It Is A Company s Marketing Goals And Objectives

It Is A Company s Marketing Goals And Objectives

WRITTEN TASK: Nature and Concept of Management structions: Complete the following statements. Write the word /s that would complete the given statements.1.Management Theory is a which set forth general rules on how to manage a business or organization2. is the ability to use rescouces to generate maximum output from every unit of resource input used3.Scientific management is based on the work of the US engineer 4. is commonly used to evaluate market elements which profitability of a business.5.Bureacuratic organization was originally intended to have a to help achieve the most rational and efficient operation of the lowest cost.6. is the organization and coodination of the activities of a business in order to achieve defined objectives.7. is the ability to use resources so as to get things done as intended.8 A technology-driven organization is a company whose business model.innovation strategy,and growth are 9. is a holistic approach to long-term success that views coninuous improvement in all aspects of an organization as a process and not as a short-term goal.10. is the ability to do something consistent with a desired level of performance.​

Daftar Isi

1. WRITTEN TASK: Nature and Concept of Management structions: Complete the following statements. Write the word /s that would complete the given statements.1.Management Theory is a which set forth general rules on how to manage a business or organization2. is the ability to use rescouces to generate maximum output from every unit of resource input used3.Scientific management is based on the work of the US engineer 4. is commonly used to evaluate market elements which profitability of a business.5.Bureacuratic organization was originally intended to have a to help achieve the most rational and efficient operation of the lowest cost.6. is the organization and coodination of the activities of a business in order to achieve defined objectives.7. is the ability to use resources so as to get things done as intended.8 A technology-driven organization is a company whose business model.innovation strategy,and growth are 9. is a holistic approach to long-term success that views coninuous improvement in all aspects of an organization as a process and not as a short-term goal.10. is the ability to do something consistent with a desired level of performance.​












2. MATCHING TYPE – Choose the correct answer on the column B . A B A market leader in providing enterprise a. Marketing resource and planning solutions and services. b. PMS The ability of the operation manager to d. SAP communicate and deal with different people. e. Organizational abilities It refers to the ability of the operation manager f. Organizational chart to deal and relay concerns and matters within the g. CRS department and other department. It was designed and employed by airlines for h, Coordination flight ticket reservation also used to store and i. People skills distribute information about tourism products and j. Operation and services to the public. Operational Department The essential departments responsible in of a business. managing resources and procedures related to the ability operation of the business. It shows the horizontal division of functional units and vertical level of authority. It refers to the ability of an operation manager to manage various tasks and priorities accordingly. It provides the necessary manpower to create products by processing materials and operating machines. B- A software application for the operations of hospitality accommodation and commercial residential rental properties. Responsible in developing and innovating the products and services that production and operation should produce and offer. FILL IN THE BLANKS – Indicates the correct answers. _____ The gurus of this approach focused on human relations and attributed organizational success to organizational goals. _____ Aims to get the maximum output with minimum input. _____ A market leader in providing enterprise resource and planning. _____ A software that is built to organizations belonging to different industrial sectors, regardless of their size and strength. _____ According to him effectiveness is about doing the right things while effectiveness is about doing thing right. _____ It affects company reputation, product liability and global implications. _____ A theory that characterized by management ‘s response to environmental changes. _____ Productivity is an overall measure of the ability to produce a good or service is according to. _____ It plays the important role in the business. _____ Refers to the place where a customer executes the payment for goods or services and where sales taxes may become payables. TRUE or FALSE – Write True if the statement is true and False either. The different functional units of a business are related to one another. In the collaboration of business units, a business can operate and perform efficiency in achieving its goals Marketing is r of the products and services and customer responsible in dealing with the consumers. The different functional units of a business are related to one another The objectives are critical and very essential in the overall performance of the business. Human Resource presents the reporting relationships, responsibility and authority. Organization has a structure of authority and division Finance provides the necessary manpower to create products by processing. Tech-savvy the ability of an operation manager to be familiar and acknowledgeable with various and latest technologies that are useful in business operation. The more divisions of business units the wider the functions and scope. ESSAY Explain the commonly used technological applications in te hospitality and tourism industry. (40pts.) Explain how management theories and principles are applied in operations management. (40pts.) How quality is related to customer satisfaction?​


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