What Words Are Unique To Franklin s Excerpt

What Words Are Unique To Franklin s Excerpt

what words are unique to franklin 's excerpt?​

Daftar Isi

1. what words are unique to franklin 's excerpt?​


The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin is concerned with memory. The whole idea of writing your life story is sharing that memory with readers. Franklin's autobiography is a work of memory, a "recollection." He shows us how his past made him into the author writing in his present.


2. • What words are unique to Franklin's excerpt?​


These portions of the Franklin's Autobiography were chosen because of his ideas ... as different writers included more or fewer ideas under the same name.


pa brainlest po

hope it help

correct me if wrong

thank you❤


these portions of the Franklin's autobiography where chosen because of his ideas as different writers included more or fewer ideas under the same name..


sana po nakatulung

pa Brainliest po

3. • What words are unique to Franklin's excerpt​


These portions of the Franklin's Autobiography were chosen because of his ideas ... as different writers included more or fewer ideas under the same name.

4. What views did Franklin have as stated in the excerpt? What actions did Franklin take to achieve his views? What words are unique to Franklin's excerpt? ​


Franklin's lightning rods could soon be found protecting many buildings and homes. The lightning rod constructed on the dome of the State House in Maryland was the largest "Franklin" lightning rod ever attached to a public or private building in Ben's lifetime.

5. Character Web: Autobiography of Benjamin FranklinWhat views did Franklin haveas stated in the excerpt?What actions did Franklintake to achieve his views?ActionsViewsBenjamin FranklinSymbol:WordsWhat words areunique toFranklin's excerpt?(USELESS ANSWER REPORTED, IM GIVING 30 POINTS)​



-Self improvement

-To reach Philadelphia

-How people will look at him

-Be a good role model


-He work hard

- He never give up

-Became a volunteer to help people

- He persue his goal and dream

Symbol: Rock or Root,

Rock: Because he is strong Root:because he is willing to stand(grow) up again when he fail

Unique word




(That's the only word that unique and new for me coz I know the meaning of other word)

6. Describe the interactions between S&T from Franklin’s time until the dawn of the modern computer age. ​

Describe the interactions between S&T from Franklin’s time until the dawn of the modern computer age.

7. what type of scientist is benjamin franklin


As a scientist, he was a major figure in the American Enlightenment and the history of physics for his discoveries and theories regarding electricity. As an inventor, he is known for the lightning rod, bifocals, and the Franklin stove, among other inventions

8. Describe the interactions between S&T from Franklin’s time until the dawn of the modern computer age. *​


diko gets


no explanations

9. What words are unique to franklin's excerpt


These portions of the Franklin's Autobiography were chosen because of his ideas about achieving "moral perfection."  You should recall Toqueville as you read, as well as think of Fitzgerald's construction of how a poor boy rose to the top in The Great Gatsby.}


hope it helps


10. how did the event in the excerpt influence benjamin Franklin ?​


Benjamin Franklin's Autobiography is both an important historical document and Franklin's major literary work. It was not only the first autobiography to achieve widespread popularity, but after two hundred years remains one of the most enduringly popular examples of the genre ever written. As such, it provides not only the story of Franklin’s own remarkably influential career, but maps out a strategy for self-made success in the context of emerging American nationhood. The Autobiography is a major source for exploring Franklin’s ideas on wealth and virtue as well as his motivations in pursuing a long life of active civic participation. It is also uniquely useful as the story of a successful working printer in eighteenth-century North America, revealing much about the art and business of the printer's trade that is not documented with such coherence elsewhere.


That's All I Know Hope It Helps.. # Carry on Learning...

11. In Benjamin Franklin's parable, the word "whistle" has a symbolic meaning. In your life, what could the "whistle" symbolize? Expound your answer.

[tex] \huge \bold \blue{answer}[/tex]

Whistle for me means there's a blessing might come

[tex] \huge \bold \blue{pusit \: squad}[/tex]

12. Character Woh Autobiography of Benjamin EmanklinWhat views did Franklin haveas stated in the excerpt?What actions did Franklintake to achieve his views?ViewsActionsBenjamin FranklinSymbol:WordsWhat words areuniquc toFranklin's excerpt?​




13. what are the the symbols of Benjamin Franklin?​


mag ML kalang matatapos moyan

14. what words are unique to Franklin's excerpt? ​

these portions of the franklins autobiography were choosen because of his ideas. as different writers included more or fewer ideas under the same name


❤i hope its help❤

15. What invention is Benjamin Franklin famous for???​

One of the leading figures of early American history, Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) was a statesman, author, publisher, scientist, inventor and diplomat. Born into a Boston family of modest means, Franklin had little formal education. He went on to start a successful printing business in Philadelphia and grew wealthy.

16. what is franklin most remembered for?​

Answer: franklin is most remembered for doing electricity

Explanation: already explained

17. In your own words, what is the main idea of excerpt?​


An excerpt in writing is a quoted passage taken from a longer work, such as a book, or poem, or an article. Whatever the subject of your writing or the type of writing you intend to compose, excerpts can be used to 'show' readers what it is you want them to understand and remember about the subject.

18. an excerpt president Obama s presidential proclamation​


The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., challenged our Nation to recognize that our individual liberty relies upon our common equality. In communities marred by division and injustice, the movement he built from the ground up forced open doors to negotiation. The strength of his leadership was matched only by the power of his words, which still call on us to perfect those sacred ideals enshrined in our founding documents.

"We have an opportunity to make America a better Nation," Dr. King said on the eve of his death. "I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight that we, as a people, will get to the promised land." Though we have made great strides since the turbulent era of Dr. King's movement, his work and our journey remain unfinished. Only when our children are free to pursue their full measure of success -- unhindered by the color of their skin, their gender, the faith in their heart, the people they love, or the fortune of their birth -- will we have reached our destination.

Today, we are closer to fulfilling America's promise of economic and social justice because we stand on the shoulders of giants like Dr. King, yet our future progress will depend on how we prepare our next generation of leaders. We must fortify their ladders of opportunity by correcting social injustice, breaking the cycle of poverty in struggling communities, and reinvesting in our schools. Education can unlock a child's potential and remains our strongest weapon against injustice and inequality.

Recognizing that our Nation has yet to reach Dr. King's promised land is not an admission of defeat, but a call to action. In these challenging times, too many Americans face limited opportunities, but our capacity to support each other remains limitless. Today, let us ask ourselves what Dr. King believed to be life's most urgent and persistent question: "What are you doing for others?" Visit www.MLKDay.gov to find Martin Luther King, Jr., Day of Service projects across our country.

Dr. King devoted his life to serving others, and his message transcends national borders. The devastating earthquake in Haiti, and the urgent need for humanitarian support, reminds us that our service and generosity of spirit must also extend beyond our immediate communities. As our Government continues to bring our resources to bear on the international emergency in Haiti, I ask all Americans who want to contribute to this effort to visit white house

19. What do you think this passage means? "If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!"-Benjamin Franklin ( 100 words)

Answers: kung mali ang napili mong plano tiyak mali din ang kalalabasan nito


ex: nalang lalo na kung gawa ito sa masamang plano o gawain hope maka tulong.

20. 1.What could have caused Franklin's disability?2.How did traditional beliefs affect Franklin?3.Did traditional beliefs help Franklin?How?4.How would you describe the parents attitude toward Franklin?


1. The passage does not provide any information about what caused Franklin's disability.

2. Traditional beliefs affected Franklin in that community members believed that his disability was caused by his father's adultery, and that confessing his sins could lead to Franklin's healing and the reconciliation of his family.

3. No, traditional beliefs did not help Franklin as his condition did not improve despite his father's confession and his parents' reconciliation. However, the belief in the power of confession and reconciliation did bring Franklin's parents closer together and strengthened their relationship.

4. The passage suggests that Franklin's parents had a positive attitude toward their child, as they developed a stronger relationship as a result of their love for him. Despite the difficulties and challenges of raising a child with a disability, they worked together to care for him and support him.

21. What views did Franklin have What actions did Franklin as stated in the excerpt? take toachieve his views?​


Franklin often expressed his belief that the British meant to enslave the colonists. This may have led him to examine the enslavement of Africans who were brought from their native countries to be used as property and cattle. The abolitionist movement in colonial America was fairly limited and considered quite radical.

22. franklin drive in ms word along bonifacio​


What is the question po?

23. what views did franklin have as stated in the excerpt

Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) is one of the Founding Fathers of America, known for signing the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, as well as for his foreign service and many inventions. In this essay, he details 13 virtues that he sought to cultivate his character, including them in his autobiography. This project was grounded in Franklin’s Puritan roots, as well as in the Enlightenment Era emphases on reason and self-improvement.

24. what did franklin teach himself?​


When Benjamin Franklin was a boy, he yearned for a life at sea. To do so, he collected issues of British culture and politics magazine The Spectator, which featured some of the best writing of his day, and reverse-engineered the prose.


Hope it helps!

25. what aspect of life is being drscribed in an excerpt of the authobiography of benjamin franklin?plss!! answer this now.​


the storyteller you mahal na mahal

26. what words are unique to franklin's excerptneed help guys ASAP​


The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin is concerned with memory. The whole idea of writing your life story is sharing that memory with readers. Franklin's autobiography is a work of memory, a "recollection." He shows us how his past made him into the author writing in his present.

27. What have you learned in Benjamin Franklin's excerpt?​


Spending time with friends and family, listening to music, having fun and enjoying life were as important a part of Franklin's schedule as anything else. Perhaps more so. He knew that the greatest success was being happy, and that happiness was a matter of appreciating the little things in life.

What have you learned in Benjamin Franklin's excerpt is that he works hard, he persue his goal and dream.


correct me if I'm wrong

28. why is Benjamin Franklin s story consider a parable​


beacuse it have a moral lesson.

29. What is the denotation of the word “bound” in this excerpt? Trapped/ Connected/ Depended/ Aided

Although there's no excerpt attached, we can assume the answer would be trapped because to be bound to something means to have a limitation or restriction on feeling or action.

30. what is the meaning of the underlined word in the excerpt ? means​



The underlined verb is a gerund because it functions as a noun apart from being structured as a verb. It is the object of the sentence. It does not function as an adjective and, thus, is not a participle. Thus, Option C is the correct answer. Options A,B, and D are all incorrect.


sana nakatulong pabrainliest po pls :>

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