same constant speed but in opposite directions. Determine what do girls have? A. The same position B. Different accelerations C. Different speeds D. Different velocities d. none of the above d none of the choices d. none of the choices​


paki ayos po Kasi di po ma intindihan nagka dikit² kasi

10. Learning Task 3. The cat runs tospeed. Given the data below, calculate the speed of the cat.0AOw012345111.542.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)FGuide Questions:1. From the speed you have calculated above, tecorresponds to the situation below:Stationary:Constantspeed:​




I hope it help your test

11. Learning Task. The cat runs toward the mouse for food at different speed.Given the data below, calculate the speed of the cat.Position Time (s)Distance(m) Speed (m/s)А00(1)Bi1(2)C с2.1(3)D31.5(4)E4.4(5)F52(6)UloOWNGuide Questions:1.From the speed you have calculated above, tell which positionсо sponds to the situation below:Stationary:Constant speed:Speeding Up:Slowing down: 2.when is the object at rest?in contant speed?accelerating​

Answer:3.4 MS SPEED 5.3 SPEED

12. From the speed you have calculated above, tell which position corresponds to the situation below:Stationary: Constant speed:Speeding up:Slowing down: 2. When is the object at rest? In constant speed? Accelerating?​



STATIONARY: standing still; not moving. having a fixed position; not movable. established in one place; not itinerant or migratory. remaining in the same condition or state; not changing: The market price has remained stationary for a week.

cONSTANT SPEED: Constant velocity means that the object in motion is moving in a straight line at a constant speed. This line can be represented algebraically as: x=x0+vt x = x 0 + vt , where x0 represents the position of the object at t=0 , and the slope of the line indicates the object's speed.




13. KNOWING WHAT YOU ALREADY KNOW (PRE-ASSESSMENT)Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer and write this on your answer sheet.1) In which of the following situations is work being done from a scientist’s perspective?A. a person sitting on the chair c. a person walking with a load on its headB. a person pushing the wall D. a person lifting a box2) Which of these equations gives the amount of work done?A. Work = F/d C. Work = FdB. Work = Fgd D. Work = F/t3) How much work is done in holding a 1-kg object 2 m above the ground?A. zero C. 9.8B. 2 D. 19.64) How much work was done on an object when a constant force of 20 N pushed it 2 m away?A. zero C. 20B. 10 D. 405) What will happen to the value of work if the distance is increased?A. remains the sameB. increaseC. decreaseD. will increase and decrease6) The ability to do work is called: A. PowerB. EnergyC. WorkD. Force 7) Energy is measured in:A. HorsepowerB. JoulesC. NewtonsD. Kilogram 8) Stored energy is correctly termed as:A. Radiant energyB. Potential energyC. Kinetic energyD. Thermal energy9) Moving energy is correctly termed as:A. Potential energyB. Sound energyC. Electric energyD. Kinetic energy10) An example of potential energy is the energy of:A. A stereo playing musicB. A moving arrowC. FoodD. Fast car11) Power in physics is the rate at which __________ is used.A. CurrentB. SpeedC. EnergyD. Force12) To calculate power, we use the formula: Power = work divided by __________.A. TimeB. ForceC. EnergyD. Mass 13) What is the standard unit of measurement for power?A. JouleB. KilogramC. Meter per secondD. Watt14) If it takes 10 J of work to move a rock 15 meters in 5 seconds, what is the power?A. 1 wattB. 2 wattsC. 3 wattsD. 4 watts15) If it takes 50 J of work to climb a set of stairs, how fast would you have to climb them to use 5 Watts of power?A. 2 sB. 5 sC. 9 sD. 10 s​


14. 1)     A bicycle is traveling at a speed of 14.8 m/s. (a) What is its speed in kilometers per hour? (b) Is it exceeding the 25 km/h speed limit? The answer is 53.28 km/h, which is faster than the speed restriction of 25 km/h.   2)     Alberto wanted to go to EsEm City, so, he rode a jeepney 2.3 km West and then rode a pedicab 455 m South. Illustrate the given problem and then find the distance covered and the displacement. Hint: In finding the displacement, you may use the Pythagorean Theorem.   3)     Illustrate a free-body diagram of cellphone sliding through a book slanted at 45°.                     4)     Devs and Vanj are sitting 112 cm apart from each other in their office, when suddenly they felt a strong force of gravity of around 2.76 x 10-5 N pulling them together. If both of them weigh the same, what is their mass in kilograms?     5)     A store clerk moves a 5.72 kg box of soap at a constant velocity along a shelf by pushing it with a horizontal force with magnitude of 7.23 N. The clerk does 8.15 J of work on the box. How far did the box move?   6)     A family sets up an inclined plane to slide a 275 kg piano onto the back of a truck. The back of the truck is 126 cm above the ground, and the inclined plane is 3.0 m long. An average force of magnitude 1.5 x 103 N is needed to slide the piano up the ramp. a.     Determine the work done by the family in loading the piano. b.     Calculate the efficiency of the inclined plane used to load the piano.   7)     Roque is driving a bumper car at EK at 12.45 m/sec, and he hits another car which is at rest. If he ends up going at 7.2 m/sec, what is the final speed of the other car, given that both cars have 120.0 kg mass, he has 75.0 kg mass, and the other person has a mass of 55.0 kg?   8)     Nobita is good runner that can sustain a speed of 15.5 m/s. He went to Laguna Lake and sat on a floating log. When Damulag passed by, he was scared and jumped off the log with a velocity of 15 m/s towards the other side. The log moved with a velocity of 3.8 m/s away from Nobita. If the mass of the log is 250 kg, what is Nobita’s mass?   9)     Napoles stopped at a traffic light when a 1280.5 kg car (including the driver) hits her from behind at 40.0 m/sec (Ouch!). If the other car ends up moving at 12 m/sec, and if she and her car have a mass of 940 kg, what is her final speed? ​


utak nyo Po gamitin nyo Hindi puro ml

15. Guide Questions: 1. From the speed you have calculated above,tell which position corresponds to the situation below: 2. When is the object at rest? In constant speed? Accelerating?​pls pa answer po :)


Di po akin yung picture pero sana makatulong

Shout-out na lang sa owner ng picture


16. ASSESMENTChoose the statement that best summarizes the following passage.Write the letter of the correct answer.1.)The fact that electronic computers are now used for data processing has led the general public to believe that it is a mysterious,complicated science and that the computers are giant brains.Both of these ideas are false.A computer is basically just a high-speed adding machine that performs the functions it is told to.If the input data are varied even a little,the computer is unable to operate until it is programmed to accept the variations.The business operations it performs are impressive only because of the extremely high speed of manipulation,but most of these operations have been used for decades unlike man,the computer performs repetetive calculations without getting tired or boredA.)A computer is a high-speed adding machineB.)A computeris a mysterious giant brainC.)A computer is impressive because of its high speedD.)A computer is superior to man in many ways2.)In earlier days those who had overseas business which they believed should be discussed personally,took ship and set out acrossthe briny deep.Once aboard they transacted their affairs,engaging in commertial and social matters or conducting goverment business.Today ships and passengers continue to sail the seven seas,and airplanes soar overhead.But above them all,words speed through the sky telephone conversations quickly bring together in the most personal fashion people who are seperated by thousands of miles.A.)Overseas telephone service today is ruling out all need for overseas travel.B.)Nothing can take the place from perso-to-person conversation in settling business,social,and goverment problems.C.)Many conversations which once required overseas travel can now be conducted by telephoneD.)Even with modern overseas telephone service people continue to travel abroad by ship or by plane.3.)The attitudes of americans toward gambling are amazingly contradictory.You may find,for example,that horse racing is legal in your state,but that you cannot legally play poker for money in your front porch; bokies may be prosecuted by state law,but they are supposed to purchase a federal license nonetheless;one church condemns gambling,while another raises money by sponsoring Bingo games.Gambling laws are inconsistent from state to state or even from town and are very difficult to enforce.A.)Americans have negative attitudes toward gamblingB.)Gambling laws are difficult to enforce.C.)Gambling laws are inconsistent. from community to community.D.)Churches do not have uniform ideas about gambling.Pasagot po ng maayos non-sence answer report​

C.)Gambling laws are inconsistent from community to community


sana makatulong

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