Standard Form Of Quadratic Equation

Standard Form Of Quadratic Equation

B. Topic: WRITING QUADRATIC EQUATION INTO STANDARD FORM Directions: Transform Quadratic Equation into STANDARD FORM. Write the values of a, b, c of a given quadratic Equation in a Standard Form.​

Daftar Isi

1. B. Topic: WRITING QUADRATIC EQUATION INTO STANDARD FORM Directions: Transform Quadratic Equation into STANDARD FORM. Write the values of a, b, c of a given quadratic Equation in a Standard Form.​



[tex] {3m}^{2} + 8m = 4[/tex]

Standard form:

[tex] {3m}^{2} + 8m - 4 = 0[/tex]

a = 3

b = 8

c = -4


[tex]2x(3x - 2) + 5 = 0[/tex]

Standard form:

[tex] {6x}^{2} - 4x + 5 = 0[/tex]

a = 6

b = -4

c = 5


[tex] {4k}^{2} = - 8k + 10[/tex]

Standard form:

[tex] {4k}^{2} + 8k - 10 = 0[/tex]

a = 4

b = 8

c= -10

if mali po yung equation sa no. 3, sorry po kase malabo.

2. storical quadratic equation in standard form simplify the expressionto write the quadratic equation in standard form simplify the expression ​


A quadratic equation is an equation of the form ax2+bx+c=0ax2+bx+c=0, where a≠0a≠0.

The form ax2+bx+c=0ax2+bx+c=0 is called the standard form of the quadratic equation.

Notice that standard form is not unique.

For example, x2−x+1=0x2−x+1=0 can be written as the equivalent equation −x2+x−1=0−x2+x−1=0.

Also, 4x2−2x+2=04x2−2x+2=0 can be written as the equivalent equation 2x2−x+1=02x2−x+1=0.

In this exercise, all answers are reported in the form ax2+bx+c=0ax2+bx+c=0 with a>0a>0,

and where the greatest common factor of all nonzero coefficients is 1 .

In this exercise, you will practice writing quadratic equations in standard form.


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Question: Write 2x2=x+42x2=x+4 in standard form:

Answer: 2x2−x−4=02x2−x−4=0

Question: Write 3x=−x2+73x=−x2+7 in standard form:

Answer: x2+3x−7=0x2+3x−7=0

Question: Write 6x2−6x=126x2−6x=12 in standard form:

Answer: x2−x−2=0x2−x−2=0

Question: Write 3x−2=5x3x−2=5x in standard form:

Answer: not a quadratic equation

(hope it helps :)

3. Quadratic equation in standard form example standard form


ax^2+bc+c=0 is the standard form of quadratic equation.



I hope I help you :-)

4. quadratic equation in standard form​


1. 2x²-3x+7=0

2. 2x²+6x-5=0

3. x²+7x+12=0

4. 2x²-15x-77=0

5. 2x²-6x-15=0

Step-by-step explanation:

1. Just rearrange

2. Just rearrange

3. (x+3)(x+4)=0



4. (2x+7)(x-11)=0



5. 2x(x-3)=15



5. The standard form of a quadratic equation is?​


ax² + bx + c = 0 is the standard form


[tex]ax {}^{2} + bx + c[/tex]

6. quadratic equation in standard form​


The standard form for linear equations in two variables is Ax+By=C. For example, 2x+3y=5 is a linear equation in standard form. When an equation is given in this form, it's pretty easy to find both intercepts (x and y).


the standard form is:


7. the standard form of quadratic equation is​


The standard form of a quadratic function is f(x)=a(x−h)2+k. The vertex (h,k) is located at h=–b2a,k=f(h)=f(−b2a).

Step-by-step explanation:

pa brainliest lods

8. standard form of equation quadratic equation​


standard form: ax² + bx + c = 0

9. standard form of quadratic equation


the standard form of quadratic equation


[tex]a {x}^{2} + bx + c = 0[/tex]

10. 1. Are all the equations in standard form? Is it important to write thequadratic equations in standard form? Why?hout the mots of each quadratic equation?​


Not all equations are in a standard form. Yes it is important to write the quadratic equations in a standard form because for some cases in solving for an equation, is that we need to do the first step and it is to write first the standard form of that equation.

11. quadratic equation in standard form​


Nasa picture po ang sagot

Step-by-step explanation:


12. quadratic equation in standard form​


It is ax²+by+c=0

Step-by-step explanation:

Problem: Rewrite the equation 3x + 2x² + 4 = 5 in standard form and identify a, b, and c.


First be sure that the right side of the equation is 0. In this case, all you need to do is subtract 5 from both sides3x+2x²+4=3x+2x²+4-5=5-5Simplify, and write the terms with the exponent on the variable in descending order. 3x+2x²-1=02x²+3x-1=0; whereNow that the equation is in standard form, you can read the values of a, b, and c from the coefficients and constant. Note that since the constant 1 is subtracted, c must be negative.2x² is ax², 3x is bx, and -1 is c.

a: 2; b:3; c:-1

13. The standard form of a quadratic equation is _______​

The Standard Form of a Quadratic Equation is

ax^2 + bx + c = 0

where a, b, and c are real numbers.


ax^2 + bx + c = 0

Step-by-step explanation:

•a, b and c are known values. a can't be 0.

•"x" is the variable or unknown (we don't know it yet).

14. quadratic equation standard form​


Standard Form. ... The quadratic function f(x) = a(x - h)2 + k, a not equal to zero, is said to be in standard form. If a is positive, the graph opens upward, and if a is negative, then it opens downward. The line of symmetry is the vertical line x = h, and the vertex is the point (h,k).

15. standard form of quadratic equation?​


f(x) = ax2+bx+c

Step-by-step explanation:

a,b and c are real numbers and a≠0.The standard form of quadratic function in s f(x) = a(x-h) 2+k. The vertex (h,k) is located at the h= -b2a,k= f(h)=f (-b2a)

16. standard form of quadratic equation​


Quadratic Term (Ax)

Linear Term (Bx)

Constant ( C )

17. are all the equations in standard form? Is it important to write the quadratic equations in standard form? why?​


yes it is important to write the quadratic equations in standard form. For you to find the quadratic term, linear term and constant term easier. and also what a, b and c represents

18. Quadratic equation in standard form​



Step-by-step explanation:

a,b and c being constant, or numerical coefficients and x is unknown variable

19. The Standard form of quadratic equation is



Step-by-step explanation:

a is a number beside the variable x and raised to two(squared). It is called 'Quadratic term'

+(plus) or - (minus)

b is a number beside the variable x. It is called 'Linear term'

+(plus) or - (minus)

c is a number without a variable. It is called 'Constant'

= (equal to)


20. x2 = 3x + 10 Write each quadratic equation in standard form using the quadratic equation in standard form formula​

x² (x³) + 10x

because the alternative is when the numbers are smaller than 20.

21. quadratic equation in standard form​


A quadratic equation is an equation of the second degree, meaning it contains at least one term that is squared. The standard form is ax² + bx + c = 0 with a, b, and c being constants, or numerical coefficients, and x is an unknown variable.

Step-by-step explanation:

Hope it helps, comment if my answer is not helpful or if I'm wrong:)


22. the standard form of quadratic equation is​



Step-by-step explanation:

wala bang choices?


you can tingin tingin na lang po

23. standard form in quadratic equation​


ax²+ bx + c = 0

that's it. That's the standard form


The answer is -- ax²+bx+c=0

24. standard form of a quadratic equation


The quadratic function f(x) = a(x - h)2 + k, a not equal to zero, is said to be in standard form. If a is positive, the graph opens upward, and if a is negative, then it opens downward. The line of symmetry is the vertical line x = h, and the vertex is the point (h,k).

25. quadratic equation into the standard form​


ax²+bx= c becomes ax²+bx + c = 0

Step-by-step explanation:

Quadratic equation : ax²+bx= c

Standard form : ax²+bx + c = 0

26. The standard form of a quadratic equation in the form is?

The standard form of a quadratic equation is a form of a quadratic function that can be written in ax² + bx + c = 0


12x² + 6x + 9 = 0


The first term is called quadratic term,


the second is called linear term


The last term is called constant.

Quadratic term have a degree 2 or x²

Linear term have only x

While, Constant is just a number


27. quadratic equation standard form

The form ax2 + bx + c = 0 is called standard form of a quadratic equation. Before solving a quadratic equation using the Quadratic Formula, it's vital that you be sure the equation is in this form. If you don't, you might use the wrong values for a, b, or c, and then the formula will give incorrect solutions.

28. quadratic equations in standard form​


The form ax2 + bx + c = 0 is called standard form of a quadratic equation.

Helping is caring nyaaa:3

29. Quadratic equation to standard form


A quadratic equation is an equation of the second degree, meaning it contains at least one term that is squared.

Step-by-step explanation:



30. The standard form of Quadratic equation is?​

The standard form of Quadratic Equation is ax² + bx + c = 0


a ≠ 0;

a, b, and c are constants; and

x is an unknown variable

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