How Will You Execute The Advocacy In Your Community

How Will You Execute The Advocacy In Your Community

How will you execute the Advocacy in your community??? ​

Daftar Isi

1. How will you execute the Advocacy in your community??? ​


I will execute my advocacy through right process and suggest it to our leaders in our barangay.


I will let the captain in our barangay know that I will promote a certain specific HUMAN RIGHTS in our society.

2. How will you execute the Advocacy in your community? ​


Healthy is to sick as dark is to ligth

3. how will you execute the advocacy in your community​


-Know your community.

-Understand the change you want.

-Be genuine.

-Be creative.

-Invest for the long haul.

-Build a coalition.

-Use social pressure.

-Hold folks accountable.

4. How you support and believe and how you how you show your support for them.?Self advocacyIndividual advocacySystem advocacy​



Self-advocacy refers to an individual's ability to effectively communicate, convey, negotiate or assert his or her own interests, desires, needs, and rights (VanReusen et al., 1994).

Self-advocacy means understanding your strengths and needs, identifying your personal goals, knowing your legal rights and responsibilities, and communicating these to others.

Self-Advocacy is speaking up for oneself!

Individual Advocacy

In individual advocacy a person or group of people concentrate their efforts on just one or two individuals. According to the group Advocacy for Inclusion "Advocacy is having someone to stand beside you if you think something is unfair or that someone is treating you badly and you would like to do something to change it."

There are two common forms of individual advocacy - informal and formal advocacy. When people like parents, friends, family members or agencies speak out and advocate for vulnerable people this is termed informal advocacy. Formal advocacy more frequently involves organizations that pay their staff to advocate for someone or for a group of individuals.

Systems Advocacy

Systems advocacy is about changing policies, laws or rules that impact how someone lives their life. These efforts can be targeted at a local, state, or national agency. The focus can be changing laws, or simply written or unwritten policy. What is targeted depends on the type of problem and who has authority over the problem (Brain Injury Resource Center, 1998).



5. Make a simple advocacy, how can you prevent drug abuse. As a student, how can you help your community to prevent drug abuse. Make a simple advocacy on how to stop drugs in our country.


1.The Anti-Drug Abuse Advocacy Network (A3 Network) is jointly administered by National Council Against Drug Abuse (NCADA) and Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB). It aims to develop a network of active individuals who identify with, support, and promote the anti-drug cause


6. Question:How can your advocacy campaign empower people in your community?​


It should Empower people in making choices to have more control over their lives. Ensures that they have the relevant information to make the right decisions about their goals in life and issues that matter to them. Speaks on their behalf if they want them to, during meetings and appointments.

7. how will you promote change in your community on your choosen advocacy? ​


I will promote my chosen advocacy through social media platforms


nowadays everyone is spending hours and hours scrolling on multifarious social websites, and by posting and promoting my advocacy in these social networking websites I will be able to succesfully educate and tell people about my espousal. Another good thing about spreading advocacies through social media is that you won't have to go out to do it physically, since nowadays it's dangerous to go out due to this global pandemic we are facing.

8. how will you promote change in your community on your chos n advocacy​


Research the issue by gathering background and local information about the following.

9. How will you promote change in your community on your chosen advocacy

I will promote my chosen advocacy through social media platforms   nowadays everyone is spending hours and hours scrolling on multifarious social websites, and by posting and promoting my advocacy in these social networking websites I will be able to succesfully educate and tell people about my espousal. Another good thing about spreading advocacies through social media is that you won't have to go out to do it physically, since nowadays it's dangerous to go out due to this global pandemic we are facing.tell me if wrongthanks

10. how will you apply and execute NSTP in your daily undertaking as a member of the community?​


The NSTP is a government program in the Philippines that aims to enhance the civic consciousness and defense preparedness of Filipino citizens through various activities and trainings. There are three components of the NSTP: the Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS), the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC), and the Literacy Training Service (LTS).

As a member of a community, one way to apply and execute the NSTP might be to participate in activities and trainings offered through the program, such as volunteering for community service projects or participating in disaster preparedness drills. By taking an active role in the NSTP, individuals can contribute to the well-being of their community and develop valuable skills and knowledge that can be applied in their daily lives.

It is also important for individuals to be aware of and actively support initiatives and programs that contribute to the overall health and well-being of their community. This might include participating in community meetings, supporting local businesses and organizations, and advocating for policies and programs that benefit the community. By taking an active role in the NSTP and working to support and improve their community, individuals can help to create a more vibrant and healthy community for all.

11. as a future teacher, what advocacy can you present or execute?​


I am inspired and energized by educators every day. We wake up in the pre-dawn hours to prepare for students and collaborate. Then we drive home in the dark reflecting on the day’s successes and struggles.



bilang Isang future teacher Ang advocacy na aking gagawin ay pagturo sa mga kapos palad na mga bata para kahit Wala Silang Pera para mag aaral magkakaroon pa rin sila ng kaalamn na ma aari nilang gamitin habang o pagkatapos nilang mag hanapbuhay


hope it's help you

12. How can you, as a student execute this in your family and community​


According to the recent MetLife Survey of the American Teacher, teachers, parents and students all agree that parent engagement in schools has increased over the past 25 years. Given the role that family engagement plays in not only academic success, but life success, that is great news. However, the survey also noted that parent engagement remains a challenge for many schools.

13. how do you influence other to join ypu in your advocacy of helping children from impoverished communities? ​


I will tell them what is the reason why Im doing this I will explain to them that their our just children an impoverished children we should help them because their not like us when we are just a child who just known is to eat play and sleep that's why we should help them

14. Suppose you are youth advocate of today’s generation; what certain specific culture of yours would you like to promote in the society? How will you execute the advocacy in your community? ​


As a youth advocate, you can advocate on issues you are passionate about at the community, national, regional, continental or international level.

15. how does your experience about the development of the community with the help of different advocacies will help you as a student?​

its about drive its about power we stay hungry we devour

16. advocacy speech campaign about how you want to change your community for the better and how you can participate in that development. pls help​


edit: this is a 1st point of view

Our environment is taking a beating and Greenwise Advocates is one way you can make a difference. Check back regularly for easy ways to advocate, so that you can impact our environment for the better.

In this space, we offer you simple ways to advocate for our environment or to just make a difference in your own life. Our tips will range from every day ways you can personally lighten your footprint to advocating for larger changes at the state, national and global level.

Some battles to protect the environment are so tough, they require all of our tools, reinforcing one another in a comprehensive advocacy campaign.

We pull together your voices and our litigation and coalition-building experience, along with legislative know-how and specialized communications, to ensure your water is protected, the region’s special places are conserved, and a healthy climate legacy is created for all.

To have clean, clear waters we must stop the bacteria and nitrogen pollution that runs off our streets and pours out of old sewage infrastructure. Save the Sound starts with citizen science volunteers whose data provides the evidence our Soundkeeper and advocates use to fight for infrastructure funding for New York’s and Connecticut’s towns. Simultaneously we use legal expertise to ensure sewage treatment plant standards and municipal permits are strong and take advantage of solutions like rain gardens.

and if u really wants to cjange ur community for the better here's how:

Know your community.

Understand the change you want.

Be genuine.

Be creative.

Invest for the long haul.

Build a coalition.

Use social pressure.

Hold folks accountable.


Community advocacy, sometimes referred to as non-statutory advocacy or generic advocacy, is a preventative approach that enables people to be active citizens and self-advocate in regards to decisions affecting their lives.

edit: may iba diyan na mali at meron iba na kulanh hehe kulang ako sa oras

17. 1. What advocacy would you like to join ?why?2. How will you promote change in your community on your choosen advocacy?.


1. Planting trees is an important advocacy because trees provide numerous benefits to the environment and to people. They help to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, reduce air pollution, and provide habitat for wildlife. They also provide shade, reduce energy use in buildings, and help to prevent erosion.

2. To promote change in a community on the advocacy of planting trees, there are several actions that individuals can take. One way to promote this advocacy is to educate the community about the benefits of trees and the impact of deforestation. This can be done through social media, community events, and other forms of outreach. It may also be helpful to engage with community leaders and decision-makers to advocate for policies or initiatives that support tree planting. Other actions that can be taken include volunteering time and resources to organizations that support tree planting, participating in tree planting events and other forms of public demonstrations, and supporting businesses and organizations that promote tree planting. Additionally, individuals can contribute to the advocacy by planting trees in their own yards or in public spaces and encouraging others to do the same.

18. As a student, how can you promote and spread this advocacy on "How to cope Stress" in your own community"mental health awareness"​

Talk with everyone you know. Ask family, friends and coworkers how they’re doing and really listen to the answers. If they give any indication that they are depressed or stressed out, let them know that there are resources available to help them. - If you sense that they might be considering self-harm or suicide, encourage them to seek help immediately and assist them as appropriate.



19. how can you help in the conduct of this campaign or advocacy in your own community cite some ways on how this campaign or advocacy will be implemented in your own place placeabout covid​


•Open with a statement that engages your audience. ...

•Present the problem. ...

•Share a story or give an example of the problem. ...

•Connect the issue to the audience's values, concerns or self-interest. ...

•Make your request (the “ask”).


Explain the cause and effect of covid 19


The community need to know the cause and how to protect so that they are aware of what happen when covid 19 attack.

20. how to execute the advocacy in your community

Answer: 1.Know your community.

2.Understand the change you want.

3.Be genuine.

4.Be creative.

5.Invest for the long haul.

6.Build a coalition.

7.Use social pressure.

8.Hold folks accountable.

Explanation: hope this helps :>

21. how will you execute the advocacy in your community human rights

Answer:how will you execute the advocacy in your community human rights



1.Know your community.

2.Understand the change you want.

3.Be genuine.

4.Be creative.

5.Invest for the long haul.

6.Build a coalition.

7.Use social pressure.

8.Hold folks accountable.

22. As a student, how can you promote and spread this advocacy on "How to cope Stress" in your own community? ​


take care of yourself. (give youself a break if you feel stressed out. talk to others about you problems so that they can help you to solve it and you can avoid stress. and you can also refer it to god because ha can handle any stress depression anxiety and many others he can totally help you

23. How will you execute your plan in community action plan? pa help po thankyou ❤️​


Convene a planning group in your community to design your action plan. ... Develop an action plan composed of action steps that address all proposed changes. ... Review your completed action plan carefully to check for completeness. ... Follow through. ... Keep everyone informed about what's going on.



hope it's help


pa brainles please

24. as a consumer how will you help your community and uphold the advocacies of the different programs for welfare and protection​


Instead of buying other countries stuffs.

try buying your countries product! But only the one who have small businesses.


Why? They open there store to earn and grow there families needs.

so instead of buying to a rich store,try buying in a small store.

because those are the ones who’s in need.


I will be honest in reviewing or telling my experience in the item or product that i will be using/taking


that's what I think depende sayo Kung gagayan/kokopyahin mo

25. how will you execute the advocacy in your community quora


1. Know your community.

2. Understand the change you want.

3. Be genuine.

4. Be creative.

5. Invest for the long haul.

6. Build a coalition.

7. Use social pressure.

8. Hold folks accountable.


Sana po makatulong! ^^

Pa brainliest po plss!! <33

26. how can you help in the conduct of this campaign or advocacy in your own community

They may recommend certain changes in government, public policy, society, and/or law. An advocacy group comes together around a common issue, like greater rights for immigrants and refugees, the environment, education, health care, or women's rights. Advocacy and campaigning have become increasingly important in combatting discrimination and in working to improve the lives of persons who are blind or partially sighted. Legislative and policy initiatives at the international and national levels are vital components of effective advocacy.

27. How will you promote change in your community on your chosen advocacy?​


Yan po sana makatulong

Btw di po ako nag answer

28. Question:How can your advocacy campaign empower people in your community?​



It should Empower people in making choices to have more control over their lives. Ensures that they have the relevant information to make the right decisions about their goals in life and issues that matter to them. Speaks on their behalf if they want them to, during meetings and appointments.

29. WHAT'S MORE. Suppose you are youth advocate of today's generation; what certain specific Human Rights would you like to promote in the society? How will you execute the advocacy in your community?​


As a youth advocate, I would like to promote the right to medical treatment and fundamental rights. Explanation: We will ensure that all of our citizens have the right to eat, sleep, be clothed, vote, and get medical treatment (not health care, medical care).


right to medical treatment and fundamental rights.

30. how will you promote change in your community on your chosen advocacy?​


provides education and encouragement. understand the change you want for your community and be creative in doing your advocacy. in self advocacy, you need to know more about yourself if you are helpful then help those people in your community. and in individual advocacy, you need to help those who have mental illness being abuse and neglected in your community. and most of all the system advocacy, This is done to promote and improve opportunities and outcomes for people with impaired decision-making need to make your own decision in promoting your community for change .

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