What Causes The Ripples To Form Brainly

What Causes The Ripples To Form Brainly

what causes the ripples to form brainly

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1. what causes the ripples to form brainly


When you throw a rock into a river, it pushes water out of the way, making a ripple that moves away from where it landed. As the rock falls deeper into the river, the water near the surface rushes back to fill in the space it left behind.

2. what causes the ripples to form​


When you throw a rock into a river, it pushes water out of the way, making a ripple that moves away from where it landed. As the rock falls deeper into the river, the water near the surface rushes back to fill in the space it left behind.

3. what causes the ripples to form


When you throw a rock into a river, it pushes water out of the way, making a ripple that moves away from where it landed. As the rock falls deeper into the river, the water near the surface rushes back to fill in the space it left behind.

4. What is biodiversity loss? What are the natural & man-made causes of extinction? What does it mean by "domino" or "ripple effect of species extinction?

Biodiversity is the variety of different types of life found on Earth.Biodiversity loss damages essential services provided by the nature, and results in:- reduced variety of foods and other products
poorer gene pools for animals & plants leading to weaker crops & livestock;
climate change due to rainforest destruction, and a lot more. And what causes this is mostly us. Example is the rapid population growth that caused pollution that lead to the contamination of ecosystem and the building of industrial businessess that lead to the minimization of habitat of animals that further lead to extinction. And that ,as we ignore the consequences, as our population grow, the more the conflict increases, the more the nature is destroyed until life  here on earth is gone that's the ripple or domino effect.

5. Learning Task 2: Prepare a basin with half-filled water and stone. Drop a stone intothe basin and observe what will happen. Write your answers in your answer sheet.1. What happens when you drop the stone?2. What causes the ripples to form?3. How far does the ripple continue?​


1. When you drop the stone tsunami occurs. Japanese people in ancient times use stone markers as tsunami warnings.

2. When you throw a rock into a river, it pushes water out of the way, making a ripple that moves away from where it landed. As the rock falls deeper into the river, the water near the surface rushes back to fill in the space it left behind.

3. The amplitude of the ripple will drop with a factor proportional to the square root of perimeter of the expanding wave fron.



6. what causes the ripples to frorm?​


When you throw a rock into a river, it pushes water out of the way, making a ripple that moves away from where it landed. As the rock falls deeper into the river, the water near the surface rushes back to fill in the space it left behind.


When you throw a thing into a river, it pushes water out of the way, making a ripple that moves away from where it landed. As the thing falls deeper into the river, the water near the surface rushes back to fill in the space it left behind.


7. What causes the ripples to form ? How far do the ripples continue?


Ripples are the instant effect of wind on water and they die down as quickly as they form, as the surface tension of the water dampens their efforts. If a wind blows steadily across a large enough patch of water for a few hours then the ripples become waves and these will not be dampened so easily.

8. 1. What happens when you drop the stone?2. What causes the ripples to form?3. How far does the ripple continue?​


1. the stone will cause a reaction on what substance will it drop.

2.rpples are form when there is a sudden replace in the molecules of water. for example dropping a stone on the water that causes the molecules of the stone to replace the space in the water and cause a ripples to the water.

3.The distance of ripple can continue as far as how much is the force being released. So it means that the distance of the ripples are base on how much force is exerted.

9. 1. What happened to the water in the basin when you placed a drop of water on it? 2. What was formed in the basin of water when a small marble was dropped into it? 3. What was formed in the water when it was tapped lightly with a pencil? 4. How do you describe the motion of the ripples formed in the water? 5. What do the ripples represent?​


1.Answer: It will form ripples.

1.Explanation: ripples are little waves on the surface of water caused by the wind or by something moving in or on water.

2.Answer: thin jet of water spouts upwards.

2.Explanation: The force from dropping the marble breaks the surface tension of the water. The marble has greater mass and volume than the water.

3.Answer: Ripples are formed.

3.Explanation: Surface tension is responsible for the shape of liquid droplets.

4.Answer: Water is also made of molecules. But during a ripple, the water molecules don't move away from the rock, as you might expect. They actually move up and down. When they move up, they drag the other molecules next to them up – then they move down, dragging the molecules next to them down too.

5.Answer: The ripples represent the influence and effect of wisdom in our hearts and minds, and the hearts and minds of others. If we want a better life for ourselves, and a better world, we need more than knowledge.


hope it helps po-

10. What cause the ripples to from


I hope it's help, stay safe Po

11. Questions 1. What happened when you dropped the marble into the Pan half-filled with water? 2. What caused the ripples to form? 3. How far did the ripples continue?​


1.If one drops a stone into a pond, a very rapid, thin jet of water spouts upwards. ... A cavity forms behind the object during impact on the water surface. This cavity is subsequently compressed by hydrostatic pressure, which leads to the formation of the jet.

2.Ripples are the instant effect of wind on water and they die down as quickly as they form, as the surface tension of the water dampens their efforts. If a wind blows steadily across a large enough patch of water for a few hours then the ripples become waves and these will not be dampened so easily.

3.When you throw a rock into a river, it pushes water out of the way, making a ripple that moves away from where it landed. As the rock falls deeper into the river, the water near the surface rushes back to fill in the space it left behind.

12. how far does the ripple continue brainly


The amplitude of the ripple will drop with a factor proportional to the square root of perimeter of the expanding wave front. This is called geometrical spreading. It is explained by the fact that the energy that created the wave came from a point where the rock dropped, and as time goes, this energy gets spread over a larger and larger circumference. The amplitude is proportional to the square root of the energy, hence the amplitude drops by the square root of the radius of the expanding wavefront.

In addition to geometrical spreading, friction will also play a role in damping the amplitude of the ripple. So at some point, the ripple will be too weak to be measurable.

To quantify the amplitude of the wave away from the source point, you will need to know how much energy it will loose through friction, which depends on the relationship between wavelength and water depth. For this is probably better to do some experiments to try to quantify the effect of friction.

13. 1. What happens when you drop the stone?2. What causes the ripples to form?3. How far does the ripple continue?​


1. When the stone is dropped, there will be presence of gravity of Earth. The more the mass the object is, gravity will increase exponentially. Also, to explain mass, mass is the amount of matter inside the object.

2. When you throw a rock into a river, it pushes water out of the way, making a ripple that moves away from where it landed. As the rock falls deeper into the river, the water near the surface rushes back to fill in the space it left behind.

3. The amplitude of the ripple will drop with a factor proportional to the square root of perimeter of the expanding wave front. 

14. Prepare a basin with half-filled water and stone.Drop a stone into the basin and observe what will happen.1.What happens when you drop the stone?2.What causes the ripples to form?3.How far does the ripple continue?​


1. Its make a wave.


sorry po yan lang po alam ko sana po makatulong.

15. 2. What causes the ripples to form?3. How far does the ripple continue?​


2. When you throw a rock into a river, it pushes water out of the way, making a ripple that moves away from where it landed. As the rock falls deeper into the river, the water near the surface rushes back to fill in the space it left behind.

3. Capillary waves are common in nature, and are often referred to as ripples. The wavelength of capillary waves on water is typically less than a few centimeters, with a phase speed in excess of 0.2–0.3 meter/second.

16. Describe how ripples are formed in water


When you throw a rock into a body of water, the rock will push water out of its way as it enters, causing ripples to move away from its point of entry in a circle or ring shape. ... This interaction causes a ripple to form that moves in the opposite direction of the water's initial motion.

17. what is the ripples form​


Ripples. Ripples are relatively small, elongated ridges that form on bed surfaces perpendicular to current flow. With continuous current flow in one direction, asymmetrical ripples form. Asymmetrical ripples contain a steeper slope downstream.

pa brainliest po ty

18. Learning Task 2: Prepare a basin with half-filled water and stone. Drop a stone into the basin and observe what will happen. Write your answers in your answer sheet. 1. What happens when you drop the stone? 2. What causes the ripples to form? 3. How far does the ripple continue?​


1. it causes a ripple to form and to make the liquid to move

2. by us dropping a stone to a basin

3. the ripple continues to form for awhile

19. What causes the ripples to from?


When you throw a rock into a river, it pushes water out of the way, making a ripple that moves away from where it landed. As the rock falls deeper into the river, the water near the surface rushes back to fill in the space it left behind.




Air movement causes ripples in water

This is what gives the ripples on a lake their transient, sparkling appearance, as they briefly rise and catch the light before settling back into stillness.

and also when you throw a rock into that certain body of water

20. what cause the ripples to from​

Learn and look and listen



21. What causes the ripples to form?​


When you throw a rock into a river, it pushes water out of the way, making a ripple that moves away from where it landed. As the rock falls deeper into the river, the water near the surface rushes back to fill in the space it left behind.

22. 3. Ripples formed on the surfaceof water is an example of_____​




I think it's the best possible outcome of this game but it will be a good one to play in a very good way to win this season and we have a strong team year in it because it was really hard and it wasn't the best condom in our game I had no choice for that one and the code is still in my hands so that the ball was in my head when the team got back in my hands but they got me in trouble and then I went on the right to see not a single thing in a different world empire that is a good thing in my hands and the code I am doing in a way which can help us win this country and have the opportunity of being in this country

23. basin with half filled water and stonewhat causes the ripples to from​


it float from the basin


sana po makatulong

24. How.do.you describe the motion of the ripples formed in the water


Formation. Symmetrical ripples form as water molecules oscillate in small circles. ... The water molecules continue to do this to a depth equal to 1/2 the wavelength. The water molecule traveling in a circular pattern interacts with the sediment on the floor and moves the sediment into symmetrical ripples.





Formation. Symmetrical ripples form as water molecules oscillate in small circles.


Hope this helps you ✨


[tex] \color{violet} \huge\mathcal{ ✿ TUESDAY ✿ }[/tex]

[tex]\huge\mathfrak\pink{ ✿ STEPHANIE ✿ }[/tex]

25. 4. How do you describe the motion of the ripples formed in thewater?5.What do the ripples represent?​


4.How do you describe the motion of the ripples formed in the water?

Water is also made of molecules. But during a ripple, the water molecules don't move away from the rock, as you might expect. They actually move up and down. When they move up, they drag the other molecules next to them up – then they move down, dragging the molecules next to them down too.

5.what do the ripples represent?

When water is in its calmest, lowest energy state, it has a flat surface. By throwing the rock into the river, you have given the water some energy. ... And the ripples that you see in the river are small waves carrying away the energy from where you threw the rock.


hope it helped:) brainleśs

26. Learning Task 2: Prepare a basin with half-filled water and stone. Drop a stone into the basin and observe what will happen.1. What happens when you drop the stone?2. What causes the ripples to form?3. How far does the ripple continue?​

1.its make a wave

2.when you throw the rock into a river,it pushes water out of the way,making a ripple that moves away from where it landed

3.the amplitude of the ripple will drop with a factor proportional to the square root of perimeter of the expanding wave front

Aral ng maputi

27. 1. What happens when you drop the stone?2. What causes the ripples to form?3. How far does the ripple continue?​

1. It makes a wave.

2. The stone dropping in the water.

3. At the end of the container.


1.When you drop the stone tsunami occurs. Japanese people in ancient times use stone markers as tsunami warnings. A 10-foot-tall stone tablet stands, carved with a dire warning to locals is located in a small village on Japan’s northeastern coast. The tsunami stones serve as warnings to descendants to avoid the same suffering of their ancestors because of the tsunami. A tsunami is a dangerous big wave from the ocean.

2.When you throw a rock into a river, it pushes water out of the way, making a ripple that moves away from where it landed. As the rock falls deeper into the river, the water near the surface rushes back to fill in the space it left behind.

3.The amplitude of the ripple will drop with a factor proportional to the square root of perimeter of the expanding wave front. This is called geometrical spreading. It is explained by the fact that the energy that created the wave came from a point where the rock dropped, and as time goes, this energy gets spread over a larger and larger circumference. The amplitude is proportional to the square root of the energy, hence the amplitude drops by the square root of the radius of the expanding wavefront.

In addition to geometrical spreading, friction will also play a role in damping the amplitude of the ripple. So at some point, the ripple will be too weak to be measurable.

To quantify the amplitude of the wave away from the source point, you will need to know how much energy it will loose through friction, which depends on the relationship between wavelength and water depth. For this is probably better to do some experiments to try to quantify the effect of friction.


28. What causes the ripples to from?


When you throw a rock into a river, it pushes water out of the way, making a ripple that moves away from where it landed. As the rock falls deeper into the river, the water near the surface rushes back to fill in the space it left behind



29. prepare a basin with half filled water and stone.drop a stone into the basin and observe what will happen1.what happens when you drop the stone2.what causes the ripples to form3.how far does the ripples continue​


Seismic Waves

 Here are my answers:

Dropping the stone on a basin full of water will result to the formation of ripples. These are waves that travel all around the basin. The ripples form because of the displacement of water. When the stone enters the basin, it displaces the water, forming waves, and they have to move around to compensate for the missing space displaced by the stone. The ripples will continue for a long time, until all of the energy has been dissipated.

This experiment is similar to a scenario wherein an asteroid hits the ocean. Because of the huge amount of energy released, the water in the ocean will form circular tsunamis that can travel around the world.

For more information about earthquakes, please click the link below:



30. 1. What happens when you drop the stone?2. What causes the ripples to form?3. How far does the ripple continue?.

1. When you drop a stone, it will fall toward the ground due to the force of gravity. Depending on how high the stone was dropped from, it can take a few seconds to reach the ground. When it hits the ground, it will make a thud or a clattering sound depending on the surface it lands on.

2. Ripples form when waves move over a surface, such as water or sand. The energy of the waves causes the surface to vibrate, creating circular patterns of ridges and troughs. The speed and size of the ripples depend on the strength and frequency of the waves.

3. The ripple effect can continue indefinitely. It can go beyond the initial action or event, affecting people, places, or things far away from the original source.

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