What Characteristics Of The Stories Make Them Similar

What Characteristics Of The Stories Make Them Similar

what characteristics of the stories make them similar

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1. what characteristics of the stories make them similar


The characteristics that make these genres similar in terms of structure are the structure of the movie: The premise , the plot of the movie/ the action, the location , and the characters of the story

2. what characteristics of the stories make them similar​


becuase they thesame️sorry pareha tayo walang answer



Asan PO yong pic? Pano ko PO sasagutan yan? Alangan namang hulaan ko

3. Direction: You read two stories previously, My Alarm and The Unlucky Winners. Write their similarities and differences using a Venn Diagram 1. What characteristics of the stories make them similar? 2. What characteristics of the stories make them different? ​

My Fréaking  Alarm and The Unlucky Winners

A Venn Diagram is attached below.

1.What characteristics of the stories make them similar?"My Fréaking Alarm" and "The Unlucky Winners" have comparable traits in that both of their narratives are finished. Because they are both short stories.Both fictions can be completed in a single moment. The characters and situations, even if they are fictional, seem realistic to me.

2. What characteristics of the stories make them different? The differences between "My Fréaking Alarm" and "The Unlucky Winners" can be attributed to the fact that "My Fréaking Alarm" is a graphic novel that uses both words and illustrations to tell its story. We have shared similar experiences; thus, it is relatable.Additionally, the graphics help me visualize and experience the characters and situations. On the other hand, "The Unlucky Winners" is a short story with a modest word count. The discovery at the conclusion is mind-blowing, disturbing, and twisted. And the connection and reveal were fantastic; it really got me to think deeply about what had occurred to Pete to startle Jim.

Additional information:

The 21st century's fast-moving literary forms of graphic fiction and flash fiction are perfect for our current fast-paced times. Justification: The publication of graphic and flash fiction has suddenly increased.

Get comfortable writing in the third person, but while writing flash fiction, exercise caution when using the third person omniscient. It's too epic and sometimes doesn't give the short story writer an opportunity to really zero in on a single feeling, experience, or character.

What happened to Jim in the end in the story:



4. II - Week 3 & 4 Directions: Read and understand each of the given statement. Encircle the letter of the correct answer. 11. It reflects the various experiences, ideas, passions of human beings in their daily life that are expressed in several forms and styles of literary works such as poems, essays, letters, etc. a. literature b. metaphor c. personification d. simile 12. A figurative language technique where exaggeration is used to emphasize, evoke strong feelings, and create strong impressions. a. hyperbole b. metaphor c. personification d. pun 13. A common figure of speech that makes a comparison by directly relating one thing to another unrelated thing; it does not use the word "like" or "as". a. metaphor b. personification c. pun d. simile 14. A figurative language technique in which an object or idea is given human characteristics or qualities. a. personification c. rhyme d. simile b. pun 15. Another literary device used by poets to suggest actions, movements, and meanings. a. onomatopoeia c. resonance d. rhythm b. pun 16. Part of what we mean when we say that poetry is musical; when the ending sounds are repeated. a. rhyme b. silliness c. simile d. surprise 17. A literary device that is also known as a "play on words"; involves words with similar or identical sounds but with different meanings. a. pun b. rhyme c. rhythm d. simile 18. A literary term which uses the word "like" or "as" to compare two different things and showa common quality between them. a. simile b. surprise c. stretched d. silliness 19. A written message conveyed to a person or a group; can be formal or informal. a. Letter b. metaphor c. pun d. surprise 20. A short formal piece of writing which deals with a single subject. a. Essay b. letter c. poem d. short story


1.a 2. c 3. b 4.c 5.d 6.a 7.b 8.c 9. d 10.c 11. a 12.d 13. b 14. a 15.b 16.d 17. c 18. d 19.b 20. a


sa na po makatulong

5. Direction: You read two stories previously, My Alarm and The Unlucky Winners. Write their similarities and differences of two stories (My Alarm and The Unlucky Winners)1. What characteristics of the stories make them similar?2. What characteristics of the stories make them different?help!

Direction: You read two stories previously, My Alarm and The Unlucky Winners. Write their similarities and differences using a Venn Diagram1. What characteristics of the stories make them similar?2. What characteristics of the stories make them different?Answer:The following comparisons were made about My F/r/e/a/king Alarm Clock and The Unlucky Winners.Explanation:Similarities  Both selections are narratives. My F/r/e/a/king Alarm clock narrates how the character would dilly-dally when the alarm would ring at 5 AM only to be late at 7:20. The other one, The Unlucky Winners is a narrative of two men who ended up getting murdered after winning the lottery.  Both narratives didn’t end up happily.Differences  In terms of form, My F/r/e/a/king Alarm is a combination of text and photos that makes it graphic fiction while The Unlucky Winners is pure text, but it is too short it is limited to only a hundred words or so.The sad ending in both stories also differ as the first one (My F/r/e/a/king  Alarm) was caused by the character’s own doing while in the second story (The Unlucky Ones) it was caused by somebody else (the wife).


6. II - Week 3 & 4 Directions: Read and understand each of the given statement. Encircle the letter of the correct answer. 11. It reflects the various experiences, ideas, passions of human beings in their daily life that are expressed in several forms and styles of literary works such as poems, essays, letters, etc. a. literature b. metaphor c. personification d. simile 12. A figurative language technique where exaggeration is used to emphasize, evoke strong feelings, and create strong impressions. a. hyperbole b. metaphor c. personification d. pun 13. A common figure of speech that makes a comparison by directly relating one thing to another unrelated thing; it does not use the word "like" or "as". a. metaphor b. personification c. pun d. simile 14. A figurative language technique in which an object or idea is given human characteristics or qualities. a. personification c. rhyme d. simile b. pun 15. Another literary device used by poets to suggest actions, movements, and meanings. a. onomatopoeia c. resonance d. rhythm b. pun 16. Part of what we mean when we say that poetry is musical; when the ending sounds are repeated. a. rhyme b. silliness c. simile d. surprise 17. A literary device that is also known as a "play on words"; involves words with similar or identical sounds but with different meanings. a. pun b. rhyme c. rhythm d. simile 18. A literary term which uses the word "like" or "as" to compare two different things and showa common quality between them. a. simile b. surprise c. stretched d. silliness 19. A written message conveyed to a person or a group; can be formal or informal. a. Letter b. metaphor c. pun d. surprise 20. A short formal piece of writing which deals with a single subject. a. Essay b. letter c. poem d. short story


11. c 12.a 13.d. 14.a. 15a. 16a 17a 18a 19b 20c


based on my answer

7. Directions: Read each question below and choose the letter of the correct answer.1. What is the purpose of persuasive writing?A. to entertain a reader C. to inform the reader B. to convince a reader D. to describe a series of events 2. Which is not a characteristic of a good persuasive writing piece? A. The writer provides strong arguments as support. B. The writer provides information based from opinions only. C. The writer entertains the reader with engaging dialogue between characters. D. The writer uses illustrations, photographs, and diagrams to convince the reader3. What is a rhetorical question? A. a statement of fact B. a question that is part of a quotation C. a question requiring response from the audience D. a question designed to make the audience think 4. How do the authors share their opinion about an issue through persuasive writing? A. share their personal opinion B. support their opinion through evidences C.make up fictional information to trick the reader D. share the opinions of others that are similar to theirs 5. Which a not an example of a persuasive text? A. a television advertisement C. a political cartoon B. a political speech D. a photograph of political figure 6. Which is not a feature of persuasive text? A. fictional ideas C. clear organization or structureB. supporting ideas and arguments D. thesis statement 7. What is the primary purpose of a document that is written to convince readers to change their opinions? A. to answer question C. to persuade B. to build goodwill D. to inform 8. Which persuasive technique use words like we, you, our and us to make the audience think the speaker is talking to them? A.repetitionC. exaggeration D. personal pronouns B. alliteration 9. What are the roles of an author of a persuasive text? A. The author is telling a story. B. The author is informing the reader. C. The author is convincing the reader to agree with him/her. D. all of the above​


1. A

2. A

3. A

4. B

5. A


# Hope It Helps

# CarryOnLearning

Sana maka help please

8. 1. There are many uses of multimedia to students that provide them a deeper understanding of a certain lesson. What multimedia format is ideal for second-language learners? A Audiobook C. Slideshow B. Diagram D. Text 2. Understanding and applying a range of computer programs, software and other applications are important to 21 century leamers. What skills are these? A Communications Skills C. Information Skills B. ICT Skills D. Technical Skills 3. Multimedia is an essential avenue to transform unique adaptations of a literary genre. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of multimedia to students? A A person assesses what needs are to be included in their leaming activities through multimedia. B. Digital storytelling improves one's knowledge on a specific subject. C. Multimedia improves one's over-all academic performance. D. Multimedia is used in a job-related presentation, making it more fun and interesting. 4. A person is compared to a pencil from the parable The Story of the Pencil". What is the central idea of the parable? A. Challenges will make a person a better man. B. It tells us the reality that same as the pencil, we have common characteristics. C. Pencil's lead is like the core values of a person. D. The design of the pencil is attractive like the appearance of the people. 5. "You can make big things, but never forget that there is a hand guiding your steps. How do you interpret this? A. Always leave a good mark. C. A person needs guidance. B. A person commits mistakes. D. Dream high. 6. What genre of fiction has the quality of being short with much lesser words? A Fable C. Novel B. Flash fiction D. Parable 7. From the phrase "memories forever etched in his heart", what does etched in his heart mean? A. Always heard C. Always remembered B. Always seen D. Always written 8. Plot is a sequence of events that make up a story. Which of the following shows the proper sequence of a plot? A climax, resolution, rising action, falling action, exposition B. resolution, rising action, climax, falling action, exposition C. falling action, climax, resolution, rising action, resolution D. exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution 9. He takes in a long, deep breath-really more of a sigh- and squeezes his eyes closed, hoping that by slipping into the darkness of a nap, he will temporarily mask his sorrow. Based on the text, what does the phrase 'mask his sorrow' mean? A Pretend to be sad. C. Pretend to be happy B. Paint his sorrow. D. Wear a mask 10. Flash fiction is different from short story but they have something in common. How is flash fiction similar to a short story? A. Both have the same words in length. B. Both have fully developed plot. C. Both have the same number of characters. D. Both offer a happy ending.​








ending with the kids







6. C







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