What Influences The East Asian Arts Production

What Influences The East Asian Arts Production

What influences the East Asian arts production?​

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1. What influences the East Asian arts production?​


Eastern countries continued to influence each other's production of arts over the centuries. ... The ideologies of Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism played important roles in East Asian art.

2. what influence the east asian arts production?​


Eastern countries continued to influence each other's production of arts over the centuries. ... The ideologies of Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism played important roles in East Asian art.


3. what influences the east asian arts production


Eastern countries continued to influence each other's production of arts over the centuries. ... The ideologies of Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism played important roles in East Asian art

4. II. Answer the following question concisely.1. When and why do Korean people use mask.2. What influences the East Asian arts production?3. If you are ask to paint, what will be your subject matter or object?Why did you choose such subject for painting?2.Why do photographers use a variety of techniques in photography?3.Is Digital Art a "real" art? Why?4.When is art an art in the 21st century?5.When is a video technology an art?​


1.Korean masks have a long tradition with the use in a variety of contexts.

2.The history of Eastern painting is as old as the civilization of China.It is historically comparable to Western painting. Eastern countries continued to influence each other's production of arts over the centuries. ... The ideologies of Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism played important roles in East Asian art.

3.For me, it'd rather be waterfalls.Explanation:Because for me, waterfalls symbolizes fear of falling down and being happy and relaxed at the same

Why did you choose such subject for painting?

•because it is related to skill if you have a skill on painting or skill in artsbut 

Why do photographers use a variety of techniques in photography?

•Many photographers use techniques like the rule of thirds to get a balanced and aligned photo, different exposures to make photos lighter or darker, and modes to get sharper photos. The right equipment also helps when taking a picture.

Is Digital Art a "real" art? Why?

•Their argument is that using a computer to draw is considered “cheating,” and that it doesn't require any effort. Therefore, digital art is not considered real art. ... In the end, both traditional and digital methods are valid forms of art that take time, effort, and practice as well, even if in different mediums.

When is art an art in the 21st century?

•Contemporary art is the art of today, produced in the second half of the 20th century or in the 21st century. Contemporary artists work in a globally influenced, culturally diverse, and technologically advancing world.

When is a video technology an art?

•Video art is an art form which relies on using video technology as a visual and audio medium. Video art emerged during the late 1960s as new consumer video technology such as video tape recorders became available outside corporate broadcasting.


Pa-heart and rate pinaghirapan ko sagutin yan

5. what influences East asian countries arts and crafts production?​


In recent centuries, art in the region have been greatly influenced by Islamic art.

Earlier Central Asian art was influenced by Chinese, Greek, and Persian art, via the silk road transmission of art.

6. 1. if you were ask to to make a painting what would you paint?2. why would you choose that?3. What are the contributions of china, japan and korea in the development of the arts?4. What influences do east asian arts production have?pls guyz​


1. super coolest painting in the world 2. because that was the coolest. that all I know sorry

7. What influences East Asian arts production have?​


The art and culture of East Asia are unified by powerful philosophical schools of thought and linguistic systems such as Confucianism, Neo-Confucianism, the classical Chinese language (including the traditional Chinese script), Mahayana Buddhism, Zen/Chan Buddhism, Daoism, Shintoism (mainly in Japan) and Shamanism.

8. Activity 1: GeneralizationDirections: answer the following questions below.1. If you are ask to paint, what will be your subject matter or object?Why did you choose such subject for painting?2. What are the contributions of China, Japan and Korea in the development of arts?3. What makes the art of China, Japan and Korea unique?4. What influences the East Asian arts production?​


1.nature, because nature give us everything ang help us to relieve stress

2.The Visual Arts

From ancient times, China has been the dominant and referential culture in East Asia. Although variously developed Neolithic cultures existed on the Korean Peninsula and on the Japanese archipelago, archaeological evidence in the form of worked stone and blades from the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods suggests an exchange between the early East Asian cultures and the early introduction of Chinese influence. This cultural interaction was facilitated in part by land bridges that connected Japan with the continent.

3.It is thought of first in East Asian art because much of the Korean and Japanese art came from China with the Buddhist monks. Chinese art has symmetry. Scholarly works like paintings are beautifully calm (like the hand scroll) and constrained while folk arts have color with wild abandon (the ceramics on the wall).

4.Eastern countries continued to influence each other's production of arts over the centuries. ... The ideologies of Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism played important roles in East Asian art.

Explanation: Pa heart po please

9. Directions: Answer the following questions below. 1. If you are ask to paint, what will be your subject matter or object? 2. Why did you choose such subject for painting? 3. What influences the East Asian arts production?Please answer it correctly po. ​



2.because paint is an object

3.eastern countries continued to influence each other's production of arts over the countries

10. 3. What influences the East Asian arts production?​


art in the region have been greatly influenced by Islamic art. Earlier Central Asian art was influenced by Chinese, Greek, and Persian art, via the Silk Road transmission of art.


sana nakatulong

Pa rate po

11. 4. What influences the East Asian arts production?​


The history of Eastern painting is as old as the civilization of China.It is historically comparable to Western painting. Eastern countries continued to influence each other's production of arts over the centuries. The ideologies of Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism played important roles in East Asian art.



12. What influences the east asian arts production have?​


Eastern countries continued to influence each other's production of arts over the centuries. ... The ideologies of Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism played important roles in East Asian art.


In recent centuries, art in the region have been greatly influenced by Islamic art. Earlier Central Asian art was influenced by Chinese, Greek, and Persian art, via the Silk Road transmission of art.

13. P101. If you are ask to paint, what will be your subject matter orWhat I Have LearnedActivity 1: GeneralizationDirections: answer the following questions below.object?Why did you choose such subject for painting?2 What are the contributions of China, Japan and Korea in thedevelopment of arts?3. What makes the art of China, Japan and Korea unique?4. What influences the East Asian arts production?​


1. If you are ask to paint, what will be your subject matter?

- The universe

What I Have Learned

Activity 1: Generalization

Directions: answer the following questions below.


Why did you choose such subject for painting?

- Because the universe is like a collection of life.

2 What are the contributions of China, Japan and Korea in the development of arts?

- From ancient times, China has been the dominant and referential culture in East Asia. Although variously developed Neolithic cultures existed on the Korean Peninsula and on the Japanese archipelago, archaeological evidence in the form of worked stone and blades from the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods suggests an exchange between the early East Asian cultures and the early introduction of Chinese influence. This cultural interaction was facilitated in part by land bridges that connected Japan with the continent.

3. What makes the art of China, Japan and Korea unique?

- The art of China, Japan and Korea looks like it's calm and was gracefully made.

4. What influences the East Asian arts production?

- Buddhism mainly from China

14. 1. If you were asked to make a painting, what would youpaint?2. Why would you choose that?3. What are the contributions of China, Japan, and Koreain the development of the arts?4. What influences do East Asian arts production have?​

1 i will draw a school
2 because i miss to go in school because its so hard to do a module

15. ReflectionDirections: Answer the following questions below.1. If you are ask to paint, what will be your subject matter or object?2. Why did you choose such subject for painting?3. What influences the East Asian arts production?​



Answer the following questions below.



1. If you are ask to paint, what will be your subject matter or object?

A bowl or a basket perhaps of fruits


2. Why did you choose such subject for painting?

the reason why I choose this subject because of Michelangelo Caravaggio's Basket of Fruit. A delicate still life by an intense and controversial artist.


3. What influences the East Asian arts production?

The Eastern countries continued to influence east Asians people or each other's production of arts over the centuries because each of them are drawn by it's beauty and the meaning behind the pain itself.



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16. what influences do east asian arts production have?​


Eastern countries continued to influence each other's production of arts over the centuries. ... The ideologies of Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism played important roles in East Asian art.

17. 3.What makes the art of China Japan and Korea unique?4. What influences the East Asian arts production​

3. Without arbitrary divisions separating the arts, East Asia has developed exceptionally complex artistic forms possessing extraordinary richness and subtlety.

4. Eastern countries continued to influence each other's production of arts over the centuries.

18. 1. If you were asked to make a painting, what would youpaint?2. Why would you choose that?3. What are the contributions of China, Japan, and Koreain the development of the arts?4. What influences do East Asian arts production have?​


1. Birds and flowers

2. Because its easy to draw and it looks very peaceful.

3. Traditions and culture passed by generations.

4. Influences the elements and principles of art.

19. V. Reflection Directions: Answer the following questions below. 1. If you are ask to paint, what will be your subject matter or object? 2. Why did you choose such subject for painting? 3. What influences the East Asian arts production?​


1 I will paint the country in pilipines

2 art because painting is the best subject

3 oum hindi ko na alam sorry


20. directions: answer the following questions below1. if you are ask to paint. what will be your subject matter or object?why did you choose such subject for painting?2. what are the contributions of china. japan and korea in the development of arts?3. what makes the art of china. japan and korea unique?4. what influence the East Asian arts production?please answer​


sana po naka help po

pa brainlest naman po pls


21. What influences do East Asian arts production have?​


The history of Eastern painting is as old as the civilization of China.It is historically comparable to Western painting. Eastern countries continued to influence each other's production of arts over the centuries. ... The ideologies of Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism played important roles in East Asian art.

22. Activity 1: GeneralizationDirections: answer the following questions below.1. If you are ask to paint, what will be your subject matter or object?Why did you choose such subject for painting?2. What are the contributions of China, Japan and Korea in the development of arts?3. What makes the art of China, Japan and Korea unique?4. What influences the East Asian arts production?​


1. For me I want my subject to be unique even if it is only a flower or a leaf if you are asking me what is the part that is unique my answer is the behind of all of it like your efforts to make that painting very beautiful.


Hope that I help:)

23. what influences do East Asian arts production have​


The history of Eastern painting is as old as the civilization of China.It is historically comparable to Western painting. Eastern countries continued to influence each other's production of arts over the centuries. The ideologies of Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism played important roles in East Asian art.

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