Is Volleyball Good For You Why Or Why Not Brainly

Is Volleyball Good For You Why Or Why Not Brainly

is the volleyball good for you why or why not?​

Daftar Isi

1. is the volleyball good for you why or why not?​


Volleyball is good because it's sports end exercise


☺️Sana po makatulong ☺️

Mali po ba palitan niyu

nalang po Kung mali

2. why is power important in volleyball brainly​


why is power important in volleyball?


Volleyball is a sport dominated by strength and power. Players need power in their legs to get high in the air and strength in their upper body to spike, block, and dig balls. Lifting weights stimulates muscle fibers to grow, which allows athletes to produce more force at faster rates.


hipe its help

mark me as a brainlest



3. why did william morgan invented volleyball brainly

It was designed as an indoor sport for businessmen who found the new game of basketball too vigorous.


please tell me if my answer is wrong

4. why do you like it? volleyball?​




i like volleyball because it is good for the body and it is favorite of female players and it also feels like exercise on the body

5. Why is volleyball concidered to be such a good aerobic exercise?ung tama po na answer ​


yes po ☺️☺️☺️


Volleyball is considered a good aerobic exercise because you're on your feet while playing, you're working the same large muscle groups for more than 20-minute intervals and you have the opportunity to maintain 60 to 80 percent of your target heart rate.


Pa heart at pa brainliest po

Ty :)





because basketball is a team sport that can develop a child's teamwork and leadership skills, as well as confidence and self esteem.

7. for you, what is the most significant history of volleyball, why​


For me! the most significant history is when volleyball was created!


Volleyball was created by William G. Morgan, physical director of the Young Men's Christian Association in , Massachusetts. It was designed as an indoor sport for businessmen who found the new game of basketball too vigorous.


8. Was it easy for you to understand the rules and regulations of the volleyball game? why ?and why not?​


Yes, as long as I listen to my instructor/coach, the rules and regulations of volleyball will be easy for me to understand.

9. What do you think is the important skills and volleyball and why? ​




I think the important skill in volleyball is digging, because a volleyball ball must not touch the ground and with the digging there is a more possibilities that a ball will not touch the ground. Also, the digging (for me) is the hardest skill in volleyball.



Serving and digging because you never know when your going to have to save a ball


10. now that you know the facilities and equipment of volleyball, for you to play it? why? ​


The benefits of playing volleyball stimulates coordination and concentration; improves speed, skill, and reflexes; reinforces thigh and abdominal muscles; and the formation of a group synergy within the team. Volleyball has very few disadvantages. As there is no physical contact with others, it is a fairly safe sport.

11. When playing volleyball, why is it important to practice good footwork?​


Injury Prevention. One of the reasons footwork holds importance in sports is because it has the ability to reduce your risk of injury. With a better footwork and an improved position, you significantly decrease the loads you place on different parts of your body at risky angles.


A volleyball player must be able to start moving quickly in any direction on the court anytime. That means that an athlete's leg muscles must be well prepared to react to the opponent's actions and the ball. That means that the better footwork is – the faster an athlete is.

12. can you say that learning the skills of volleyball as young as your age is an advantage? why or why not?​


Volleyball is therefore a great sport to play for both kids and adults that have a tough time focussing and concentrating. Regular exercise and participation in team sports also helps keep your key mental skills sharp as you age.


sana po maka tulong

13. what do you prefer between volleyball and basketball, why? ​


I prefer basketball


because basketball is way easier than volleyball.

14. Why is it important for you to learn on how to play volleyball?


Its important & can teach a lot of stuff ^^


It strengthen the upper body, arms, shoulders, thighs, abdominals, and lower legs,  it also improves your reflexes and balance. But not just that !! can also teach you time management, sportsmanship, & teamwork <3

15. if you are a volleyball player would you like to be libero? why?​


yes, because you can be a hero if you keep up the ball on the air


have a nice day btw vb player rin kasi ako .-.

16. what encourage you to play volleyball? why?​



Volleyball also improves muscle strength and tone. ... In addition, volleyball improves hand-eye coordination, reflexes, and balance. Last but not least, volleyball teaches teamwork and communication and is a great social activity. As with any sport there is a risk of injury when playing volleyball.


✨CarryOnLearning✨ ✨Niiccyy✨


My friend with a disability


My friend tell me that she wants to play volleyball but then she can't play due to her legs disease so i play for her sake and to make her happy and stay strong until now she supported me and cheer for me.

17. distinguis Let's Analyze Directions: For your next activity answer the questions based on what you have leamed so far 1. Why is the overhead pass or set important in volleyball? 2 is volleyball good for you? Why or why not?​


1.Introduction. In volleyball, the overhead pass is an important skill, both for passing the ball and for setting the ball for the attackers. ... When performing an overhead pass, it is necessary for the players to control the appropriate distance and direction of a ball.
2.Tones and shapes the body: The physical activities involved in playing volleyball will strengthen the upper body, arms and shoulders as well as the muscles of the lower body. Playing volleyball also improves the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.


hope it's help po
pa brainliest na din po thanks:)

18. Is volleyball an easy sport for you? Why? ​

Answer: yes


since in our school we are taught how to play it and so it is not that really hard for us playing it.


No its not.


It is not a easy sport because it requires a lot of skills and I guess all sports needs a lot of skills as well not just the volleyball. However if a person loves to play volleyball he/she doesnt care if it is easy or not as long as he/she enjoys it.

19. If you will be given a chance to play volleyball, are you going to grab the opportunity?Why or why not?​

if you don't have any health complications then it's a yes,because volleyball is also one of the physical activities that can make you more active and you can also have a circle of friends

20. If you were to be a volleyball player, what skills in volleyball you want to learn more and why?​

Answer: If I was a volleyball player I would want to learn how to pass, serve, the positions.



I would want to get better at severing because im not that good at serving and i might become a volleyball teacher


21. Why do you need to study the History and Development of Volleyball


Playing the game of volleyball helps improve on decision making. Once you learn how to think fast, then you will able to apply this important skill in a real life. Playing the game of volleyball will provide you with confidence that you need during your daily life.


Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree...

22. 1. If you were to play volleyball in a competition, would you prefer to play in a regular volleyball tournament or in a beach volleyball tournament? why?2. If you were to play volleyball as a recreation, which would you choose regular volleyball or beach volleyball? why?​


regular volleyball


because you can run and move easily

23. 2. If given the chance to become a good athlete in the following sports - volleyball, baseball/softball, and basketball, what will you choose and why?​


I would choose all because every sport has a lesson to learn and all kinds of sport has alot of strategies that you may learn and use it in the future.


I would choose Volleyball

Explanation: Because playing 45 minutes of Volleyball can burn up to 585 calories,Volleyball also improves muscle strength and bone.Playing Volleyball can strengthen the upperbody,arms,shoulders,thighs,abdominals,and lower legs.In addition,Volleyball  improves hand-eye coordination,reflexes,and balance.       (if u want toher answers from baseball/softball or basketball just ask me)

24. Why is important for you to understand the history and background of volleyball?​


Playing the game of volleyball helps improve on decision making. Once you learn how to think fast, then you will able to apply this important skill in a real life. Playing the game of volleyball will provide you with confidence that you need during your daily life.


hope it helps.

25. Will you recommend volleyball to your friends or classmates? Why?​


yes, because if you dont say you dont have to play with and dont shy to say


yes, because volleyball is an activity that develop many components of fitness and it is also good for our health

26. why do you like volleyball?​

I love volleyball because it makes me happy when I play. The court is pretty at the school gym. I love all of my teammates because we are like family. I like to get into the game and dive for the ball no matter where it may be. This sports gets me moving and is a great way to cooperate with others. I love the feeling of getting a perfect hit, set, or serve/ace.



27. If you were to be a volleyball player, what skills in volleyball you want to learn more and why?​


if i were a volleyball player i would want to know all the skills in it.






because i dont want to get hurt. Digging is kinda hard because you can get really hurt from the ground

28. are you ready to play basketball or volleyball? Why? ​




so you need exercise

29. Do you agree that engaging an individual to the game volleyball at a very young age is a good thing? Why do you say so?​


30. why do you play volleyball? ​


picture po yan stay safe

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