Which Of The Following Statements Is Not Part Of Exhalation

Which Of The Following Statements Is Not Part Of Exhalation

Which of the following statement is not part of exhalation

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1. Which of the following statement is not part of exhalation


The diaphragm contrast post downward

2. Which of the following statement is not part of exhalation




asan? wala namang nakalagay?

3. which of the following statements is NOT part of exhalation?​


at dahil muka din akong etits.

4. Which of the following statements is not part of exhalation




nasan Yung following?

5. What statement is not part of exhalation?​

it is not to be confused with expiration (disambiguation)

6. which of the following statement is part of exhalation

What? Where is the statement?

I just give the Process of Exhalation;

During this process, the chest wall expands out and away from the lungs. Upon exhalation, the lungs recoil to force the air out of the lungs. The intercostal muscles relax, returning the chest wall to its original position. During exhalation, the diaphragm also relaxes, moving higher into the thoracic cavity.

hopefully it helps ✨ follow ✔️

7. Which of the following statements is NOT par of exhalation​


where is the state ment



8. which of the following statement is not part of exhalation ​

where is the jujjiiooo

9. which of the following statesments is not part exhalation


Where is the choices? So ppl can help answer your question.

10. Which of the following statements is Not part of exhalation A. The ribcage contract inwardB. The volume of the chest cavity decreasesC. The diaphragm contracts and pulls downwardD. The pressure within the chest cavity increases.​


The diaphragm contracts and pulls downward

11. which is not part of exhalation​


i just need it



12. which of the following statements is NOT part of exhalation?A. The ribcage contracts inwardB. The volume of the chest cavity decreasesC. The diaphragm contracts and pulls downwardD. The pressure within the chest cavity increases​


A ribcage


if that happens your lungs be squished


A. the ribcage contracts inward

13. which of the following statements is not part of exhalation?​


And exhalation is the process by which the body expels carbon dioxide. Hence, Taking in of ... More videos. Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available. ... and see where you stand among the best in India


14. Which of the following statements in NOT part of exhalation?​


The ribcage contracts inward.

15. which of these statements IS TRUE about the process of exhalation?​


asan picture wheres the picture


asan pic

16. Which of the following statements is NOT part of exhalation? a. The ribcage contracts inward b. The volume of the chest cavity decreases c. The diaphragm contracts and pulls downward d. The pressure within the chest cavity increases

Answer :


Explaination :

The diaphragm contracts and pulls downward

is part of the inhalation

17. Which of the following statements is NOT part of exhalation​


Exhalation (or expiration) is the flow of the breath out of an organism. In animals, it is the movement of air from the lungs out of the airways, to the external environment during breathing.

This happens due to elastic properties of the lungs, as well as the internal intercostal muscles which lower the rib cage and decrease thoracic volume.

18. Which of the following is not part of exhalation


pag pipilian po asaan ?

paki buo naman po.

19. All of the following actions are part of exhalation except ​

Answer: the pressure within the chest cavity increases

20. Which of the following statement is Not part of exhalation​




the ribcage contracts inward B.

21. which of he following statement describe the process of exhalation​


When the diaphragm contracts, it moves down towards the abdomen. This movement of the muscles causes the lungs to expand and fill with air, like a bellows (inhalation). Conversely, when the muscles relax, the thoracic cavity gets smaller, the volume of the lungs decreases, and air is expelled (exhalation).

22. all of the following actions are part of exhalation except​


The rib cage contracts inward


( Exhaling means breathing out. )

When you doing Inhaling the "air in"

When you doing Exhaling the "air out"

23. which is of the following statement describe the process of exhalation​


Oxygen is the one we inhale and we exhale carbon dioxide


Oxygen is the one we inhale and we exhale carbon dioxide

24. What is the statement is NOT part of exhalation?




because its just a bone

25. which of the following statesments is not part exhalation

Answer:C. Diagram contrast post downward


26. wich of the following statements is NOT part of the exhalation?​


give the options so I can answer it!

27. Which of the following statements is NOT part of exhalation? *a. The ribcage contracts inwardb. The volume of the chest cavity decreasesc. The diaphragm contracts and pulls downwardd. The pressure within the chest cavity increases​


a. the ribcage contracts inward

28. Which of the following statements is not part of exhalation?


where are the statements?

29. which is of the fallowing statement describe the process of exhalation

the chest wall expands out and away from the lungs. Upon exhalation, the lungs recoil to force the air out of the lungs. The intercostal muscles relax, returning the chest wall to its original position. During exhalation, the diaphragm also relaxes, moving higher into the thoracic cavity.

30. which of the following statements is NOT part of exhalation?​


Answer:A ribcage Explanation:if that happens your lungs be squished 

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