It Must Necessarily Intellectual Curiosity

It Must Necessarily Intellectual Curiosity

In selecting a research topic, it must necessarily arouse_____ curiosity

Daftar Isi

1. In selecting a research topic, it must necessarily arouse_____ curiosity


solute.or solid na boto yan haha

2. example of intellectual curiosity​


As children, we were naturally curious about almost everything. This may have annoyed our parents and teachers, but it is also an essential part of human development. If we want to grow intellectually, morally, socially, and spiritually, we need to ask questions and seek answers. We need intellectual curiosity. At some point, however, many of us lost this initial curiosity. Perhaps we feared looking unintelligent or ignorant, or perhaps a peer in school mocked us for our curiosity. Fortunately, it is not too difficult to retrieve this trait.

3. this begins when intellectual curiosity ends​


Intellectual curiosity (also called epistemic curiosity) is curiosity that leads to an acquisition of general knowledge. It can include curiosity about such things as what objects are composed of, the underlying mechanisms of systems, mathematical relationships, languages, social norms, and history

4. 1. Thinks outside the box A. Open-mindedness B. Healthy Skepticism C. Curiosity 2. Positive attitude towards failure A. Patience B. Optimism C. Perseverance 3. Admits mistakes A. Humility B. Curiosity C. Serendipity 4. Always ask questions A. Scientific Intuition B. Intellectual Honesty C. Curiosity 5. Doesn't claim recognition for the works of others A. Open-mindedness B. Intellectual Honesty C. Self-Confidence


1. A

2. A

3. A (?)

4. C

5. B

5. 1. What do you call the ability to suspend judgment?A.SkepticismB. Open-MindednessC. Intellectual HonestyD. Curiosity​





6. In your own words, try to explain what: curiosity, Intellectual honesty Open-mindedness, Skepticism Objectivity, perseverance is. ​


curiosty is when you want to see something, that you're very curious about, honesty for good being, open mindedness ready for everything

7. A scientist shows interest and pays particular attention to objectives or events.PerseveranceIntellectual HonestyCuriosityCritical MindednessSkepticismScientific AttitudeOpen-mindednessObjectivityCreativity​


Objectivity (^•^)


Im Ready To help :)

8. Please answer properly! A. intellectual creativityB. intellectual curiosityC. intellectual honestyD. prudence5. A resourceful investigator always creates new researches.He enjoys inventing unique, novel and original researchesand considers research as his hob by. What characteristic ofa researcher does he demonstrate?​

B. intellectual curiosityㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ

9. Building culture has to start with a Foundation must necessarily be the culture of the Filipino people​


tanong Yan?



10. 1. It is one of the scientific attitudes that can we can always look deeper and more thoroughly at a problem.a. Curiosityb. Skepticismd. Intellectual honesty​

curiosity,according to my self learning moduled. Intellectual honesty

11. Characteristics of a Good Researcher Task 4: Make a Statement using the words below. Please follow the format given. A researcher is/has/observe because 1. Intellectual Curiosity 2. Careful 3. Healthy Criticism 4. Intellectual Honesty 5. Intellectual Creativity 6. Good Communicator​


Ano po yung pagpipilian


Intellectual curiosity is a person's willingness and desire to learn new things and dig deeper than the surface. Intellectual curiosity makes learning a much more natural process, instead of just a duty or a chore. When you're intellectually curious, you're more willing and interested to acquire knowledge.

Carefulness: Avoid careless errors and negligence; carefully and critically examine your own work and the work of your peers. Keep good records of research activities. Openness: Share data, results, ideas, tools, resources.

12. A scientist can generate new and original ideas.PerseveranceIntellectual HonestyCuriosityCritical MindednessSkepticismScientific AttitudeOpen-mindednessObjectivityCreativityhelp​




Because A Scientist Is A Bright Intelligent And Brave And They can Generate Ne Idea So Creativity

I hope This Would Work And Get You high Grade like Me(^•^)

13. Explain briefly the following characteristics of a good researcher 1.Curiosity-2.Intellectual honesty-3.Critical-mindedness​


1. Curiosity- Curiosity is the door that leads us to new paths. The need to know and understand the world makes new researches. They have so many questions in their minds that they seek for an answer.

2. Intellectual Honesty- This is the honesty that most people seek for in terms of the research that they have made. It's an expectation for most researchers to stay honest about their work in their proposals and data.

3. Critical-Mindedness- This is a important academic skill that we have needed. This skill helps researchers reflect on their own knowledge- along with the information given to them. This helps them make reliable judgements and information.

14. 1. If the researcher undertakes deep thinking and inquiry of things, then he has A. intellectual curiosity B. prudence C. intellectual honesty D. intellectual creativity ​


Letter A po


correct me if I'm wrong

Letter D ata creativity

15. Define curiosity,intellectual honesty,critical-mindedness,open-mindedness,skepticism,objectivity and perseverance​


Curiosity- a strong desire to know or learn something.

Intellectual- a person possessing a highly developed intellect.

Honesty- is a facet of moral character that connotes positive and virtuous attributes such as integrity, truthfulness, straightforwardness of conduct, along with absence of lying, cheating, theft etc.

Critical-mindedness- the ability to judge the merit or quality of something.

Open-mindedness- is the willingness to search actively for evidence against one's favored beliefs, plans, or goals and to weigh such evidence fairly when it is available.

Skepticism- is a doubt as to the truth of something or questioning attitude.

Objectivity- the concept of truth independent from individual subjectivity.

Perseverance- persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.

I hope it can help you!


Curiosity: Always try to seek, inquire,discover

Intellectual honesty: Be truthful with all the result. Manipulating results may cause misinterpretation of your work.

Critical-mindedness: Is the analysis of facts to form a judgement.

Open-mindedness: Is receptivesness to new ideas and the one that adopts this value accepts both positive and negative ideas.

Skepticism: Do not accept things blindly without questioning. Develop the doubting attitude unless presented with reliable data.

Objectivity: Is do not be influenced by anything but pertinant physical observations.

Perseverance: ex. a scientist do not give up.

16. 2. It is an attitude of doubt.a) Scientific attitude b)Intellectual honestyc) Curiosityd) Skepticism​

d) Skepticism

It is an attitude of doubt.

17. Your Reaction: Exactly, we must Or not necessarily since​


Exactly, we must Stay at home to prevent the transmission of Covid19 or not necessary since the cases were now decreasing just make sure to follow the safety protocols

18. Which attitude means distancing one’s self from the research work? * 1 point A. curiosity B. intellectual honesty C. perseverance D. objectivity


c. perseverance


hope it help

19. A panel discussion must educate inspire,and spark the audience's curiosity. true or false​




Pa brainliests naman po thank you


A panel discussion must educate inspire,and spark the audience's curiosity.

true or false




20. 1. A researcher can generate new and original ideas.a. Creativityb. Curiosityc. Humilityd. Intellectual Honesty​



21. The gut feeling that something is about to happen is an example of? A. SkepticismB. Intellectual HonestC. CuriosityD. HumilityResearch Grade 7About Scientific Attitude ​




gut feeling something happen .

22. A scientist gives a truthful report or observations.PerseveranceIntellectual HonestyCuriosityCritical MindednessSkepticismScientific AttitudeOpen-mindednessObjectivityCreativityhelp​


Open-minded =)


And I hope This Would Make U high grade :)

23. Here is the choices Intellectual honesty Objectivity Risk taker Open mindedness Curiosity Skepticsm Critical mindedness Inventiveness Humilty Persevance


ikmjs mo nlng yn


hope it helps

24. Always ask questionA. scientific intuitionB. intellectual honestyC. curiosity​

My intuition says:

C. Curiousity

25. Characteristic of a research wherein he is always doubtful as to the veracity of the result is1 prudence2 intellectual honesty3 intellectual curiosity4 health criticism

intellectual curiosity

26. Give an example on the following statements: 1. Research is an intellectual curiosity. 2. Research is prudence. 3. Research requires a healthy criticism. 4. Research requires intellectual honesty. (RESEARCH)


Note: I'm not really sure about the instruction, it seems vague and incomplete, but I'll answer your question based on what I understood.


1. Research is an intellectual curiosity.

» Because Sir Isaac Newton is curious about the apple that dropped from the tree, he made his own research and studies that eventually led to the law of gravitation.

2. Research is prudence.

» Einstein believed in his own prudence and self judgement, that's why to understand the bending of time space, Albert Einstein made tough expeditions just to witness eclipses and proved he is right.

3. Research requires a healthy criticism.

» Nicolaus Copernicus took the healthy criticisms of his colleagues to produce the Heliocentric model that changed the field of astronomy forever.

4. Research requires intellectual honesty.

» Stephen Hawking respected his fellow scientists and colleagues, that's why he made sure that they will be recognized for what they had done for him. This is due to his intellectual honesty.


27. Which scientific attitude best describes Benjamin Franklin in his famous kite experiment? A. patience B. intellectual honesty C. open mindedness D. curiosity​


D Curiosity


Curiosity of the sky

28. Characteristic of a researcher wherein he is always doubtful as to the veracity of the results isa. prudence c. intellectual curiosity b. intellectual honesty d. healthy criticism

the characteristic of a researcher wherein he is always doubtful as to the veracity of the result os letter a. prudence

29. Test the limitations of information systems out of intellectual curiosity to see whether they can gain access and how far they can go.

The information can go as far as it could when using social media.


Hopefully It's Help!


Industrial spies

#Caery on learning

30. you don't rely on opinions, belief, and perception?a. curiosityb. objectivityc. open-mindednessd. intellectual honestye. skepticismf. perseverance ​


the answer is a.curiosity


because curiosity don't rely on opinions, belief, and perception because his/her is curious

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