What Makes The Palay Maiden Truly Filipino

What Makes The Palay Maiden Truly Filipino

what makes the palay maiden truly a Filipino

Daftar Isi

1. what makes the palay maiden truly a Filipino

yung name nya tagalog

2. What makes the Palay Maiden truly Filipino?

palay maiden is truly Filipino, because it depicts the Filipino way of living, attitudes, characteristics, and behaviors.

3. What makes the palay maiden truly filipino

We answered this one. Pero ito yung naswer ko, sorry di sya gaanong concise. "Filipinos acknowledge and cherish rice. The magnum opus demonstrated the group onlookers on how the Filipino ladies assumed a critical part towards society. They work their hands off to add to the improvement of their nation and their families. They were not regarded as though they were some kind of sovereignty to be served. "

4. Factual meaning of The Palay Maiden​


Palay is Tagalog for grain, which is symbolic of the Philippines most staple crop. Meanwhile maiden bears the significance to Amorsolo's preference for beauty.



Amorsolo was a portraitist and painter of rural Philippine landscapes. He is popularly known for his craftsmanship and mastery in the use of light. ... Palay is Tagalog for grain, which is symbolic of the Philippines' most staple crop. Maiden bears significance to Amorsolo's preference for beauty.

5. amorsolo the palay maiden​


parang narinig ko na yan


Sana makatulong

6. what makes the traditional dress of atas truly a Filipino?​


What is the traditional dress of the Philippines?

Image result for Art6 seconds ago +11 pts what makes the traditional dress of atas truly a Filipino?​

The national costume of the Philippines, the baro't saya, is an elegant hybrid of Filipino and Spanish clothing styles. The term itself comes from the Tagalong words "barot at saya" or "blouse and skirt," still the basic components of the ensemble.


What is the traditional dress of the Philippines?

Image result for Art6 seconds ago +11 pts what makes the traditional dress of atas truly a Filipino?​

The national costume of the Philippines, the baro't saya, is an elegant hybrid of Filipino and Spanish clothing styles. The term itself comes from the Tagalong words "barot at saya" or "blouse and skirt," still the basic components of the ensemble.

7. 1. What do these paintings share in common?2. How differently did Amorsolo treat the subject?3. What makes the Palay Maiden truly Filipino?4. What do the two pictures depict?Pa help Naman po need na btw ( 15 points)​


1.All these paintings and drawing are done with a variety of media , on paper, yupo paper or canvas, they might be different in style but still they all have something in common. So what do these paintings share in common? It has to do with the technique.

2.lto rin yung answer ko, Amorsolo communicated his sentiments fervidly to the shoe-stopper he underscored the guest, surface, feeling, and the everyday lives of Filipino living in a country foundation.

3.palay maiden is truly Filipino, because it depicts the Filipino way of living,affitudes, characteristics, and behowiors.

4.dipict is used to show or paint a picture literally or in word.

8. examine the two paintings and answer the question below do this activity in your activity sheet 1 what do these paintings share in common to how defend defend triply did amorsolo amorsolo treat the subject 3 what makes the palay maiden truly filipino for what the two pictures hip hip​


ano po ba nasa painting doon mo po titignan ikaw po ang sasagot base po satanong or base sa painting


examine the two paintings and answer the question below do this activity in your activity sheet 1 what do these paintings share in common to how defen

9. What do Palay Maiden and Mona Lisa paintings share in common?

They are both woman painted by one of the greatest artists, Fernando Amorsolo who is known as one of Philippines' greatest arts and  Leonardo da Vinci who is an Italian Renaissance painter known for his famous painting, Mona Lisa.

10. What makes the T'nalak cloth truly a Filipino Art?​


The T'nalak fabric holds a special and prominent place in T'boli culture. ... Making use of the various geometrical patterns and the trademark red, black and white colors, the T'bolis weave the natural and the supernatural in the abaca strands of the T'nalak.

11. what did the mona Lisa and palay maiden share in common?

Both were painted by men, both are portraits, the subject is a woman

12. what emotions can be seen in palay maiden painting ?


The emotions portrayed are happiness and the sense of hope.


Study well JeromeEnzo1668! :)

Hope it helped!


13. What are the element and principles of the parisian life, antipolo fiesta and palay maiden?​

is an 1892 oil on canvas impressionist[2] painting by Filipino painter and revolutionary activist Juan Luna.[3] The painting presently owned by the Government Service Insurance System is currently exhibited at the National Museum of Fine Arts after the state pension fund transferred management of its collection to the National Museum in March 2012

14. What makes tha Palay Maiden truly Filipino?








We all know that Filipino artists are known for their artworks because it depicts the everyday life of Filipinos. Most of their artworks subject are often traditionally and culturally based. The said artwork which is Palay Maiden, on what makes the said artwork truly Filipino is because it shows a maiden or a lady dressed in the traditional clothes of us Filipino, also she's holding a "palay" or grain which is known being one of the staple crop that can be found in the country Philippines.

I hope it helps ^_^

15. Subjective meaning of The Palay Maiden​


Palay is Tagalog for grain, which is symbolic of the Philippines' most staple crop.

16. what makes the Philippine art truly filipino? why​


because it's my talent or anyone want art

17. What makes Philippine Art truly Filipino?​



What makes Philippine Art Filipino? ... Genre used to be a major consideration in determining the “Filipino-ness” of a work of art at least in painting. The idea was that the depiction of scenes of everyday life and the surroundings without idealizing them was closest in spirit to the Filipino soul and native soil.



18. What makes Palay Maiden truely Filipino?

What makes Palay Maiden truely Filipino? What makes the Palay Maiden a masterpiece by  Fernando Amorsolo truly Philippine because of its details.  A smile-holding woman reflects the culture of Filipino  because rice is a major commodity in our country.  In ancient times , women were the ones  who gathered the rice while men plowed the field.  It represents the  uniqueness of the Philippines.  Contrary to Western elegance, the lady is  The nose and dark brown teint depicted with her round face. What makes the palace maiden very Philippine (which can be  seen in the painting) and the charm of a Philippine.

They are working their hands to  help their country and their families improve.  They were not considered to be  some form of authority to be protected.

For more information visit this link:  




19. what makes an artwork truly filipino?

the artwork of a truly Filipino portrays what culture does we all have in a creative plane.

20. Conventional meaning of The Palay Maiden​


Palay is tagalog. for grain, which is symbolic of the Philippines' most staple crop. Maiden. bears significance to Amorsolo's preference for beauty.

21. What makes the tnalak cloth truly a filipino art​


The T'nalak fabric holds a special and prominent place in T'boli culture. ... Making use of the various geometrical patterns and the trademark red, black and white colors, the T'bolis weave the natural and the supernatural in the abaca strands of the T'nalak.

22. description of the palay maiden​


Palay is Tagalog for grain, which is symbolic of the Philippines’ most staple crop. Maiden bears significance to Amorsolo’s preference for beauty. Throughout his pieces showing women, Amorsolo does not conform to a Western standard of beauty; rather, he portrayed them to have:

[A] rounded face, not of the oval type often presented to us in newspapers and magazine illustrations. The eyes should be exceptionally lively, not the dreamy, sleepy type that characterizes the Mongolian. The nose should be of the blunt form but firm and strongly marked. … So the ideal Filipina beauty should not necessarily be white complexioned, nor of the dark brown color of the typical Malayan, but of the clear skin or fresh colored type which we often witness when we met a blushing girl.


own answer ko po yan

pa follow naman po

23. 1.what do these paintingas share in common ? 2.how differently did amorsolo treat the subject ? 3.what makes the paly maiden truly filipino ? 4.what do the two pictures depict ?


1.what do these paintingas share in common ?

It shares different nessage about history or cultures.

2.how differently did amorsolo treat the subject ?

Amorsolo treat the subject well and with dignity respect.

3.what makes the paly maiden truly filipino ?

It has a touch of filipino times.

4.what do the two pictures depict ?

Cultures and traditions.



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1.all these painting and drawing are done with a variety of media on Paper or canvas

2.amorsolo communicate his sentiments fervidly to the shoe stopper he made in lights of the facts that he underscored the hues

Yan Lang po Ang kaya ko

24. what makes arts and culture truly filipino

Art and Culture Depicting Filipino Society And The Filipinos, Truly FilipinoArt and culture only becomes truly Filipino if it reflects the Filipino society and or the Filipinos itself, the traits and even the appearance.

Every country has its own distinct or unique culture and art which they take pride in showing to the world (https://brainly.ph/question/234392). And one thing that one is able to identify which is which are the things and or the ideas that reflects on the specific art work or culture. Like in the Philippines, if an art work or even culture ((https://brainly.ph/question/1318326)) reflects a Filipino setting like countryside, one can infer that such art or culture is truly a Filipino artistry and culture (https://brainly.ph/question/2136336).


25. symbolism of palay maiden​


Amorsolo's 1920 masterpiece “Palay Maiden” celebrated the Filipina in her own likeness, carrying new harvest to symbolize the hope for a rising nation.

26. what does palay maiden and La gioconda painting share in common?


The things they have shared in common are, we can see in both paintings that the subject is a woman. The similarities between these two was that they each displayed a different culture.We are both painted by one of the greatest artists, Fernando Amorsolo who is also regarded as one of the best arts in the Philippines, and Leonardo da Vinci who is a renaissance Italian painter renowned for his famous painting, Mona Lisa.The thing is, these two displayed distinctly feminine character, where they demonstrated their country and time culture.


The things they have shared in common are, we can see in both paintings that the subject is a woman.


27. Make a short poem (1-2 stanza) about the painting of Fernando Amorsolo, Palay Maiden (1920). The poem must showcase our Filipino culture that is reflected on the painting. ​


Golden fields of palay sway,

Maiden in traditional garb at play.

Fernando Amorsolo captures her grace,

Reflecting our Filipino culture's place.

In the fields, she works with care,

Harvesting rice, her people's fare.

A symbol of strength, hard work, and pride,

Palay Maiden, forever immortalized.

28. what do palay maiden and mona lisa share this painting in common?​


The things they have shared in common are, we can see in both paintings that the subject is a woman. The similarities between these two was that they each displayed a different culture. ... The thing is, these two displayed distinctly feminine character, where they demonstrated their country and time culture.

29. what makes Palay Maiden Truly Filipono


palay maiden is truly filipino because it depicts the Filipino way of living, behaviors and characteristics.

30. what makes the vinta boat truly a filipino art​



The vinta is a traditional outrigger boat from the Philippine island of Mindanao. The boats are made by Sama-Bajau, Tausug and Yakan peoples living in the Sulu Archipelago, Zamboanga peninsula, and southern Mindanao. The name "vinta" is predominantly used in Zamboanga, Basilan, and other parts of mainland Mindanao.



For the Romanian village of Vinţa, see Lupşa. For the Sama-Bajau boat also known as "lepa-lepa", see Lepa (ship).

A Sama-Bajau fishing vinta in Zamboanga with the characteristic colorful sails (c.1923)

A small Sama-Bajau tondaan with sails deployed (c.1904)

Two large Moro vinta from Mindanao in the houseboat (palau) configuration (c.1920)[1]

Plan, midships section, and lines of a vinta (Doran, 1972)

The vinta is a traditional outrigger boat from the Philippine island of Mindanao. The boats are made by Sama-Bajau, Tausug and Yakan peoples living in the Sulu Archipelago,[2] Zamboanga peninsula, and southern Mindanao. Vinta are characterized by their colorful rectangular lug sails (bukay) and bifurcated prows and sterns, which resemble the gaping mouth of a crocodile.


sana naka tulong

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