Identify The Type Of Persuasive Technique Being Described

Identify The Type Of Persuasive Technique Being Described

B. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Identify the type of persuasive technique being described Choose trom the options provided​

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1. B. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Identify the type of persuasive technique being described Choose trom the options provided​




step-by-step explanation




2. identify the type of persuasive technique being described just from the provided write your answer in your notebook​


1.using evidence


3.emotive language




tama yan promise!

3. Learning Task 2: Identify the type of persuasive technique being described. Choose fron the options provided. Write your answers in your notebook.​


mag lagay dapat po kayo ng pic next time para masagutan ko po


pa brainliest po please :(

4. A. Directions: There are three types of writing techniques namely INFORMATIVE, PERSUASIVE, and ARGUMENTATIVE. Identify which is being described below.1. In this style, the author provides facts and figures and explains how a process is completed and is presented in a logical order2. This is a writing style which aims to argue a certain point using credible evidence3. Its purpose is to convince or influence the reader to agree on the author's claim. Examples are found in newspaper articles such as editorial columns.​





5. II.Read the following sentences and identify what writing techniques is being described or presented. Choosefrom the options provided. Write your answers on the space provided before the number.Informative WritingPersuasive WritingArgumentative Writing11. This technique convinces the reader to adopt your position on an issue or point ofview.12. It is where you confirm that your opinion, theory or hypothesis about an issue iscorrect or more reliable than those of others.13. This type of writing technique explains a certain problem or a topic.14. It is the writing technique that only states the facts, not to offer any sort of opinion.15. This type of writing technique uses emotional appeal such as empathy as techniquewriting.16. The government representative use gambits especially when negotiating.17. A politician delivered a public speech to convince the spectators to share his ideasand beliefs.18. A student defined the terminologies used in her research both denotatively andoperationally to aid the readers in understanding how the words are used in the context of her research.19. English teachers usually define the difficult words to improve their students'vocabulary and aid them' also in teaching especially in literature lessons.20. The writer presented facts and data to support his claims that abortion should notbe legalized in the country.​


11. persuasive writing

12. argumentative


6. Learning Task 2: Identify the type of persuasive technique being describedChoose from the options provided, Write your answers in your notebookinvolving the reader | use of evidence thetorical questionsexperts emotive language association1. This technique makes use of facts, figures, and quotes from experts2. It involves linking an object or an idea with something, already lived or desired.3. It involves the use of words that evoke emotions,4. This persuasion technique makes use of ezpert advice from trustedpersonalities like doctors and scientists.5. In this technique, questions that make the readers think are given or asked.LANGUAGE OF RESEARCH, CAMPAIGNS AND ADVOCACIESLanguage plays an essential role in our lives. More than just serving as aman also enables us to inform,​


using evidence


emotive language


rhetorical questions


Make it Brainliest please

Love Lots.

7. Learning Task 2: Identify the type of persuasive technique being described. Choose from the options provided. Write your answers in your notebook. involving the reader,use of evidence,rhetorical questionsexperts,emotive language, association1. This technique makes use of facts, figures, and quotes from experts.2. It involves linking an object or an idea with something already liked or desired. 3. It involves the use of words that evoke emotions.4. This persuasion technique makes use of expert advice from trusted personalities like doctors and scientists.5. In this technique, questions that make the readers think are given or asked.​

Persuasive Techniques

Persuasive techniques are used to convince others to agree with facts. It is also used to share values, accept argument and conclusions, and adopt way of thinking. There are many different ways to persuade people. Writers can use a range of techniques to persuade. Techniques like these are used to position the reader to accept a particular point of view.

Learning Task 2:Answers:use of evidenceassociationemotive languageexpertsinvolving the reader

Things to Remember:Using evidence is very persuasive as it makes the reader see the author as knowledgeable and the argument as more logical or reliable.Association tries to link a product, service, or idea with something already liked or desired by the target audience such as fun, pleasure, beauty, security, intimacy, success, and wealth.Emotive language attempts to persuade the audience to agree with someone's point of view by creating an emotional reaction. Specific words are used to evoke an emotional response from someone like anger, joy or sadness.A rhetorical question is a question asked to make a point, rather than get an answer.

What are the different types of persuasive techniques:


8. Learning Task 2: Identify the type of persuasive technique being described Choose from the options provided. Write your answers in your notebook.involving the reader | use of evidence | rhetorical questions experts | emotive language association 1. This technique makes use of facts, figures, and quotes from experts 2. It involves linking an object or an idea with something already liked or desired. 3. It involves the use of words that evoke emotions. 4. This persuasion technique makes use of expert advice from trusted personalities like doctors and scientists.5. In this technique, questions that make the readers think are given or asked. ​


1.using evidence


3.emotive language

4 experts


9. B. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Directions: Identify the type of persuasive technique that being described. Choose from the options in the box Adjectives and Adverbs Modal Verbs Association Bandwagon Rhetorical Questions Repetition 6. Writers frequently use words to convey a particular message. Consider an adjective's connotations and impact on the reader. Adverbs are words that describe a verb. 7. It gives the reader information about the degree of obligation or certainty involved in the action. 8. It is used in persuasive writing because it directly addresses the reader and allows them to reflect. 9. Orators frequently use it to emphasize points, persuade others of its truth, and make speeches easier to follow. 10. Likes and desires of the target audience are linked in this persuasion technique​


6. Adjectives & Adverbs

7. Modal Verbs

8. Rhetorical Questions

9. Bandwagon

10. Association

10. B. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Identify the type of persuasive technique being described Choose from the options provided Adjectives and Adverbs Modal Verbs Association Rhetorical Questions Bandwagon Repetition 6. Writers frequently use words to convey a particular message. Consider an adjective's connotations and impact on the reader. Adverbs are words that describe a verb. 7. It gives the reader information about the degree of obligation or certainty involved in the action. 8. It is used in persuasive writing because it directly addresses the reader and allows them to reflect. 9. Orators frequently use it to emphasize points, persuade others of its truth, and make speeches easier to follow. 10. Likes and desires of the target audience are linked in this persuasion technique.​


6.adjective and adverbs

7.modal verb

8.rhetorical questions




thanks me latuh

11. Learning Task 2: Identify the type of persuasive technique being described. Choosefrom the options provided. Write your answers in your notebook.involving the reader | use of evidence | thetorical questions experts| emotive language | association1. This technique makes use of facts, figures, and quotes from experts.2. It involves linking an object or an idea with something already liked or desired.3. It involves the use of words that evoke emotions.4. This persuasion technique makes use of expert advice from trusted personalitieslike doctors and scientists,5. In this technique, questions that make the readers think are given or asked.​


1.Usinf evidence


3.Emotive Language


5.Rhetorical Questions


sure ako tama yan.

12. Learning Task 2: Identify the type of persuasive technique being described.Choose from the options provided. Write your answers in your notebook.involving the reader | use of evidence | rhetorical questionsexperts | emotive language association1. This technique makes use of facts, figures, and quotes from experts.2. It involves linking an object or an idea with something already liked or desired.3. It involves the use of words that evoke emotions.4. This persuasion technique makesmakes use of expert adviceof expert advice from trustedpersonalities like doctors and scientists,5. In this technique, questions that make the readers think are given or asked.​

Persuasive Techniques

Persuasive techniques are used to convince others to agree with facts. It is also used to share values, accept argument and conclusions, and adopt way of thinking. There are many different ways to persuade people. Writers can use a range of techniques to persuade. Techniques like these are used to position the reader to accept a particular point of view.

Learning Task 2: Answers: use of evidence association emotive language experts involving the reader

Things to Remember: Using evidence is very persuasive as it makes the reader see the author as knowledgeable and the argument as more logical or reliable. Association tries to link a product, service, or idea with something already liked or desired by the target audience such as fun, pleasure, beauty, security, intimacy, success, and wealth. Emotive language attempts to persuade the audience to agree with someone's point of view by creating an emotional reaction. Specific words are used to evoke an emotional response from someone like anger, joy or sadness. A rhetorical question is a question asked to make a point, rather than get an answer.

What are the different types of persuasive techniques:


13. Learning Task 2: Identify the type of persuasive technique being described.Choose from the options provided. Write your answers in your notebook.involving the reader use of evidence | rhetorical questionsexperts | emotive language | association1. This technique makes use of facts, figures, and quotes from experts.2. It involves linking an object or an idea with something already liked or desired.3. It involves the use of words that evoke emotions.4. This persuasion technique makes useuse of expert advice from trustedpersonalities like doctors and scientists,5. In this technique, questions that make the readers think are given or asked.​

1. using evidence

2. association

3. emotive language

4. experts

5. rhetorical questions

14. Learning Task 2: Identify the type of writing technique being described. Choose from the optionsprovided. Write your answers in your notebook.persuasive language Informative essayemotive language triples proposition1. This technique presents the subtopics or supportive points to forecast the writer's argumentto his reader2. This is also called the expository essay and it is not for convincing someone to change his/herbeliefs.3. In an essay or speech, it is a very powerful tool for getting what one's wants.4. It is a persuasive technique that uses vocabulary to make the audience/reader feel a particularemotion.5. It is a kind of technique that uses three points to support an argument.​


1. Proposition

2. Informative essay

3. Persuasive language

4. Emotive language

5. Triples


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