Philosophy As An Analysis Of Framework

Philosophy As An Analysis Of Framework

PhilosophyAs an analysis offrameworks​

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1. PhilosophyAs an analysis offrameworks​


yes so the


good part is to study KID p o i n t s

2. what is philosophy as an analysis of framework? ​

In the existing techniques of conceptual analysis, “a concept is chosen for examination, and the analysis involves, among other things, quantifying and tallying its presence” (Palmquist, Carley, & Dale, 1997; see also Finney & Corbett, 2007). The focus is on examining the occurrence of selected implicit and explicit terms within texts. Moreover, Carley (1993) has suggested that “the focus on concepts implicit to traditional content analysis often results in an overestimation of the similarity of texts because meaning is neglected” (p. 77).

3. what is philosophy as an analysis of framework​


What happened the ending of storry?


4. Good research problems have theoretical and conceptual frameworks for their analysis. True or false​


The answer is True

5. which step of the statistical analysis framework involves creating a report or presentation to communicate the findings and conclusions of the analysis?


You can use descriptive statistics to summarize the data from a sample or represent a whole sample in a research population. Descriptive statistics uses data visualization tools such as tables, graphs and charts to make analysis and interpretation easier

6. Analyze the characteristics of Philosophy by the following areas: A. As an analysis of frameworks? B. As an examination of knowledge? C. As a discipline? ​


A. Analytical frameworks are designed to structure an analyst's thinking, and to help logical thinking in a systematic manner. In short, analytical frameworks are models that aim to guide and facilitate sense making and understanding. An analytical framework is often presented visually.

B. The term "knowledge" can refer to a theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. ... The philosopher Plato argued that there was a distinction between knowledge and true belief in the Theaetetus, leading many to attribute to him a definition of knowledge as "justified true belief".

C. Philosophy means “love of wisdom." It is a discipline that seeks truth about the ultimate questions about reality, the good, and the meaning of life. ... The major branches of philosophy include metaphysics (the study of reality), epistemology (the study of knowledge), logic, ethics, and social and political philosophy.


7. how may a company's framework and philosophy benefit or harm its internal operation?​


Philosophies can be a positive thing or a negative thing, and they can directly affect employee morale, performance and productivity. By thinking through and writing out the company's philosophies, business leaders can reduce the chances that negative habits will become part of the company culture.

Explanation:correct me if im wrong

sorry search lang sana makatulong

8. is the branch of philosophy that focuses on the analysis of argument?​


analytic philosophy


9. identifying the framework of a certain text is an example of structural analysis​




Example of signal words

10. PHILOSOPHY ANALYSISwhy should we think before we do?​

It is important to think through before making actions because your actions will end up making lots of consequences and possibilities that could affect not just your life but other people's life

11. Because the original meaning of the word, philosophy, does not give us much forspecific content, we will turn to descriptive definitions. A descriptive definition ofphilosophy is that it seeks to describe its functions, goals, and reasons for existence.We turn to consider several definitions of philosophy. These will include the historicalapproach, philosophy as criticism, philosophy as the analysis of language, philosophyas a program of change, philosophy as a set of questions and answers, and philosophyas a world-view. Along the way we will also analyze the definitions and attempt toreach some conclusions about this analysis . Explanation​


Philosophy is a combination of two Greek words, philein sophia, meaning lover of wisdom. In ancient times a lover of wisdom could be related to any area where intelligence was expressed. This could be in business, politics, human relations, or carpentry and other skills. Philosophy had a "wholeness" approach to life in antiquity. In contrast to this, some modern definitions restrict philosophy to what can be known by science or the analysis of language.

In today's world there is a popular use of the word philosophy. Philosophy is a term applied to almost any area of life. Some questions may express this general attitude: what is your philosophy of business? banking? driving a car? or your philosophy of the use of money? If this popular misuse of the word were to prevail, one may admit that anyone who thinks seriously about any subject is a philosopher. If we do this, we are ignoring the academic disciplines, or study of philosophy. If this very general definition is accepted, everyone becomes a philosopher. It becomes true, paradoxically, that when everyone is a philosopher, no one is a philosopher. This becomes so loose a definition that philosophy becomes meaningless as a definition. If this definition prevailed, it would mean that a philosopher is anyone who says he is a philosopher. Because of this inadequacy it becomes apparent that we have to look elsewhere for a definition of philosophy.

12. which step of the statistical analysis framework involves creating a report or presentation to communicate the findings and conclusions of the analysis?


In relation to this, five main codes were developed: (1) 'informing the professional role', (2) 'insight into services', (3) 'professional influences on caring', (4) 'planning', and (5) 'no apparent effect of MCA'.


Step-by-step explanation:


The power of data is perhaps best captured in Moneyball. The book and subsequent film tell the story of Billy Beane, the legendary general manager of the Oakland Athletics who used statistical analysis to reinvent the game of baseball. With one of the league’s smallest budgets, Beane relied on data to predict how many runs a player would score and then built a roster of undervalued—but talented—players to compete against rivals with deeper pockets.

it worked. A little while after they adopted this approach, the Oakland A’s started to win big. They even became the first team in over 100 years of American League baseball to win 20 consecutive games.

Want to become a data analyst yourself? Our 8-week Data Analytics Bootcamp can prepare you for a new career.

Fast forward several years, and you’d be hard-pressed to find an industry that isn’t applying Moneyball-like strategies to make smarter decisions. Telecommunications companies are tracking calls to refine their customers’ experience. Health care experts are using it to develop a deeper understanding of patients and ultimately improve outcomes. Media service providers are turning to data to not only personalize content but also produce entirely new shows for viewers. The cases of industries using data are virtually limitless.

While organizations have more data than ever, people who have the skills to put it to good use are rare. The outcomes? Lost revenue, dissatisfied customers, disengaged employees—to name a few.

The good news is that there’s a straightforward five-step process that can be followed to extract insights from data, identify new opportunities, and drive growth. And better yet, the ability to do so isn’t limited to data scientists or math geniuses. People across all disciplines and at all stages of their careers can develop the skills to analyze data. It’s useful whether one is looking to upskill in a career or move into an entirely new industry.

i hope this will help

13. Which of the following framework of analysis can explain inter-subjectivity conditions and situations based on the levels of categories and concepts? *A. Conceptual FrameworkB. Practical FrameworkC. Subjective FrameworkD. Theoretical Framework​




Sana'y Makatulong pa brainlist po!

14. philosophy as an analysics of frameworks ​


The Moral Philosophy Framework



* Consequential Theories

*Cost/ Benefit analysis

* Maximize "good" and minimize "harm"


* Measurement Issues

* Whose Utility Curve?

15. How important is a framework in understanding decision making using economic analysis in running a business

How important is a framework in understanding decision making using economic analysis in running a business


It is very important to know and understand Economics as basis in every decision making towards running a business. You need to understand the economic flow like fluctuation of prices or constant changes of prices in the market. You need to know when to buy a volume of products for your business. If your business is importing and exporting you need to know the status of the peso versus dollars. You need also to brainstorm a product that is popular in the market or formulate products that you think necessary for consumers. You have to analyze and answer the questions like do you need to open more branches? Do you need to invest big capital for another business? What is the current need of the market? Is your business doing good? What is the current market trend? All of these things covered to economic analysis.

16. how you understood the framework or process of statistical analysis??​


Statistical Analysis includes collection, Analysis, interpretation, presentation, and modeling of data. It analyses a set of data or a sample of data. There are two categories of this type of Analysis – Descriptive Analysis and Inferential

Step-by-step explanation:

hope its help

paki brainliests na lang po

17. Analyze the characteristics of Philosophy by the following areas:A. As an analysis of frameworks?B. As an examination of knowledge?C. As a discipline? ​


b is the correct answer


also matulog kana its nearly 3am

18. why philosophy characterized as framework discipline and examination of knowledge


Philosophy means “love of wisdom." It is a discipline that seeks truth about the ultimate questions about reality, the good, and the meaning of life. ... The major branches of philosophy include metaphysics (the study of reality), epistemology (the study of knowledge), logic, ethics, and social and political philosophy.


Sana po makatulongStay safe

19. analysis of rhetorical patternsconceptual framework or theoretical framework​


Theoretical Framework

20. 2. Which of the following is not a characteristic of Philosophy?A. Philosophy is framework.B. Philosophy is a discipline,C. Philosophy is Mathematical and scientificD. Philosophy is an examination of practical knowledge.​


I think letter C Yan na Yung pinaka best answer HAHA

21. how can marketers use the wheel of consumer analysis framework in understanding consumers?


Wheel of consumer analysis is an excellent tool which helps in forming a marketing strategy after taking the consumer’s in consideration like in aspects which are considered for analysis of consumer’s are Affect and Cognition, Consumer behavior and Consumer environment

22. true or false 1. The value of philosophy is not measured in terms of providing definite answers to certain questions and satisfying our practical or material needs. 2. Philosophy asks framework questions to arrive to a conclusion.





sana po makatulong

23. Question 1. He was the author of a philosophical and scientific system that became the framework and vehicle for both Christian Scholasticism and medieval Islamic philosophy

I think it's Aristotle

24. which step of the statistical analysis framework involves creating a report or presentation to communicate the findings and conclusions of the analysis?


The final step of the statistical analysis framework involves creating a report or presentation to communicate the findings and conclusions of the analysis. This step is often referred to as "Dissemination of Results".

The goal of this step is to clearly and effectively communicate the results of the statistical analysis to the intended audience. This could involve creating a written report, a visual presentation (such as a slide deck), or both. The report or presentation should include key findings, important visualizations or tables, and clear and concise conclusions that are based on the data and analysis.

It is important to ensure that the report or presentation is well-organized, easy to understand, and accurately reflects the results of the analysis. The audience should be able to understand the key findings and conclusions without having to interpret complex statistical results or models.

Overall, the dissemination of results step is crucial to ensure that the insights and conclusions derived from the statistical analysis are effectively communicated and used to inform decisions or future research.

>>It's important to note that you should not solely rely on my answers. It's always a good idea to verify information from multiple sources before making decisions or taking actions based on that information.<<

25. why philosophy characterizes as framework discipline and examination of knowledge​


Here as a set of concluding remarks , I offer a view of what Philosophy itself ... for reasons, examining world-views and questioning conceptual frameworks


i .l...yo.u

26. differentiate discourse analysis and framework help naman po ​


The discourse analysis has differents schools and approaches, so the frame analysis is a discourse analysis method. There are other methods for to develop a discourse analysis.


i was just lean on my learning from college life in past few yrs then

i hope it will help you

27. explain frameworks in levels of analysis of filipino culture and society?​


The Philippines is a culture in which East meets West. The Filipino people have a distinct Asian background, with a strong Western tradition. The modern Filipino culture developed through influence from Chinease traders, Spanish conquistadors, and American rulers.


#carry on learning


#let's learned

#brainleist pls

#follow for more answers

28. what are the two modes of critical analysis in philosophy​


what are the two modes of critical analysis in philosophy

29. As an analysis of framework


business strategy analysis, accounting, analysis financial analysis, prospective analysis

I'm not sure in my answer

30. Why framework in philosophy is important?​


To me, having a philosophy of education is important because it allows you to adjust (relatively) easily to a variety of new and unexpected situations.

For example, think about how many things happen to you in class every day that you could never have planned for.  A student says or does something that you haven't really experienced before.  


Pa brainliest po

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