List Down Physical Activities That Help Reduce One s Stress Brainly

List Down Physical Activities That Help Reduce One s Stress Brainly

List down physical activities that help reduce one’s stress.

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1. List down physical activities that help reduce one’s stress.


Examples include walking, stair climbing, jogging, dancing, bicycling, yoga, tai chi, gardening, weightlifting and swimming.

2. List down physical activities that help reduce one’s stress.


walking, stair climbing, jogging, dancing, bicycling, yoga, tai chi, gardening, weightlifting and swimminh

3. list down physical activities that help reduce ones stress​


coloring. When you do coloring you need to focus on color combinations therefore stress is reduced

4. list down sports activities that help to reduce one stress individual sport​


It's critical to have a positive relationship with the sport you chose if you want to use it to relieve stress. In other words, you should take it easy and not push yourself too much. You feel better and restore control with the aid of a brief, gentle workout. If you choose a sport or training regimen because you are extremely competitive or push yourself too hard, there are no benefits to it. Finding out how much exercise you need to relax is the key.


Since running is one of the earliest abilities we develop, many experts advise it. In order to prevent overtaxing your body, it's crucial to maintain an aerobic range (where your breathing quickens but you aren't out of breath).


Regular, brief walks in addition to endurance activities can help lower stress levels.


Another great method to unwind is through yoga. You start meditating when you pay attention to your breathing.

Team sports

Team sports like soccer are a terrific way to decompress if you spend a lot of time alone, whether at work or in your personal time. Never undervalue the assistance a social network may offer. Working as a team fosters self-confidence and helps lower stress levels.


Self-defense increases your body awareness, which enhances coordination and helps you stay balanced. Additionally, you'll feel more self-assured because poor self-esteem might raise your stress levels.


Climbing and other outdoor, fresh air sports give you a better sense of independence. You develop the ability to stay focused and avoid being sidetracked.

Learn more about sports


5. Direction: List down physical activities that help reduce one’s stress. PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES1. the points​

Almost any form of exercise or movement can increase your fitness level while decreasing your stress. The most important thing is to pick an activity that you enjoy. Examples include walking, stair climbing, jogging, dancing, bicycling, yoga, tai chi, gardening, weightlifting and swimming.



Almost any form of exercise or movement can increase your fitness level while decreasing your stress. The most important thing is to pick an activity that you enjoy.


Examples include walking, stair climbing, jogging, dancing, bicycling, yoga, tai chi, gardening, weightlifting and swimming.

6. List sown physical activities that help reduce one's stress​

Do what you love. Almost any form of exercise or movement can increase your fitness level while decreasing your stress. The most important thing is to pick an activity that you enjoy. Examples include walking, stair climbing, jogging, dancing, bicycling, yoga, tai chi, gardening, weightlifting and swimming

Do something you want to do, any hobbies or talents you love? Your free to do so! As long as it helps you relax , and be relieved from stress

If it has to be specific maybe this could help:

•Arts and crafts(any kind)

Etc, anything that can make you forget your stress and calm you down so you could think better when you have yo face it(your stress)

7. List down sports activities that help to reduce ones' stress.​




movie watching



8. Direction: List down and describe the role of each physical activities to help reduce one's stress, then answer the processing questions below. Physical activities Role 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.​












9. 5 physical activity that helps reduce ones stress. ​



-Playing Sports

- Going to a marathon

-walking down the street while listening to music

- Participating in school meetups and organizations like helping the poor where you are moving at the same time helping and releasing stress for yourself too

- Going on a hike/camping

- travelling the word

- dancing

-workout ( for me it really helps)

10. Direction: List down physical activities that help reduce one's stress and sports activities that help to reduce ones' stress, Physical Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.​


*Doing Yoga






sana makatulong

11. list down sports activities that help reduce one's stressANSWER THIS PLEASE ​


Physical activity can help lower your overall stress levels and improve your quality of life, both mentally and physically.


For example, consider trying moderate aerobic exercises such as:


brisk walking or jogging.

swimming or doing water aerobics.

playing tennis or racquetball.



12. List down 10 tips in reducing physical stress particularly in preparing the supplies for room servicing​

jhfdvafabwtnqrnhrrhbrqrntraid the property jrtqqahb

13. list down sports activities that help to reduce one's stress. individual sports dual sports team sports​


Even when you compete for yourself, you still benefit from the support of coaches and teammates. Coaches share their expertise to help you to train and develop to your furthest potential. They guide your workouts and provide encouragement. And teammates give you a competitive edge. They help you set goals, breed healthy competition, and challenge you to work harder.


Individual sports take mental toughness. They demand you set personal goals, manage stress, build self-confidence, and develop focus. Team sports build comradery and group empathy, but it takes a strong mindset to compete—at any level—alone on the court. These hurdles, once conquered, make the benefits of individual sports plentiful.

Consider swimming for example. You determine your goals in the water. Do you focus on your stroke or how many laps you want to swim? The water shuts out the world, leaving you with only your stroke and your thoughts. Left without distractions (earbuds or a monitor to watch), this is a good time to focus on yourself and explore why you’re swimming in the first place.

The challenge is to find the mental toughness to keep swimming—digging deep for inner motivation. It’s important to identify why you’re competing and how to improve your performance. Personal goals can range from setting a world record to improving upon last week’s swim.

Let’s take a deep dive into individual sports, how they develop mental toughness, and the ways error management benefits your performance.

14. List down 5 physical activities that help reduce one's stress​


Almost any form of exercise or movement can increase your fitness level while decreasing your stress. The most important thing is to pick an activity that you enjoy. Examples include walking, stair climbing, jogging, dancing, bicycling, yoga, tai chi, gardening, weightlifting and swimming.



15. List down sports activities that help to reduce ones’ stress. Tig 5 kaylangan ko Individual sports Dual sports Team sports


individual sports






dual sports




table tennis


team sports


valley ball



water polo


16. III. Directions: List down five (5) physical activities that helps you cope with stress. Writeyour answers inside the ovals provided.Physicalactivities thathelp you copewith stress.​


Almost any form of exercise or movement can increase your fitness level while decreasing your stress. The most important thing is to pick an activity that you enjoy. Examples include walking, stair climbing, jogging, dancing, bicycling, yoga, tai chi, gardening, weightlifting and swimming.

17. Act. 2 List down sports that help to reduce one's stress.​




helps you to get fast

18. complete the table below listing down all the individual and dual physical activities that you have engaged in before and during this pandemic to reduce stress.


D.1-2 times a week and I have been trying to get a hold of you for a while and I am not sure

19. Anything else I should know about managing one's stress?rection List down physical activities that help reduce one's stressPUSICAL ACTIVITIES​


it is actually based on the person what physical activities she can do to reduce her stress some of it are:

• Doing Yoga

• Running

• jogging

• Biking

• Doing household chores

• Walking

20. What physical activities that help reduce one's stress




because it calms you while you play

21. List down physical activities that help reduce one’s stress.

heres what i found.

Almost any form of exercise or movement can increase your fitness level while decreasing your stress. The most important thing is to pick an activity that you enjoy. Examples include walking, stair climbing, jogging, dancing, bicycling, yoga, tai chi, gardening, weightlifting and swimming.

22. List down 5 physicalactivities that help reduce one’s stress.


1. Dancing2. Playing sports3. Planting flowers or plants4.Exersicing5. Do household chores


hope it helps,love lots.

pa brainliest na din po. hehe

23. List down 5 roles of physical activity in managing stress.​







24. what physical activities may help people reduce the stress




it is one of the activity which can reduce your stress. It is also help you to become positive

25. 5 list of physical activities that help reduce one's stress .​


as much as possible we have to unwind and relax here are some examples on physical activities to do

1. Meditate

2. Sleep or take a Rest

3. Exercise

4. Organise

5. Yoga

if you think you're being overwhelmed with stress try and take a breather

26. how does engaging in physical activity help in reducing stress?​

#Carry on learning^^#Lets study^^

correct me if im wrong^^



Walking, stair climbing, jogging, dancing, bicycling, yoga, tai chi, gardening, weightlifting and swimming.

28. 1. What are the common causes of stress duringthis pandemic (covid 19) ?2. What physical activities may help people reducethe stress?3. What is the importance of physical activityand sports in managing one's stress?​


Common causes of stress during the pandemic (covid 19) include uncertainty about the future, financial worries, feeling isolated and lonely, health concerns, job insecurity, and lack of control over the situation.

Physical activities that may help people reduce stress include regular exercise, yoga, deep breathing exercises, meditation, and mindfulness practices.

Physical activity and sports are important in managing one's stress because they provide an outlet for excess energy, help to boost endorphins and mood, provide distraction from stressors, and help to build resilience. Additionally, physical activity and sports can help to build social connections and provide a sense of purpose.


Physical activities to reduce stress

Physical movement can offer assistance lower your in general stretch levels and progress your quality of life, both rationally and physically. Working out frequently can have a positive impact on your temperament by soothing the pressure, uneasiness, outrage, and gentle discouragement that frequently go hand-in-hand with stretch. It can progress the quality of your rest, which can be adversely affected by push, discouragement, and uneasiness. It can too offer assistance boost your certainty levels.  

Exercise is one of the foremost critical things you'll do to combat push. It might appear conflicting, but putting physical stretch on your body through work out can soothe mental stress. The benefits are most grounded once you work out routinely. Individuals who work out frequently are less likely to involvement uneasiness than those who don’t work out

Physical movement makes strides your body’s capacity to utilize oxygen additionally progresses blood stream. Both of these changes have a coordinate impact on your brain. Work out moreover increments your brain’s generation of endorphins. Physical action can moreover offer assistance take your intellect off your stresses. The monotonous movements included in work out advance a center on your body, instead of your mind.

Here are some examples of physical activities you can do to relieve yourself from stress:  

1. Yoga

Why it works to diminish stress: Yoga stances are a shape of quality preparing, making you more versatile and adaptable, which in turn diminishes physical pressure. It moreover employments profound breathing, which triggers the body’s unwinding reaction.

2. Walking

Why it works to minimize stress:It’s easy to do and requires no classes or special equipment.

3. Dancing  

Why it works to decrease stress: Dancing has numerous physical, mental and indeed enthusiastic benefits. It’s a awesome workout that progresses elegance and nimbleness because it raises your heart rate.

To know more about benefits of exercise, read the following:

Benefits of Exercise benefits of exercise 10 health benefits of exercise and exercise program​


30. 2.what physical activities may help people reduce the stress?3. what is the importance of physical activity and sports in managing ones stress?​


2.singing or dancing, running or walking, biking,simming,boxing and any physical activities that you will enjoy

3.Exercise and other physical activity produce endorphins—chemicals in the brain that act as natural painkillers—and also improve the ability to sleep, which in turn reduces stress. Meditation, acupuncture, massage therapy, even breathing deeply can cause your body to produce endorphins

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