If Two Groups In The Game Are Exerting

If Two Groups In The Game Are Exerting

if two groups in the game are exerting

Daftar Isi

1. if two groups in the game are exerting


enough force or exact force


yan yan

2. if two groups in the game are exerting equal


it will not move because the force is equal

3. if two groups in the game are exerting unequal


If two groups in the game are exerting unequal and opposite forces on the ground, the rope will tend to move going to an area with bigger force. The rope will not move if the forces acted on it is equal and is moving in opposite direction.

4. if two groups in the game are exerting equal and opposite forces on the rope will the rope move​


The rope will not move. Balance force is present in the rope since there are two equal opposing forces acted on it.

5. if two groups in the game exerting equal and opposite forces in the rope will the rope move?​


No because they have the same forces acting it will just move if additional forces added the net force is zero that's why its not moving

6. if two groups in the group in the game are exerting equal and opposite forces on the rope move?​


Ito po yung answer, sana maka tulong

Pa brainliest nadin po, ty po❤



7. if two groups in the game are exerting equal and opposite


If two groups in the game are exerting equal and opposite forces on the rope the the rope will have a zero net force and will not move. It remain at rest if the net force is zero



8. If two groups in the game are exerting unequal and opposite forces on the ground, will the rope move


If two groups in the game are exerting unequal and opposite forces on the ground, the rope will tend to move going to an area with bigger force.

The rope will not move if the forces acted on it is equal and is moving in opposite direction. Equal force is balanced and there is no net force. But when the two forces acting on the rope in an opposite direction is not equal, it means the net force is present. Net force can make the object at rest to move and it can make the moving object to stop.

The second law of motion is also known as the Law of acceleration:

Force causes the object to accelerate. The formula for Force is ( Force = mass × acceleration ). This means that the Force and acceleration when mass is constant is directly proportional. The stronger the force the higher the acceleration. When force is constant, acceleration and mass are inversely proportional. The higher the mass the lesser the acceleration and vise versa.

For more information, kindly visit the link below:


9. if two groups in the game are exerting equal and opposite forces on the rope will the rope move?




because in order to move an object,you need to apply an unbalanced force.

Hopes this helped.Im not good at explaining-

10. if two groups in the game are exerting equal and opposite forces on the rooe,will the rope move?​


The rope will not move. Balance force is present in the rope since there are two equal opposing forces acted on it.


11. if two groups in the game are exerting unequal and opposite forces on the rope


the rope does not accelerate in the said game because it will move towards the team who exert force the most

12. if two groups in the game are exerting equal and opposite forces on the rope will the rope move​


The rope will not move. Balance force is present in the rope since there are two equal opposing forces acted on


wish this help :D

13. if two groups in the game are exerting equal


no,because they are both pulling from opposite direction with equal force.

14. If two groups in the game are exerting equal and opposite forces on the rope will the rope move?​



(May Ans. Key Sa Likod Ng Modules Mo Biii3)

15. if two group in the game are exerting equal of opposite force on the rope will the rope move​

Answer: no,

Explanation: because the two groups are exerting the same power of force

16. if two groups in the game are exerting equal and opposite forces on the rope will the ropemove


If two groups in the game are exerting unequal and opposite forces on the ground, the rope will tend to move going to an area with bigger force. The rope will not move if the forces acted on it is equal and is moving in opposite direction.

17. if two groups in the game are exerting equal and opposite forces on the rope


the rope will be stationary so as the two groups becuz of the same energy exerted equal and opposite

18. if two groups in the game are exerting equal and opposite forces on the rope brainly




19. if two groups in the game are exerting equal and opposite forces on the group will the will the rope move ​


It can. The forces in the rope are always ‘equal and opposite’ if there is tension in the rope. What may differ is the frictional forces between the two groups and the ground/floor. If one of the groups lose footing the tension in the rope drops but the groups moves along with the rope in the direction of the solid foot group. The tension (force) in the rope has become greater than the frictional forces of the loose footing group and the floor. The loose foot group will accelerate toward the solid foot group. The unequal force here is between the tension in the rope and the foot/floor friction. The forces in the rope are still ‘equal and opposite


sana Maka tulong

20. If two groups in the game are exerting equal and opposite forces on the ground will the rope move


If two groups in the game are exerting unequal and opposite forces on the ground, the rope will tend to move going to an area with bigger force.

The rope will not move if the forces acted on it is equal and is moving in opposite direction. Equal force is balanced and there is no net force. But when the two forces acting on the rope in an opposite direction is not equal, it means the net force is present. Net force can make the object at rest to move and it can make the moving object to stop.

The second law of motion is also known as the Law of acceleration:

Force causes the object to accelerate. The formula for Force is ( Force = mass × acceleration ). This means that the Force and acceleration when mass is constant is directly proportional. The stronger the force the higher the acceleration. When force is constant, acceleration and mass are inversely proportional. The higher the mass the lesser the acceleration and vise versa.

For more information, kindly visit the link below:




If two groups in the game are exerting unequal and opposite forces on the ground, the rope will tend to move going to an area with bigger force. The rope will not move if the forces acted on it is equal and is moving in opposite direction.

22. if two groups in the game are exerting equal and opposite forces on the rope, will the rope move?​




Balanced forces are where two forces of equal size act on an object in opposite directions. It means that in each direction, any pushes and pulls are balanced by another force in the opposite direction. In a balanced force, a body or an object continues to be in its position, i.e., it may stay still in its position or continues to move in the same direction at the same speed.

source: https://www.eartheclipse.com/energy/what-are-balanced-forces.html#:~:text=Balanced%20forces%20are%20where%20two%20forces%20of%20equal,in%20the%20same%20direction%20at%20the%20same%20speed.

23. if two groups in the game are exerting unequal and opposite


iy will move to the group whom exerting much effort or force


the battle will be good


because the two groups we're not the same

24. if two groups in the game are exerting equal and opposite



25. if two groups in the game are exerting and oposite forces on the rope, will the rope move?​




The rope will not move because the two groups in the game are exerting and opposite forces on the rope. Also the net force will be zero (0).

26. if two groups in the game are exerting equal and opposite forces on the rope will the rope move ?​




Balance force is present in the rope since there are two equal opposing forces acted on it.

27. if two groups in the game are exerting equal and opposite on the rope will the rope move?​


No, the rope will not move if both groups are exerting equal forces

28. If two groups in the game are exerting equal and opposite force on the rope, will the rope move? ​


nah, dude.


The pull force are side by side. The rope will not move because equal pull force are being done in both of its tip

29. if two groups in the game are exerting equal and opposite forces on the rope move

No, it won't because they are both pulling from opposite direction with equal force therefore, the rope won't move.

30. If two groups in the game are exerting equal and opposite forces on the rope,will the rope move?​




because the two groups have a opposite force so that the rope won't move any directions.




it's like swapping vice versa.

Group A - Equal force

Group B - Opposite force

group a and equalize to the force of group b.

group b can be an opposite force of the group a.

like group b will become un equal force.

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