Organic Compounds Of Antiseptic

Organic Compounds Of Antiseptic

what are the organic compounds of antiseptic?

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1. what are the organic compounds of antiseptic?

One example is Alcohol.

2. Organic compound used as antiseptic or disinfectant​


Nitromersol, synthetic mercury-containing organic compound used as an antiseptic for the skin and mucous membranes and as a disinfectant for sterilizing surgical instruments. It is related to merbromin (Mercurochrome) and thimerosal (Merthiolate).


I hope it help you

pa brainly answers po thank you


oraganic compound use as disinfectant

3. it is organic compound used as antiseptic or disinfectant?​




Nitromersol, synthetic mercury-containing organic compound used as an antiseptic for the skin and mucous membranes and as a disinfectant for sterilizing surgical instruments. It is related to merbromin (Mercurochrome) and thimerosal (Merthiolate).

4. ____are organic compounds which can be used as antiseptica. Acetic acid&ethanolB. Acetone & acetic acidC. Acetone & ethanol D. Acetone & ethyl ​






5. organic compound used as antiseptic or disinfectant​


Nitromersol, synthetic mercury-containing organic compound used as an antiseptic for the skin and mucous membranes and as a disinfectant for sterilizing surgical instruments. It is related to merbromin (Mercurochrome) and thimerosal (Merthiolate).



hope it helps


Nitromersol, synthetic mercury-containing organic compound used as an antiseptic for the skin and mucous membranes and as a disinfectant for sterilizing surgical instruments. It is related to merbromin (Mercurochrome) and thimerosal (Merthiolate).

6. name five naturally occurring phenolic compounds that are known to have antiseptic property and their sources​



Phenolic compounds as well as flavonoids are well-known as antioxidant and many other important bioactive agents that have long been interested due to their benefits for human health, curing and preventing many diseases.




ORGANIC: Organic farming tends to be better for the environment.

Organic farming practices may reduce pollution, conserve water, reduce soil erosion, increase soil fertility, and use less energy. Farming without synthetic pesticides is also better for nearby birds and animals as well as people who live close to farms.


•Cars, sport utility vehicles, light trucks, and motorcycles.

•Recreational vehicles and boats.

•Small aircraft.

•Equipment and tools used in construction, farming, •forestry, and landscaping.

•Electricity generators for portable and emergency power supply.

ETHANOL: Ethanol is an important industrial chemical; it is used as a solvent, in the synthesis of other organic chemicals, and as an additive to automotive gasoline (forming a mixture known as a gasohol). Ethanol is also the intoxicating ingredient of many alcoholic beverages such as beer, wine, and distilled spirits

BEVERAGE: A drink (or beverage) is a liquid intended for human consumption. In addition to their basic function of satisfying thirst, drinks play important roles in human culture. Common types of drinks include plain drinking water, milk, coffee, tea, hot chocolate, juice and soft drinks


•energy for activity, growth, and all functions of the body such as breathing, digesting food, and keeping warm;

•materials for the growth and repair of the body, and for keeping the immune system healthy.

ANTISEPTIC: Antiseptics are applied to the skin before any kind of surgery to protect against any harmful microorganisms that might be on the skin. Treating skin infections. You can buy OTC antiseptics to reduce the risk of infection in minor cuts, burns, and wounds. Examples include hydrogen peroxide and rubbing alcohol.

FUEL: The energy produced by burning fuel has many applications, such as powering vehicles, ships, and airplanes as well as providing electricity for homes and buildings. Some common types of fuels are petro fuel, gas oil, diesel fuel, fuel oils, aviation fuel, jet fuel, and marine fuels.

CLEANER: Cleaning products play an essential role in our daily lives at home, in school and in the office. By safely and effectively removing soils, germs and other contaminants, they prevent the spread of infectious diseases and control allergens, such as dust and mold, helping us to stay healthy


I dunno if that's what you mean but I hope it helps

8. it is the process of destroying some, but not all micro-organisms using heat or antiseptics?




It is the process of killing all microorganisms on an inanimate object or surface. It's worth noting that, like disinfection, most germs are destroyed, but not all, and that, unlike sterilization and disinfection, antisepsis relates to living tissue. An antiseptic is a chemical that is used to treat infections.

-Pa brainliest fleeece.


Sterilization is the destruction of all microorganisms on an inanimate surface or object. As you can tell, both sterilization and disinfection work on inanimate objects or surfaces. However, sterilization gets all, as opposed to most, microorganisms. It's unequivocal. It's either all or nothing.

9. what are the organic compounds that can be used an antiseptic or kill bacteria​


(yan daw sabi ni ate)


phenol as germisides


germisides are organic compound

10. uses of organic compounds to beverages, food, antiseptic, fuel and cleaner

List of important Organic Compounds

An organic compound is any member of a large class of gaseous, liquid, or solid chemical compounds whose molecules contain carbon. Organic molecules are used by human in number of ways; it is used in industries like foods, pharmaceuticals, fuels etc. Alkanes consist of chemicals like propane, octane, and methane. These are used extensively as fuels for things like automobile gasoline and home heating/cooking fuel.

11. 4. An organic compound used as sanitizer.A. alcoholB. antiseptic solutionC. benzalkonlum chloride D. bleaching soaponto the multiplication of microorganisms​




this pandemic many people are using a alcohol


4. An organic compound used as sanitizer.

answer: A.alcohol

12. Micro organisms using heat or antiseptics


sana makatulong



Antiseptics and disinfectants are extensively used in hospitals and other health care settings for a variety of topical and hard-surface applications. A wide variety of active chemical agents (biocides) are found in these products, many of which have been used for hundreds of years, including alcohols, phenols, iodine, and chlorine. Most of these active agents demonstrate broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity; however, little is known about the mode of action of these agents in comparison to antibiotics. This review considers what is known about the mode of action and spectrum of activity of antiseptics and disinfectants. The widespread use of these products has prompted some speculation on the development of microbial resistance, in particular whether antibiotic resistance is induced by antiseptics or disinfectants. Known mechanisms of microbial resistance (both intrinsic and acquired) to biocides are reviewed, with emphasis on the clinical implications of these reports.

Antiseptics and disinfectants are used extensively in hospitals and other health care settings for a variety of topical and hard-surface applications. In particular, they are an essential part of infection control practices and aid in the prevention of nosocomial infections (277, 454). Mounting concerns over the potential for microbial contamination and infection risks in the food and general consumer markets have also led to increased use of antiseptics and disinfectants by the general public. A wide variety of active chemical agents (or “biocides”) are found in these products, many of which have been used for hundreds of years for antisepsis, disinfection, and preservation (39). Despite this, less is known about the mode of action of these active agents than about antibiotics. In general, biocides have a broader spectrum of activity than antibiotics, and, while antibiotics tend to have specific intracellular targets, biocides may have multiple targets. The widespread use of antiseptic and disinfectant products has prompted some speculation on the development of microbial resistance, in particular cross-resistance to antibiotics. This review considers what is known about the mode of action of, and mechanisms of microbial resistance to, antiseptics and disinfectants and attempts, wherever possible, to relate current knowledge to the clinical environment.

A summary of the various types of biocides used in antiseptics and disinfectants, their chemical structures, and their clinical uses is shown in Table Table1.1. It is important to note that many of these biocides may be used singly or in combination in a variety of products which vary considerably in activity against microorganisms. Antimicrobial activity can be influenced by many factors such as formulation effects, presence of an organic load, synergy, temperature, dilution, and test method. These issues are beyond the scope of this review and are discussed elsewhere

13. Organic CompoundsGasolineEthanolAcetoneLPGKeroseneAcetic AcidUSES:BeverageFoodAntisepticFuelCleaner​

fire sana makatulong po mamamamamaahaha


goddddddddddds okhhg

14. Mist is an homogeneous,heterogeneous,compound or element?Rust is an homogeneous, heterogeneous , compound or element?Antiseptic solution is an homogeneous, heterogeneous, compound or element?Whipped cream is an homogeneous, heterogeneous, compound or element?​


Mist- Mist contains tiny droplets of water, which acts as particles of colloid dispersed in air. Hence, mist is heterogeneous.

Rust-  Rust is neither a solution or a homogeneous mixture. It is a heterogeneous mixture since it as a result of oxidizing iron.

Whipped cream- Whipped cream is homogeneous mixture, colloid because its fully mixed and cannot remove some of its mixture like heterogeneous is.

Antiseptic solution- Might be homogeneous because its mixed with  Benzalkonium Chloride, Benzethonium Chloride, Chloroxylenol, Ethyl Alcohol, Isopropyl Alcohol, Povidone Iodine, and Triclosan. And they cannot be removed.

15. What's More Activity 1: Organic Compounds and Their Uses Put check and determine the uses of organic compounds that are found on the table. Organic compounds Gasoline Ethanol Acetonie LPG Kerosene Acetic Acid Beverage Food Uses Antiseptic Fuel Cleaner Guide Questions: Q1: What do you think are the characteristics of the materials which give their uses? Q2. Why do you think these kinds of organic compounds are very important? You just learned the important uses of common organic compounds that are commonly used?​


Q1: •It include complex structures and high molecular weights.

•These are soluble in organic solvents and mostly insoluble in water.

•Mostly depend on only three elements: Carbon, Hydrogen and nitrogen.

•These compounds are combustible in nature.

Q2: • Organic compounds are important because all living organisms contain carbon.

• Organic compounds are used in a variety of industries in human society, including food, pharmaceuticals, fuels, and building, to name but a few. Alkanes include chemical substances such as propane, octane, and methane.

16. Uses1.Gasoline2.Food3.Antiseptic4.Fuel5.CleanerOrganic Compounds Gasoline EthanolAcetoneLPGKeroseneAcetic Acid ​


Gasoline - Gasoline

Food - none

Antiseptic - Ethanol and Acetic acid

Fuel - Gasoline, Ethanol, LPG, and Kerosene

Cleaner - Acetone and Kerosene

Hope it helps! :)

17. Organic CompoundsAceticAcidLPGKeroseneGasoline Ethanol AcetoneBeverageFoodUSESAntisepticFuelCleanerpahelp nito​

Organic compounds and their uses.

BEVERAGE -- Ethanol

FOOD -- Acetic Acid

ANTI SEPTIC -- Ethanol, acetic acid

FUEL -- gasoline, ethanol, LPG and Kerosene

CLEANER -- Acetone, Kerosene

About organic compounds

Organic compounds are a large group of chemical compounds that contain molecules of carbon, except carbides and carbonates. The science that studies organic compounds is called organic chemistry. When viewed linguistically, a compound means a single substance that can still be broken down into two or more elements.

As for organic means, everything related to substances derived from living things, such as animals or plants, as well as petroleum and coal. Organic also has meaning as a form of chemical process associated with living organisms.

Some examples of organic compounds, such as aliphatic compounds, carbon chains that can be modified by functional groups, aromatic hydrocarbons, compounds containing at least one benzene ring, heterocyclic compounds that include non-carbon atoms in their ring structure, and polymers, long-chain molecules repeating group.

Learn more about organic compound at


18. It is the process of destroying some, but not all micro organisms using heat or antiseptic


Hope it helps:)


Explanation:Sterilization is a process in which bacteria or other microorganism are killed with the help of chemicals or heat

19. 3. Which of the following organic compounds is use as antiseptic?a. acetone b. gasoline c, ethyl alcohold. kerosene4. Viscosity is a measure of a liquid's resistance to flow. Which of the folis most viscous​





dikoalm kung tama

20. Products/Uses:1. BEVERAGE2. FOOD3. ANTISEPTIC4. FUEL5. CLEANEROrganic Compounds:*Gasoline*Ethanol*Acetone *LPG*Kerosene*Acetic AcidWhere the uses belong to? ​


Beverage- Ethyl alcohol

Food-Acetic acid

Antiseptic- Ethyl alcohol, acetic acid

Fuel- Gasoline, Ethyl alc., LPG, Kerosene

Cleaner- Acetone, kerosene



21. Organic compound used as antiseptic or disinfectant




Phenolic compounds used as antiseptics or disinfectants include pure phenol and substitution products with halogens and alkyl groups. They act to denature and coagulate proteins and are general protoplasmic poisons. Phenol (carbolic acid) is one of the oldest antiseptic agents.

Just correct me if my answer is wrong, please don't insult me

希望对你有帮助/ Hope it helps you

22. what are the organic compounds of antiseptic,beverage,food,fuel and cleaner??​

Organic compounds and their uses.

BEVERAGE -- Ethanol

FOOD -- Acetic Acid

ANTI SEPTIC -- Ethanol, acetic acid

FUEL -- gasoline, ethanol, LPG and Kerosene

CLEANER -- Acetone, Kerosene

About organic compounds

Organic compounds are a large group of chemical compounds that contain molecules of carbon, except carbides and carbonates. The science that studies organic compounds is called organic chemistry. When viewed linguistically, a compound means a single substance that can still be broken down into two or more elements.

As for organic means, everything related to substances derived from living things, such as animals or plants, as well as petroleum and coal. Organic also has meaning as a form of chemical process associated with living organisms.

Some examples of organic compounds, such as aliphatic compounds, carbon chains that can be modified by functional groups, aromatic hydrocarbons, compounds containing at least one benzene ring, heterocyclic compounds that include non-carbon atoms in their ring structure, and polymers, long-chain molecules repeating group.

Various Properties of Compounds

Each compound has different properties from the elements that make it up. This property can only be broken down into its constituent elements through a chemical reaction. Under the same conditions, compounds can have different forms from their constituent elements. When explained briefly, compounds have 5 properties that can be distinguished from one compound to another, as follows:

- Compounds can be formed through chemical reaction processes

- The constituent components present in the compound have a certain ratio which is fixed - Compounds cannot separated by its constituent components, by or through physical reactions

- Compounds can be categorized as single substance compounds

- Compounds have certain properties that differ from their constituent elements

Learn more about organic compound at


23. USES OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDSBeverage FoodAntisepticFuelCleanerORGANICCOMPOUNDS11. Gasoline12. acetone13. LPG14. kerosene15. acetic acid​

Beverage Food - Ethyl Alcohol

Antiseptic - Ethyl Alcohol and Acetic Acid

Fuel - Gasoline, Ethyl Alcohol, LPG, kerosene

Cleaner - Acetone, Kerosene

Yeah, welcome

24. Activity 2 Uses of Organic Compounds (2) Direction :Complete the table about the uses of the compounds. Using a check mark, indicate the use of the compounds. You may have more than check mark per sample depending on its uses Organic Beverage Antiseptic Cleaner Compounds Foods Fuel Industrial Use Methane Ethene Acetylene Formaldehyde Acetone Isopropanol/ Isopropyl Alcohol Phosphoric and hydratluorie acid LPG​


Ayan na po sa picture ying answer

25. Marka star on the respective use of the organic compounds on the table. Use another sheet of paper for answers.Organic CompoundsGasoline Ethanol AcetoneKerosene Acetic AcidMedicineBeverageUsesFoodAntisepticFuelCleanerpa help po thankuuu​


food po ang sagot


food ang sagot

26. organic compound that is used as fuel,disinfectant,antiseptic, or component of liquor​




Ethanol is naturally produced by the fermentation of sugars by yeasts or via petrochemical processes such as ethylene hydration. It has medical applications as an antiseptic and disinfectant. It is used as a chemical solvent and in the synthesis of organic compounds. Ethanol is an alternative fuel source.

27. Organic compounds Gasoline Organic Compounds Ethanol Acelone LPG kerosene hcetic acid Beverage Food Uses Antiseptic Fuel Cleaner

Gasoline - gasoline

Food - none

Antiseptic - Ethanol, and Acetic Acid

Fuel - Gasoline, Ethanol, LPG, kerosene, and Acetic Acid.

Cleaner - Acetone and Kerosene

Welcome! :)

28. Organic compounds FuelPreservation Beverage Food Antiseptic ​

Organic compounds Fuel, Preservation, Beverage, Food, Antiseptic.

Fuel- Petroleum is a complex mixture of thousands of organic molecules, including straight-chain alkanes, that is pumped out of the ground.

Preservation -  Iron and organic carbon biogeochemical cycles are intricately intertwined.

Solid iron phases protect and maintain organic carbon2 in soils, while the significance of iron in the preservation of organic matter in sediments is unknown.

Beverage - Ethanol, commonly known as ethyl alcohol, grain alcohol, or alcohol, is a member of the alcohols class of chemical substances with the molecular formula C2H5OH.

Food -Organic molecules can be found in animal tissues, plant tissues, bacteria, and fungi; organic compounds can also be found in horns and nails, falling leaves, eggs, fruits and vegetables; and organic compounds can also be found in wood, milk, paper, petroleum, and gasoline.

Antiseptic - nitromersol is a mercury-containing chemical compound that is used as an antiseptic for the skin and mucous membranes, as well as a disinfection for surgical tools.

Merbromin (Mercurochrome) and thimerosal are related (Merthiolate).

Uses of organic compounds to beverages, food, antiseptic, fuel and cleaner.


✏️Organic Compounds

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Fuel Oils consist of hydrocarbons ranging between 15 and 18 carbon atoms per molecule. Like kerosene, this distillate is used for heating oil, for diesel fuel, and for catalytic cracking. An example is hexadecane.

Preservation is the act of maintaining, protecting or keeping something in existence. An example of preservation is a jar of canned tomatoes.

Beverage is an liquid that can quench the thirst. The examples of this is: water, tea, coffee, milk, juice, beer and any kind of drinks item are listed in beverage items. Actually, beverage means any kind of Liquid item.

Food that contains hydrocarbons that has the major dietary sources of PAHs are cereals and vegetables, rather than meat, except where there is high consumption of meat cooked over an open flame.

Antiseptic agents that commonly used in dermatologic surgery include chlorhexidine, povidone-iodine, chloroxylenol, isopropyl alcohol, hexachlorophene, benzalkonium chloride, and hydrogen peroxide.

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29. it is the process of destroying some but not all micro organism using heat or antiseptics.​


DISINFECTIONDisinfection does not necessarily kill all microorganisms, especially resistant bacterial spores. it is less effective than sterilization.

30. It is the process of destroying some, but not all micro-organisms using heat or antiseptics.​




Because sanitization is not enough to kill living microorganisms

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