As Continental Plate Converges With An Oceanic Plate The Brainly

As Continental Plate Converges With An Oceanic Plate The Brainly

as continental plate converges with an oceanic plate the brainly

Daftar Isi

1. as continental plate converges with an oceanic plate the brainly




I hope it helps

2. plate y is an oceanic plate when it converges with continental brainly




Part of the plate Y will undergo plate X a continental plate because it is denser. The plate Y will form a subduction zone underneath and will turn to molten material called magma because of the heat and pressure.


3. plate y is an oceanic plate when it converges with continental brainly


oceanic continental plate


it can result to volcanic islands



oceanic continental plate

4. What exactly happens when oceanic plate converge with continental plate, continental converge with continental plate, and oceanic converge with oceanic plate?

when oceanic and continental plate converge volcanic arc formed,rising magma occur,subduction process occur,and earthquake and tsunami happened
when continental to continental plate converge its formed mountain and have plateau,no subduction process, and shallow earthquake occur
when oceanic and oceanic plate converge they formed volcanic islands, subduction process occur ,and earthquake and tsunami happened

5. 11. This is the type of plate boundary that occurs between the Nazca Plate and theSouth American Plate.A. convergent oceanic-continental plate boundaryB. convergent oceanic-oceanic plate boundaryC. convergent continental-continental plate boundaryD transform houndary​


A is the answer


6. as continental plate converges with an oceanic plate the continental or oceanic


Convergent boundaries include when two continental plates collide, two oceanic plates converge or when an oceanic plate meets a continental plate. Several events can occur. Generally, when the oceanic plate hits a continental one, the continental plate uplifts, and the oceanic plate goes beneath it or subducts.


When an oceanic plate converges with a continental plate, the oceanic crust will always subduct under the continental crust; this is because oceanic crust is naturally denser. Convergent boundaries are commonly associated with larger earthquakes and higher volcanic activity.


hope it helps

7. as continental plate converges with an oceanic plate, the (1)__ continental,oceanic plate dives under the (2)__ continental,oceanic plate.​


1.) Oceanic plate 2.) Continental Plate


Because that when an oceanic plate converges with a continental plate, the oceanic crust will always subduct under the continental crust; this is because oceanic crust is naturally denser.

8. As continental plate converges with an oceanic plate,the (continental,oceanic) plate dives under the (continental,oceanic)


When oceanic crust converges with continental crust, the denser oceanic plate plunges beneath the continental plate. This process, called subduction, occurs at the oceanic trenches (figure 6). The entire region is known as a subduction zone. The subducting plate causes melting in the mantle.

What happens when an oceanic plate collides with another oceanic plate Why does this happen?

When two oceanic plates collide one oceanic plate is eventually subducted under the other. ... This andesitic magma is formed from the partial melting of the asthenosphere just above the subduction zone. This partial melting of the subducting plate is due to the loss of water as it descends into the mantle.

When an oceanic plate converges with another plate what is created on the seafloor at the line of convergence?

Answer Expert Verified. When two oceanic plates meet, the process of subduction occurs. During this, the denser plate slips underneath the lighter one, creating a subduction zone. In these subduction zones, a trench is formed

9. ConvergenceOceanic Plate-Oceanic Plate1.2.Continental Plateoceanic plate1.2.Continental plate-Continental plate1.2.​


1.As with oceanic-continental convergence, when two oceanic plates converge, one is usually subducted under the other, and in the process a trench is formed.

2. Magmas that form island arcs are produced by the partial melting of the descending plate and/or the overlying oceanic lithosphere

1.When continental and oceanic plates collide, the thinner and more dense oceanic plate is overridden by the thicker and less dense continental plate. The oceanic plate is forced down into the mantle in a process known as "subduction."

2.As the oceanic plate descends, it is forced into higher temperature environments.

1.Plate tectonics is a scientific theory describing the large-scale motion of the plates making up Earth's lithosphere since tectonic processes began on Earth between 3.3 and 3.5 billion years ago.

2.The model builds on the concept of continental drift, an idea developed during the first decades of the 20th


yan po

10. as a continental plate converges with an oceanic plate the blank(oceanic,continental)​




because it soround by a water

11. 7. The amazing Himalaya Mountains are the result ofA. Continental-Continental convergent plate boundary.B. Continental-Oceanic convergent plate boundaryC. Oceanic-Oceanic convergent plate boundaryD. Divergent plate boundary​


letter c


ayan lang ang alam ko




because it contradect each other

12. converging oceanic plates, converging continental plates and converging continental and oceanic what is the similarities of this 3?​


Both oceanic crust and continental crust are less dense than the mantle, but oceanic crust is denser than continental crust. This is partly why the continents are at a higher elevation than the ocean floor. Oceanic and Continental crusts are alike because they both shift and move and grow.

13. II. Diagram Completion Convergence Oceanic Plate- Oceanic Plate Continental Plate- Oceanic Plate Continental Flate. Continental Plate Volcano island​


Oceanic Plate_

Oceanic Plate_ Pacific ring if fire

14. C. Name the different geologic features formed in the following Plate Movements. Writeyour answer on the space provided before the number.1. Oceanic to Oceanic convergence of plates,2. Oceanic to Continental convergence of plates.3. Continental to Continental convergence of plates4. Continental to Continental divergence of plates5. Oceanic to Oceanic divergence of plates.​


C. Name the different geologic features formed in the following Plate Movements. Write

your answer on the space provided before the number.

1. Oceanic to Oceanic convergence of plates,

2. Oceanic to Continental convergence of plates.

3. Continental to Continental convergence of plates

4. Continental to Continental divergence of plates

5. Oceanic to Oceanic divergence of plates.


diko rin alam

15. 20. How are mountains formed? a. Convergence of two Continental Plates C. Convergence of Oceanic and Continental Plates b. Convergence of two Oceanic Plates. d. Convergence of two Oceanic Plates and subduct​


Mountains are formed by movement within the Earth's crust. The crust itself is made up of several large plates, called tectonic plates, which are free floating. These huge chunks of the Earth's crust move within molten rock called magma, which allows them to shift and collide over time

16. No subduction, no trenches, no volcanic activity *Converging Oceanic PlateDiverging Continental PlateConverging Continental PlateConverging Oceanic and Continental PlateDiverging Oceanic PlateTransform FaultAll of the choices​


None of the Above


because most of the choices have subduction,trenches,volcanic activity

17. in the convergence between a continental and an oceanic plate brainly


The convergence of the two plates would cause something to form starting from volcanoes , islands , earthquakes etc , the process would be called subduction when the oceanic plate or the older and less denser plate goes beneath the thicker plate

18. 8. Many parts of Philippines originated from what type of plate interaction?a. oceanic-oceanic plate divergenceb. oceanic-oceanic plate convergencec. continental-oceanic plate convergenced. continental-continental plate convergence​


C. Continental - oceanic plate convergence

19. ask continental plate convergence with an oceanic plate,the(6)_______ (continental,oceanic)​




because I search in the chrome

20. As continental plate converges with an oceanic plate, the oceanic plate dives under the continental plate. TRUE OR FALSE​




Thats The Real Answer.[Your Welcome!](Brainliest Please) #CarryOnLearning

21. as a continental plate converges with an oceanic plate the continental or oceanic​


When an oceanic plate converges with a continental plate, the oceanic crust will always subduct under the continental crust; this is because oceanic crust is naturally denser. Convergent boundaries are commonly associated with larger earthquakes and higher volcanic activity


i hope makatulong

22. Similarities between Oceanic-Continental Plate Convergent Boundary, Two Oceanic Plates Convergent Boundary, Two Continental Plates Convergent Boundary. ASAP

The three types of convergent plate boundaries are: Oceanic Continental one plate is oceanic, there are large volcanoes found in lines that outline the subduction zone.

Earthquakes also happen in these zones. For example The Aleutian islands that border southern

Alaska are in island arc. In addition, Ocean -ocean, one of the plates (oceanic crust and

Lithospheric mantle) is pushed, or subducted, under the other that mixes with the overlying

mantle, and the addition of water to the hot mantle lowers the crust's melting point that leads

to the formation of magma. Continental continental convergent plate are when two plates

collide, they have a density lower than the mantle which prevent subduction (submersion

of plates under each other) so they create mountains, such as World Famous Himalaya

Mountain Range.

Activity. Copy and fill out the table below.

Table 1.

Geologic features


Relative Motion of the


Types of convergent plate





Convergent boundary is an area on the Earth where two or more lithospheric

plates collide. One plate eventually slides beneath the other creating a process called

subduction. The subduction zone is known to be a plane wherein many earthquakes happen.

23. Describe the movement of converging continental plates with oceanic plates of two oceanic plates and continental plates

Happens when two plates move toward each other. This will cause earthquake to happen.
Oceanic - Continental
When an oceanic plate and continental plate converge, the leading edge of the oceanic plate will be bent downwards/undergoes subduction process as it is denser than the continental plate. This event will also form a trench.
Oceanic - Oceanic
When two oceanic plates converge, trenches are also formed and there trenches can be a source of earthquakes that can generate tsunamis. Subduction happens and this will cause the creation of volcanic island arc parallel to the trench.

Continental - Continental
When two continental plates converge, a collision zone is formed. No subduction, trench, volcano, and on island arc are created. What is created is a large group of tall mountains called mountain range.

24. what type of plate boundary occurs between the nazca plate and the south american plate?A. convergent oceanic-Continental plate boundaryB. convergent oceanic-oceanic plate boundaryC. convergent Continental-Continental plate boundaryD. transform boundary​


The Letter C po or Convergent Continental Plate Boundary


#Hope This Answer Helped po

25. 1.divergent diagrams of plate?2.convergent (oceanic - continental) diagrams of plate?3.convergent (oceanic - oceanic) diagrams of plate?4. convergent (continental - continental) diagrams of plate?5. transform diagrams of plate?​


1. continental

2. oceanic



1. 1.divergent diagrams of plate?

-Divergent plate boundaries are locations where plates are moving away from one another. This occurs above rising convection currents.

26. as continental plate converges with an oceanic plate the continental


thanks sa point


thanks sa point

27. 8. Identify which of the following plate convergence will result to the formation of mountains? Convergence of two oceanic plates c. convergence of oceanic continental plates b. Convergence of two continental plates d. convergence of continental-oceanic plates​



Hopes it's helps po :)

28. describe the movement of convergent continental plates with oceanic plates of two oceanic plates and continental plates

At some convergent boundaries, an oceanic plate collides with a continental plate. Oceanic crust tends to be denser and thinner than continental crust, so the denser oceanic crust gets bent and pulled under, or subducted, beneath the lighter and thicker continental crust. This forms what is called a subduction zone.

29. in the convergence between a continental and an oceanic plate there is subduction brainly


can you be my freind your new

30. 26. This is the type of plate boundary that occurs between the Nazca Plate and the South American Plate.a. convergent oceanic-continental plate boundaryb. convergent oceanic-oceanic plate boundaryc. convergent continental-continental plate boundaryd. transform boundary​


a. convergent oceanic-continental plate boundary


A.convergent oceanic continental plate boundry

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