Aside From The Government How Do You Think

Aside From The Government How Do You Think

Aside from the government, how do you think other sectors of the community like schools, churches, and industries, can cope with these changes?

Daftar Isi

1. Aside from the government, how do you think other sectors of the community like schools, churches, and industries, can cope with these changes?

Changes in a community should be spearheaded by the government. Aside from them, other sectors should also give their full participation in changing the shape of the community they live in. These sectors are schools, churches, and industries. They help to make the desired changes successful.

If everyone has a common goal of creating a reasonable change, the government should be the one who will lead because they are the ones who will implement the rules, laws, regulations, and directions. Aside from them, smaller sectors should also participate in having harmonious change everyone aims.


Schools are the children's second home. the school should teach students to be law-abiding citizens. This should be the establishment that looks forward to shaping the mind of young individuals to follow even the simplest form of rules and regulations.

If the kids will get used to following the laws of school, it will be easier for them to follow the rules of the government even outside their campus.


As the responsible establishment for shaping the spiritual aspect of every individual, churches play a great role in coping with these changes. Others might say that religion and politics should not go together, but the church can help the public cope with the changes.

The main role of the church is to teach everyone how to be good and give us morals on how we should live our lives every day.


Industries are the companies where most heads of families rely on their living. The industries should also cope with these changes diligently to have a smooth effect and outcome. These changes aim for the betterment of everyone and as individuals who pay taxes, they have the right to decide whether these changes are good or bad. These changes might be difficult but we all know that industries can adjust to this and adapt to the situation.

If you want to know how laws are implemented in a country, you can head over to this link:


2. aside from what is discussed, what do you think are other issues challenges confronting governance? why do you think these issues occur?​


The issues that challenge confronting governance is poverty, this occur due to the severe corruption and the disable of discipline to all governmental members which affect and kills human stance.


3. aside from what is discussed, what do you think are other issues challenges confronting governance? why do you think these issues occur?​​


Other issue of governance is Political Instability.


When there are frequent changes in government or political instability, the consequences have a major negative effect on the economy and it is widespread, affecting other countries. The cause of this issue is due to different ideologies in the state.

4. Do you think there other vertez in each graph aside from your answer? @sap ​


asan po ung graph

Step-by-step explanation:

sa comment ko sasagutan

5. aside from the negative impacts brought by this pandemic. what do you think is its positive impacts in the society? why do you think so? ​


avoid traffic pollution


to many bicycle are on the house because of lockdown

6. Aside from rizal who do you think the most suited national hero why?

I think Andres Bonifacio because he too fight for justice and fight for our freedom and he encourage the people to join him on figthing for their freedom and he only want us to be freed on other countries hand and because of that were now free from spain and other counties who controll us then .

I think Andres Bonifacio because he too fight for justice and fight for our freedom and he encourage the people to join him on figthing for their freedom and he only want us to be freed on other countries hand and because of that were now free from spain and other counties who controll us then .

7. do you think are other life forms exploring the universe aside from humans?

Yes. Why would there only be humans in this massive universe?

8. what do you think is a good advertisement that you see on tv aside from the message how do you visual help in conveying the message truthfully?​


Have a clear message

While you want your advert to be memorable, you want people to remember your business and your message, not just the advert. Make sure you include a clear message, and a call to action at the end of the advert, advising the viewer on what they should be doing next.

9. take a seat on a chair, aside from its solid components, what do you think is the reason it is keeping you from falling the ground right now and then? how? ​


The reason we do not fall to the center of the Earth is the same reason you don't fall to the floor when you sit down in a chair; the electrons in your body repel the electrons in the chair. More specifically, there is an electron cloud around each atomic nucleus.

10. Do you think it is helpfulfor you to learn new languageaside from the ones you havegrown up with? How do yousay so? Explain​



Step-by-step explanation:

because if you go to other countries you will easily understand what they speaking


11. asides from abdorbing water ang nutrients what do you think will happen to the plant

Well the plant maybe die or alive

12. Aside from ice cream, why do you think they sether types of foods??​


Fried chicken,fries, spaghetti ,and drinks

Explanation:I'm grade 6 student too


13. Do you think their life forms exploring the universe aside from humans

Answer:No life has been found, but the potential for life is widespread. The chemical building blocks for life on Earth exist in the interstellar clouds that give birth to stars. Many stars have planets.



Yes I do believe that there are other life forms eploring the universe

15. Aside from your mere observations of your body in a mirror what do you think are other ways to test and tell how well and fit you are ?


By your energy


U will know your fit if you have lot's of energy and you do not get tired easily.

16. do you think there are elephants aside from their artwork​


no because this are have

17. 5. Aside from planet Earth where do you think you can live? Why?​



Yes, After the Earth, Mars is the most habitable planet in our solar system due to several reasons: Its soil contains water to extract.


I hope it helps ❤❤❤

#Compassion Squad ❤❤❤

#Carry on learning ❤❤❤






because I really appreciate terraforming that and to explore the Martian what a civiliantion

Dream squad

18. Aside from the government, how so you think other sectors of the community like schools, Churches, and industry, can cope with these changes?


these is not easily to hope these changes


Non something explanation

19. 5 APTURENUNSUND LANDAside from the Covid-19 Pandemic, which contemporary issue do you personally think should be prioritized by governmentsin the next 10 years? Why?​


black lives


because black lives matter

20. why are many countries in the world not developing? what do you think is the main reason aside from countries are not pursuing the right economic policies, or their government are authoritarian and corrupt?​


Economic factors - some countries have very high levels of debt . This means that they have to pay a lot of money in interest and repayments and there is very little left over for development projects. Environmental factors - some places experience environmental issues, which can prevent them from developing.

21. do you think life is possible aside from earth?​


Explanation:Some are even transporting people to Mars!




because we can also live at Mars

if there's a complete supply of oxygen

22. 2. Aside from implementing the RH Law, what else do you think can ourgovernment do to slow down pop[ulation growth?patulong naman po guys ​


They should implement the Child per Income Policy,where a husband and wife should only have a child or children base on their income as couple. Low income,few children.High income,it's up to them if they want a lot of children.I hope that you understand my explanation HAHA.

#CarryOnLearning ♠

23. aside from the important applications, do you think that there are still more applications of the?



What are the applications of mathematics in real life?

Math Matters in Everyday LifeManaging money $$$Managing money $$$Balancing the checkbook.Managing money $$$Balancing the checkbook.Shopping for the best price.Managing money $$$Balancing the checkbook.Shopping for the best price.Preparing food.Managing money $$$Balancing the checkbook.Shopping for the best price.Preparing food.Figuring out distance, time and cost for travel.Managing money $$$Balancing the checkbook.Shopping for the best price.Preparing food.Figuring out distance, time and cost for travel.Understanding loans for cars, trucks, homes, schooling or other purposes.Managing money $$$Balancing the checkbook.Shopping for the best price.Preparing food.Figuring out distance, time and cost for travel.Understanding loans for cars, trucks, homes, schooling or other purposes.Understanding sports (being a player and team statistics)Managing money $$$Balancing the checkbook.Shopping for the best price.Preparing food.Figuring out distance, time and cost for travel.Understanding loans for cars, trucks, homes, schooling or other purposes.Understanding sports (being a player and team statistics)Playing music.

How important is mathematics today in our generation?

Mathematics makes our life orderly and prevents chaos. Certain qualities that are nurtured by mathematics are power of reasoning, creativity, abstract or spatial thinking, critical thinking, problem-solving ability and even effective communication skills.

What is the importance of mathematics in the society?

Mathematics is of central importance to modern society. It provides the vital underpinning of the knowledge of economy. It is essential in the physical sciences, technology, business, financial services and many areas of ICT. It is also of growing importance in biology, medicine and many of the social sciences.

Do we need mathematics everyday?

We need math in our everyday lives. ... Just doing the basic essentials is dependant on your ability to do math. Let's take for instance time, in today's society one cannot survive without a watch. Just make an experiment and see how many times a day you use your watch.

24. aside from implementing the RH law,what else do you think can our government do to slow down population growth?​


This can be accomplished through the widespread education of children, a reduction in infant and child mortality, improvement in the economic and social and legal status of women, and provision of equitable gender relations in marriage and child rearing.

25. aside from those who cared for you,do you think that the environment also has a bearing on how your identity is shape? why?why not?​




26. 3. Aside from the destruction of the living organisms, what do you think will be the effect of the impact crater to the surroundings? How would it affect the air?​


The air within the range of impact will be pushed towards the surrounding area.

27. translate tagalog aside from wearing a facemask, what do you think you should do to stay healthy​


Be physically active for 30 minutes most days of the week. ...

Eat a well-balanced, low-fat diet with lots of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. ...

Avoid injury by wearing seatbelts and bike helmets, using smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in the home, and using street smarts when walking alone.


Bukod sa pagsusuot natin ng face mask ano sa palagay mo ang dapat mong gawin at pati narin kami para mapanatiling malusog ang katawan.


28. do you think there are other lifeforms exploring the universe aside from humans? why?​


i do think that there are extraterrestrial beings and intelligent lifeforms out there roaming in our universe because there are so many possibilities and there so many we not know of yet.

29. 1. What do you think is a good advertisement that you see on TV? Aside from the message, how do the visuals help in conveying the message truthfully?


about the washing advertisemwnt by safe guard


because its proven & tested to the peoples

30. a. How do you get the vertex? Do you think is there other vertex in eachgraph aside from your answer?​


First you have to identify the values of a, b, and c of the given quadratic equation in the general form:

   ax² + bx + c = 0

vertex is (h, k)  


 h = -b/2a

 k = 4ac -b²


h is x coordinate, and k is the y-coordinate of the vertex (h, k).

Note that if the parabola (graph of the quadratic equation) opens downward (inverted U), the vertex is the maximum.  While if the parabola opens upward (U-shaped), the vertex is the minimum.  

To know without graphing if the parabola opens downward, a is negative; opens upward, a is positive


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