Analyze And Arrange The Picture Carefully

Analyze And Arrange The Picture Carefully

analyze and arrange the picture carefully

Daftar Isi

1. analyze and arrange the picture carefully


sorry po pero saan yung picture?

2. analyze and arrange the picture carefully

Where is it? i can answer it if i can saw it...

3. analyze and arrange the picture carefully


wheres the picture i can try to answer, If I cant answer you can report my answer :)

4. II. Read and analyze each question carefully and choose the correct answer from the choices given. Write the LETTER only in the space provided. In case the answer is not among the choices, write your answer directly. 7! 11. All values of the ff. expressions is eqaul to 1 EXCEPT a.C(2.2) b. C(3,3) C. C(4A) d. C(4.2) 12. Forming a probable set of class officers is an example of a a. Combination b. permutation c. probability d. sample space 13. Which of the formula below can be used in finding the number of arrangements when four friends have their picture taking in a row formation. a. b.n! c. (n-1)! d. (12-r)rt 14. It refers to the different possible arrangements of a set of objects. a. Permutations b. Combinations c. Probability d. Mean 15. Which of the expression below can be used to find the number of committees from 7 students if each committee contains 3 students? a. (7-3)! b. c. 3! d. 71 (7-3): 31 71

wala ba example to para alam kung ano sinasagutan ko

5. WRITTEN WORK 2 DIRECTIONS: Analyze and arrange the pictures carefully and create a story out of them. (10 points) Suriin at ayusin nang mabuti ang mga larawan at lumikha ng isang kuwento mula sa mga ito. (10 puntos) FIRST IMAGE: * 1 point Choose This is a required question SECOND IMAGE: * 1 point Choose THIRD IMAGE: * 1 point Choose FOURTH IMAGE: * 1 point Choose FIFTH IMAGE: * 1 point Choose​



A man named Romeo saw a beautiful woman outside the window. He was fascinated by the beautiful woman so he always went to her and he started flirting with the woman and he met her. The woman's name was Juliet. Romeo was approached. especially with Juliet until they both fall in love


Maikling Kwento lang Ginawa Binase ko lang dyan sa Photo Gallery nila



6. DIRECTIONS: Read and analyze the given statements carefully. After, choose the correct answer from the choices.1. This type of graph shows numbers that are independent of each other. They are represented with columns. 2. This type of graph shows trends in data throughout the time, 3. This is a visual cue that refers an orderly arranged quantitative data in columns and rows.4. It refers to collection of data showing a distribution of something over an area. 5. These are texts often found in illustrations that provide an information about the picture/visual element.​

♫︎ A slice of heaven that i gave to you ♫︎

♫︎ A slice of heaven that i gave to you ♫︎

♫︎ sli- sli- slice of heaven that i gave to you ♫︎

♫︎ Last night ♫︎

Cake - by melanie martinez


7. II. Read and analyze each question carefully and choose the correct answer from the choices given. Write the LETTER only in the space provided. In case the answer is not among the choices, write your answer directly. 7! 11. All values of the ff. expressions is eqaul to 1 EXCEPT a.C(2.2) b. C(3,3) C. C(4A) d. C(4.2) 12. Forming a probable set of class officers is an example of a a. Combination b. permutation c. probability d. sample space 13. Which of the formula below can be used in finding the number of arrangements when four friends have their picture taking in a row formation. a. b.n! c. (n-1)! d. (12-r)rt 14. It refers to the different possible arrangements of a set of objects. a. Permutations b. Combinations c. Probability d. Mean 15. Which of the expression below can be used to find the number of committees from 7 students if each committee contains 3 students? a. (7-3)! b. c. 3! d. 71 (7-3): 31 71







Step-by-step explanation:

hope you like it ☺️ ☺️ ☺️ ☺️ ☺️ ☺️

8. ROMEO & JULIET PHOTO GALLERY LEARNING TASK 2: Analyze and arrange the pictures carefully and create a story out of them. Write your answer on your pad paper, lae English 9: A Joumey through Anglo- American Uterature D. 305​


A man named Romeo saw a beautiful woman outside the window. He was fascinated by the beautiful woman so he always went to her and he started flirting with the woman and he met her the approaches especially with until they both fall in love


Tama po yan keep safe po and god bless you po

9. ECTION: Read and analyze each item carefully. Choose the correct and best and -ng the options. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided before the 1. Which of the following rules is used to count the total number of possible outcom A. Fundamental Counting Principle C. Fundamental Mathematic D. Fundamental Theorem of B. Fundamental Operations 2. The NVGCHS coop offers 3-piece budget meal with rice (plain or fried), me pork adobo, or dinuguan), and vegetable (pakbet, dinengdeng, or tortang tal Which of the following indicated operations determines the total number meals? A. 2+3+3 B. (2+3) x 3 C. 2 x (343) 3. If JC has 5 different t-shirts and 4 pants in his closet, then how many diffe wear? A. 20 B. 9 C. 5 4. Which of the following activities involves permutation? A. Drawing 5 cards from a deck of card B. Assigning LRN to students 5. Which of the following is the factorial notation form of the expression 8x7x6m A. 6! 7! C. 81 D. 6. Which of the following formulas is used to determine the permutation of na time? A. P(n,n) = n! B. P(n,r) = n! (n-r)! C, P = plqiri 7. Carla wants to find the number of words she can form from the word SOLAN her working equation to conclude for the correct answer? A. P(6,6)= 6! C. P = // C. Answering 5 questions from D. Forming triangles from 6 dic B. P(6,2) = D 6! (6-2)! 8. Gloria, Margie, Pia, and Catriona, the four Miss Universe winners from arranged in a row for photo shoot. Which of the following expressions deter arrangements if only two beauty queens pose for a picture at a time? C. P = 2/ A. P(4,2) 4! B. D (4-2)! 9. Teacher Carlo gave his Grade 10 Galileo class an assignment to simplify F checking, he called two students in front to write their answers. Below an students. Whose solution and answer are correct? 5! 5! (5-5)! 0! 1 = 5!= 5 4 3 2 1 = 120 Student A Student B P5 P5 = A. Student A B. Student BC. Both students correct only only 10. Which of the following is the simplified form of P(10,0)? A. 3628800 B. 10 C. 1 120 1 = 120 are D. Bo inc 11. In how many ways can 5 different books be arranged on a shelf? C. 6 ways B. 24 ways A. 120 ways 12. How many images can be produced if Mary, May-ann, Mario and Mar will given that Mary is always placed in the rightmost corner? A. 24 images C. 4 images B. 6 images 13. In how many ways can you place 8 different books on a shelf if only 3 box B. 336 ways C. 120 ways A. 40320 ways​


1. The correct answer is A. The Fundamental Counting Principle is a rule used to count the total number of possible outcomes for an event by multiplying the number of ways each event can occur.

2. The correct answer is B. To determine the total number of possible meals, we need to use the multiplication rule. We can choose 2 options for the rice, 3 options for the pork, and 3 options for the vegetable. Thus, the total number of possible meals is (2+3) x 3 = 15.

3. The correct answer is A. To find the total number of different outfits, we need to multiply the number of options for shirts (5) and pants (4). Thus, the total number of different outfits is 5 x 4 = 20.

4. The correct answer is A. Drawing 5 cards from a deck of cards involves permutation because the order in which the cards are drawn matters.

5. The correct answer is A. The factorial notation form of 8x7x6 is 8 x 7 x 6 = 8! / 5!.

6. The correct answer is A. The formula for the permutation of n objects taken n at a time is P(n,n) = n!.

7. The correct answer is A. To find the number of words that can be formed from the letters in SOLAN, we need to use the permutation formula. The number of permutations of 6 objects taken all at a time is P(6,6) = 6! = 720.

8. The correct answer is B. The formula for the permutation of n objects taken r at a time is P(n,r) = n! / (n-r)! In this problem, we need to find the number of arrangements of 2 beauty queens taken from a group of 4. Thus, the answer is P(4,2) = 4! / (4-2)! = 12.

9. The correct answer is A. The formula for the number of permutations of n objects taken all at a time is P(n,n) = n!. In this problem, the correct answer is P5 = 5! = 120, which is the solution provided by Student A.

10. The correct answer is C. The formula for the permutation of n objects taken 0 at a time is P(n,0) = 1. Thus, the answer is P(10,0) = 1.

11. The correct answer is A. To find the total number of ways 5 different books can be arranged on a shelf, we need to use the permutation formula. The number of permutations of 5 objects taken all at a time is P(5,5) = 5! = 120.

12. The correct answer is B. If Mary is always placed in the rightmost corner, there are only 3 remaining people who can be placed in the first position. Then, there are 2 remaining people who can be placed in the second position, and only 1 person left to be placed in the third position. Thus, the total number of possible arrangements is 3 x 2 x 1 = 6.

13. The correct answer is B. To find the number of ways to place 8 different books on a shelf if only 3 boxes can be used, we need to use a combination formula. The number of combinations of 8 objects taken 3 at a time is C(8,3) = 8! / (3! x (8-3)!) = 56. However, we need to multiply this by the number of ways to arrange the books within each box, which is 3! for each box.

10. ROMEO & JULIET PHOTO GALLERYLEARNING TASK 2:Analyze andarrange thepictures carefullyand create astory out of them.Write your answeron your padpaper.​


A man named Romeo saw a beautiful woman outside the window. He was fascinated by the beautiful woman so he always went to her and he started flirting with the woman and he met her. The woman's name was Juliet. Romeo was approached. especially with Juliet until they both fall in love


Naka base sa photo gallery Yang kwentong ginawa ko


11. you viewed, evaluating, and creatingpoLEARNING TASK 1.(PERFORMANCE TASK)Analyze and arrange the picturescarefully and create a story out of themWrite your answer ON THE ANSWERSHEET GIVENlaeMOREViewing is an important skill which you canapply in several instances with various purpose inmind (e.g. leisure academics). As a studentfamiliarizing with the stages and applying them helpyou make the most out of your viewing experienceIt also helps you develop your higher order thinkingskillsActivating your schematheme or topic​


ay sorry English po ba yan


im conviction that Money and career is temporary though it is needed by anyone but it is not the most important. I am conviction that happiness and joy is the most important and it will only be found in God and in my special relationships with the people i love.


ito po ang sagot

sana po maka tulog

pa brain list po


(tama po ito)

12. LEARNING TASK 1. (PERFORMANCE TASK) Analyze and arrange the pictures carefully and create a story out of them. Write your answer ON THE ANSWER SHEET GIVEN. VA Viewing is an important skill which you can apply in several instances with various purpose in mind (e.g., leisure, academics). As a student, familiarizing with the stages and applying them help you make the most out of your viewing experience. It also helps you develop your higher order thinking skills.


A man named Romeo saw a beautiful woman outside the window. He was fascinated by the beautiful woman so he always went to her and he started flirting with the woman and he met her. The woman's name was Juliet. Romeo was approached. especially with Juliet until they both fall in love

13. LEARNING TASK 1 Analyze and arrange the pictures carefully and create a story out of them. To arrange the pictures, write letters A to E inside the small box, where A is the beginning and E is the enaing. The first one is done for you. After arranging them. create a story by writing short dialogues for each picture



A man named Romeo saw a beautiful woman outside the window. He was fascinated by the beautiful woman so he always went to her and he started flirting with the woman and he met her. The woman's name was Juliet. Romeo was approached. especially with Juliet until they both fall in love

14. LEARNING TASKI Analyze and arrange the pictures carefully and create a story out them. To arrange the pictures write letrare A to E inside the small box where is the beginning and is the ending. The first one is done for you. Aner ananging them create a story by writing short dialogues for each picture.​


A man named Romeo saw a beautiful woman outside the window. He was fascinated by the beautiful woman so he always went to her and he started flirting with the woman and he met her the approaches especially with until they both fall in love


Correctly my answer wala Mali po yan

15. ROMEO & JUUET PHOTO GALLERYLEARNING TASK 2:Analyze andarrange thepictures carefullyand create astory out of them.Write your answeron your padpaper​


A man named Romeo saw a beautiful woman outside the window. He was fascinated by the beautiful woman so he always went to her and he started flirting with the woman and he met her. The woman's name was Juliet. Romeo was approached. especially with Juliet until they both fall in love


Binase ko Sa Photo Gallery nila Yung kwentong Ginawa ko


16. Analyze and arrange the pictures carefully and create a story out of them. Write your answer on your pad paper.​


A man named Romeo saw a beautiful woman outside the window. He was fascinated by the beautiful woman so he always went to her and he started flirting with the woman and he met her. The woman's name was Juliet. Romeo was approached. especially with Juliet until they both fall in love


Maikling Kwento lang Ginawa Binase ko lang dyan sa Photo Gallery nila


17. is can be separate What I Can Do ALL FOR JUANI JUAN FOR ALLI your modules. This simple act could prevent the spread of COVID-19. But do you know that this virus can remain viable for up to 72 hours on plastic? Be a responsible global citizen by learning and helping others Since the school year has started, you were asked by your teachers to provide plastic envelopes to protect fight against this pandemic! Directions: Make a Flyer using the details below. Analyze carefully the details to come up with the correct pictures of yourself doing each step to make your Flyer more encouraging and interesting. Use a clean arrangements of the Steps to Disinfect Modules. Be creative by putting a drawing or by pasting sheet of short bond paper for your work. (15pts) (Jumbled Steps to Disinfect your Modules) Disinfect also the place where you put your plastic envelope and your modules on. Wear the disposable gloves before touching the plastic envelope of your modules. Wash your hands within 20 seconds or more the dry them with a clean towel or cloth. Spray the plastic envelope with alcohol then use the tissue to dry it. Apply alcohol in your hands and wait for them to dry before holding again your plastic envelope and modules. Throw properly the disposable gloves and tissue you used to disinfect the plastic envelope. Prepare the tissue, disposable gloves, and alcohol. #StopTheSpread STEPS TO DISINFECT YOUR MODULES "Always think for your s safety. Disinfect your modules properly." STEP 1 (drawing/picture)​

Disinfect also the place where you put your plastic envelope and your modules on. Wear the disposable gloves before touching the plastic envelope of your modules. Wash your hands within 20 seconds or more the dry them with a clean towel or cloth. Spray the plastic envelope with alcohol then use the tissue to dry it. Apply alcohol in your hands and wait for them to dry before holding again your plastic envelope and modules. Throw properly the disposable gloves and tissue you used to disinfect the plastic envelope. Prepare the tissue, disposable gloves, and alcohol.

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