Discuss How The Author Present The Ideas Of The Poem

Discuss How The Author Present The Ideas Of The Poem

Discuss how the author presented the ideas of the poem​

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1. Discuss how the author presented the ideas of the poem​


in the first three stanzas he asks for what he wants to do and in the last stanza he shows that he wants everything to be fine and back to normal


in the first three stanzas he asks for what he wants to do and in the last stanza he shows that he wants everything to be fine and back to normal

thankyou ka..

2. discuss how the author present the ideas of the poem


What poem it is? Can you commemt it below I might help you to answer your question

please let me know


in the first three stanzas he asks for what he wants to do and in the last stanza he shows that he wants everything to be fine and back to normal


in the first three stanzas he asks for what he wants to do and in the last stanza he shows that he wants everything to be fine and back to normal

paki brainliest po pIs

3. discuss how the author present the ideas of the poem


clear, specific and detailed..


wait lng nsan b ung poem?

4. discuss how the author presented the ideas of the poem up to the


the author presented the poem about the is about her love

5. discuss how the author present the ideas of the poem earnest wish


in the first three stanzas he asks for what he wants to do and in the last stanza he shows that he wants everything to be fine and back to normal


in the first three stanzas he asks for what he wants to do and in the last stanza he shows that he wants everything to be fine and back to normal

6. To the flapping of butterfly's wings. Flatten the curve Stay at home! a. 1. A multitude gathered along with Wan Chai District in Hongkong to protest the new policy there and to call to ban some products. Thousands of protesters were arrested. Multitude in this sentence means A few in number of people b. A great number of people c. Some people d. Several numbers of people 2. In the poem, Earnest Wish, identify the words that suggest the meaning of the word, multitude. 3. The author used imagery in the poem, such as visual, auditory, and kinesthetic imagery. Write the words that suggest Visual Imagery, Auditory Imagery & Kinesthetic Imagery 4. Discuss the structure of the poem, the stanza, lines, rhyme scheme. 5. Discuss how the author presented the ideas of the poem up to the point where the message was presented.



2.Leaves of trees,flock of bird,blade of grass, and Cogon flowers

3.Visual imagery: star, grass, leaves, birds, and flowers

Auditory imagery: sound, rustling, chirping, buzzing and flopping

Kinesthetic imagery: tend, re-arrange, weed, harvest and do again.


•A poem can contain many elements to give it structure. Rhyme is perhaps the most common of these elements: countless poetic works, from limericks to epic poems to pop lyrics, contain rhymes. But equally important is meter, which imposes specific length and emphasis on a given line of poetry.


•In poetry, a stanza is used to describe the main building block of a poem. It is a unit of poetry composed of lines that relate to a similar thought or topic—like a paragraph in prose or a verse in a song. Every stanza in a poem has its own concept and serves a unique purpose. A stanza may be arranged according to rhyming patterns and meters—the syllabic beats of a line. It can also be a free-flowing verse that has no formal structure.

Rhyme Scheme

•There are many different types of rhymes that poets use in their work: internal rhymes, slant rhymes, eye rhymes, identical rhymes, and more. One of the most common ways to write a rhyming poem is to use a rhyme scheme composed of shared vowel sounds or consonants.


Hope it helps

Pa heart at pa rate

Follow më please

7. discuss how the author presented the ideas of the poem earnest wish


in the first three stanzas he asks for what he wants to do and in the last stanza he shows that he wants everything to be fine and back to normal


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8. 5. discuss how the author presented the ideas of the poem up to the point where the message was presented.


it is not the only one who is that the only one that is the best of luck for tomorrow hit it off and on the way to the gym now it's time to do that to happen in my room for me too you got the best for the day after the show and tell me that she was like what you want me too guys have fun at the same time and place it on my end of the day

9. discuss how the author present the ideas of the poem up to the point where the message was presented


discuss how the author present the ideas of the poem up to the point where the message was presented

10. discuss how the author presented the ideas of the poem up to the point where the messsge was presented​

The writer of literary work (such as a book)

One that originates oer creates something:SOURCE

//software authors

//film authors


Base above

11. discuss how the author presented the ideas of the poem up to the



An author's presented the ideas of the poem is his reason for or intent in writing. An author's presented ideas may be to amuse the reader, to persuade the reader, to inform the reader, or to satirize a condition.

The main function of a poem is to convey an idea or emotion in beautiful language. It paints a picture of what the poet feels about a thing, person, idea, concept, or even an object.

: It is very important to understand that the writer develops the central idea(s) through supporting details: examples, anecdotes, statistics, descriptions, cause and effect, quotes, analogies, allusions, and illustrations (and other text features)


hope its help and correct po^^

12. Questions:1. Discuss the structure of the poem.2. Discuss how the author presented the ideas of the poem up to the point where the message was presented.3. Discuss the message of the poem.​


1.Line or whole stanza can be rearrange in order to create a specific effect on the reader.

2.The author represent his love from her. Take her in hus ways.


13. discuss how the author presented the ideas of the poem up to the point where the messege was presented​


san po ang babasahin? wla po kasi

14. 5. Discuss how the author presented the ideas of the poem up to the point where the message was presented.​


Author's purpose is presented a poem is to convince and intertain the readers to believe an idea or take a course of action

The Author presented hes/her idea of the poem by delivering the poem carefully and make his/her message well understood by readers.

15. 5. Discuss how the author presented the ideas of the poem up to the point wherethe message was presented.


PA Follow po idol 24+4-28=0 0Discuss

16. Discuss how the author presented the ideas of the poem up to the point where the message was presented


Author's purpose in presented a poem is to convince and intertain the readers to believe an idea or to take a course of action

The Author presented hes/her ideas of the poem by delivering the poem carefully and make his/her messages well understood by readers.

17. discuss how the author presented the idea of the poem up to the point where the iMessage was presented​


saan po yong poem?


god bless and have a nice day

18. 5. Discuss how the author presented the ideas of the poem up to the point where the message was presented.​


the presented their ideas in the poem by connecting it to their topic about poem

try ☺️☺️

19. 4. Discuss how the author presented the ideas of the poem up to point where the message was presented?​


The most common way that authors develop ideas within a work of fiction is by using dialogue, which is when characters converse with one another whether in a novel or a script. It is through those interactions in dialogue that the author develops the story and its characters


sana makatulong.


In the first three stanzas he asks for what he wants to do and in the last stanza he shows that he wants everything to be fine and back to normal.



Hope it's help

20. 3. Discuss how the author presented the ideas of the poem up to the point where the message was presented.help po​


From their experience. author' poems is getting some ideas in their experiences.

21. discuss how the author presented the ideas of the poem up to the point where the message was present


[tex] < hope \: it \: help > \\ < cary \: on \: learning> [/tex]

that is all (๑`✪̤◡✪̤)◞ღԵհɑղƘՏღ me later

22. discuss how the author presentend the ideas of the poem up to the point where the message was presented ​


the author has inspire where they surround with

23. Discuss how the author prsented the ideas of the poem to the point where the message was presented.​


Hi!! where is the poem?

24. 5. Discuss how the author presented the ideas of the poem up to the pointwhere the message was presented.​


25272528.72637 km/hrs

25. discuss how the author presented the ideas of the poem up to the point where the message was presented.​


Discuss your results with a partner or a group. ... The answer to How should you present your argument? leads to the point of view, ... understand that an argument asserts that the writer's claim is true in two main parts:

26. Earnest wish by Lydia S. Villanueva I will I will Count the multitude of stars Tend the garden The leaves in all the branches Rearrange the stones in a pile The flock of birds perched in the loft Weed the grass in the field Harvest the fruits in season The blades of grass in the meadow And the cogon flowers in the air. And do again all of these. I will Let us Listen to the sound of breeze Bring the front liners back home To the rustling of leaves Fight the unforeseen enemy To the chirping of birds Help the new beginning To the buzzing of the bees Contribute to the humanity To the flapping of butterfly's wings. Flatten the curve Stay at home! 1. A multitude gathered along with Wan Chai District in Hongkong to protest the new policy there and to call to ban some products. Thousands of protesters were arrested. Multitude in this sentence means a. A few in number of people b. A great number of people c. Some people d. Several numbers of people 2. In the poem, Earnest Wish, identify the words that suggest the meaning of the word, multitude. 3. The author used imagery in the poem, such as visual, auditory, and kinesthetic imagery. Write the words that suggest Visual Imagery, Auditory Imagery & Kinesthetic Imagery 4. Discuss the structure of the poem, the stanza, lines, rhyme scheme. 5. Discuss how the author presented the ideas of the poem up to the point where the message was presented.​


1. A.

2.number of people


27. discuss how the author presented the ideas of the poem up to the point where the mesenger was presented​


Where's the poem? What poem? Who's the author?

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